"Be Somebody Nobody Thought You Could Be": "Prove Them Wrong"

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Speakers of P.I.C.E.

Riyadh Toastmasters Club (SPICER TMC)

Club No. 2040331│ Area 67│ Division A│ District 79

Motto: “For better listening, for better thinking, for better speaking, we learn by doing.”


Meeting No. 390– April 01, 2020 ▪7:30 PM – 9:30 PM
Venue: PICE Head quarter (BP Professional Tutorial services)
2nd Term, P.Y. 2019-2020 7:30 Sergeant at Arms: Gene Sta. Lucia, IP1
Calls the meeting to Order, Invocation,
Eduardo R. Lopez Jr., IP2 Leads the recitation of Toastmasters Motto, Introduces the Presiding Officer
7:34 President Welcome Address: Eduardo R. Lopez Jr., IP2
Rey R. Magluyan, DL2
Acknowledge Guests & Early Birds
VP for Education
Introduces the Toastmaster of the Evening
Ryan Paul S. Panilo, IP5/SR1
VP for Membership 7:36 Toastmaster of the Evening: Bernard Pareja, IP5, MS3
An-ann M. Elimanco, TM Opening Remarks
VP for Public Relations Announce Educational Achievements
Jose Anthony Espejo, TM Announces birthdays, wedding anniversaries and food sponsor
Secretary Asks VP Education for any program changes,
Introduces the General Evaluator
Lloyd L. Lecetivo, IP1
Treasurer 7:40 General Evaluator: Ryan Paul S. Panilo, IP5
Gene Sta. Lucia, IP1 Gives proactive evaluation & introduces the meeting leaders:
Joseph Y. Uy Jr., CC/ALB Grammarian/Word Master: Rey R. Magluyan, DL2
Immediate Past President Listening Master: Nardo Almerol, TM
Edwin D. Bagsit, CC Ah Counter: Lloyd L. Lecetivo, IP1
Parliamentarian Vote Counter: Gene Dela Cruz Sta. Lucia, TM
Timer: Jose Anthony Espejo, TM
Word of the Day
[ suhb-stan-shee-eyt ] Toastmaster of the Evening: Bernard Pareja, IP5, MS3
Meaning: Speaker No. 1 Ice Breaker
Joseph Y. Uy Jr., CC/ALB
to establish by proof or
Speech Title “_________________”
competent evidence:
Speaker No. 2 Evaluation & Feedback
Example: Nardo Almerol, TM
It's why it is so important to Speech Title “__________________”
substantiate both the plot, and
its connection to Iran. Speaker No. 3 Speech project
Harry Mark II Z. Tolentino, IP1
Speech Title “_________________”

We meet every Wednesday of the Week

8:10 Toastmaster of the Evening Bernard Pareja, IP5, MS3
from 7:30PM-9:30PM. Wraps up the Prepared Speech Session
Introduces the Table Topics Master
Club Websites
https://spicer.toastmastersclubs.org 8:25 TABLE TOPIC SEGMENT:
https://spicertmc2018.wixsite.com/spic Table Topic master Paulo L. Balana, DL2
er-tmc-2018v1 Explain the purpose and conduct table topic session
https://www.toastmasters.org/ Ask the timer if all speakers are qualified for voting
Gives the control of the lectern to the Toastmaster of the evening
Birthdays Celebrants for the Week:
Anniversaries for the Week: General Evaluator: Ryan Paul S. Panilo, IP5
Rey R. Magluyan Gives the control of the lectern to the Toastmaster of the evening
Food Sponsors:
n/a Evaluator No. 2 Prepared Speech, Speaker No. 1 Ruel D. Ontiveros, DTM
PREVIOUS MEETING WINNERS: Evaluator No. 2 Prepared Speech, Speaker No. 2 Paulo Lomibao Balana, DL2
(Mtg. # 389 February 26, 2020)
Best Prepared Speech: Evaluator No. 3 Prepared Speech, Speaker No. 3 Joe Nino Eliab Orapa, ACB, ALB
Rey R. Magluyan, DL2
Evaluator No. 4 Table Topic Evaluator Edwin D. Bagsit, CC
Best Table Topic Speaker:
Noel Serrano , TM
Best Evaluator: 9:00 Toastmaster of the Evening: Bernard Pareja, IP5, MS3
Gene Sta. Lucia, IP1 Gives final remarks
Best Meeting Leader: Gives the control of the lectern to the Club President
Harry Mark II Z. Tolentino, IP1
Big 3 Winner: 9:10 Presiding Officer: Eduardo R. Lopez Jr., IP2
Harry Mark II Z. Tolentino, IP1
Calls for voting of Big 3 Award, Calls the VP-Education for announcements
Requests the vote counter to announce the meeting winners.
Asks comment from the guests

Quote of the Week: 9:28 ADJOURMENT:

President gives his final comment, and adjourns the Meeting
"be somebody nobody thought you could be"
THEME: “End to Start”
Speakers of P.I.C.E. Riyadh Toastmasters Club (SPICER TMC)

Club No. 2040331│ Area 67│ Division A│ District 79

Motto: “For better listening, for better thinking, for better speaking, we learn by doing.”


