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Use of Jet Grouting to Limit Diaphragm Wall Displacement of a Deep Excavation

Article  in  Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering · February 2003

DOI: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0241(2003)129:2(146)

29 1,177

3 authors, including:

Chien-chih Wang
Cheng Shiu University


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Use of Jet Grouting to Limit Diaphragm Wall Displacement
of a Deep Excavation
Hsii-Sheng Hsieh1; Chien-Chih Wang2; and Chang-Yu Ou3

Abstract: Excessive lateral diaphragm wall displacement and the associated ground settlement are often the primary cause of damage
of nearby buildings. It is therefore imperative to minimize diaphragm wall displacement during basement excavation if the integrity of
adjacent buildings is of concern. This paper describes the application of a jet grouting scheme to reduce the diaphragm wall displacement
of a six-level basement excavation. Based upon field experience of similar projects, buildings adjacent to the construction site may settle
well beyond an acceptable limit if excavation is carried out without any protection measures being taken. In this excavation project, the
soil mass within the excavation zone was partially jet grouted in an attempt to increase its passive resistance as an effective measure to
limit wall displacement. Numerical analyses were carried out to assess the effects of jet grouting. Field measurements on wall displace-
ment and ground settlement confirm the effectiveness of the improvement scheme.
DOI: 10.1061/共ASCE兲1090-0241共2003兲129:2共146兲
CE Database keywords: Jet grouting; Diaphragm wall; Excavation; Soil settlement; Numerical analysis; Displacement.

Introduction erable amount by auxiliary measures is a viable alternative. Two

Deep excavations in Taiwan are often carried out in congested commonly adopted auxiliary measures are strengthening the brac-
urban areas. Therefore, most of the construction sites are sur- ing system and/or increasing the passive resistance by soil im-
rounded by buildings at close proximity. No matter how carefully provement techniques. Case histories with varying degrees of suc-
executed, the process of excavation will still result in a certain cess have been reported 共Hsieh et al. 1995; Woo 1996兲. It should
amount of ground settlement 共Peck 1969; Clough and O’Rourke be noted that a deep excavation exhibiting typical lateral wall
1990兲, which may cause structural or nonstructural damage to displacement and ground settlement patterns might not guarantee
adjacent buildings. Taiwan local experience has shown that no- the integrity of adjacent buildings. The risk of damage to adjacent
ticeable ground settlements may occur near the construction site buildings is difficult to directly correlate to a magnitude of ground
and extend to a distance three to four times of the excavation movement. Normally, acceptable ground movement may cause
depth 共Woo and Moh 1990兲. This implies that buildings situated little or no damage to structurally sound buildings that are well
within this range are likely to be affected by excavation activities. connected or that are supported by deep foundations. However,
Cases of building damage involving several hundred neighboring fragile buildings may crack and sustain significant damage even if
residents are often reported for deep excavation projects in Tai- ground movements are small.
wan that lack proper control of the ground settlement. Lawsuits This paper describes the design and implementation of a soil
and major financial losses are often inevitable for such incidents. improvement scheme to reduce diaphragm wall displacement of a
Therefore, whenever a deep excavation is planned, the integrity of six-level basement excavation. Inclinometer readings were stud-
adjacent buildings is a major concern of project owners, design ied to evaluate the field performance of the excavation. In this
engineers, and contractors. project, soil improvement in the form of jet grouting was de-
The integrity of adjacent buildings can be protected by under- signed and carried out to increase the passive resistance of soil on
pinning. Nevertheless, it is not practical to underpin a large num- the excavation side. The contribution of soil improvement on the
ber of target buildings, either from a financial or political point of overall soil strength is estimated by a weighted average method,
view. Therefore, reducing excavation related movements to a tol- and is incorporated in numerical analyses to assess its effect on
reducing diaphragm wall displacement. Analyses also showed
1 that the grouting pressure tends to preload the soil mass on the
Vice President, Trinity Engineering Consultants, Taipei, Taiwan,
excavation side, which has a pronounced effect on reducing dia-
Republic of China.
Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Cheng Shiu Institute phragm wall displacement.
of Technology, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Republic of China.
Professor, Dept. of Construction Engineering, National Taiwan Univ.
of Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China. E-mail: Project Description
Note. Discussion open until July 1, 2003. Separate discussions must The MR Residential Building 共MRRB兲 is a 35-story structure
be submitted for individual papers. To extend the closing date by one
with a six-level basement. The basement is used mainly for
month, a written request must be filed with the ASCE Managing Editor.
The manuscript for this paper was submitted for review and possible parking. MRRB occupies a plan area of about 2,240 m2
publication on March 2, 1999; approved on May 7, 2002. This paper is (32 m⫻70 m), and is situated in the downtown of Kaohsiung
part of the Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineer- City. Kaohsiung is a densely populated harbor city located in the
ing, Vol. 129, No. 2, February 1, 2003. ©ASCE, ISSN 1090-0241/ southern part of Taiwan. The project site is about 500 m away
2003/2-146 –157/$18.00. from Kaohsiung Harbor, and is bounded by existing buildings as


