Commercial Dispatch Eedition 11-9-20

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Monday | November 9, 2020

COVID outbreak forces SOCSD sixth grade online

Two staff members test positive for virus, and some students were in close
contact with the two who tested
past weekend, according to an
email from the district. Seventh
entirely virtual learning envi-
ronments will be able to pick up
eight more quarantined for ‘close contact’ positive, Thomas said, meaning
10 of the 34 sixth-grade teach-
grade classes do not have to go
entirely online, Thomas said.
Chromebooks from the school
this week as scheduled, the
BY TESS VRBIN district Public Information Of- ers will be unable to return to “This abrupt announcement email states. ficer Nicole Thomas confirmed campus for at least 10 days. Stu- reminds us how quickly Covid Students in SOCSD had the
to The Dispatch this morning. dents that the district identifies can force us to adjust our school option at the beginning of the
All sixth grad- Both the requirement for in- as close contacts will have to schedule,” the email states. “It school year to choose between
ers at Partnership structional staff to quarantine quarantine for 14 days, and staff also reminds us that we must be in-person and virtual learning.
Middle School in and the number of close con- members can return to campus diligent with preventative mea- Grades 8-12 also had the option
Starkville-Oktib- tacts with them made in-person after 10 days if they do not have sures while we are at school of a “hybrid” learning mod-
beha Consolidat- classes inadvisable, Thomas symptoms, she said. and while we are away from el, which combines in-person
ed School Dis- said. District officials have Partnership Middle School school. This includes wearing and online instruction, but the
trict will attend not yet decided whether sixth — which houses grades 6 and 7 your mask, observing six feet district got rid of the option in
classes entirely Thomas grade will return to in-person — had only one student and one of distance whenever possible, October after many students
online after two instruction before the end of staff member test positive for avoiding social gatherings, and in hybrid learning were not
instructional staff members the semester. COVID-19 from the start of the washing your hands.” keeping up with their peers and
tested positive for COVID-19, Eight more staff members school year on Aug. 24 until this Middle school students in See SOCSD, 6A


Self-described ‘dog lady’ cares Lawsuit pushed
for animals in West Point Mississippi to
simplify elections
Candidates for statewide
offices now only have
to win a majority of the
popular vote
The Associated Press

JACKSON — By a wide margin,

Mississippi voters have eliminated
a remnant of the state’s racist his-
tory by repealing a complicated,
multistep process for electing state-
wide officials.
Going forward, candidates for
eight offices — governor, lieu-
tenant governor, attorney general,
secretary of state, treasurer, audi-
tor, insurance commissioner and
agriculture commissioner — will
only have to win a majority of the
popular vote.
They will no longer have to win
the most votes in a majority of the
122 state House districts. That was
roughly the state-level equivalent of
Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff winning a majority of the national
Neely Bryan, director of the West Point-Clay County Animal Shelter, poses for a portrait at the shelter Friday morn- electoral vote in the presidential
ing. Bryan, a Memphis native, moved to Mississippi in 2017 and began taking care of neglected dogs in West Point. race.
On the route she walks every day to feed animals in town, Bryan said, dogs and cats recognize her as she drives by. The presidential race is decided
only by the electoral vote, though.
Through care for chained, fighting Winning any of the eight statewide
offices in Mississippi required both
dogs, animal shelter director the popular vote and the electoral
hopes to change attitudes toward The question of simplifying Mis-
sissippi’s election process might
man’s best friend never have landed on the ballot
without a strong shove provided by
BY YUE STELLA YU difficult to fix and really a federal lawsuit. expensive, and a lot of The suit was filed in 2019 on
behalf of Black plaintiffs. It was

times they don’t make it
eely Bryan woke anyway when it happens,” backed by the National Democrat-
up Friday with Bryan said. ic Redistricting Committee, led by
a pair of swollen Bryan rushed Bradley Yue Stella Yu/Dispatch Staff former U.S. Attorney General Eric
eyes. She could not sleep to the Mississippi State Neely Bryan kisses Queenie, a dog she started taking Holder, who served under Presi-
well. University Animal Health care of years ago, at the West Point-Clay County Animal dent Barack Obama.
The night before, she Shelter on Friday morning. Queenie is the first dog she “This is all about fairness —
Center that night, hoping found chained outside after she moved to Mississippi,
hurried from West Point to save him. But with the about electoral fairness,” Holder
Bryan said, which inspired her journey of dog rescue told The Associated Press when
to Starkville, worried. small chance Bradley around town.
Bradley, a 7-year-old dog the suit was filed. “The election sys-
would survive the $5,000
she had rescued, was was hysterical,” Bryan many dogs Bryan cared tem in Mississippi has really kind
surgery and the pain he
dying, her friend told her. recalled. “We were at the for since she moved from of perpetuated a history of racial
was in, Bryan decided
“Something hap- Tennessee to Mississip- discrimination that finally has to
she would let go. (clinic) by like 8:30 p.m.,
pened and (his) belly pi in March 2017. Not come to an end.”
“I cannot deal with and by 10, we had put him
long after she moved to The Mississippi Constitution
flipped upside down and them suffering. On the to sleep.”
was adopted in 1890, and it set up
got twisted. It’s really ride there with him, I Bradley was one of the See BRYAN, 6A
the two-part process for statewide


1 What kind of rain, which is likely created by pressure Today MEETINGS
on falling carbon in Neptune and Uranus’ atmosphere, Nov. 16: Lown-
■ Ladies Night Out at the
was recreated in a lab on Earth in 2017? des County
2 What one-named soccer star appeared in the 2016 Blues Museum: Enjoy food,
film “xXx: Return of Xander Cage” and was named one drinks and live music at the Black Board of Super-
of Time’s most influential people in the world in 2017? Prairie Blues Museum 6-9 p.m., visors meeting,
3 What Ohio — not Florida — county is home to 640 Commerce St., West Point. 9 a.m., Lown-
Adeline Boyd Eldean Bridge, which was named a National Historic Preview live auction items slated
Landmark in the U.S. in 2017? des County
Fourth grade, Annunciation for a Nov. 12 Virtual Blues Mu-
4 What toy and TV show favorite galloped to movie seum Fundraiser on Facebook.

