Scavenger Hunt The Gettysburg Address 2

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“Transforming Hearts and Minds to Serve the World”

ED361 Integrated Methods: SCAVENGER HUNT: The Gettysburg Address

The Rules: You may work alone or in small groups. The person or group that addresses the
most writing prompts, in an academically meaningful way, wins the scavenger hunt. You may
add to what others have written in each prompt, only if, what you write meaningfully contributes
to what was written.

1. Find and carefully read the Gettysburg Address. List the hyperlink you used.

MJ, Alexa Z, Michaela-

Jessie- This link will bring you to a page where you can read the Gettysburg address:

Alexander / Julie

Haley P. -

Bailey -The link provided will bring you to a page where you can learn more about the
Gettysburg Address-





Kylie –Link will take you to full text of Gettysburg address
2. Find and list three reputable web addresses that reliably discuss the Gettysburg
Address and its historical significance.

MJ, Alexa, Michaela- a.



Alexander / Julie

Haley P. -




Bailey - The links below will bring you to websites with useful information about the Gettysburg

3. What is the Gettysburg Address?

MJ, Alexa, Michaela- “The Gettysburg Address is a famous speech delivered by President Abraham
Lincoln in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania in November of 1863. The speech took place four months after the
Battle of Gettysburg in which the Union army defeated the Confederate soldiers. The Gettysburg Address
is well known for its beginning line “four score and seven years ago...” in which Lincoln speaks about the
founding of the United States. The Address was performed at the Gettysburg National Cemetery as a
dedication to the soldiers that fought.

Alexander / Julie “Lincoln delivered one of the most famous speeches in United States history at the
dedication of the Gettysburg National Cemetery on November 19, 1863. The victory of U.S. forces,
which turned back a Confederate invasion, marked a turning point in the Civil War.” (NatGeo)

Haley P. - “The Gettysburg Address is a speech that U.S. President Abraham Lincoln delivered during the
American Civil War at the dedication of the Soldiers' National Cemetery in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on
the afternoon of November 19, 1863, four and a half months after the Union armies defeated those of the
Confederacy at the Battle of Gettysburg. It is one of the best-known speeches in American history.”

Bailey - “On the morning of November 19, Everett delivered his two-hour oration (from memory)
on the Battle of Gettysburg and its significance, and the orchestra played a hymn composed for
the occasion by B.B. French. Lincoln then rose to the podium and addressed the crowd of some
15,000 people” ( 2020).

Angela- “world-famous speech delivered by U.S. Pres. Abraham Lincoln at the dedication
(November 19, 1863) of the National Cemetery at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, the site of one of
the decisive battles of the American Civil War (July 1–3, 1863).(

Maddie- “The Gettysburg Address is a speech delivered by Abraham Lincoln during the Civil
War in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania which lasted two hours” (

Kylie- The gettysburg address is a speech Lincoln delivered during the civil war.

4. What does the Gettysburg Address address?

Haley P. - The Gettysburg Address addresses the history of signing the declaration of independence. It
also addresses the characteristics of liberty and equality which Abraham Lincoln emphasized for the

Bailey- The Gettysburg Address addresses the dedication of a Soldier’s National Cemetery for Union
Soldiers killed at the Battle Gettysburg during the Civil War.
Angela- The Gettysburg Address adressess when Lincoln talked about how important the civil war was
along with the strong impact it had on everything too.

MJ, Alexa, Michaela- The Gettysburg Address is a speech depicting the history of our nation and the
signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. It also honored the soldiers that fought in the civil
war and emphasizes the importance of liberty and equality that Lincoln hoped for our nation.

Maddie- The Gettysburg Address was a dedication to remembering the soldiers who had fallen during
war, the importance of preserving the nation, and the importance of continuing the fight to win the war.

5. Who wrote the Gettysburg Address?

Hailey N-

Abraham Lincoln wrote the Gettysburg address and delivered it in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. According
to this website there are five known copies to exist of the Gettysburg Address. He read this speech at a
dedication of the Soldier’s National Cemetery. I thought this was a good source because it explains who
write the address as well as the background behind it.