Fig. 1. MRRB project site

shown in Fig. 1. Clearance between project site and existing

buildings ranges from 0.2 to 12 m.
Excavation depth of the MRRB basement is 22.3 m. The de-
sign uses a cast in a place slurry diaphragm wall with seven levels
of internal bracing as the excavation retaining system. The dia- Fig. 3. Profile of bracing system 共MRRB project兲
phragm wall is 1.0 m in thickness, and extends from ground sur-
face down to a depth of 36 m. The temporary internal bracing
system consists of steel H sections, which are promptly erected drilled to a maximum depth of 90 m. Bedrock was not encoun-
and prestressed following each stage of excavation. A typical tered in any of the boreholes. Boring logs indicate that the soil
horizontal spacing between rows of struts is about 6.5 m. Plan strata are uniformly distributed across the site. A brief description
layout and profile of the bracing system are shown in Figs. 2 and of each stratum is provided below.
3, respectively. Detailed information regarding the struts are listed 1. The top layer consists of mostly granular fill material with an
in Table 1. Following the diaphragm wall construction and soil average thickness of 2 m. It is a mixture of construction
improvement, the MRRB basement was subsequently excavated waste, including concrete blocks, bricks, and other debris.
and completed in eight stages. Details of the construction se- 2. Underlying the backfill is a silty sand layer that extends
quence are listed in Table 2. down to a depth of 11.1 m below ground surface. The aver-
age standard penetration test 共SPT兲 N value is about seven,
which indicates that this silty sand layer is relatively loose.
Soil Conditions The friction angle of this layer is 29°, which is based upon
correlations to SPT N values.
Kaohsiung is located in the heart of an alluvial plain. The subsur- 3. A silty clay layer about 1.3 m in thickness lies below the
face consists mainly of alternating layers of sandy and clayey silty sand layer, the plasticity index (I p ) is about 12.1, and
soils. For the MRRB project site, a total of eight boreholes were the average SPT N value is 5. This is a medium stiff layer
with a typical unconfined compressive strength of 80 kPa.
4. Underneath the silty clay layer are alternating sublayers of
sandy silt and silty sand. The total thickness of these sublay-
ers is about 8.6 m, and the thicknesses of individual sublay-
ers range from 0.5 to 1.0 m. The sandy silt is noncohesive.
For analysis purpose, these sublayers are regarded as a single
noncohesive layer with an average SPT N value of 10, and
the friction angle is 28°, which is also based upon correla-
tions to SPT N values.
5. Found between 21 and 30.5 m below ground surface are
alternating sublayers of clayey silt and silty clay. These
sublayers are stiff cohesive materials with an average SPT N
value of 12. The representative plasticity index (I p ) is about
10, and the typical unconfined compressive strength is about
180 kPa.
6. Found between 30.5 and 44.7 m below ground surface are
Fig. 2. Plan layout of bracing system 共MRRB project兲
alternating sublayers of sandy silt and silty clay. These sub-


Table 1. Details of Internal Bracing System 共MR Residential Building Project兲
Strut level Dimensions 共mm兲 A 共cm2兲 Installation depth 共m兲 Preload 共kN兲
1 2H350⫻350⫻12⫻19 347.8 GL ⫺2.20 1,470
2 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 437.4 GL ⫺6.45 1,960
3 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 437.4 GL ⫺10.25 2,350
4 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 437.4 GL ⫺12.35 2,350
5 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 437.4 GL ⫺14.35 2,350
6 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 437.4 GL ⫺17.05 2,350
7 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 437.4 GL ⫺19.65 2,350
Note: A⫽Cross-sectional area of H steel.

layers are also cohesive materials with low plasticity. They Concerns with Adjacent Buildings
are regarded as a single stiff cohesive layer with an average The excavation of the MRRB basement is 22.3 m in depth, which
SPT N value of 12. The representative plasticity index (I p ) is was carried out in relatively loose alluvial deposits with high
about 7.3, and the typical unconfined compressive strength is groundwater table. Though a stiff diaphragm wall was used as the
about 320 kPa. excavation support wall, it was expected that the excavation-
7. Found between 44.7 and 57 m below ground surface are also induced ground settlements might still exceed the allowable limit.
alternating sublayers of sandy silt and silty clay. The physi- Local experience has shown that lateral displacement of dia-
cal properties of these sublayers are similar to those of the phragm walls resulting from basement excavation alone may
materials found between ground level 共GL兲 ⫺30.5 m and GL reach up to 0.3–0.5% of the basement excavation depth under
⫺44.7 m, though they are more stiff in nature. For analysis
normal construction conditions. Therefore, for the MRRB exca-
purpose, they are regarded as a single cohesive layer with an
vation, a maximum lateral diaphragm wall displacement ranging
average SPT N value of 25. The representative plasticity
from 7 to 11 cm was likely as a result of basement excavation.
index (I p ) is about 8.4. This is a very stiff layer with a
Monitoring results of similar excavation projects reveal that the
typical unconfined compressive strength of about 430 kPa.
magnitude of excavation-related ground surface settlement falls
8. The soil deposits found 57 m below ground surface consist
between 50 and 100% of the measured lateral maximum wall
of silty sand, sandy silt, or silty clay layers of varying thick-
displacement. As a result, it was believed that the ground surface
ness to a depth exceeding 90 m. Since these layers have very
adjacent to the MRRB site might settle 4 to 11 cm due to base-
little effect on the MRRB basement excavation, their engi-
neering properties are not addressed in this paper. ment excavation. The settlement trough was anticipated to extend
Table 3 is a summary of the physical properties and shear strength outwards 3– 4 times the excavation depth of basement 共Woo and
parameters of soil strata. The unconfined compressive strength of Moh 1990兲. This means that buildings situated within a radius of
clayey soil is obtained by performing either unconfined compres- approximately 70 to 90 m from the MRRB site may be affected.
sion or unconsolidated undrained shear tests, while the friction The maximum settlement of buildings adjacent to the MRRB site
angle of sandy soil is determined by correlations to SPT N values. was expected to reach anywhere from about 4 to 11 cm during the
Also of importance is the groundwater condition. Observation course of basement excavation.
wells installed within the project site indicates that the groundwa- The Ambassador Hotel, which is across KM Street from
ter table was fluctuating between 3.1 and 3.3 m below ground MRRB, is a 14-story building resting upon cast-in-place piles
surface. The piezometric readings show that the groundwater at 共Fig. 1兲. The depth and diameter of foundation piles were un-
various depths is in a hydrostatic condition. known to the writers. Since there is no competent bearing layer
existing within a shallow depth, it is very likely that the founda-
tion piles of Ambassador Hotel are frictional piles. To what extent
the Ambassador Hotel would be affected by the excavation asso-
Table 2. Construction Sequence of MR Residential Building ciated ground movement was not clear. But obviously, it is a
Excavation complicated soil-structure interaction problem.
Stage Construction activities The 12-story office building situated to the north of the MRRB
1 Excavate to GL ⫺3.05 m; install and preload
site is on mat foundation. The depth of the mat foundation is 5.1
1st level of strut
m below ground surface. Although a mat foundation in general
provides better rigidity than spread footings to resist nonuniform
2 Excavate to GL ⫺7.30 m; install and preload
settlement, there was no guarantee that the 12-story structure can
2nd level of strut
withstand a possible settlement of 4 –11 cm.
3 Excavate to GL ⫺11.10 m; install and preload
The primary concern to the ground settlement issue was the
3rd level of strut
two-story house located to the east of the project site. This low-
4 Excavate to GL ⫺13.20 m; install and preload
rise building is a lightly reinforced brick structure supported by
4th level of strut
shallow spread footings. Experience has shown that this type of
5 Excavate to GL ⫺15.20 m; install and preload
structure is highly susceptible to damage as a consequence of
5th level of strut
differential settlement unless preventive measures are undertaken
6 Excavate to GL ⫺17.90 m; install and preload
prior to excavation.
6th level of strut
Typically, the reported building damages for similar excava-
7 Excavate to GL ⫺20.50 m; install and preload
tions were not of safety concern. A large part of reported building
7th level of strut
damages at other sites consisted of distorted window or door-
8 Excavate to GL ⫺22.30 m
frames and slight cracks on nonstructural walls or floors. How-