79 Low 66
screens in 2017, with an all-new story starring Pinkie
Pie and the rest of the Mane 6? Night Out tickets $50; Deborah
High 5 Who implored an audience member, “Sit down, Mansfield, 662-275-7819. LowndesCounty-
Mostly cloudy
you’re gonna get tackled!” at a 2017 Manitoba town Mississippi/
Full forecast on
page 3A.
Answers, 5B Now through Nov. 21 Nov. 17:
■ United We Feed food drive: Columbus City
United Way of North Central Mis- Council, 5 p.m.,
sissippi requests donations of
INSIDE non-perishable food items. Drop-
Municipal Com-
off locations in multiple counties plex, facebook.
Classifieds 5B Dear Abby 4B
Comics 4B Obituaries 5A are available at unitedwayncms. India Harris, of Columbus, com/CityofCo-
141st Year, No. 206 Crossword 3B Opinions 4A com/unitd-we-feed-1. likes to shop. lumbusMS/


2A MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2020 The Dispatch •

Trump faces calls to work with Biden team on transition

President-elect to announce details
of a task force charged with creating
Referendum on Trump shatters turnout records
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 2008, when the nation elected its experts and partisans already are
a blueprint to attempt to bring the With votes still being counted,
first Black president.
The sheer number of votes also
debating the forces behind the
swell of civic participation. Some
pandemic under control today turnout in the 2020 presidential
election has hit a 50-year high, ex-
set records, although that’s a less
remarkable milestone given the
pointed to the numbers as evi-
dence of what happens when states
BY WILL WEISSERT whether Trump, who has ceeding the record set by the 2008 country’s growing population. So expand the time and the ways vot-
The Associated Press not publicly recognized presidential election of Barack far 148 million votes have been tal- ers can cast ballots, as many states
Biden’s victory and has Obama — an extraordinary en- lied, with Democrat Joe Biden win-
WILM- did this year. Other noted the ex-
falsely claimed the elec- gagement in what amounted to a ning more than 75 million — the
INGT ON, referendum on President Donald highest number for a presidential traordinary high passions Trump
tion was stolen, will im-
Del. — Pres- Trump’s leadership. candidate in history. Trump re- provoked — both for and against.
pede Democrats as they
ident Don- try to establish a govern- As of Sunday, the tallied votes ceived more than 70 million — the The result: the highest turnout
ald Trump ment. accounted for 62 percent of the el- highest total for a losing candidate. since 1968, according to data from
is facing There is little prece- igible voting-age population in the The numbers are certain to rise the Associated Press and the Unit-
pressure to dent in the modern era of U.S. That’s a 0.4 percentage point as election officials continue to ed States Elections Project, which
c o o p e r a t e Trump a president erecting such increase so far over the rate hit in count more ballots. But election tracks turnout.
with Pres- hurdles for his successor.
ide nt - ele c t The stakes are especially ministration to “immedi- control that he plans to commissioner, David view information such as
Joe Biden’s high this year because ately begin the post-elec- begin implementing after Kessler, as co-chairs. budgetary and staffing
team to Biden will take office tion transition process assuming the presidency Biden was also launch- decisions, pending reg-
ensure a amid a raging pandemic, and the Biden team to on Jan. 20. ing agency review teams, ulations and other work
s m o o t h which will require a com- take full advantage of the Biden has already groups of transition in progress from current
transfer of prehensive government resources available under named a former surgeon staffers that have access Trump administration
power when response. the Presidential Transi- general, Dr. Vivek Mur- to key agencies in the staff at the departments
the new ad- Biden “America’s national tion Act.” thy, and an ex-Food and current administration. to help Biden’s team pre-
ministration security and economic Biden, who was elect- Drug Administration They will collect and re- pare to transition.
takes office in January. interests depend on the ed the 46th president on
The General Services federal government sig- Saturday, is taking steps
Administration is tasked naling clearly and swift- to build a government
with formally recognizing ly that the United States despite questions about
Biden as president-elect, government will respect whether Trump will offer
which begins the tran- the will of the American the traditional assistance.
sition. But the agency’s people and engage in He is focusing first
Trump-appointed admin- a smooth and peaceful on the virus, which has
istrator, Emily Murphy, transfer of power,” Jen already killed near-
has not started the pro- Psaki, a Biden transition ly 240,000 Americans.
cess and has given no aide, tweeted Sunday. Biden will announce de-
guidance on when she The advisory board of tails on Monday of a task
will do so. the nonpartisan Center force that will create a
That lack of clarity is for Presidential Transition blueprint to attempt to
fueling questions about also urged the Trump ad- bring the pandemic under

Fraud claims aimed in part

at keeping Trump base loyal
BY COLLEEN LONG campaign aides and allies would — at best — fore-
AND ZEKE MILLER told The Associated Press stall the inevitable, and
The Associated Press that overwhelming evi- some had deep reserva-
dence of fraud isn’t really tions about the president’s
WASHINGTON — the point. attempts to undermine
President Donald Trump The strategy to wage faith in the vote. But they
has promised legal ac- a legal fight against the said Trump and a core
tion in the coming days votes tallied for Biden in group of loyalists were
as he refused to concede Pennsylvania and other aiming to keep his base
his loss to Democrat Joe places is more to provide of supporters on his side
Biden, making an ag- Trump with an off-ramp even in defeat.
gressive pitch for donors for a loss he can’t quite There has been no
to help finance any court grasp and less about election in decades in
fight. changing the election’s which such widespread
Trump and his cam- outcome, the officials fraud was alleged. The
paign have leveled ac- said. They spoke to AP closest was the 1960 elec-
cusations of large-scale on the condition of ano- tion in which Democrat
voter fraud in Pennsylva- nymity to discuss internal John F. Kennedy beat
nia and other states that strategy. Republican Richard Nix-
broke for Biden, so far Trump aides and al- on, and there were alle-
without proof. lies also acknowledged gations that fraud helped
But senior officials, privately the legal fights Kennedy win.

Trump’s election night party adds to virus scrutiny

BY JILL COLVIN the nation and infecting now under additional
The Associated Press more than 100,000 peo- scrutiny after the pres-
ple a day. ident’s chief of staff,
Polls suggest that Mark Meadows, became
was supposed to be a
attitude was a serious the latest top White
scene of celebration.
Instead, the Trump drag on the president’s House official to contract
campaign’s election reelection bid as voters the virus, which has now
night watch party in chose to deny Trump a killed more than 237,000
the White House East second term in favor of people in the U.S. alone.
Room has become anoth- his Democratic rival, The White House has re-
er symbol of President now President-Elect Joe peatedly refused to say
Donald Trump’s cavalier Biden. And the party — who else has tested pos-
attitude toward a virus with few masks and no itive, even as the virus
that is ripping across social distancing — is continues to spread.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2020 3A

