Correlation Between Standard Penetration Test Values and Overburden Pressure For Desert Sands

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Correlation between standard penetration test values and overburden

pressure for desert sands

Article  in  Canadian Geotechnical Journal · January 1988

DOI: 10.1139/t88-064


0 1,993

4 authors, including:

Nabil Ismael
Kuwait University


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Correlation between standard penetration test values and overburden pressure for
desert sands
University, P. 0. Bos 5969, Sclfit, Kicrvnit
Civil Erzgirzeerirzg Department, K~c~ciir
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by Renmin University of China on 06/04/13



Government Luborntories nrzd Testirzg Station, Ministry of' P~lOlic Works, Kulcxiit
Received November 20, 1987
Accepted March 17, 1988

The influence of the effective overburden pressure on the standard penetration test (SPT) values in calcareous desert sands is
examined by field tests. A simple field testing procedure is proposed and en~ployedin Kuwait at five sites having different
relative densities for the surface soils. The correction factors for the SPT are determined from test results and compared with
the most reliable correlations for clean silica sand.
Key words: field tests, plate bearing tests, overburden pressure, standard penetration test, correction factors, relative
density, calcareous soils, shear strength, compressibility.

L'influence de la pression effective des terres sus-jacentes sur les valeurs de SPT (essais de pCnCtration standard) dans les
sables de calcaire du desert est examinte au moyen d'essais en place. Une procidure simple d'essais en place est proposCe e t a
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CtC utilisCe au Kuwait sur cinq sites ayant diffkrentes densitCs relatives dans les sols de surface. Les facteurs de correction pour
le SPT sont dCterminCs en partant des rksultats d'essais et sont comparCs avec les corr6lations les plus fiables pour les sables
IavCs de silice.
Mots elks : essais en place, essais de plaque, pression des terres sus-jacentes, essai de pCnCtration standard, facteurs de
correction, densit6 relative, sols de calcaire, rksistance au cisaillement, compressibilitC.
[Traduit par la revue]

Can. Gcotcch. 1. 25. 590-593 (1988)

Introduction dune sand with little silt. This is underlain by a more compe-
The correction of standard penetration test (SPT) results to tent marine-deposited, slightly plastic cemented calcareous
account for the effect of overburden pressure has become an silty sand known locally as gatch. Figure 1 shows the soil pro-
important step for the proper calculation of settlement on sand files at the test sites. AS shown, the SPT increases gradually
and liquefaction potential. Since the work of Gibbs and Holtz with depth from loose or medium dense at the surface to dense
(1957), several formulae and charts for making the correction or very dense at a depth of 6-7 m. Prior to field testing a thin
have been published. Liao and Whitman (1986) have reviewed layer of 0.5 m was removed to ensure that testing is carried out
the published correction factors and proposed a simple formula on clean natural ground. The physical properties of samples
for calculating the overburden correction factor based on labo- recovered at the test level of 0.5 m are summarized in Table 1.
ratory-controlled and field test data. They indicated that the The relative density varied from 19% for site 1 to 85% for
site 5. However, the surface soils are remarkably uniform,
experimental data available are mainly for clean silica sand,
and recommended further research for other soil deposits. being classified as SP - SM according to the Unified Soil
This note introduces a simple field testing procedure adopted Classification System.
for the determination of the influence of effective overburden
pressure on SPT N values for calcareous fine desert sands. The Program and procedure of field testing
procedure was employed at five sites in Kuwait having differ- At each site SPT tests were carried out directly on the ground
ent relative densities for the surface deposits. Test results are surface at applied overburden pressures of 0 , 50, 100, 150,
presented and the correction factor is compared with the most 200, and 280 kPa. The tests were located along a straight line
reliable correlations for clean fine sands. at 10 m intervals and were repeated along a parallel line 10 m
apart. To carry out a test with overburden pressure a set of
Soil conditions three steel plates 0.76, 0.61, and 0.46 m in diameter were
The five sites selected for testing were all located in the city placed in a pyramid fashion on the levelled ground surface as
of Kuwait in flat open areas. The soil conditions are described shown in Fig. 2a. Each plate is 25.4 mm thick and has a
in several recent publications (Ismael 1985; Ismael et al. 1986, 65 mm diameter hole in the centre. A 445 kN capacity hollow-
1987). Briefly, the soil profile consists of an upper layer of ram hydraulic jack with a 65 mm diameter centre hole was
compact, relatively dry fine nonplastic calcareous windblown placed on top of the plates. Reaction was provided by a simple
Pnntcd in Cnnad;~I Imprirnc: au Canada
NOTES 59 1