Table 3. Soil Profile of MR Residential Building Site
Soil layer Depth 共m兲 Classification Average SPT-N ␥ 共kN/m3兲 W n 共%兲 Ip 共%兲 Q u 共kPa兲 ␾ 共degree兲
1 0–2 Backfill 3 19.2 23.2 — — —
2 2–11.1 SM 7 19.5 27.6 — — 29
3 11.1–12.4 CL 5 18.7 26.8 12.1 80 —
4 12.4 –21 SM 10 18.9 29.1 — — 28
5 21–30.5 CL 12 19.2 22.4 10.0 180 —
6 30.5– 44.7 CL 12 18.8 29.3 7.3 320 —
7 44.7–57 CL 25 19.0 28.5 8.4 430 —
8 57–90 CL 30 19.5 25.0 9.6 — —
Note: ␥⫽total unit weight; W n ⫽natural water content; Ip⫽plasticity index; Q u ⫽unconfined compressive strength; and ␾⫽friction angle.

ever, such slight or facial damages may arouse public concern in jacent ground associated with the groundwater drawdown within
the neighborhood, and may lead to the delay of construction or the excavation zone was considered negligible. The writers’ field
lawsuits. Therefore, it is the intent of the design to maintain the experience in the Kaohsiung area indicates that the amount of
integrity of adjacent structures in the course of basement excava- ground movement induced by slurry panel construction is gener-
tion. ally not significant. It is for these reasons that only excavation-
induced ground movements are discussed in this paper.
Fig. 5 shows that jet grout piles 共JGP兲, each with a diameter of
Building Protection Design Concept 0.6 m are spaced at 2 m intervals across the site. The JGPs were
constructed by injecting cement grout under a pressure of 20 MPa
For the MRRB basement excavation, there was a consensus in the desired depth intervals, which simultaneously cuts, erodes,
among the project owner, consulting engineers, and contractors and cements soil. This grouting method is classified as a one-fluid
that certain protection measures had to be taken to guard against system 共Xanthakos et al. 1994兲, which involves only partial re-
possible building damages. Underpinning is a commonly adopted placement of the jetted soil. The water/cement ratio of the in-
measure 共Xanthakos et al. 1994兲. However, this approach was not jected grout was 1:1 by weight, and the injected volume is about
practical due to the cost of the work involved. It is not only 0.375 m3 for each lineal meter of JGP. The improvement depth
difficult to gain access to perform underpinning, but underpinning was from 21 to 27 m below ground surface in the clayey silt to
operation may also invoke unnecessary concern among neighbor- the silty clay unit 共Fig. 4兲. Roughly speaking, each JGP consumed
hood residents. Underpinning may also cause cracking and other about 1,350 kg s of cement. JGP equipment was mobilized fol-
damage that must be repaired. Grouting beneath adjacent build- lowing the completion of the diaphragm walls. A total of 500
ings as the excavation is advanced to compensate for ground loss, JGPs were constructed. The field report showed that about
either in the form of compaction grouting or consolidation grout- 680,000 kg s of cement were eventually injected into the ground.
ing, is another alternative. Grouting is a theoretically possible The design specification required that uniaxial compressive
approach, but its operation is tedious and risky in nature. Local strength of each JGP sample exceed 1,500 kPa, which was easily
experience has shown that the effectiveness of grouting under achieved by the grouting contractor.
adjacent buildings is uncertain. It also has adverse side effects It is noted that the injected volume is larger than the theoreti-
such as clogging of underground utility lines or heaving of ground cal volume of the displaced soil 共0.375 m3/m versus 0.28 m3/m兲.
floors. Owing to the uncertainties involved, grouting beneath ad- During grouting, the injected grout not only eroded, cut, and ce-
jacent buildings was not adopted as a preventive measure in this mented soils, but also induced hydraulic fracturing around the
case. JGPs. A small part of the injected grout returned to the ground
The design of the selected protection measure was actually surface together with displaced soil as waste material, while the
based upon a simple concept, which was to reduce the lateral
diaphragm wall displacement during basement excavation. It was
recognized that the adjacent buildings are more likely to remain
intact if the excavation-induced ground settlement is not exces-
sive. Among all possible factors, the amount of ground displace-
ment is predominately affected by the lateral diaphragm wall dis-
placement. Therefore, limiting the diaphragm wall displacement
to an acceptable magnitude should lower the associated ground
settlement to a tolerable amount. Following a lengthy discussion
between the project owner, design engineers, and contractors, it
was finally agreed that soil improvement in the form of jet grout-
ing would be implemented within the excavation zone 共Fig. 4兲.
The purpose of jet grouting was to increase the passive resistance
of soil mass to horizontal stresses, which in turn helped in reduc-
ing diaphragm wall displacement during excavation.
Other construction activities, such as slurry panel construction
and groundwater drawdown, were also possible causes of settle-
ment of adjacent ground. Since the MRRB diaphragm wall pen-
etrates relatively impervious soil layers at depth, it also serves as
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of MRRB soil improvement scheme
a cutoff wall during basement excavation. The settlement of ad-