4-County announces nominal rate cut for members

Residential customers will see average savings of $2.17 per month; Brandon Pres-
ley, Northern
savings will be based on usage
and other variables, 4-County
commercial customers’ savings will vary District commis-
sioner for the
officials said in the announce-
BY SLIM SMITH it’s about $2.10, $2.20 a month. ties and businesses recover state’s Public For Land, the rate reduction That’s not a lot, but for someone more quickly from the ongoing Service Com- is less about the money saved
like me with several properties, COVID-19 pandemic and re- mission, lauded than it is about 4-County’s at-
When Grey Land heard the it adds up. I’ll take it, that’s for flects the improved efficiencies 4-County’s rate titude toward its owner-mem-
news that 4-County Electric sure.” and fiscal performance of TVA, reduction.
Power Association would be re- 4-County announced the the company said in its press re- “Any reduction in costs to “I do think they look out for
ducing its rates for the next 12 rate cut, which will average lease announcing the rate cut. Mississippians is welcome in their customers,” Land said.
months, he didn’t immediately $2.17 for residential customers 4-County officials noted it the midst of the economic cri- “With this COVID thing go-
start making his retirement after receiving its allotment of absorbed a rate increase by sis we find ourselves in,” Pres- ing on, people are struggling.
plans. a $200 million credit from the TVA in 2016 without passing ley said. “My hat’s off to the Every dollar counts. I like that
He kept on bush-hogging. Tennessee Valley Authority, the rate increase on to its mem- manager and board for passing they’re giving back when they
“This will be the last time for which provides the co-op and bers. In total, member savings these savings back to the peo- have a chance. It would have
the year,” said Land, 63, a cattle its 40,000 members in east Mis- for that year alone were in ex- ple who own 4-County.” been just as easy for them to put
rancher and businessman who sissippi with electricity. cess of $1.4 million system wide The rate deduction will be- it in their pocket or spend it on
has lived in Noxubee County all TVA officials say the credit and $5.66 million over a four- gin in November and last 12 something else. It’s a good sign
his life. “You look at it and see is intended to help communi- year period. months. Commercial business that they did this.”

The following arrests
were made by Lowndes
County Sheriff’s Office:
n Sandy Fowler, 43,
was charged with posses-
sion of methamphetamine.
n Freddie Williams,
36, was charged with fel-
ony escape, possession Fowler Williams Gwathney Humphries Johnson C. Jordan S. Jordan McCaa Patmon Pickens
of methamphetamine, produce death. was charged with aggra- burglary and larceny of a
trafficking of controlled n Jameel Johnson, 26, vated assault to manifest dwelling and possession
substances, possession was charged with posses- extreme indifference to of marijuana.
of marijuana in a vehicle, sion, sale, transfer of a sto- life. n Diesha Walker, 25,
resisting arrest, suspend- len firearm. n Jamarcus Patmon, was charged with cyber-
ed drivers license and no
n Corrye Jordan, 22, 29, was charged with flee- stalking-email/communi-
was charged with felony ing or eluding in a motor cation to extort and simple
n Dustin Gwathney,
20, was charged with man- malicious mischief, speed- vehicle. assault. Seabrooks Walker Brackin Douglas
slaughter. ing and no insurance. n Allen Pickens, 49, n Briana Brackin, 32,
n Carlos Humphries, n Shannon Jordan, 42, was charged with posses- possession of metham- substance and resisting sion of marijuana more
46, was charged with ag- was charged with felony sion of methamphetamine. phetamine, possession arrest. than an ounce, possession
gravated assault with a malicious mischief. n Elijah Seabrooks, of marijuana in a vehicle, n Dearivs Douglas, 24, with intent to distribute
weapon or other means to n Devario McCaa, 29, 21, was charged with possession of a controlled was charged with posses- and expired license tag.

Greenville man in Oktibbeha jail after 6-hour standoff

DISPATCH STAFF REPORT charges in other jurisdic- in the water, brandished said. The Starkville Fire release from OCSO. $105,000, with $35,000 for
tions, Watson said. the gun and refused for Department, Oktibbeha Boyles was treated at each charge against him
Sheriff ’s OCSO, Starkville Po- six hours to surrender to County Emergency Man- OCH Regional Medical in Oktibbeha County.
deputies lice Department and Mis- authorities, Watson said. agement Agency and the Center for non life-threat- The investigation is
arrested a sissippi Highway Patrol Crisis negotiators from U.S. Marshal’s Fugitive ening injuries and is be- ongoing and will likely
Greenv ille officers pursued Boyles SPD, the FBI and Tupelo
man after Task Force were also in- ing held in the Oktibbeha result in more charges
in a car chase through Police Department “were
a six-hour Oktibbeha County off- able to convince Boyles volved in the pursuit, ac- County Jail, the release against Boyles, Watson
standoff and-on throughout the to surrender peacefully,” cording to a Friday press states. His bond totals said.
near St- day Thursday, losing and according to the press re-
urgis on Boyles finding him again several lease.
Thursday night, in which times, Watson said. Other law enforcement
the suspect stood waist- Boyles hit an officer’s agencies, including the
deep in a lake armed with car with his own car, sheriff’s departments in
a gun, said Capt. Brett which Watson said was Winston and Choctaw
Watson of the Oktibbeha stolen, resulting in the counties and the Acker-
County Sheriff’s Office. charge of assaulting an man and Sturgis police
Gary Boyles, 39, is officer. He drove the car departments, helped
charged in Oktibbeha through someone’s yard OCSO deputies appre-
County with assaulting an and into a lake just outside hend Boyles by blocking
officer, fleeing arrest and Sturgis. The car was com- streets and placing spike
possession of a weapon pletely underwater, and strips on the roads to stop

The Dispatch
by a felon, as well as other Boyles stood on the hood the car chase, Watson

of our customers receive their paper on time. (Believe us. We track these things.)
If you are unhappy with your delivery please let us know. Our goal is 100%
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The solunar period indicates
peak-feeding times for fish and game.
Mon. Tues.
Major 7:41p 8:34p
Minor 1:36a 2:43a
Major 8:08a 8:59a
Minor 3:30p 4:04p
Courtesy of Mississippi Department
of Wildlife, Fisheries and Parks

The Dispatch
The Commercial Dispatch (USPS 142-320)
Published daily except Saturday. Answers to common questions:
Entered at the post office at Columbus, Mississippi.
Periodicals postage paid at Columbus, MS Phone: 662-328-2424
POSTMASTER, Send address changes to:
The Commercial Dispatch, P.O. Box 511, Columbus, MS 39703 Website:
Published by Commercial Dispatch Publishing Company Inc.,
516 Main St., Columbus, MS 39703
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PETER BIRNEY IMES Editor/Publisher
BIRNEY IMES III Editor/Publisher 1998-2018
BIRNEY IMES JR. Editor/Publisher 1947-2003

BIRNEY IMES SR. Editor/Publisher 1922-1947

ZACK PLAIR, Managing Editor

BETH PROFFITT Advertising Director
MICHAEL FLOYD Circulation/Production Manager

This little light of mine
“You are the light, and you told about St. Martin. At through their toys and clothing finding
have the power to overcome the age of 15, Martin was outgrown and unused items to donate
the darkness that exists in the conscripted into the French to charities. Adults did the same with
world.” Calvary. It is said he came clothing and household items. The
— Bob Marley, Jamaican upon a beggar with mea- donations were cleaned, repaired and
singer and songwriter ger clothing lying in the made serviceable for those in need.
(1945-1981) street during a snowstorm. Perhaps one would even provide some-
Martin dismounted and thing new — a warm sweater, a scarf,