TABLE1. Physical properties and penetration test results

SPT values (blows/0.3 ni) at applied

overburden pressure (kPa):
Moisture content -ybulkv ?dry
-ymaxt yminf Relative density
Area, site No. w (kglm" (kg/m3) (kg/m3) (kg/m3) RD' (%) 0 50 100 150 200 280
Sulaibikhat, 9.8 1721 1567 1800 1520 19 3 z 4 : 6 7
site 1
Sulaibikhat, 3.3 1685 1631 1783 1574 30 8 10 12 15 22
site 2
Sulaibikhat, 2.5 1724 1682 l 800 1580 49.6 15 19 21 27 3 4 4 0
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by Renmin University of China on 06/04/13

site 3
Yarmouk, 3.0 1772 1720 1795 1564 70 20 24 28 34 39 49
site 4
Qurtuba, 2.8 1799 1750 1798 1520 85 25 31 37 39 48 58
site 5
'Average of three tests.
'As per ASTM D 2019 using the dry method for maximum density.
:Not measured.

Sulaibi k h a t Yarmouk Qurtuba

sitel site 2 site 3 site 4 site 5
For personal use only.

n Windblown Sand
Coarse Sand ( SP
: Brown Calcareous Dry F i n e S a n d with T r a c e s of silt
- SM )
B r o w n i s h Grey C a l c a r e o u s Silty F i n e to Medium C e m e n t e d S a n d
(SM- SC)
* S P T Value ( Blows/30 c m Unless Otherwise Indicated )
FIG. 1. Soil profiles at the test sites

loading frame consisting of two 4 m rigid channels welded the rope. Although this corresponds to a reduced delivered
together back-to-back leaving a clearance of 70 mm. Two energy to the roads compared with the theoretical maximum
ground anchors were implanted until refusal using a CME (Skempton 1986), it will not affect the correction factor desired
750-XL drill rig. The anchors were bolted to the loading frame herein, which is a ratio between two measured SPT values.
as shown in Fig. 26. The tests were carried out by first apply- Limiting the size of the area over which the pressure is
ing a selected overburden pressure to the soil by jacking. The applied to 0.76 m was imposed by practical considerations.
pressure was read by a calibrated pressure gauge. The standard Assuming that the stress decreases with depth below the center
51 mm diameter sampling spoon was lowered down through of the plate according to elastic theory, the applied pressure
the holes in the jack and plates. After the first 150 mm of pene- was increased by 5.4% to balance the loss over the first
tration considered as seating as per ASTM D-1586, the number 150 mm seating. With this adjustment the average reduction in
of blows for the following 300 mm of penetration was pressure over the test zone, calculated as 8 % , was considered a
recorded. The results were obtained using the standard donut- tolerable error. Had the plate size been increased to 1 m in
type hammer with a rope and cathead system with two turns of diameter, the average reduction of pressure within the test
592 CAN. GEOTECH. J . VOL. 25, 1988
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by Renmin University of China on 06/04/13

FIG.2. (a) Setting up for a field test. (b) Test setup prior to SPT test with overburden pressure.

depth would have been limited to 4 % . Overburden

For personal use only.

Groundwater at the test sites was located well below the sig- Pressure
280 k Pa
nificant zone below the test plate. As shown in Fig. 1 the
highest groundwater was encountered at site 1 at 1.5 m below
the test level. In situ density and moisture content were deter-
mined in each test on both sides of the plate before applying
the surcharge as per ASTM D-2922 using Troxler Nuclear
apparatus model 341 1-B. A summary of the penetration test
results is given in Table 1.

Analysis of test results

The relationships between the SPT and relative density for
the applied pressures employed are plotted in Fig. 3. The curve
shown by the dotted line implied by the Terzaghi and Peck
(1948) chart is located between the curves corresponding to 0Q I
applied pressures of 100 and 200 Wa. It deviates towards the 20 40 60 80 100
200 kPa curve at large relative densities. The applied pressures
indicated in Fig. 3 and Table 1 do not include the first 150 mm Relative Density ( " l o )
of soil and the weight of the plate assembly. Both impose a FIG.3. Correlation between SPT, relative density, and effective
small pressure of 7 kPa, which was neglected in the analysis. overburden pressure from field tests on desert sands.
The preceding results indicate that the adoption of the
280 kPa effective overburden pressure by Tomlinson (1969)
for correcting the SPT values is not justified for calcareous [2] CN= (a, in kg/cm2 or ton/ft2)
sands. The use of an effective overburden pressure of 100 kPa
as a standard by Peck et al. (1974) is more appropriate. The which is a special case of the more general equation
correction factor CNis determined using the equation

