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Edible Cycles

T: 07522 358 058 a: 2, Close Lea, Newcastle NE15 0DB e:

Edible Cycles Event Risk Assessment

Vertical Veg – Syrups, Sauces and Cocktails 31/08/16
Edible Cycles
T: 07522 358 058 a: 2, Close Lea, Newcastle NE15 0DB e:

Hazard Who harmed & how Risk level Control Residual risk
Food poisoning Volunteers and staff may High Safer food, better business food safety procedure followed at all times Low
suffer ill health from eating
contaminated food
Slips & trips Volunteers and public may Medium Good housekeeping: Goods stored suitably, work areas kept tidy. Low
be injured if they trip over Spills cleaned immediately
objects or slip on slippery Good lighting
floor No trailing wires
Steps and changes in levels highlighted
Ensure suitable footwear worn
Manual handling Volunteers may suffer Medium Benches/tables at good height to avoid stooping Low
pulled muscles, strains and Volunteer training and information
bruising. Assess individual capability of volunteers, in particular for young or older
Ensure adequate rest periods in place for volunteers
Introduce team working for heavy items
Contact with Volunteers may suffer Medium Training on using cloths for hot pans Low
steam, hot scalding or burn injuries Volunteers advised to wear long sleeves
water, hot oil Safe system for emptying soup kettles/urns.
and hot surfaces Volunteers trained in risks of release of steam
Knives Staff could suffer cuts and Medium Staff trained to handle knives Low
finger amputations Knives stored properly when not in use
First‐aid box provided and maintained
Hazardous Staff using hazardous High All containers clearly labelled Low
substances substances could suffer ill Gloves and goggles provided where neccessary
health or injury from Chemicals stored in a designated place
Edible Cycles
T: 07522 358 058 a: 2, Close Lea, Newcastle NE15 0DB e:

vapours, ingestion, skin

contact etc
Electrical Staff could suffer serious or Medium Manager to visually inspect electrics monthly Low
fatal injuries as result of Electric system tested by competent electrician every five years
electric shock Electric equipment set-up away from water sources
Volunteers asked to report any visual defects
Fire Volunteers and customers High All gas appliances to be certified and checked regularly, and volunteers to Low
could suffer serious injuries be trained in use of fire extinguishers, etc.
and fatalities from burns
and smoke inhalation
Workplace Kitchen staff may suffer ill High Outdoor event so low risk of overheating. Volunteers advised to wear Low
temperature health when they overheat appropriate clothes to keep warm.
in hot working conditions,
or from cold temperatures
at outdoor events
Cycling with bike Volunteers, members of Medium Volunteers to be trained in cycling with trailers Low
trailers the public could be injured
by collision

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