veryone loves a tore his cloak in two and gloves, a blanket. The celebration of
holiday, and if ever covered the beggar. That Martinmas was intended to honor the
there was a time we night Martin had a dream. memory of Saint Martin who thought
could use more holidays and He dreamed he saw the of others more than he thought of
more celebrations perhaps Shannon Bardwell Christ wearing his cloak himself.
it would be now. Fortunate- and heard him say, “When In the last few weeks, I’ve busied
ly, Nov. 11 was declared a you did it for the least of myself decluttering again. With each
holiday in Western Europe during the these, you did it for me.” season it seems good to go through
Middle Ages, known as Martinmas or As Martin’s faith grew, he asked to one’s possessions and see what is
the Mass of St. Martin. At that time be dismissed from his military service needed and what is not; what has been
the festival was a celebration of gather- and refused his pay. His desire was used and what has not. I find this
ing in the fall wheat and the harvesting to pursue a monastic life. His request practice to be a joy, it’s quiet, almost
of livestock for winter. Martinmas was considered cowardice. He was to meditative. It’s a recycling of sorts.
would relate somewhat to our Thanks- be jailed until Martin committed to go What we can’t use can often be used
giving celebration. Typically, families into battle unarmed. Convinced of his treats. It is said, in Estonia to receive a by others and vice-versa.
and communities gathered together to sincerity, his superiors released him. sweet potato or a turnip was quite the And so, if you find yourself with
celebrate with feasting, dancing, bon- Traditions evolved for the festival treasure, as vegetables were scarce in a little time on your hands, perhaps
fires and parades. It was a time to be of Martinmas including a parade of winter. consider celebrating your own Mar-
grateful for God’s provision, the earth’s lanterns symbolizing bringing light Also, Martinmas was a time of tinmas by carrying your lantern into a
bounty, for family and friends and the into a darkened world. Children cre- decluttering household possessions, darkened world.
good things of life. ated homemade lanterns, going from a practice that has become popular Email reaches Shannon Bardwell of
There are two stories most often house to house giving and receiving in the last few years. Children went Columbus at


Democracy in action
Four years back when Trump
got elected, I wrote of democracy
in action.
Once again, I am writing on
this subject in this critical time of
a pandemic.
Who could have thought an
African-American girl of Indi-
an mother would become vice
president-elect of the USA? Or
red states become blue, espe-
cially John McCain’s Arizona or
Georgia? It is only possible in this
USA, a country where diversity
and equal opportunity along with
democracy is in place.
Kamala was born in 1964 to
her immigrant father, Donald
Harris (originally from Jamaica)
and mother, Shyamala Gopalan
(originally from India). However,
her mother — a single mom —
was the architect of bringing up
Who wouldn’t be proud of Vice
President-elect Kamala Harris?
America is really a country of pos-
sibility where dreams can come
true for anyone.
We should rejoice our own
American democracy.
Jiben Roy

Today is Monday, Nov. 9, the LOCAL VOICES
314th day of 2020. There are 52
days left in the year.

Today’s Highlight in History:

Letter from Detroit
voted for President-elect much debate and consider- sense of the word. When you aren’t
On Nov. 9, 1989, communist
Biden and Vice-Presi- ation. Progress is always certain about something, admitting
East Germany threw open its
dent-elect Harris. I wish dangerous work even when it, not pretending like you are more
borders, allowing citizens to travel
their next administration necessary because it could certain than you are. Truly considering
freely to the West; joyous Ger-
much success. But I want to make things worse, and the idea that your point of view may be
mans danced atop the Berlin Wall.
share a perspective with my there are always unintended missing an angle or information that
fellow citizens. consequences to consider. would change your opinion. Admitting
On this date: I know some voters who But I do think we have to how much we as humans change our
In 1620, the passengers and supported President Trump address some fundamental opinions over time, or how much of
crew of the Mayflower sighted will always think this issues that are not even our opinions are situational. We need
Cape Cod. election was stolen from political. the deepest form of honesty possible
In 1938, Nazis looted and him. He is certainly feeding For one, local and if we are going to be able to negotiate
burned synagogues as well as information into that line of Andrew Colom independent media have our way out of this partisanship battle.
Jewish-owned stores and houses in thinking. to break the stranglehold We need honesty so powerful you
Germany and Austria in a pogrom I grew up in Columbus of the national media. can’t even cancel the person express-
or deliberate persecution that be- Mississippi, a place that I love. Many of The problem with such powerful and ing their honesty because they aren’t
came known as “Kristallnacht.” the people I called neighbors, friends, centralized national media drawing so afraid of the mob, either on twitter
In 1961, U.S. Air Force Maj. and classmates, are supporters of Pres- much attention is that they naturally or on the comment sections of a new
Robert M. White became the first ident Trump. Many of them supported become polarized and draw the whole article.
pilot to fly an X-15 rocket plane at him in 2016 for very specific reasons, country into a wrestling-like caricature I love Mississippi. I love New York
six times the speed of sound. The while not loving everything about him. posture that makes any large change City (I have ever since I was a child). I
Beatles’ future manager, Brian Ep- Adam Garner has been one of my very difficult to find compromise to do. have loved trips to Atlanta, Memphis,
stein, first saw the group perform best friends since elementary school. A renewal of local media mixed with Little Rock, living in Cali for a year.
at The Cavern Club in Liverpool, I still count him as a beloved, close new independent media shows on You- Now, my great love is Detroit, the city I
England. friend. Someone I will always deeply Tube, Spotify and Twitch, can provide choose. I have been all over this great
In 1965, the great Northeast love and support. He supported Trump a pathway for a renewed conversation. nation, and I can say I love America,
blackout began as a series of power in 2016 and may have supported him As much as possible, we need to keep even when it feels like it does not love
failures lasting up to 13 1/2 hours, in 2020. But I also know him and his those spaces free and open for civil me back. Love is like that sometimes.
leaving 30 million people in seven family (who also may have supported debate even if pointed. President Lincoln once said: “At what
states and part of Canada without Trump) are extremely kind, loving, Lastly, we need a return to the idea point then is the approach of danger to
electricity. and God-fearing people. of nobility. The most corrosive and de- be expected? I answer, if it ever reach-
In 1967, a Saturn V rocket As President Biden prepares to structive ideas are ones that deny the es us, it must spring up amongst us. It
carrying an unmanned Apollo resume control over the executive belief that nobility exists at all. Often cannot come from abroad. If destruc-
spacecraft blasted off from Cape branch, I want to make sure Demo- rich people use the idea of nobility to tion be our lot, we must ourselves be
Kennedy on a successful test flight. crats understand that America also justify their wealth, but nobility isn’t its author and finisher. As a nation of
In 1976, the U.N. General belongs to a lot of good people who a class thing. Educators are often freemen, we must live through all time,
Assembly approved resolutions con- supported Trump. We must find a way the noblest people in society. What or die by suicide.”
demning apartheid in South Africa, to come together with them from a does it mean to be noble? For one, it We must never die by suicide. We
including one characterizing the place of listening, understanding and must mean to be honest. I don’t mean must learn again (maybe truly for the
white-ruled government as “illegit- love. honest in just the surface meaning first time) how to love one another.
imate.” The answers to our dilemmas are of not saying something you know is Andrew Colom is a Columbus native
SOURCE: AP nuanced and complex and deserve not true. I mean honest in the deepest now living in Detroit, Michigan.
The Dispatch • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2020 5A