Fig. 5. Typical plan layout of jet grout piles
Fig. 6. Measured diaphragm wall displacement curves 共MRRB
rest remained in the ground to form the JGPs and fill the cracks
induced by hydraulic fracturing. However, the cracks induced by
hydraulic fracturing could not extend beyond perimeter dia- excavation stages are presented in Fig. 6. The results indicate that
phragm walls and the injected grout remained within the con- the overall maximum lateral displacements of the diaphragm
struction site. walls were less than 5.3 cm 共0.2% of excavation depth兲. The
The design engineers considered the improvement thickness results also indicate approximately 2.5 cm of inward movement at
共GL ⫺21 m to GL ⫺27 m兲 to be optimal from a theoretical point the bottom of the diaphragm walls 共GL ⫺36 m兲, which is about
of view. A beam -on-elastic-foundation type of analyses con- 14 m below the final excavation depth of GL ⫺22.3 m. The
ducted in the design stage revealed that extending the improve- pattern of displacement curves shown in Fig. 6 is typical of a
ment zone above or below the design depth 共GL ⫺21 m to GL well-braced and stable excavation. A typical displacement curve
⫺27 m兲 only had marginal effects on reducing diaphragm wall generally assumes a convex shape. This shows that the top and
displacement. The project owner also found the improvement bottom of the diaphragm wall are refrained from excessive move-
scheme acceptable in view of its cost effectiveness. ments by internal struts and passive soil resistance, respectively.
Maximum wall displacement usually occurs at a location near the
final excavation depth, which is GL ⫺22.3 m in this case. For a
Field Performance of MRRB Excavation carefully conducted instrumentation program, the accuracy of in-
clinometer reading generally falls within 0.2–0.3 cm/30 m, which
The MRRB basement excavation was monitored with instruments is about 7% of the maximum diaphragm wall displacement 共5.3
listed in Table 4. The instrumentation was installed mainly for cm/36 m兲 of the MRRB case.
construction safety control and not for research purposes. Budget In the MRRB case, the diaphragm wall served as the tempo-
constraints and lack of full access to adjacent buildings ruled out rary and permanent excavation support wall. The internal struts
a full-scale instrumentation system. In this paper, only diaphragm were removed stage by stage as the construction of basement
wall displacement patterns are evaluated. Four inclinometer cas- structure progressed upwards. As a result, the lateral earth pres-
ings 共SI-1–SI-4兲, each 36 m in depth, were installed within dia- sures were transferred to the more rigid basement floors. Incli-
phragm walls at the midpoint of each side 共Fig. 2兲 to monitor nometer readings showed that the additional diaphragm wall dis-
lateral diaphragm wall displacements. Since the diaphragm walls placement in this period was less than 0.5 cm. This amount was
were not anchored in nonyielding ground, the bottoms of the comparatively less than the maximum wall displacement during
walls could move inward during basement excavation and could excavation. It is for this reason that the FLAC analyses only con-
not be regarded as fixed reference points. For the MRRB instru- centrated on the excavation stage, and the subsequent stages of
mentation program, the movements at the tops of the inclinometer basement structure construction and strut removal were not mod-
casings were independently measured by surveying from the ref- eled.
erence points. The settlement and tilting of adjacent buildings are also of
Lateral movements of the diaphragm walls based on surveying major concern. A total of 64 settlement markers and 10 tiltmeters
at the ground surface and inclinometer readings at the end of the were installed on adjacent buildings at strategic or convenient

Table 4. Instrumentation of MR Residential Building Excavation

Type of instrument Location Quantities
Inclinometer casing Within diaphragm wall 4
Rebar stress transducer Within diaphragm wall 24
Observation well Around MR residential building site 4
Piezometer Around MR residential building site 4
Heave marker On top of pin posts 8
Tiltmeter On adjacent buildings 10
Settlement mark Around MR residential building site 64
Strain gauge On horizontal struts 104