Jessie- Abraham Lincoln

Alexander / Julie - Abraham Lincoln

Haley P. - Abraham Lincoln wrote and delivered the Gettysburg Address.

Angela- Abraham Lincoln

Jenn- Abraham Lincoln

MJ, Michaela, Alexa Z- Abraham Lincoln

Mariah- Abraham Lincoln

Maddie- Abraham Lincoln

6. When was the Gettysburg Address written?

Hailey N -

The Gettysburg Address was written November 19, 1863 and there are five known copies with Lincoln’s
handwriting (most likely drafts). I liked this source because it is a website all about the writer of the
Gettysburg Address and you can learn more about his life and background rather than just about the
document that he wrote. It also explains the five different copies of the document rather than just the final

Maddie- November 19, 1863

Jessie- It was written on November 19th 1863.

Haley P. - November 19, 1863

Angela- It was written on November 19th, 1863

Bailey- This lin will provide you a definition of the Gettysburg Address :

MJ, Alexa Z., Michaela – November 19, 1863

Jenn- November 19, 1863

Mariah- November 19, 1863

7. Where was the Gettysburg Address written?

The Gettysburg Adress was written on the battlefield near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Jessie- It was written near Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

Haley P. - Gettysburg, Pennsylvania at the dedication of the Soldier’s National Cemetery.

Bailey- The link provided will provide information about where the Gettysburg Address was written:

Angela- It was written in Gettysburg PA

Michaela, MJ, Alexa Z.- In Gettysburg PA

Maddie- Gettysburg, Pennsylvania

Kylie – gettysburg, pennsylvania

8. Why was the Gettysburg Address written? (What were possible purposes for it
being written?)

Haley P. - Lincoln wrote and delivered the Gettysburg address to pay tribute to the union soldiers who
sacrificed their lives for union and equality.

Bailey- Here is a link that explains why the Gettysburg Address was written:


Alexa, Michaela, MJ -


9. Where is Gettysburg? Provide a map that shows the location of Gettysburg.

Include the hyperlink you used to locate the map.

Jessie- This link will bring you to a map that displays where Gettysburg is located.

Haley P. - Gettysburg is located in the state of Pennsylvania.



Bailey-Here is a link to a map of Gettysburg, Pennslyvannia:


Alexa, Michaela, MJ-


Kylie -

10. Where, specifically, was the Gettysburg Address delivered?


Haley P. - The Address was delivered at the dedication of the Soldier’s National Cemetery in Gettysburg,


Bailey- Here is some information to help guide you to where the Address was given:
Alexa, Michaela, MJ-

11. Who else spoke at Gettysburg on that day?

Alexander / Julie Edward Everette – Spoke for 2 hours before Lincoln.

Haley P. - Edard Everett gave the main oration at the ceremony on November 19, 1863. Everett
had his audience silenced and in tears for much of his speech. Lincoln applauded him for this.

Angela- Edward Everett:

Maddie- Edward Everett

Bailey- Edward Everette spoke for two hours before Lincoln addressed the Gettysburg Address.

Cecilia/Ashley A – President Abraham Lincoln was not the featured speaker because it was
assumed that he would not be able to attend with only a last-minute invitation. The honor of
speaking was presented to Massachusetts orator, Edward Everett. It was a surprise to all when
Lincoln accepted the invitation to the event and noted that he’d like to say a few words.

Jenn- Edward Everette

Alexa, Michaela, MJ -



Kylie – edward everette

12. Who was in attendance to hear the Gettysburg Address speech?

Bailey - This source states that the crowd was about 10,000 to 20,000 residents of the town and
his main goal was to address the whole nation not just the eyewitnesses.

Cecilia/Ashley A - A crowd of fifteen to twenty thousand individuals were in attendance for the
delivery of the Gettysburg Address speech. It was a surprise that the President, Abraham
Lincoln, was in attendance and gave a speech. It was assumed that due to his busy schedule, he
would not be in attendance.

Alexa, Michaela, MJ -


13. How was the Gettysburg Address received by those who were in attendance? Why?

Leah- Republicans liked the speech because they thought it was heartfelt but democrats felt that
it was inadequate for the occasion.