Amid virus, Mississippi must set

medical marijuana program
‘This vote shows minds spread of the coronavirus.
The constitutional amendment
Proceeds from medical marijuana
will go toward funding the pro-
are changing. We don’t places the Mississippi Department
of Health in charge of issuing med-
Before July 1, the Health Depart-
want our sick suffering.’ ical marijuana identification cards ment needs to finalize regulations
Jaqueline Temple Rudder, a home- and licensing treatment centers on advertising, procedures for
maker from Madison County who where patients will access marijua- tracking and labeling marijuana at
lost her father-in-law to cancer na for medical purposes. Officials treatment centers and use of medi-
will have until August to begin li- cal marijuana in nursing homes.
BY LEAH WILLINGHAM censing treatment centers and cer- Voters chose Initiative 65 over
The Associated Press/Report for America tifying eligible patients. a similar but more restrictive mea-
Health Department said sure designed by lawmakers. Al-
JACKSON — The Mississippi Wednesday that it is in the “plan- ternative 65A would have left tax
Department of Health has been ning stages and reviewing various rates, possession limits and certain
working around the clock to re- elements important to creating a other details to the Legislature and
spond to the coronavirus pandem- successful marijuana program.” had no start date.
ic. Now, the agency will be re- “The Agency will do its best to Mary Collins Harwell of Jackson
sponsible for starting a statewide manage both major (COVID) en- said she supported Initiative 65 be-
medical marijuana program within deavors,” spokeswoman Liz Sharlot cause her 13-year-old son has se-
the next nine months. said. vere autism and cerebral palsy and
Uncertified election results Initiative 65 places specific lives with intense pain that hasn’t
show 74 percent of Mississippi vot- guidelines into the state constitu- responded to other treatment.
ers approved the ballot measure tion for how the medical marijuana “Unless you are put in a position
that allows doctors to prescribe up program will be run. in your life where you or somebody
to 5 ounces (142 grams) of marijua- Appointments for certification you love needs it, you just don’t
na per month for people who have must be done in-person with li- think of marijuana as something
at least one of more than 20 serious censed physicians; treatment cards that is going to help,” Harwell said.
medical conditions. for patients, which can cost no “You think about people sitting
“This vote shows minds are more than $50, are valid for up to 12 around smoking joints. That’s not
changing,” said Jaqueline Temple months; medical marijuana can be what we’re talking about.”
Rudder, a homemaker from Mad- prescribed for shorter periods or Angie Calhoun of Puckett said
ison County who lost her father- renewed for longer based on phy- her son suffers from chronic condi-
in-law to cancer and voted for Ini- sicians’ recommendations. Minors tions such as focal seizures, severe
tiative 65. “We don’t want our sick can be prescribed marijuana with joint pain and nausea. He tried 17
suffering.” the consent of a parent or guardian. prescriptions before moving to
Both Gov. Tate Reeves and The Health Department will Colorado to try medical marijuana,
state’s top health officer, Dr. Thom- not be able to limit the number of which finally helped him.
as Dobbs, opposed the initiative. treatment centers or set the price Now, Calhoun’s son can come
Reeves said passage would lead of medical marijuana. Treatment home to Mississippi.
Mississippi to have the “most lib- centers will be allowed where oth- “My son doesn’t have to be a
eral weed rules” in the country — er commercial businesses are al- medical refugee any longer,” she
although it does not legalize rec- lowed, although not within 500 feet said. “This vote shows that most
reational marijuana. Dobbs said it of a school, day care or church. Mississippians, like us, want help
would distract health officials who Marijuana sales can be taxed up for our sick patients with some-
are working furiously to slow the to the state tax rate of 7 percent. thing that’s natural and safe.”

Alex Trebek, long-running ‘Jeopardy!’ host, dies at 80

Trebek, who announced in 2019 that dy!” contract ran for three
more years. Less than
“Alex wasn’t just the
best ever at what he did.
he had advanced pancreatic cancer, a week later, he opened
the show with a message
He was also a lovely and
deeply decent man, and
died at his Los Angeles home Sunday acknowledging the out- I’m grateful for every min-
pouring of kind words and ute I got to spend with
BY LYNN ELBER host, who made a point of prayers he’d received. him,” tweeted “Jeopardy!”
AP Television Writer informing fans about his “Thanks to the — be- champion Ken Jennings.
health directly, spoke in lieve it or not — hundreds
LOS ANGELES — a calm, even tone as he of thousands of people
Alex Trebek, who presid- revealed his illness and who have sent in tweets,
ed over the beloved quiz hope for a cure in a video texts, emails, cards and
show “Jeopardy!” for more posted March 6, 2019. letters wishing me well,”
than 30 years with dap- In the video, Trebek Trebek said. “I’m a lucky
per charm and a touch of said he was joining the guy.”
schoolmaster strictness, 50,000 other Americans The program tapes
died Sunday. He was 80. who receive such a diag- weeks of shows in ad-
Trebek, who an- nosis each year and that vance, and the remaining
nounced in 2019 that he he recognized that the episodes with Trebek will
had advanced pancreatic prognosis was not encour- air through Dec. 25, a
cancer, died at his Los aging. Sony spokeswoman said.
Angeles home, surround- But Trebek said he in- Messages of grief and
ed by family and friends, tended to fight it and keep respect from former con-
“Jeopardy!” studio Sony working, even joking that testants, celebrities and
said. he needed to beat the dis- the wider public quickly
The Canadian-born ease because his “Jeopar- followed news of his loss.

Jacqueline Brumley Greg Hudson, Malinda
OBITUARY POLICY Hudson of Starkville,
Obituaries with basic informa- COLUMBUS — Jac-
tion including visitation and queline W. Brumley, Johnny Hudson, Myrtle
service times, are provided 93, died Nov. 9, 2020, at Hudson both of Ann
free of charge. Extended Windsor Place. Arbor, Michigan, Ben
obituaries with a photograph, Arrangements are Hudson of New Orle-
detailed biographical informa-
incomplete and will be ans, Louisiana, Marcel-
tion and other details families
announced by Memori- la Hudson of Lansing,
may wish to include, are avail-
able for a fee. Obituaries must al Gunter Peel Funeral Michigan and Selma
be submitted through funeral Home and Crematory, Davis of Jackson; and
homes unless the deceased’s Second Avenue North grandchildren.
body has been donated to location.
science. If the deceased’s
body was donated to science,
the family must provide official Patricia Smith
proof of death. Please submit STARKVILLE —
all obituaries on the form pro- Patricia Hudson Smith,
vided by The Commercial Dis- 67, died Nov. 3, 2020, in
patch. Free notices must be
submitted to the newspaper
no later than 3 p.m. the day
Graveside services
prior for publication Tuesday will be at 1 p.m. Tues-
through Friday; no later than 4 day, in Josey Creek
p.m. Saturday for the Sunday Cemetery. Visitation is
edition; and no later than 7:30 from 1-6 p.m. today, at
a.m. for the Monday edition. West Memorial Funeral
Incomplete notices must be re-
Home. West Memo-
ceived no later than 7:30 a.m.
for the Monday through Friday
rial Funeral Home of
editions. Paid notices must be Starkville is in charge
finalized by 3 p.m. for inclusion of arrangements.
the next day Monday through She is survived by Jacqueline Brumley
Thursday; and on Friday by 3 her children, Tamela Incomplete
p.m. for Sunday and Monday Henderson, Natrosa- 2nd Ave. N. Location
publication. For more informa-
lyn Henderson both of
tion, call 662-328-2471.
Columbus, Reginald
Henderson of Riv-
Peggy Barksdale erview, Florida and
COLUMBUS — Peg- Mark Henderson of
gy Barksdale, 80, died Delray Beach, Florida;
Nov. 8, 2020, at her step-daughter, Melony
residence. Horton of Jackson; sib-
Lowndes Funeral lings, Bobby Hudson of
Home of Columbus is Fayetteville, North Car-
in charge of arrange- olina, Fredrick Hudson
ments. of San Antonio Texas,
6A MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2020 The Dispatch •