locations. Baseline readings of instruments were taken prior to the
start of basement excavation. No information regarding the
ground movement during slurry panel construction was available.
Monitoring results show that the settlement and tilting of adjacent
buildings at the end of excavation were within acceptable limits.
At the end of basement work, maximum settlements of the nearby
Ambassador Hotel, the 12-story office building, and the two-story
house were 3, 2.8, and 1.9 cm, respectively. The average tilting of
the surrounding buildings is less than 1/800, while the average
settlements of adjacent buildings were less than 2 cm in general.
But most importantly, adjacent buildings remained intact. There
were no damage reports or complaints from the neighborhood.
No distinct patterns of building settlement or tilting were ob-
served, except that their magnitudes were small in comparison to
other excavation projects of similar depth. It should be noted that
the amount of settlement and tilting of adjacent buildings are not
governed by excavation process alone. Nearby activities, such as
dynamic traffic loading or construction and maintenance of un-
derground utility lines, may also have caused slight movement of
the two-story house. Under certain circumstances, the tiltmeters
and settlement markers installed on adjacent buildings may be
affected by these background activities and give misleading read-
The groundwater level remained virtually unchanged outside
the excavation during the basement construction period. A fluc-
tuation of groundwater level between GL ⫺3 m to GL ⫺3.5 m
was observed. The fluctuation was probably the result of seasonal
variation. Fig. 7. Profile of bracing system 共baseline project兲
Another construction concern is the bottom stability of exca-
vation 共Terzaghi et al. 1996; Hunt and Gill 1997兲. Stability analy-
ses carried out in the design stage show that a relatively thick and from the baseline project for numerical analyses allowed the writ-
stiff clayey layer 共GL ⫺22.3 m to GL ⫺44.7 m兲 would result in a ers to estimate the effects of soil improvement on wall displace-
factor of safety against bottom plug failure by bearing capacity ment.
unloading of more than 2.5. Possible failure mechanisms consid-
ering bottom plug heave and buckling from hydrostatic pressure
within a layer below the slurry wall toe level acting on the plug Baseline Case History
were also studied. Since there is no artesian aquifer found be- The baseline case history was also a deep excavation project lo-
tween GL ⫺36 m and GL ⫺90 m bottom heave and buckling are cated in Kaohsiung City. The site is about 2 kilometers away from
unlikely to occur. No signs of boiling or rupture were observed at the MRRB site. The excavation at the baseline project was 21 m
the bottom, suggesting that the bottom plug remained stable dur- in depth. It was retained by the diaphragm wall with seven levels
ing basement excavation. of internal struts. The diaphragm wall is 90 cm in thickness, and
extends to a depth of 40 m below ground surface. Profile of the
excavation is shown in Fig. 7. Details of the bracing system are
Numerical Analyses on Effects of Soil listed in Table 5. Soil profile 共Table 6兲 at the baseline project
Improvement consists mainly of sandy and clayey layers. The geologic origin
and stress history are similar to those of the MRRB project. Ex-
Numerical analyses were performed after the MRRB project was perience gained from excavation projects in this part of the city
fully completed to assess the effect of soil improvement on re- showed that the soil characteristics are about the same, though the
ducing diaphragm wall displacement. These were not precon- soil profiles may vary slightly. In addition to soil conditions, the
struction predictions, but were back analyses to model the ob- behavior of a deep excavation is heavily influenced by its con-
served results. A finite difference program, FLAC 共1993兲, was struction method. In view of the similarities between soil charac-
adopted. For practical purposes, all soils were modeled as simple teristics and construction methods of these two excavation
linear elastic, perfectly plastic isotropic materials obeying Mohr- projects, parameters back calculated from the baseline case his-
Coulomb yield criterion. Relevant soil parameters were obtained tory were used with confidence for the numerical analyses of
by back analyzing the diaphragm wall displacement of a baseline MRRB excavation.
case history described below, which implies that the soil param- The baseline project excavation measured about
eters are somewhat empirical. These soil parameters represent not 40 m⫻90 m. Plan layout of the internal bracing system is de-
only the engineering properties of in situ soils, but also the effects picted in Fig. 8. It also had four inclinometer casings 共BSI-1–
of construction workmanship. The baseline case history and BSI-4兲 installed within the diaphragm wall at the midpoint of
MRRB projects are similar in a number of major aspects, includ- each side. All inclinometer casings functioned properly except for
ing excavation depth, construction method, soil characteristics, BSI-4, which was blocked at a depth of 29 m. Inclinometer read-
etc., except that the baseline case history did not have soil im- ings at the final stage of basement excavation show similar dia-
provement prior to excavation. Using parameters back calculated phragm wall displacement pattern to that for the MRRB excava-


Table 5. Details of Internal Bracing System 共Baseline Project兲
Strut level Dimensions 共mm兲 A 共cm2兲 Installation depth 共m兲 Preload 共kN兲
1 2H300⫻300⫻10⫻15 239.6 GL ⫺2.20 1,260
2 2H300⫻300⫻10⫻15 239.6 GL ⫺5.40 1,570
3 2H350⫻350⫻12⫻19 347.8 GL ⫺8.60 1,860
4 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 437.4 GL ⫺11.80 2,610
5 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 437.4 GL ⫺14.60 2,610
6 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 437.4 GL ⫺16.60 2,750
7 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 437.4 GL ⫺18.45 2,750
Note: A⫽Cross-sectional area of H Steel.

tion 共Fig. 9兲. The maximum displacements occur near the final The axial stiffnesses of horizontal struts (K s ) were calculated
excavation depth 共i.e., GL ⫺21.0 m兲, and the maximum values by the following equation:
range from 8 to 11 cm, which were approximately twice those for
the MRRB project. It is of no surprise that there are discrepancies K s ⫽0.4⫻ 共 KN/m兲 (2)
between the inclinometer readings, since variations on surcharge L
loading, strut stiffness, construction sequence, and corner effect where 0.4⫽also a reduction factor; A⫽cross-sectional area of
共Ou and Chiou 1993兲 may all affect the behavior of the dia- strut; E s ⫽Young’s modulus of steel; and L⫽half width of the
phragm wall at different locations in the same construction site. project site. The spacing between rows of horizontal struts is an
For simplicity, sandy and clayey soils were assumed to behave input parameter for FLAC analyses, which is used to calculate the
in drained and undrained states, respectively. The shear strength average stiffness of horizontal strut per lineal meter. Though hori-
parameters and unit weight of soils were deduced from conven- zontal struts are erected and carefully preloaded by experienced
tional laboratory test results, while the Young’s moduli 共E兲 were workers, local field experience indicates that certain slacks or
determined by a back-calculation process. Finite difference analy- construction defects are inevitable. To account for the deficien-
ses were carried out to fit the inclinometer readings by adjusting cies, the authors suggest that the axial stiffness of horizontal struts
Young’s moduli on a trial and error basis. On the other hand, be reduced by 60%. The 60% reduction in strut stiffness is a
Poisson’s ratio 共␮兲 of sandy and clayey soils were taken as 0.3 widely accepted design practice among local structural engineers.
and 0.48, respectively. Best-fit diaphragm wall displacement curves by FLAC analy-
The flexural stiffness of the diaphragm wall (K w ) per lineal ses of the baseline project are plotted in Fig. 10 along with field
meter is a function of the wall thickness 共h兲 and the Young’s data for the last three stages of excavation. No attempt was made
modulus of concrete (E c ), namely, to exactly fit the field curves. From a practical point of view, the
b⫻h 3 ⫻E C best-fit curves are considered to adequately represent the excava-
K w ⫽0.6⫻ 共 KN-m2 兲 (1) tion characteristics of the baseline project. Parameters for sandy
and clayey soils determined by back-calculation process and labo-
where b⫽unit width of the diaphragm wall and 0.6⫽empirical ratory tests are summarized in Table 7, while the stiffness of the
reduction factor to reduce the nominal flexural stiffness of dia- diaphragm wall and struts are listed in Table 8. The back-
phragm wall by 40%. The reduction factor was applied because calculated Young’s moduli of soil layers can be related to the
the reinforced-concrete diaphragm wall may develop tension undrained shear strength (S u ) or SPT N values by simple equa-
cracks when subjected to lateral earth pressure during basement tions listed below
excavation. Therefore, the actual wall stiffness is less than its
nominal value. The authors consider a 40% reduction in wall Clay: E⫽600⫻S u 共 kPa兲 (3)
stiffness appropriate for analysis and structural design purposes. Sand: E⫽920⫻N⫻ 共 p ⬘0 /␴ a 兲 0.7 共 kPa兲 (4)
Field experience also shows that this design practice yields rea-
sonable wall displacement pattern. where p 0 ⫽effective overburden pressure and ␴ a ⫽atmospheric

