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21 September 2018

You are the Nurse at a Women’s and Children Health Clinic in Adelaide. Julia Roberts is your
recent patient with 2 visits:

Patient Details
Name: Julia Roberts
Address: 287 Goodwood Road, Goodwood
Phone: 08 4898742
Date of Birth: 18/05/1999
Next of kin: Ann Roberts (Mother)

General Health
No known allergies
No current medications
No significant medical or surgical history
Weight: 75kg, Height: 166cm
No reported drug use
Commenced smoking 11 months ago, smokes 15/day
Alcohol on weekends. Drinks 2 wine glasses at night

Sexual and reproductive health

On oral contraceptive pill for last 12 months
Regular menstrual period each 28 days. LMP 7 days ago
No previous Pap test
No history of STI
No pregnancies
ecently ended monogamous relationship of 10 months and now has a new partner of 2 months –
not sure if monogamous. Does not use condoms. Last sexual contact 14 days ago

18 September 2018
Julia presented to clinic requesting a Pap test. Pap test suggested by Mother.
Julia concerned about weight gain of 10kg over last 12 months and wants to know about other
methods of contraception.
Sexual and reproductive health history taken
Partner risk discussed – no IV drug use, no recent overseas travel
No reports of pain, discharge or irregular bleeding
Urine PCR test for chlamydia collected
Pelvic exam undertake – NAD
Pap smear taken
Patient to return in 3-4 days for chlamydia results.
Safer sexual practices discussed, including barrier protection
Cervical screening information sheet provided
Risks of smoking and benefits of quitting discussed with patient.
Referred to Quitline
Referred to Women’s health nutritionist

21 September 2018
Returned for results: PCR test positive for chlamydia tracomatis
Patient informed of results
Arranged notification of partners
Prescribed azithromycin 1gram as a single dose
Advised not to have sexual contact for 7 days after treatment
For referral to GP for further testing and contraceptive advice

OET Writing Task

Write a referral letter to the Dr Silver Bullet, Medical Practitioner at the Prospect Medical Centre
22 Prospect Road, Prospect 5086 requesting review of your patient to discuss contraceptive
options and further testing for sexually transmitted infections and blood borne viruses.

In your answer
Expand the relevant case notes into complete sentences
Do not use note form
Use correct OET letter format
The body of your OET letter should be approximately 180 – 200 words
Dr. Silver Bullet
Prospect Medical Center
22 Prospect Road
Prospect 5086

Dear Dr Bullet,
Re: Julia Roberts, D.O.B: 18/05/1999

I am writing to refer Ms Roberts, a 19-year-old single lady who was diagnosed

with chlamydia trachomatis. She requires further advice and management.

The patient’s medical history is unremarkable, but she has gained 10kg over the
last 12 months. Apart from that, she is a regular smoker (15 cigarettes/day) and
drinks moderately on weekends.

Ms Roberts recently ended a monogamous relationship of 10 months and now she

has a new partner of 2 months. Besides, she has been using oral contraceptive pills
since last year and she does not use condoms. Her last sexual contact was 14 days

Risks of smoking, benefits of quitting, partner risk and safer sexual practice were
discussed, and she was referred to Quitline and a Women’s Health nutritionist.
Also, a pelvic exam and PCR were done and a cervical screening information sheet
was provided. She was prescribed Azithromycin 1 gram and advised to avoid
sexual contacts for 7 days after the treatment.

It would be greatly appreciated if you could review her and provide contraceptive
options and further tests for sexually transmitted infection and blood borne viruses.

For any queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,

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