Continued from Page 1A
the state, Bryan said, and pitbulls, for exam-
she started seeing dogs ple, were bred to fight in
chained outside. The illegal fighting rings, and
level of care, she said, their bodies were torn
was awful. with scars, she said.
“They are skinny. “They are fought.
They are on chains (and They are abused. They
given) a big bucket of are chained. They are
water,” Bryan said. “I starved. What I see is
believe that (dogs) are shattering,” Bryan said.
here to teach humans “It’s the most sick, evil
about love. A human is event … on planet earth.”
never going to have that In March, Bryan
bond with a dog tied to a adopted Willow, a bait
fence.” dog who used to fight, as
Bryan decided to step her own. But still, there
up. She knocked on doors are many more lives she
and asked if she could could not save. Because
walk their dogs for them. of the dog fighting world,
She brought the dogs Bryan said, people have
food, medicine and water. stereotypes against
Over the years, she said,
breeds such as pitbulls,
she has developed a route
making their adoption
in West Point and walks
harder than others.
it every morning to feed
“It’s not their fault. It’s
the animals in her way.
the humans’ fault. They
“Cats follow my car.
bred them horribly,”
Dogs recognize my
car. Crazy animal lady,” Courtesy photo/Neely Bryan Bryan said. “Only one out
Bryan referred to herself
Neely Bryan hugs one of the rescue dogs at the West of 600 pitbulls ever finds
Point-Clay County Animal Shelter on Friday afternoon. a home. One in 600.”
with a grin. As of Friday, the shelter had 34 dogs and 28 cats,
Her love for animals, Still, Bryan hopes her
according to the staff. actions to raise aware-
Bryan said, has roots in
her family. Growing up Now, she gets to “There’s never an ness of animal care have
on a farm in Memphis, spread that love further. empty yard,” she said. changed — and continue
Bryan said her parents The Memphis native has Sometimes, her love to change — people’s
would pick up animals on been the director of the for animals stretches hearts.
the side of the road, spay, West Point-Clay County beyond dogs and cats. “My presence, I feel,
neuter and care for them. Animal Shelter for a year, At the sight of a shelter people witnessing what I
“I love all animals, where she trains volun- cat’s capture of a mouse do, is still creating a shift
including earthworms. teers, helps abandoned, Friday morning, Bryan on some level,” Bryan
I move them off the neglected or surrendered screamed at her staff: said. “I get so frustrated,
sidewalk. I swerve for animals gain strength “Save the mouse! Save but that’s where I have
butterflies,” she said. “ … and find them a new the mouse!” to realize, ‘Look, they
If you ever asked, ‘ Say home. She makes sure Due to the nature of have an awareness now
your name and tell me dogs get the exercise her work, she said, the around dogs. Before you
one thing about yourself,’ they need and sets up animal mistreatment she came, they didn’t. So you
it’s always, ‘I’m Neely and “playgroups” in yards for would witness was gut are still doing good work,
I love animals.’” dogs who get along. wrenching. Bait dogs Neely.’ I’m the dog lady.”

Continued from Page 1A
If no candidate won sissippi’s election system election agreed to repeal Democrats. It is now con-
both the popular vote and violated the principle of the electoral provision, trolled by Republicans.
the electoral vote, the race one-person, one-vote. according to uncertified In future races with
was decided by the state Plaintiffs said Missis- results. more than two candidates,
House. Because represen- sippi’s history of racially Mississippi has not yet Mississippi will have run-
tatives were not obligated polarized voting meant elected a Black candidate
offs if no candidate re-
to vote as their districts that candidates preferred to statewide office. Al-
did, an election could be by Black voters needed a though the complicated ceives a simple majority
decided by deal-making higher share of the state- election process was de- in the first round of voting.
or even by the whim of a wide vote to win a majority signed to suppress Black
lawmaker who disagreed of House districts. political power, it was rare-
with the majority of voters Days before the 2019 ly used because most can-
in his or her own district. governor’s race, U.S. Dis- didates have fulfilled both
Mississippi was the trict Judge Daniel P. Jor- parts of the checklist.
only state in the U.S. with dan III wrote that he had The last time a gover-
this multistep process for “grave concern” about the nor’s race was thrown to
electing statewide offi- constitutionality of the the Mississippi House was
cials. electoral vote provision. in January 2000. Nobody
The process was writ- Jordan wrote that the received the required ma-
ten when white politicians plaintiffs’ argument about jorities in a four-person
across the South were en- violation of one person, governor’s race in 1999.
acting laws to erase Black one vote is “arguably ... The top two candidates
political power gained their strongest claim.” were white, and each won
during Reconstruction. Jordan put the lawsuit in 61 House districts.
The separate House vote on hold in December and In January 2000, House
was promoted as a way gave legislators a chance members chose Democrat
for the white ruling class to remedy the system by Ronnie Musgrove, a one-
have the final say in who putting a proposed con- term lieutenant governor
holds office. stitutional amendment on who led the popular vote
Currently, about 38 the ballot. for governor, over Republi-
percent of Mississippi’s About 78 percent of can former U.S. Rep. Mike
residents are Black. The people who cast ballots Parker. At the time, the
lawsuit argued that Mis- in last week’s general House was controlled by

Continued from Page 1A
teachers were overburdened with three types of lesson plans, Superintendent Eddie
Peasant said at the time.
As of October, about 70 percent of the district’s elementary school students and
55 to 60 percent of older students commute to and from campuses for traditional
learning, an increase of about 10 percent for both since the start of the school year.