Table 6. Soil Profile of Baseline Project Site

Soil layer Depth 共m兲 Classification Average SPT-N ␥ 共kN/m3兲 W n 共%兲 Ip 共%兲 Q u 共kPa兲 ␾ 共degree兲
1 0–0.2 Backfill — — — — — —
2 0.2– 6 SM 7 18.9 17.0 — — 30
3 6 –30 SM 16 19.2 23.0 — — 32–35
4 30–31 CL 25 19.7 22.0 6.2 210 —
5 31–35 SM 31 19.8 23.0 — — 35
6 35– 42 CL 21 19.4 27.0 5.6 266 —
7 42– 45 SM 31 19.1 27.0 — — 38
8 45–50 CL 32 20.4 19.0 4.5 — —
9 50–52 SM 39 18.4 31.0 — — —
10 52– 60 CL 33 19.6 25.0 13.7 — —
11 60– 62 CL 54 19.8 29.0 10.1 — —
Note: ␥⫽total unit weight; W n ⫽natural water content; Ip⫽plasticity index; Q u ⫽unconfined compressive strength; and ␾⫽friction angle.


Fig. 8. Plan layout of bracing system 共baseline project兲 Fig. 10. Best-fit diaphragm wall displacement curves 共baseline

pressure. Eq. 共3兲 shows that the Young’s modulus of cohesive soil
is in direct proportion to the undrained shear strength, while Eq. where c eqv⫽equivalent cohesion of the improved soil mass; c org
共4兲 reveals that the Young’s modulus of cohesionless soil is a ⫽cohesion of the untreated soil; I r ⫽improvement ratio, defined
function of the SPT N value and the effective overburden pres- as the ratio of treated area to the total area 共Fig. 5兲, which is 7%
sure. Similar empirical equations can also be found in other ref- for the MRRB project; ␣⫽empirical factor, which is often taken
erences 共Bowles 1988; Fang 1991兲. It has to be emphasized that as 0.5 共Hsieh et al. 1991兲; and c JGP is one half the unconfined
Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲 represent the ‘‘field behaviors’’ of soils. They are compressive strength (q u ) of JGP. For a saturated clayey material,
deduced from a back-calculation process and do not necessarily a ␾⫽0 condition still applies after improvement, but the cohesion
coincide with their ‘‘laboratory behaviors.’’ Eqs. 共3兲 and 共4兲 are 共or undrained shear strength兲 increases according to Eq. 共5兲. Eq.
used in a latter stage in conjunction with the FLAC program to 共5兲 is in fact based upon a weighted average concept, which is
study the effects of soil improvement on diaphragm wall displace- similar to the one used for sand column or stone column design
ment for MRRB excavation. 共Aboshi et al. 1979; Goughnour et al. 1990兲.
The soil parameters and strut stiffness used in FLAC analyses
are listed in Tables 9 and 10, respectively. Most of the shear
Numerical Analyses of MRRB Excavation
strength and index parameters were determined by routine labo-
Elastoplastic FLAC analyses were carried out to study the effect ratory tests or correlations to SPT N values, while the shear
of soil improvement on reducing diaphragm wall displacement. strength parameters of the improved soil mass were estimated
Intuitively, soil improvement strengthens the treated soil mass and according to Eq. 共5兲. Further assuming that the deformation char-
provides additional passive resistance against lateral inward acteristics of the improved soil mass remains unchanged, Eqs. 共3兲
movement of diaphragm wall. By installing JGPs at the depth and 共4兲 are then applied to compute the Young’s moduli required
intervals shown in Fig. 4 and in a discrete pattern shown in Fig. 5, for FLAC analyses.
the untreated soil together with JGPs is considered to behave as a Value of the maximum diaphragm wall displacement (␦ max) is
composite material. The equivalent shear strength parameters of directly associated with the ground improvement ratio I r . By
the improved soil mass are different from the untreated one, and reducing the spacing between JGPs, the value of I r is increased
can be estimated by the following equation 共Hsieh et al. 1995兲: accordingly, which may in turn increase the equivalent shear
c eqv⫽c org共 1⫺I r 兲 ⫹␣c JGPI r (5) strength, and further restrain the lateral movement of diaphragm
wall. Fig. 11 shows the relationship between I r and ␦ max for
MRRB excavation based on the FLAC analyses. If the soil mass
between GL ⫺21 m and GL ⫺27 m is 100% improved (I r ⫽1),
␦ max can be limited to no more than 4.5 cm. Though there is still
no guarantee that the adjacent buildings will remain intact under

Table 7. Soil Parameters for FLAC Analysis 共Baseline Project兲

Soil layer ␾
共m兲 Soil type ␥ 共kN/m3兲 E 共kPa兲 ␮ S u 共kPa兲 共degree兲
0– 6.0 SM 18.9 2,680 0.3 0 30
6.0–18.0 SM 19.2 9,580 0.3 0 32
18.0–21.0 SM 19.2 15,700 0.3 0 33
21.0–30.0 SM 19.2 24,300 0.3 0 35
30.0–31.0 CL 19.7 63,000 0.48 105 0
31.0–35.0 SM 19.8 56,600 0.3 0 35
Fig. 9. Measured diaphragm wall displacement curves 共baseline 35.0– 42.0 CL 19.4 80,000 0.48 133 0
project兲 42.0– 45.0 SM 19.1 64,000 0.3 0 38