Bailey- In Gettysburg the speech was highly regarded, so much so that he was interrupted a few
times by the cheering crowd. However outside of Gettysburg the view shifted. It received many
views that were mixed some thought the speech was really good while others struggled with its
MJ, Alexa, Michaela-

Overall, the audience rection was positive. It has been revered as one of the best speeches in history and
well known in the United States.

14. How many years is four score and seven years?

Alexander / Julie 87 Years


Bailey- 87 years


Maddie- 87 years ago


MJ, Alexa, Michaela- four score= 4 sets of 20, and 7 years= 87 years
a. If you subtract four score and seven years from the date the Gettysburg Address was
written and delivered, what year would result?

Maddie- 1863-87= 1,776

MJ, Alexa, Michaela- 1776

Kylie - 1776

Bailey – 1776

dont-know-about-the-gettysburg address/#:~:text=Check%20out%20some%20things

b. What is the significance of that year?

MJ, Alexa, Michaela- The year the United States officially became a nation

Maddie- The beginning of the United States as a nation

Bailey – The signing of the Declaration of Independence

Kylie – the beginning of a nation

15. The Gettysburg Address stated that “a portion of that field” would be “a final
resting-place for those who here gave their lives, that that nation might live”. In
your opinion, what does that mean?

Maddie- In my opinion, this means that a those who gave their lives will forever be respected
because of what they did for the United States.

Bailey- This means that the people who passed away on this field would be given a final place
to lay, as those who died gave their lives for us to live.

Cecilia- In my opinion, I believe this means that the individuals who lost their lives there would
be honored by being laid to rest in a cemetery on the field.

Angela- I think this means that there was a place in particular made for those men who laid down
their own lives to fight in the battle.

Julia/Emily/Beth - In our opinion, this means that the individuals who lost their lives will still be
honored for fighting for freedom. By using a portion of the field in which the battle was fought,
there was much more meaning behind their honor.

MJ, Alexa, Michaela- This section seems to mean that the place in which the Battle of
Gettysburg was fought, that a portion of the land would be set aside as a cemetery for those that
lost their lives. Hence, the dedication of Gettysburg National Cemetery at which Lincoln was
presenting the address.
a. How many people gave their lives at Gettsyburg?

Jessie- “Casualties were high on both sides: Out of roughly 170,000 Union and Confederate soldiers,
there were 23,000 Union casualties (more than one-quarter of the army’s effective forces) and 28,000
Confederates killed, wounded or missing (more than a third of Lee’s army) in the Battle of Gettysburg.”

Bailey- According to one source, “Of these casualties, 7,058 were fatalities (3,155 Union, 3,903
Confederate). Another 33,264 had been wounded (14,529 Union, 18,735 Confederate) and
10,790 were missing (5,365 Union, 5,425 Confederate)” (

MJ, Alexa, Michaela-

According to 3,155 Union soldiers died in battle and 3,903 Confederate soldiers died in

b. How many people were injured at Gettysburg?

Bailey - According to the same source 33,264 people were injured at Gettysburg.

Jenn- 51,112 casualties

Michaela, MJ, Alexa- more than 30,000 wounded on both sides (33,264)

 Emily, Julia, and Beth

23,000 Union Casualties and 28,000 Confederate Casualties.

16. The Gettysburg Address talked about “The brave men, living and dead, who
struggled” at Gettysburg. In your opinion, who were the brave men?
Haley P. - The brave men were the union soldiers who sacrificed their lives for union and

Maddie- In my opinion, the brave men were those who died fighting for their country.

Bailey – The brave men are those who risked their lives on the battlefield for those whom they
did not know to protect them from harm.

Angela- The brave men were all of them who went out into the battle of Gettysburg and fought
for our country whether it was the North or South

Michaela, MJ, Alexa- The brave men, living and dead, who struggled at Gettysburg were the
soldiers that went to fight and risked their lives.

Julia, Beth, and Emily- In our opinion all of the men that were involved were brave men. They
all went to risk their lives and fight.