where NI is the corrected SPT to an effective overburden pres- where K is a parameter to be obtained by fitting to test data.
sure 8, of 1 kg/cm2 (1 ton/ft2) and NSPTis the measured pene- Equation [2] fits closely most of the reliable and accurate
tration resistance. correlations for clean silica sand (e.g., Bazaraa 1967; Peck
Values of the correction factor at different overburden pres- et al. 1974; Seed 1979 based on the data from Marcuson and
sures were calculated from test results as the ratio of the SPT at Beiganousky 1977a, b; Jamiolkowski et al. 1985).
the reference pressure of 1 kg/cm2 ( - 100 kPa) to the SPT at A close examination of Fig. 4 reveals that the field data for
the applied pressure in question. In Fig. 4 is shown a compari- calcareous sands coincide with the correlation given by [2] for
son between the field test results and the following formula by ir; r 100 Wa. For avbetween 0 and 100 kPa, the correlation
Liao and Whitman (1986): factor is smaller than the corresponding values for clean sands
Correction F a c t o r C N Correction Factor C N
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FIG.4. Comparison between the SPT correction factors for cal- FIG.5. Comparison between test results and Skempton correlation
careous sand with the proposed formula for clean silica sand for fine sands (1 kg/cm2 = 100 kPa).
(1 kg/cm2 = 100 kPa).

iour. It should be noted that the present results are applicable to

and increases almost linearly from 1 to 1.4 as 8, decreases calcareous sand of low carbonate content. Offshore deposits of
from 100 to 0 kPa at the ground surface. carbonate sands, having a large percentage of carbonates
A similar conclusion is reached when comparing test results (40-80%) usually, are more compressible and may behave in
with the most recent correlation proposed by Skempton (1986) a different manner.
for sandy soils. The correction factor CN proposed for fine
sands of medium relative density and for dense coarse sands is
Conclusions and recommendations
given by [4] and [5] respectively:
A simple field testing procedure is introduced for the deter-
mination of the influence of the effective overburden pressure
on the SPT values. Field testing was carried out at five sites in
Kuwait with different relative densities for the surface and
near-surface soils. Based on test results, the following conclu-
sions and recommendations are made:
Figure 5 shows a comparison between the present test data 1. The SPT overburden correction factors for calcareous
on fine sands and [4]. It should be noted that the Skempton cor- desert sands coincide with the recommended factors for clean
relation yields values for CNclose to those given by [2]. sands ( [2]) for 8, 2 100 kPa. For a, = 0 - 100 kPa, smaller
The smaller correction factor obtained herein at low overbur- correction factors were found, increasing linearly from 1 for
den pressure of 0- 100 kPa can be attributed to the increased 8, = 100kPato 1.4foriiv = 0.
compressibility and the lower deformation modulus of calcar- 2. The smaller values of the correction factor at low over-
eous sands compared with normal silica sand (Poulos et al. burden pressure are due to the increased compressibility of cal-
1982). The presence of 10-20% carbonates in the surface careous sands compared with clean silica sand.
deposits of desert sands (Ismael et al. 1986) in Kuwait and the 3. The present tests on calcareous desert windblown sands
Arabian peninsula causes increased compressibility, which has indicate that an appropriate value of the effective overburden
a significant effect in tests with little or no overburden pressure pressure employed as a standard for correction is 100 @a.
(Ismael and Vesic 1981). Thus the increase in the SPT values 4. It is recommended to carry out the field testing procedure
with overburden pressure is not as large as in silica sand up to a presented herein with increasing frequency at other-sites where
certain point (a, = 100 P a ) as less interparticle friction is granular deposits exist. This is to determine the influence of
mobilized. Beyond this point both sands show similar behav- the effective overburden pressure on the SPT values and the
594 CAN. GEOTECH. J . VOL. 25. 1988