Table 8. Axial Stiffness of Internal Bracing System 共Baseline Table 10. Axial Stiffness of Internal Bracing System 共MR Residen-
Project兲 tial Building Project兲
Strut level Dimensions 共mm兲 Stiffness 共kN/m兲 Strut Dimensions Stiffness
level 共mm兲 共kN/m兲
1 2H300⫻300⫻10⫻15 98,700
2 2H300⫻300⫻10⫻15 98,700 1 2H350⫻350⫻12⫻19 179,000
3 2H350⫻350⫻12⫻19 143,300 2 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 225,000
4 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 180,200 3 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 225,000
5 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 180,200 4 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 225,000
6 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 180,200 5 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 225,000
7 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 180,200 6 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 225,000
Note: Flexural stiffness of diaphragm wall⫽840,000 kN-m2 . 7 2H400⫻400⫻13⫻21 225,000
Note: Flexural stiffness of diaphragm wall⫽1,151,000 kN-m2 .
such circumstances, the likelihood of inducing damage is much
lower than normally expected. However, the cost for a 100%
improvement scheme was unacceptable to the project owner. This vertical stress must have fallen back to a level near the in situ
is why a low-improvement ratio of 7% was adopted in the end. overburden pressure. On the other hand, the net stress increase in
The computed diaphragm wall displacement curves with and horizontal direction may be higher than the overburden pressure
without soil improvement are presented in Fig. 12. Analysis re- because of the high lateral confinement provided by the dia-
sults show that ␦ max may reach up to 9 cm if soil improvement phragm wall. It is therefore assumed that the horizontal stress
was not carried out, which may induce unacceptable ground within the improved soil mass is at least equal to the overburden
settlement. On the other hand, ␦ max may be reduced to a slightly pressure. This implies that the horizontal stress within the treated
lower value of 8 cm with JGPs installed at 2 m spacings (I r zone may increase from an at-rest state to a magnitude exceeding
⫽7%). The numerical analysis results indicate that ␦ max is only the overburden pressure after the soil improvement is completed.
reduced by 1 cm with I r ⫽7%. However, field measurements In summary, the horizontal stress within the jet grouted soil
show that ␦ max was limited to 5.3 cm after the JGPs were installed mass is increased as a result of the grouting process, while the
with I r ⫽7%, which is a reduction in maximum displacement of vertical stress remains virtually unchanged. Roughly speaking,
about 3.7 cm. The discrepancy between numerical analysis and the treated soil mass is preloaded in the horizontal direction to the
field results suggests that ␦ max is not governed solely by the im- magnitude of in situ overburden pressure 共Fig. 13兲. This ‘‘pre-
provement ratio as originally conceived. A previously unidentified load’’ mechanism is hypothesized for the jet grout technique em-
factor may actually control the behavior of diaphragm wall. ployed in this project, which injects cement slurry into the soil
It is postulated that the treated soil mass was prestressed or mass with high pressure and only partially replaces the jetted soil.
preloaded by the jet grouting process. The grouting technique Other grouting techniques may not produce the same ‘‘preload’’
employed in the MRRB site did not fully remove the jetted soil, effect as described in this paper. The ‘‘preload’’ effect also causes
which means the injected cement slurry is larger in volume than consolidation of the untreated cohesive soil between grouting col-
the displaced soil mass. Since the improved soil mass is within umns. The untreated soil may gain strength with time as a result.
the confinement of perimeter diaphragm wall, an increase in total Since consolidation is a very slow process, the strength increase
volume would result in an increase of internal stress in all direc- in the short period of basement excavation is probably insignifi-
tions. The increase in stress not only pushes the diaphragm wall cant. If the soil did gain significant strength as a result of consoli-
outwards, but also lifts the soil mass above the grouted zone. dation, it could probably lose some prestress amount.
Upheaval of the ground surface during grouting stage was ob- FLAC analyses were further refined by incorporating the ‘‘pre-
served by field engineers, which is a clear indication that the load’’ effect postulated in the above paragraph. The initial hori-
stress in the soil mass surrounding the JGP zone had increased zontal stress of the jet grouted soil mass is increased to the level
significantly. To cause heave of the ground, the treated soil mass of in situ overburden pressure in the numerical model. The results
must be stressed to a level that overcomes the overburden pres- are presented in Fig. 14 together with field curves. A distinct
sure. Continuous injection of cement slurry into the soil mass improvement on the prediction of diaphragm wall displacement is
with a high pressure undoubtedly increased the internal stress and observed. FLAC analyses show that the predicted maximum dia-
eventually caused the ground to heave. However, heave of the phragm wall displacement is about 5.5 cm, which is in close
ground served as a pressure relief in the vertical direction. The agreement with field measurements. The shape of the displace-
internal stress surge was only temporal as a consequence. The ment curve also fits the field curves well. Furthermore, it is found

Table 9. Soil Parameters for FLAC Analysis 共MR Residential Building Project兲
Soil layer 共m兲 Soil type ␥ 共kN/m3兲 E 共kPa兲 ␮ S u 共kPa兲 ␾ 共degree兲
0–11.1 SM 19.2 5,270 0.3 0 29
11.1–12.4 CL 18.7 24,200 0.48 40 0
12.4 –21.0 SM 18.9 12,000 0.3 0 28
21.0–27.0 CL 19.2 48,700/78,000a 0.48 82/130a 0
27.0–30.5 CL 19.2 59,400 0.48 100 0
30.5– 44.7 CL 18.8 96,000 0.48 160 0
44.7–57.0 CL 19.0 130,000 0.48 215 0
Parameter of improved soil.


