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Trine University | Franks School of Education

Lesson Plan for EDU 322 Academic Unit

Teacher Candidates: Ally Lung, Claire Selking, and Alexis Harmon

Date: 10/20/2020 Grade: 6th

Day: 𝥁 M 𝥁 T 𝥁 W 𝥁 R 𝥁 F Subject: Health and Wellness Unit Topic: Bullying

State Standards
Identify the state standards used in your clinical setting.

State Standard # Standard

IN 6.1.3 Examine how one’s surroundings impact health and wellness.

IN 6.1.4 Identify how family culture or beliefs can impact personal health.

Essential Questions
Essential Questions can be open-ended, thought-provoking, call for higher-order thinking, require support and justification,
raise additional questions, and be revisited again.
Standard # Essential Question

6.1.3 How do school and your peers impact your health and wellness?

6.1.4 How have culture or beliefs positively or negatively impacted you?

Observable Learning Outcomes

What observable student behavior will indicate that learning has taken place? What will be the certification referencing and
performance level?

As evidenced by…
☐ Criterion-referenced
☐ Growth referenced
☐ Norm-referenced Formative or
Standard # Students will be able to... ☐ Time referenced Summative

6.1.3 Determine the impacts of bullying on a Formative

person’s health through class

6.1.4 Identify cultures or beliefs that impact Formative

the health of LGBTQ+ persons through
a class activity

How will you utilize technology in purposeful & meaningful ways?
Technology Used by Learners

☐ Interactive Whiteboard ☐ Laptop ☐ Calculator

☐ Wireless Tablet ☐ Smartphone ☐ Music
☐ Clicker ☐ Projector ☐ Presentation Software
☐ Other _N/A___________ ☐ Document Camera

Technology Used by Teacher

☐ Interactive Whiteboard ☐ Laptop ☐ Calculator

☐ Wireless Tablet ☐ Smartphone ☐ Music
☐ Clicker ☐ Projector ☐ Presentation Software
☐ Other __N/A________ ☐ Document Camera

Materials Needed

List of items:
1 Sheet of Copy Paper

Learning Activity 1:

Having a class discussion over how bullying affects an individual's Mental Health.

Why is it important? We will ask questions such as “What emotions do you

This shows students that what they say can experience when you are having a bad day?” “Can you
affect their friends feelings and can affect focus or have an interest in doing things when you are
their futures. hurt?” “What can happen if you feel unsafe at school or
home?” Bouncing off of questions such as these, we can
talk about how the impacts of bullying from their
surrounding peers and family can affect their mental
health and futures (mental illnesses, college, suicide).
Then discuss how this is prevalent not only to regular
students, but also to LGBTQ+ students. If they are not
receiving support at home or from their peers, they may
suffer more from bullying and mental illnesses.

Learning Activity 2:

What are students doing?

Crumbling Paper and trying to recreate the flat paper again

Why is it important? For this activity, each student will be handed a piece of
This shows students that things you can say paper. They will grab out a marker or pencil from their
can hurt a person and that once things are bags. They will then write down harmful things that could
said they can not be taken back. The have been said to them, or that LGBTQ+ people may
students will write down ways LGBTQ+ experience with no names on it (i.e. bullying, mean
people may be harmed through bullying on friends, bad words, loneliness, fear). After that, they will
the paper. all crumple up the piece of paper and unfold it. We will
discuss then how the crumpled paper reflects how the
hurt people experience stays with them for a long time.
After that if people want to volunteer and share different
things they have written down, they may share in a safe

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