Thank You Mr. General Evaluator,
As we work towards improving our commands of the English Language. I shall serve as our Word master and Grammarian.

Our Word for the Day is: Substantiate [suhb-stan-shee-eyt]

It is a verb meaning: to establish by proof or competent evidence:

It may be used for example as follows: It's why it is so important to substantiate both the plot, and its connection
to Iran..
Colleagues do use the word of the day in your speeches tonight, as I shall be taking note of those who do.
Secondly, as your grammarian for the evening, I shall be taking note of any exceptional use of the English Language. Similarly, I shall
note the rather inappropriate uses of the same.
Romwald P. Miranda, DTM
Ruel D. Ontiveros, DTM Towards the end of the meeting, when called upon by the General Evaluator. I shall render my report.
James Edward S. Taruc, DTM
Back to you Mr. General Evaluator.
PICPA Riyadh Toastmasters Club
Thank You Mr. General Evaluator.
As we work towards becoming a good speaker, we must also learn to listen well.
As such, it is my duty tonight to listen to the different speeches delivered. I will be taking notes of the places and things and possibly
noteworthy ideas as they are delivered.
Towards the end of the meeting, when called upon by the General Evaluator, I shall be raising questions to test you whether you have
listened well or not.
Back to you Mr. General Evaluator.
Thank You Mr. General Evaluator.
In Toastmasters, to excel as a good speaker also means we clean up our speeches of crutch words and unnecessary filler words,
such as:” ah”, “uhm”, “err” and inappropriate interjections such as “but”, “so”, “you know”, “well” and “okay”. We also work at
Overcoming really empty long pauses and stammering or repetitive words.
Tonight, I am reminding everybody if and when we have those. I will ring the bell (TING!) to call your attention and keeping record of
The only time I will not ring the bell is during any of the prepared speeches, although I shall still keep on taking notes.

Towards the end of the meeting when called upon by the General Evaluator, I shall render my report.
By the way, even after that I shall continue to call your attention with the bell.
Back to you Mr. General Evaluator.
Thank You Mr. General Evaluator,
To excel as a good speaker, one must give his complete message in a given time- we must learn to talk long enough, and to stop
When we should.
As such, it is my duty tonight to help all speakers pace themselves.
 When you see the green light, it means you have reached the minimum time required.
 When you see the amber light, it means you are half-way between the minimum and the maximum time required.
 Finally, when you see the red light, it means you have reached the limit. You do have 30 seconds grace period thereafter
to wrap up your speech.
 Please, when you hear the buzzer, do know it means you way over time. I shall also sound the buzzer even for the
Project Speakers.
There are various time requirements, for the different speeches. The evening host shall orient us for each speaker or segment as
they come.
Towards the end of the meeting, when called upon by the General Evaluator, I shall render my report.
Back to you Mr. General Evaluator.
Thank You Mr. General Evaluator.
Tonight, we are going to vote for the best speaker in each of the segment of our meeting, namely the Prepared Speeches, Table
Topics and the Evaluation Session.
Moreover, we are also going to vote for the best Meeting Leader and the Best Host.
As such, I shall collect the ballots and tabulate. Furthermore, I shall be voting only to break a tie. At the end of the meeting, when
called upon by the Presiding Officer, I shall declare the results.
Back to you Mr. General Evaluator.
Important Note:
1. Please vote only to break a tie.
2. Please declare only the winners. Do not declare the counts of the ballots.
At the end of the program, when called by the Presiding Officer to report:
Fellow toastmaster, guests, I am privileged to present to you the results. And the winners are:
a. Best Speaker for the Prepared Speech: _______________________
b. Best Speaker for Table Topics: ______________________________
c. Best Evaluator: __________________________________________
d. Best Meeting Leader: _____________________________________
e. “Big Three” Winner for the night: ___________________________
Congratulations everyone! Back to you Mr. President.

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