17. In closing, the Gettysburg Address talked about “a new birth of freedom”. In your
opinion, what did those five words mean?

Bailey- The Gettysburg Address allowed the world to be “reborn” and discover the freedom that
the address helped to influence.

Angela- A new birth of freedom most certainly means that there was a chance for America back
then at that present time to have a better life

Michaela, MJ, Alexa- When the Gettysburg talks about a new birth of freedom, this means that
the Americans for the first time have a chance to experience a new life and be “reborn.”

Kylie - I feel that a new birth a freedom means new rights and a new experience of living.

18. In your opinion, what present events might the words, “a new birth of freedom”
have on our society?

Bailey – In recent event the Covid 19 pandemic has allowed for people to believe that they have
a “new freedom” when they don’t follow guidelines made by the CDC.

Julia/Emily/Beth - “A new birth of freedom” means a lot during our present society. Due to the
COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of freedoms that people have taken for granted have been stripped
from society. We continue to gain more freedom as the pandemic lessens, but our own actions
determine the amount of freedom we are able to gain.
MJ, Alexa, Michaela- In the time of the speech it was meant to speak about the emancipation of
slaves. In today’s present time, it could apply to the freedom we are hoping for from the COVID-
19 pandemic as well as the freedom we strive for in the political issues some may believe are
affecting our country with our current government leaders.

19. How many scores and how many years have passed since the Gettysburg address
was written?

Bailey – 157 years have passed since the Gettysburg address was written.

Jessie- It was 7 score and 7 years ago that the Gettysburg address was written (147 years)

Maddie- 147 years since the Gettysburg address was written, which is 7 scores and 7 years

Julia/Emily/Beth - 147 years have passed since the Gettysburg address was written.

Kylie – 147 years since the gettysburg address was written \

MJ, Michaela, Alexa- The address was written in 1863, it is now 2020. Therefore, 157 years
have passed so 7 score and 17 years ago. 7 score= 140 + 17= 157

20. Identify which content domains were addressed in this scavenger hunt by listing the
prompt number(s) that correspond to the content domain.

Haley P. - US and world history, Geography

Bailey – Prompt 1-20 612.04 a(2) c, d, e- 1.

These standards appear in all the prompts and addressed simultaneously in each.

 (NH , U.S. and World History) (iii) Geography; and v Contemporary Moral Issues

Jessie- ED612.07.a.3.a: Understand and utilize the diverse range of students’ approaches to
learning and the range of modifications and accommodations that can be used to support
learning, ED612.07.a.6.k: Incorporate instructional and assistive technology into the educational


Through a variety of research, written, and spoken learning experiences, the following artifacts
address this standard.
The elementary education program for grades K-6 or K-8 shall provide the teaching candidate
with the skills, competencies and knowledge developed through a combination of academic and
supervised practical experience in the following areas:

ED612.04 (a) (2) c, d, e: In the area of curriculum and assessment, demonstrate the ability to
promote student learning in mathematics across content areas through knowledge and application

c. Social studies through knowledge and application of:

1. Basic concepts in the 5 strands of social studies:

(i) Civics;

(ii) Economics;

(iii) Geography;

(iv) NH, US and world history; and

(v) Contemporary issues; and

2. The 10 themes of social studies:

(i) Culture;

(ii) Time/continuity/change;

(iii) People/places/environments;

(iv) Individual development and identity;

(v) Individuals/groups/institutions;

(vi) Power/authority/governance;

(vii) Production/distribution/consumption;

(viii) Science/technology/society;

(ix) Global connections and civic ideals/practices; and

(x) Their interdisciplinary nature;

d. Science through knowledge and application of:

1. Basic concepts, structure of knowledge, and history in the 4 domains of science:

(i) Earth and space science;

(ii) Life science;

(iii) Physical science; and

(iv) Engineering, technology and applications of science; and

2. The scientific method through the use of the observation and inquiry processes; and

e. Technology and information literacy through knowledge and application of:

1. The ability to develop and use spreadsheets, data systems, analysis tools and statistical

2. Digital citizenship, ethics and internet safety; and

3. How to use changing instructional technologies in daily instruction;

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