necessarv correction factors. The late diameter should orefer- LIAO,S. S. C., and WHITMAN, R. V. 1986. Overburden correction
ably be increased to 1 m if sufficient reaction can be provided. factors for SPT in sand. ASCE Journal of Geotechnical Engineer-
ing, 112: 373-377.
BAZARAA, A. R. S. 1967. Use of the standard penetration test for esti- MARCUSON, W. F., 111, and BIEGANOUSKY, W. A. 1977n. Laboratory
mating settlements of shallow foundations on sand. Ph.D. thesis, standard penetration tests on fine sands. ASCE Journal of the Geo-
University of Illinois, Urbana, Urbana, IL. technical Engineering Division, 103: 565 -588.
GIBBS,H. J., and HOLTZ,W. G. 1957. Research on determining the 19776. SPT and relative density in coarse sands. ASCE Jour-
density of sands by spoon penetration testing. Proceedings of the nal of Geotechnical Engineering, 103: 1295- 1039.
4th International Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation PECK,R. B., HANSON, W. E., MOL THORN BURN, T. H. 1974. Founda-
Engineering, London, Vol. 1, pp. 35-39. tion Engineering. 2nd ed. Wiley, New York, NY.
ISMAEL,N. F. 1985. Allowable pressure from loading tests on P o u ~ o s H.
, G., UESUGI,M., and YOUNG,G. S. 1982. Strength and
Can. Geotech. J. Downloaded from by Renmin University of China on 06/04/13

Kuwaiti soils. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 22: 151 - 157. deformation properties of Bass Straight carbonate sands. Journal of
ISMAEL, N. F., and VESIC,A. S. 1981. Compressibility and bearing the Southeast Asian Society of Soil Engineering, 13: 189 -21 1.
capacity. ASCE Journal of the Geotechnical Engineering Division, SEED,H. B. 1979. Soil liquefaction and cyclic mobility evaluation for
107: 1677-1691. level ground during earthquakes. ASCE Journal of the Geotech-
ISMAEL, N. F., JERAGH, A. M., MOLLAH, M. A,, and AL-KHALIDI, nical Engineering Division, 105: 201 -255.
0 . 1986. A study of the properties of surface soils in Kuwait. Jour- SKEMFTON,A. W. 1986. Standard penetration test procedures and the
nal of the Southeast Asian Society of Soil Engineering, 17: 67-87. effects in sands of overburden pressure, relative density, particle
ISMAEL, N. F., AL-KHALIDI, O., and MOLLAH, M. A. 1987. Satura- size, ageing and overconsolidation. GCotechnique, 36: 425 -447.
tion effects on calcareous desert sands. Transportation Research TERZAGHI, K., and PECK,R. B. 1948. Soil mechanics in engineering
Record, No. 1089: 39-48. practice. 1st ed. Wiley, New York, NY.
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For personal use only.

Postsurcharge secondary compression equation for clays

Grncl~rateScllool of Etzgitzc>ering,Nc/tiotzcil Utliversity of MMico, Tqntlco 32, Coyo~iccitl,04030-Mhico. D.F., Metico
Received June 30, 1987
Accepted January 20, 1988

A general time - volunie change equation for soils is used to describe the initial swelling and further secondary compression
of clay samples when surcharges are used. The procedure is illustrated by a practical application to MCxico City clay.
Key ~vordS:clay, secondary compression, secondary consolidation, postsurcharge, time-dcpcndent compression. constitutive

Une Cquation gintralc temps - changenient de volume pour les sols est utilisdc pour ddcrirc le gonflenient initial et la
compression secondaire subsdquente d'Cchantillons d'argilc lorsque des surcharges sont appliqudes. La procCdure est illustrdc
par une application pratique sur I'argile de la ville de MCxico.
Mots cl6s : argile, compression secondaire, consolidation secondaire, postsurcharge, compression en fonction du temps,
Cquations de coniporternent.
[Traduit par la revue]
Can. Gcotcch. J . 25, 593-599 (1988)

where AV = volume change at time t , (AV)T = total v o l u n ~ e
A general time - volume change equation for soils (JuArez- change at r = co, r* = characteristic time for which U = 0.5,
Badillo 1985a) describes the secondary behaviour of saturated and 6 = coefficient of volume viscosity.
plastic soils. The equation assumes the existence of a limiting Equation [ I ] in terms of void ratios may be written a s
compression curve at r = co. The rate at which the change in
volume takes place is found applying a general philosophical
principle that has also been applied to other physical phenom-
ena (Juarez-Badillo 19856). T h e equation reads
\ /
where Ae and (Ae)T are the void ratio changes at times t and 03
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