Summary Assignment 2

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Assignment 2: Summary
HW0001 Introduction to Academic Communication

Student’s (official) name: LIM WEN YANG

Tutorial group number: GP2

Tutorial day/time: THURSDAY/1030-1230

Tutor’s name:


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Student’s signature: LIMWENYANG Date:13/10/2020

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Plagiarism Declaration Form Assignment 4
Assignment 2 (Summary)

Both articles discuss about the fake news law in Singapore. Article A is mainly about the

benefits of the fake news law from point of view of Minister K. Shanmugam. While article B

is mostly criticisms about the fake news law from Vaswani.

Minister Shanmugam states that the main purpose of the fake news law is to prevent the loss

of trust of the people in the government. Fake news has been a serious problem in many

western countries. Minister Shanmugam also stated several factors Singapore should be

concerned about, which is the misuse of media and how ineffective the political system is in

improving the standard of living. Minister Shanmugam is concerned about the effect fake

news has on the democracy system in Singapore, as it can lead to populism. Biased media

spreads false information to support a particular party which leads to the people of the

country losing their trust in the media and government. This loss of trust causes many

problems for the government, and consequently destroys a country from the inside.

Vaswani states that the new law threatens the right of the people because the accuracy of

news on media is determined solely by the government. The definition of the law is still not

detailed enough, confusing people in many aspects as it is too vague and there are too many

loopholes. It affects media platforms too as the government can order some contents to be

removed. People fear the government will abuse their rights by exploiting the loopholes,

which results in people fearing to voice out their opinion on media. Vaswani also stated how

sensitive Singapore government is towards criticism, which might further reduce the usage of

social media in Singapore if the new law is approved.

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