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Grade 6


First Quarter- Week One

Identifying Real or Make-Believe,

Fact or Non-Fact Images

Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images
English – Grade 6
English Learning Kit
Identifying Real Or Make-Believe, Fact Or Non-Fact Images

First Edition, 2020

Published in the Philippines
By the Department of Education
Schools Division of Iloilo
Luna Street, La Paz, Iloilo City

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This English Learning Kit is published to be utilized by the Schools Division

of Iloilo.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this learning resource may be

reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical
without written permission from the Schools Division of Iloilo.

Development Team of English Learning Kit

Melanie B. Crispolon Dio Ann F. Madrid Grace A. Ballaret
Airen C. Herera Janice B. Dichoso Resa B. Barsanas
Precila G. Atordido Beverly Ann C. Matulac Shalimar S. Balleza
Ninfa B. Obillos Melne Ruth V. Dy Zenie B. Basalatan
Jhonvie A. Ariola Mary Ann N. Lagnason
Armand Glenn S. Lapor Jed B. Abello Shaine Sheen G. Duron
Layout Artist: Lilibeth E. Larupay

Division Quality Assurance Team: Lilibeth E. Larupay,

Dr. Ruby Therese P. Almencion
Armand Glenn S. Lapor
Rita M. Bertomo
Reyjean C. Porras
Ma. Marivic M. Buaron

Management Team: Dr. Roel F. Bermejo, Dr. Nordy D. Siason

Dr. Lilibeth T. Estoque, Dr. Azucena T. Falales
Ruben S. Libutaque, Lilibeth E. Larupay
Dr. Ruby Therese P. Almencion

Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images
Introductory Message
Welcome to Grade 6 – English.

The English Learning Kit is a product of the collaborative efforts of the

Division of Iloilo Secondary English Teachers Association (DISETA) and the Division
English Coordinators Association (DECA) writers, illustrators, layout artists,
reviewers, editors, and Quality Assurance Team from the Department of Education,
Schools Division of Iloilo. This is developed to guide you dear learning facilitators in
helping our learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum.

The English Learning Kit aims to guide our learners in accomplishing

activities at their own pace and time. This also aims to assist learners in developing
and achieving the lifelong learning skills while considering their needs and situations.

For learning facilitator:

The English Learning Kit is developed to address the current needs of the
learner to continue learning in the comforts of their homes or learning centers. As the
learning facilitator, make sure that you give them clear instructions on how to study
and accomplish the given activities in the material. Learner’s progress must be

For the learner:

The English Learning Kit is developed to help you, dear learner, in your
needs to continue learning even if you are not in school. This learning material aims
to primarily provide you with meaningful and engaging activities for independent
learning. Being an active learner, carefully read and understand to follow the
instructions given.

Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images
Lesson No. 1: Identifying real or make-believe, fact
or non-fact images


Hello there! You are about to

start this learning adventure. As
Grade 6 learners, critical thinking
is one of the most important skills
that must be developed.
To clearly understand and
recognize things around us, you
need to ascertain its truthfulness.
Thus, this module
offers activities that would allow
you to differentiate real from
make-believe concepts and ideas. It
is also good to know and recognize
fact from non-fact images.
Keep your interest as you go along
and don’t forget to enjoy!


At the end of the module, the learner should be able to:

1. identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images based on the story

given (EN6VC-IIIa-6.2),
2. create a poster of a story you are familiar with that features real and
make-believe, fact and non-fact images; and
3. show keenness when identifying real and make-believe, fact and non-fact

Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 1

Direction: Identify the following images whether it is REAL or

MAKE-BELIEVE. Write your answer in your notebook.

1. Superman 6. Teacher

2. Bed 7. Fairy

3. Witch 8. Pillow

4. Jeans 9. Vampire

5. Unicorn 10. Stairs

Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 2

Directions: Find important words from the scrambled letters on

each cloud. These are 9 key words to our lesson. Write
the words in your notebook.






Ana and Ben are talking about the kinds of movies

and TV shows they like. Read their dialogue and
find out which of them have the same likes as

I like watching news and

What kinds of movies current events. I like real
and TV shows do you information from real people.
like to watch Ana?

I do watch them sometimes but

That sounds so I’d rather watch shows about the
serious! Don’t you like environment which are relevant
fantasy series? Oh! I to our current situation.
love those. Those are
very entertaining!
I prefer true-to-life stories in
movies instead. The
I like shows and biographies of our ancient
movies that stir my and modern day heroes are
imagination especially my favorites. They inspire
those which involve me a lot.
robots and aliens.
Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 3
Activity 1

Directions: Tell us what you like too! In your notebook, list down your favorite
movies and TV shows. Give reasons why you like them.

Activity 2

Directions: In Ana and Ben’s conversation, we have learned that each like
watching different kinds of TV shows and movies. Ana prefers
watching realistic shows while Ben enjoys make-believe shows and
movies. Aside from TV and movie, we see images around us that are
real and make believe.


Direction: Fill in the appropriate diagram with the words from the box.

aliens pegasus

news and current events postcards of scenic spots

fantasy movies sculptures of heroes

cooking shows sci-fi movies

TV documentaries health advertisements

fairy tales zombie-themed films


Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 4
Activity 3. Let’s Go Fishing!

Ana and Ben play a fishing game. Ana has to catch the fishes that carry words
of FACTS while Ben has to catch those that carry NON-FACTS.

Direction: Help them catch the correct fishes by drawing a line from their
respective fishing rods to the words inside the fish bowl.


Tinkerbell jet plane




Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 5
Activity 4. Answer Me

Directions: Based on the previous activity, answer the following questions.