Longtime Mississippi in 2013 before pleading to improving child care ser-
state and federal charges vices in the state.
sheriff dies involving his office. He “I often say child care
of COVID-19 in Alabama was still known as a de- represents the backbone
PASCAGOULA — A vout Christian who sang of the workforce,” Chad
longtime Mississip- gospel music and was a Allgood, director of the
pi sheriff has died of good friend and family agency’s Division of Early
COVID-19 in the hospital man. Childhood Care and De-
where he was being treat- “Mike had the great- velopment, said in a news
ed. est personality,” said Cir- release.
The Sun Herald report- cuit Clerk Randy Carney. “Without child care we
ed that former Jackson “Every time I saw him, he couldn’t work,” he said.
County Sheriff Mike Byrd would hug my neck. Mike “It is extremely important
died Thursday on his 71st would tell me, ‘Man, if you that we understand how
birthday after battling the need anything, just let
important child care is,
me know,’ He had a great
illness caused by the new and provide the support
sense of humor.”
coronavirus. our child care providers
Byrd had been hospi- need to be successful.”
talized on a ventilator at Mississippi sets online The meetings begin at
a hospital in Mobile, Al- meetings about child 11 a.m. and 6 p.m. Mon-
abama, and the sheriff’s care services day and Thursday and at
department announced JACKSON — The Mis- the same times Nov. 18.
his death on its Facebook sissippi Department of Information and links
page. Human Services is hold- to the meetings is avail-
Byrd, who served four ing online meetings to able at https://secac.
terms as sheriff, resigned gather information about

If you don’t read The Dispatch, how are you gonna know?

Elliott drives from back of the field to first NASCAR title

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Earnhardt Jr. could not tory lane at Phoenix to the championship,” “My heart is full,” 8 years old on skis, su-
and parlayed the pop- win for Hendrick and said Elliott, “those are said Johnson, who is per quiet, wouldn’t say
AVONDALE, Ariz. ularity gleamed off his Chevrolet, which had moments you can only tied with Hall of Famers much.
— The new face of NA- Hall of Fame father into been shut out of the title dream, you know, and Richard Petty and Dale “To watch him grow
SCAR circled Phoenix a NASCAR champion- race since Johnson won this is a dream. Earnhardt with seven up and to be around him
Raceway for a celebra- ship. The son of “Awe- his seventh and final “Just hoping I don’t titles. His 83 victories and to give him some
tory lap of his finest some Bill crown in 2016. ever wake up.” rank sixth on the career advice from time to time
achievement. Chase El- from Daw- “I just never would Elliott’s car failed wins list and his stretch has really been mean-
liott, NASCAR’s most sonville” have thought that this pre-race inspection and of five consecutive titles ingful for me. I think
popular driver, was now Georgia year would have gone the penalty cost him from 2006 -2010 is a NA- more about him winning
a Cup champion, too. solidi f ied like it has,” Elliott said. the pole when he was SCAR record. a championship more
He came upon team- himself as “I mean, NASCAR Cup sent to the rear. But he Asked what he will re- than anything.”
mate Jimmie Johnson, the new Series champion, are raced his way through member about his 686th Elliott, who turns 25
who banged doors with face of Hen- you kidding me? Unre- traffic in the first stage race, Johnson said it later this month, has fol-
Elliott. Then the sev- drick Mo- Elliott al.” and then took control of will be Elliott’s break- lowed his father’s foot-
en-time champion, in torspor ts, He shared a long the championship. El- through. steps. Bill Elliott won
his final race, gave El- of Chev- hug with Johnson, who liott led seven times for “Chase Elliott won the 1988 championship
liott a fist bump. rolet and of NASCAR joined Elliott for the vic- a race-high 153 laps. his first championship. and 16 times was voted
The torch has offi- on the day the greatest tory celebration. Johnson finished fifth I’m so happy for that by the fans NASCAR’s
cially been passed. driver of this generation “Oh my gosh, I mean, — his best result since guy,” he said. “I can re- most popular driver.
This is NASCAR’s called it a career. to share a moment August — in his final call going snowboarding Chase Elliott became
Camelot. Elliott drove from the like that, Jimmie’s last ride in Hendrick’s No. with Bill out in Colorado the fan favorite in 2018
Elliott did what Dale back of the field to vic- race, to win and lock 48 Chevrolet. and Chase was maybe See NASCAR, 3B


7&7: Ethan Rollins, Jane Claire Newman
set to take
lead Caledonia soccer to sweep of Amory
to Meridian


gan Greenhaw wasn’t
speaking to her best
Greenhaw, a senior at
New Hope High School,
was upset with Bree
Younger — her clos-
est friend since third
grade — when Younger
told Greenhaw she was
on her own for college.
While Greenhaw an-
nounced her commit-
ment to play soccer at
Meridian Community
College on Sept. 10,
Younger — also offered
a scholarship by the Ea-
gles — told her friend

No fans
means no
roars, the
magic of Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff
Caledonia junior Ethan Rollins (7) dribbles into the box in the first half of Saturday’s home match against Amory. Caledonia won on
the penalty kicks.

“I think some of us weren’t
in the right mindset, and
“They kind of just realized,
‘Hey, we have control of the
Rollins showed more of
that promise in the penalty
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS whenever they scored, I feel game now,’” Newman said of round, coming up with Cale-
CALEDONIA — A pair like that really opened up our her teammates. donia staked to a 3-2 lead.
AUGUSTA, Ga. — of 7s proved to be a winning eyes, and we came back and Blake said his team’s abil- He calmly drove his shot past
The roars were endless hand for Caledonia soccer we got our job done,” New- ity to pull away was import- goalkeeper Tyler Sledge and
Sunday at the Masters, in Saturday’s home matches man said. ant against an Amory team shouted “Let’s go!” repeated-
coming from every- against Amory. Lauren Brown answered against which Caledonia felt ly as he ran toward his jubi-
where for just about ev- Ethan Rollins and Jane for Caledonia on a breakaway it was the favorite and the bet- lant teammates.
eryone. Claire Newman — both of in the 18th minute, prompt- ter team. Matches between “It was good to get that
One moment stood whom don the No. 7 jersey ing Blake to query his players the two schools always seem win,” Rollins said.
out in 2011. — led the way for Caledonia from the sideline. to be close, and Caledonia Caledonia rebounded from
From below the rise in wins by the home school’s “Hey, can we get going came through Saturday. a 2-0 loss to Oxford in which,
of the fairway on the boys and girls matches now?” the coach implored. “Every year with Amory Rollins said, his team pos-
par-5 eighth hole, it against the Panthers. “Let’s go!” and Caledonia, it’s always a sessed the ball well against
sounded like a sonic Rollins scored on a penalty It took until the second battle,” Blake said. “They’re the Chargers. With several
boom. That was an ea- on the first half of the boys half, though not long into it. always going to come in here players shifting positions and
gle cheer coming from match and later ended it with Thirty-seven seconds into the and give us their very best.” a plethora of first-time start-
the green, no doubt. But the decisive penalty kick to period, Newman sent a cross The same applied in the ers, Saturday’s win was im-
for whom? clinch the match for Caledo- in from close range for an boys match Saturday as the portant, Blake said.
“Tiger Woods just nia, while Newman scored easy go-ahead goal that came Panthers gave Caledonia all “We’ve got to build that
came through,” a mar- twice in the second half to faster than she ever expected. it could handle. Amory’s Gun- confidence,” the coach said.
shal said, and thus end- lead her team to a 3-1 win. “She’s our goal scorer up nar Williams even gave his “You’re going to build that
ed the mystery. The wins improved both top,” Blake said of his senior team the lead in the 10th min- confidence through winning
But it didn’t end teams to 1-1 on the season af- forward and leader. “She’s the ute before Rollins was tripped games.”
there. ter losses at Oxford on Thurs- one we’re counting on to pro- up in the 19th for a penalty Ultimately, Caledonia did
Woods, who started day. duce goals, and she found a and finished his shot to tie the that Saturday, representing
that final round seven Newman, whose girls way to do that today. We were match. positive progress that Blake
shots out of the lead, squad lost to the Chargers really counting on her to put Blake said he was proud of was happy to see.
now was tied for the 4-0, said Caledonia never gave the ball in the back of the net.” Rollins’ progression after be- “As long as we’re taking
lead. Moments later, as up in its season opener de- Less than 20 minutes later ing low on the team’s depth steps forward at this point
Woods headed to the spite the tough competition. a handball in the box by Amo- chart as a sophomore last sea- in the season, by the end of
ninth tee, another cheer The same was true Saturday ry gave Caledonia a penalty. son. the season we’re going to be
rang out from the 18th even after a goal by Amory’s Newman blasted a shot off the “This year, we’re looking a completely different team,”
green. And then, anoth- Emma Gore in the fourth goalkeeper and into the net to for him to really take a big Blake said. “I think today, the
er one down by Amen minute Saturday served as a double her team’s lead and step forward, and I think he’s most important thing is that
See MASTERS, 3B wake-up call. strengthen its confidence. doing that,” Blake said. we found a way to win.”
2B MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2020 The Dispatch •

