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WBL Journal #2

Hayden Hunt

Instruc(ons: Respond to each of the following ques4ons with a complete sentence. You may receive if
a 100 if your answers show effort and quality. Please answer each prompt with at least one complete

Part 1: A big part of being successful now is knowing where you want to be in the future. As you plan for
your future this month list the 5 colleges you would like to aCend below and why. If you do not plan on
aCending a 4 year ins4tu4on you can list technical colleges or training you plan on comple4ng.

I only have three colleges that I would like to aCend. My top pick is Kennesaw State University. This
college would be perfect for me considering I would be able to commute from home to school easily and
would also get to keep my job at Chick-fil-A. This would be amazing because I could then live at home
and save up my money so I could eventually rent an apartment and move out on my own. My second
pick would be the University of Georgia. I would really love to go to this school because when trying to
get a career, gradua4ng from this university would look really good. The last college I would like to go to
is the University of West Georgia. I wouldn’t mind going here because I have heard really good things
about it and my cousin also goes there and it would be nice to see a familiar face.

Part 2: Of the five colleges listed select one as your top choice. Write a one paragraph summary of what
this college has to offer you. Include informa4on such as campus organiza4ons or ac4vi4es you are
interested in, your intended major and how this college will help you achieve your professional goals.

My top choice is Kennesaw State University. I picked this college because for one, they have an amazing
teaching program and I want to major in early childhood educa4on. It is close to home so I would be able
to live at home and they also have a really good orchestra program which would be really good for me.
This college will help me achieve my professional goods because I will get my degree in teaching and will
also be given the opportunity to experience what it is like to do that career.

Part 3: How do you believe your 4me in Work Based Learning will help to beCer prepare you for your
future college and career plans?

I believe that my 4me in WBL will ul4mately show me how to be professional. It shows me how to set my
goals along with how to reach those goals. I am also being held accountable for the assignments related
to my job and am being held accountable to show up to my job. This helps prepare for my future job so I
have the habit of being a professional and diligent worker.

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