Write your answers on your notebook.

1. What words did you connect to the Ana’s fishing rod? How about to Ben’s?

2. What do these words represent?

3. How do we call images that can be proven true or false? How about those
that can be proven false?
4. Give at least two (2) examples each of kind of images.

5. Do you have doubts on some of the images/things you see around us? How can
you prove if these are facts or non-fact? Support your answer.


Real are images of true people, places, animals

and things. These were seen in the real day-to-day

Make-believe is imaginary images of people, places

and things that are not actually true in real world.

Images can be moving or unmoving. Moving images

can be seen in television and films. Still pictures
can be found in printed materials and artworks like

Fact is something that can directly be proven to be true or

false. This also refers to images showing actual happenings
in human life.

Non-fact is something which can directly be proven to be

false. It is actually made-up images or ideas of the author
to convey imaginary characters or ideas.

Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 6

Directions: Look at the picture below. Identify if it is REAL or MAKE BELIEVE.

Why is it real or make-believe? Write it in your

1 2 3
. . .

4 5

Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 7

Well done! You have shown great improvement

after accomplishing all the tasks in each lesson. This
time you will reflect on your work and rate your
Make an activity in your notebook by drawing, cutting and
sorting pictures according to whether they are real things
or if they are make – believe.

Paste them into the correct column (Real or Make – Believe)

based on what you have successfully learned during the

Real or Make-Believe or Non-Fact

Fact Images Images

Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 8
Directions: Answer the following questions and write your
answers on the blank.
1. Based on the concepts of real or make believe. As a grade six
pupil, if you will be given a chance to choose which world would
you like to live? Which one will you choose? Real world or world
of make believe? Why?

2. If everything in the story would actually happen, which part of

the story would you like to happen in the reality?

3. Ten years from now, if you are going to draw your dream in a
form of non- fact images, what would it be? Draw your answer
inside the box.

Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 9

Directions: Identify the following images. Put check (/) on the

box if the image is real and (X) if the image is a make
believe. Write your answer in your notebook.






Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 10

Directions: Read each statement. Identify if it is real or make believe.

Encircle the correct answer for each statement.

1) Airplanes can fly Real Make Believe

2) The trees can talk to anybody Real Make Believe

3) Fruits is not only delicious but also Real Make Believe


4) Dancing is a good form of exercise Real Make Believe

5) A cow can use cellphone Real Make Believe

6) Anyone can succeed with hardwork Real Make Believe

7) The airplane quickly disappeared Real Make Believe

behind the clouds

8) The flowers opened its petals in the Real Make Believe


9) The birds nest is very close to the ground Real Make Believe

10) The magician waved a wand over the hat Real Make Believe
and a bird appeared


Task 1: Real or Make-believe

Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 11
Direction: Match the following sentences with the appropriate
images and place it in the proper column.

Column A Column B

1. A. Peter Pan and the little fairy Tinker

Bell are good friends.

2. B. Dancing is a good exercise.

3. C. Dragon spits fire in the entire city.

4. D. Witches wanders at night and look for


5. E. The Doctor takes good care of his


Real or fact images and sentences Make-believe or non-fact images and sentences

Task 2. Fact or Make – Believe?

Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 12
Directions: Encircle the if the statement is fact. Encircle the if the
statement is make-believe.

1. I went to the farm and saw a chicken swim.

2. I can read 5 pages in just 1 minute.

3. A fairy came waving her magical wand.

4. A one-year-old baby can’t brush teeth, wash and

dry hands or get undressed without help.

5. Boracay is the greatest place to go on vacation.


Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 13
The following terms used in this module are defined as follows:

Real are images of true people, places, animals and things.

Make-believe imaginary images of people, places and things that are not
actually true in real world.
Fact something that can directly be proven to be true or false.
Non-fact something which can directly be proven to be false.

Do This
1. Real 6. False
2. Make-believe 7. Fact
3. Images 8. Non-fact
4. Moving 9. True
Activity 2
Real – news and current events, cooking shows, TV documentaries, postcards of
scenic spots, sculpture of heroes, health advertisements
Make-believe- aliens, fantasy movies, fairy tales, Pegasus, sci-fi movies, zombie-
themed films

Activity 3. Let’s Go Fishing

Ana (Facts) – jetplane, astronaut
Ben (Non-facts) – Tinkerbell, spaceship, zombie, Superman

Apply What You Have Learned

1. Real 4. Make-believe
2. Make-believe 5. Real
3. Real

Try This
Individual Work
1. Make – believe 6. Real
2. Real 7. Make – believe

Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 14
3. Make – believe 8. Real
4. Real 9. Make – believe
5. Make – believe 10. Real

Reflect #1:
1. Answers may vary

Reflect #2:
1. Answers may vary

Identify the following images

1. X
2. /
3. /
4. X
5. /

Real or Make – Believe

1. Real 6. Real
2. Make-believe 7. Make-believe
3. Real 8. Real
4. Real 9. Make-believe
5. Make-believe 10. Make-believe

Assess What You Have Learned

Task 1: Real or Make-Believe
1. C
2. B
3. A
4. E
5. D

Task 2: Fact or Make-Believe


Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 15
Galapon, et. al. (2016). Joy in Learning English. Quezon City: Vibal Group Inc.

Page 4, School Girl and Boy Clipart. Retrieved from

Published in the Philippines

By Department of Education, Schools Division of Iloilo

All rights reserved. No part of this learning resource may be reproduced or

transmitted in any form or by any means electronic or mechanical without
written permission from the Schools Division of Iloilo.

Grade 6 -English
Competency: Identifying Real or Make-Believe, Fact or Non-Fact Images 16

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