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8-31 HS Plan

Crossings in Time by Michael Sweeney

Another introduction
Ask about weekend and first week of school

Warm ups
Everyone stand up!
● Pinch the top of your head and pull it up like you’re pulling a string.
● Sit back down while keeping your backs straight like you were standing
F Remington
● Whole notes
● Half notes
Concert F
● Start at bottom. Scale in whole notes
● Scale in half notes
● Scale in half notes but a round
● Scale in quarter notes
Chorale Bach 95 - bottom of 33
● Focus on full length notes and blending together as an ensemble

The focus for this concert block is how music and emotions connect, how those emotions
influence the music that is played, and how you can express your emotions through the music
we are playing.

● Now that we know that, we are going to listen to a recording of the piece. Focus on what
this piece makes you think of.
○ Have volunteers share
● Now I want you all to pull out your chrome books and open a new document
○ Now that you have the document pulled up, while we listen to the piece again I
want you to write in the document what this piece makes you think of. You can
use sentences or bullet points. I need a minimum of 3 of either. You’ll be turning
in this document later in class.
● Read program notes.
○ Explain what I take as the meaning of the piece - tie in COVID and passing time
● Now that you’ve heard the program notes, does that change any of the thoughts that
you’ve written down? Is there something else you would like to add? If so, add that now
and then submit the document for the assignment I’ve created.
● We’re going to listen to the piece one more time, this time focus on the technical aspects
and finger along.

Initial goals for this piece?

● Once we come up with 2 we will then play through the piece
● Play through piece, stop whenever necessary.

Now that we’ve played through this piece, let’s add two to three more goals for the piece.
● I will post these in google classroom
● One or two of these will be pulled up every rehearsal.

Looking forward to working on and eventually performing this piece with you guys!

What I want to do with the rest of our time...

Get to know you assignment

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