Fig. 11. Relationship between maximum wall displacement (␦ max)
and improvement ratio (I r )

Fig. 13. Schematic diagram of ‘‘preload’’ effect

that location of the predicted and measured ␦ max are nearly iden-
tical, which occurs at a depth of about 20 m below ground sur-
face. residents. In addition to the effect of soil improvement, the be-
havior of the diaphragm wall during basement excavation is also
governed by a number of factors such as ground characteristics
Discussion and construction workmanship. By using soil parameters back
calculated from the baseline project, the characteristics of ground
By comparing the diaphragm wall displacement curves of the and construction workmanship in the Kaohsiung area are well
baseline project and MRRB excavation, strengthening the soil represented. Other factors, including wall and bracing stiffness,
mass within the excavation zone was effective in reducing the were also calibrated and incorporated in the FLAC analyses.
lateral diaphragm wall displacements by 40%. It is of interest to These enabled the authors to single out the contribution of soil
know that the soil improvement scheme was actually designed via improvement from the numerical results. It was originally postu-
a semiempirical approach. Without first knowing exactly how par- lated that an increase in soil strength due to improvement could
tial improvement works on reducing diaphragm wall displace- have a major impact on the wall displacement. However, it ap-
ment, the design engineer devised the soil improvement scheme pears that a relatively low I r of 7% increases the passive resis-
based upon his experience with deep excavations. Initially, there tance of soil mass only by a small margin. Therefore, its contri-
were concerns that a partially improved ground with a seemingly bution on limiting the wall displacement is insignificant as
low-improvement ratio of 7% might not perform satisfactorily. indicated by the numerical results. It appears that the governing
However, constraints on the construction schedule and cost pre- mechanism in restraining the diaphragm wall displacement is pre-
vailed, and all parties involved agreed to take a calculated risk. loading of the soil mass by the grouting process.
Field experience accumulated over a number of excavation Unfortunately for the MRRB case, there were no instrument
projects in Kaohsiung City with similar ground conditions indi- readings before basement excavation to verify the validity of hori-
cates that I r ⫽7% appears to be a lower-bound optimal value. The zontal stress increase. To the writers’ knowledge, there were other
thickness of the treated soil plug is 6 m in the MRRB case, which unreported partial improvement cases with measurements taken
is also assumed as an optimal thickness. With such an improve- before excavation showed that the diaphragm wall was pushed
ment ratio and improvement thickness, the requirements on field outward as a result of grouting. The outward movement of the
performance and construction cost are both satisfied. diaphragm wall is strong evidence of a horizontal stress increase.
The FLAC analyses presented in this paper were carried out Aside from the ‘‘preload’’ effect, the writers acknowledge that
after the MRRB project was fully completed and occupied by its

Fig. 12. Computed diaphragm wall displacement curves 共MRRB Fig. 14. Revised prediction of MRRB diaphragm wall displacement
project兲 curves 共‘‘preload’’ effect included兲


other mechanisms could also result in similar ground movement Numerical results show that the preloading effect is more signifi-
predictions by FLAC, e.g., a combined effect of the modulus in- cant in reducing wall displacement than anticipated. Jet grouting
crease within the nontreated soil added to the higher modulus of also increases the overall shear strength of the improved soil
the treated soil and combined with horizontal stress increase. Ex- mass. Nevertheless, FLAC analysis results reveal that the as-
tensive instrumentation on future projects is required to further sumed shear strength increase of the combined soil mass was
verify the ‘‘preload’’ hypothesis. relatively ineffective in the MRRB case.
The improvement scheme outlined in this paper is basically a In most jet grouted deep excavation cases, both improvement
jet grout method, which only partially replaces the jetted soil and ratio and preloading effects are important factors in reducing dia-
causes the ground to heave. The soil mass within the excavation phragm wall displacements. However, their effects have not been
zone is totally surrounded by the diaphragm wall prior to im- clearly distinguished from one another due to a lack of instrumen-
provement. Injection of an additional volume of cement slurry tation data. It is recommended that a more carefully instrumented
into the confined soil mass compresses the soil and induces a study be completed at an additional site to clearly distinguish the
preloading effect. As shown in the numerical analyses, this pre- effects of improvement ratio and preloading.
loading effect is probably the governing factor responsible for Another issue worth noting is the thickness of the jet grout
reducing diaphragm wall displacement. Though this scheme treated area. Since I r is defined as the ratio of the jet grout treated
works for the MRRB excavation, it must be used with caution on area to the bottom plug area, it does not account for thickness of
a case-by-case basis. It is widely recognized that a number of the treated area. The thickness of the improved ground is logically
construction details associated with jet grouting, including rota- an important factor influencing the bottom plug stiffness or the
tion speed and withdraw rate of drilling rod, injection pressure, extent of preloading caused by the jet grouting. The MRRB case
etc., may affect the quality and behavior of jet grouted soil mass. used a treated thickness of 6 m, which is considered adequate to
If used improperly, uncontrolled pressurized slurry jets could cut achieve the required performance based upon field experience. No
through the soil mass and cause disturbance instead. The effect of further studies were carried out to address the effects of grouting
excessive disturbance may overshadow or even negate other ben- thickness in this paper, and more thoroughly instrumented case
eficial grouting effects, leaving the treated soil mass with an over- histories are required to help resolve this issue.
all strength much lower than expected. This phenomenon is more As a result of the improved diaphragm wall behavior, adjacent
likely in soft clay deposits. An uncontrolled jet grouting process buildings did not show signs of distress during the MRRB base-
may significantly disturb the soil mass and sharply reduce the in ment excavation. While underpinning remains the most reliable
situ undrained shear strength. Though the disturbed soil mass will method for building protection, partial ground improvement of
consolidate and gain strength with time, very little strength in- the internal bottom plug soil may be a cost-effective alternative.
crease in the period of basement excavation is expected because There are of course additional risks involved for adopting a less
consolidation is a slow process in nature. robust building protection scheme. Therefore, careful evaluation
Other improvement methods, such as compaction grout col- and sufficient instrumentation are both required to improve the
umns and displacement pile driving may be even more effective odds of success.
than jet grouting. However, jet grouting is a favored choice over
other techniques based upon environmental and cost concerns for
the MRRB project. Basically, vibration and noise induced by pile References
driving are not allowed in a congested urban area. On the other
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