Tagovailoa, Dolphins rally for 34-31 win over Cardinals

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Fitzpatrick as the starter ing drives in the fourth on the next series, deliv- pired in the second quar- contain the virus. We all
following the team’s bye quarter. The left-hander ering an impressive 10- ter to give the Dolphins a know there is a pandem-
GLENDALE, Ariz. week. also made some plays play, 93-yard drive that 24-17 halftime lead. It was ic. The infections are go-
— The first professional Miami (5-3) has won with his feet, extending ended with an 11-yard the longest field goal of ing up. We’re trying to do
matchup of Tua Tagov- four straight games. The drives with scrambles. touchdown pass to Mack his three-year pro career. everything we can.”
ailoa and Kyler Murray Cardinals (5-3) had their He finished with 35 yards Hollins. Miami pushed Sanders has made 20
certainly lived up to the three-game winning rushing. ahead 34-31 with 3:30 left consecutive field goals, a
hype. streak snapped. “Tua did his part,” Mi- on a 50-yard field goal by franchise record.
Dolphins: WR Preston
The two young quar- Murray, the 2019 Of- ami coach Brian Flores Jason Sanders.
Williams (foot) left the
terbacks traded pinpoint
passes, timely scram-
fensive Rookie of the said. “It wasn’t a perfect “I don’t think any mo- Coaches out game in the second quar-
Year, finished with 283 game. He made some ment is too big for Tua,” The Dolphins had five ter and didn’t return. ...
bles and other big plays yards passing and three mistakes, like we all did. Miami center Ted Karras assistant coaches un-
in a dazzling show of the TE Durham Smythe was
touchdowns, adding 106 But he fought back. We said. “He has gained the available on Sunday be-
league’s future. In the respect of everyone in evaluated for a concus-
yards rushing on 11 car- fought back as a team.” cause of COVID-19 pro-
end, it was the rookie who that huddle, and we want sion in the second half.
ries in another stellar This matches the Dol- tocols.
came out with the win. to go to battle for him and Cardinals: CB Kevin
performance. He was phins’ best record at the They were defensive
The 22-year-old Tagov- keep winning games.” Peterson left the game
obviously frustrated the halfway point since 2001 backs coach Gerald Al-
ailoa threw for 248 yards Miami came in allow- early in the second quar-
Cardinals couldn’t score and the four-game win- exander, quarterbacks
and two touchdowns in in the fourth quarter and ning streak is their lon- ing the fewest points per ter for a concussion eval-
coach Robby Brown, out-
just his second NFL start watched the Dolphins gest since 2016. game in the NFL and the uation and didn’t return.
side linebackers coach
as the Miami Dolphins score 10 unanswered Miami had a 24-17 defense supplied seven of Arizona was already play-
Austin Clark, defensive
rallied in the fourth quar- points for the victory halftime lead but Arizo- its own in the first quar- ing without starting CB
line coach Marion Hobby
ter for a 34-31 victory over Arizona’s Zane Gonza- na tied the game early in ter. Murray was scram- Dre Kirkpatrick, inactive
and quality control coach
the Arizona Cardinals on lez was short on a 49-yard the third quarter on Mur- bling on third down with a thigh injury.
Kolby Smith.
Sunday. field goal attempt that ray’s 21-yard pass to tight when Emmanuel Ogbah “The protocol said
“That was awesome. would have tied the game end Darrell Daniels, who smacked the ball out of those coaches had to be Up next
It was fun for the fans with 1:53 left. snatched the ball away his hands. Shaq Lawson out,” Flores said. “Noth- Dolphins: return home
as well, not just us com- Murray paused for sev- from cornerback Byron scooped up the fumble ing is more important to host the Chargers next
peting,” Tagovailoa said eral seconds before an- Jones as the two tumbled and ran 36 yards for a 7-0 than the health of this Sunday.
of the duel with Murray. swering a few postgame to the ground in the end lead. team. We’re going to do Cardinals: host the
“You know what you’re questions, struggling for zone. Murray played much everything possible to Bills next Sunday.
going to get when it a response. The Cardinals pushed better after that cost-
comes to Kyler. You know “We came out here and ahead 31-24 late in the ly miscue, throwing for
the kind of explosive play- laid an egg,” Murray said. third quarter on Mur- 151 yards and two touch-
er he is. He might be the Tagovailoa was much ray’s 12-yard run. It was downs while also running
fastest player in the NFL more productive in his the seventh time in eight for 52 yards in the first
right now. Oh my gosh, second start after throw- games the quarterback half.
he’s faster than me.” ing for just 93 yards has thrown and run for at
But Tagovailoa was against the Rams last least one touchdown. Big foot
the winner. He’s 2-0 since week. He showed great But the Dolphins and Sanders made a 56-
taking over for Ryan poise during two scor- Tagovailoa fought back yard field goal as time ex-

Cowboys settle for progress in near-upset of 8-0 Steelers

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Minkah Fitzpatrick near — Coach Mike Vrabel and COVID-19 issues.
the goal line. has been warning his Chicago lost its third
ARLINGTON, Tex- “Today’s a reflection Tennessee Titans they straight despite the de-
as — Garrett Gilbert of what we’re capable of had reached a crossroads fense coming up with
breathed some life into an doing,” McCarthy said. “I after losing back-to-back three sacks and holding
offense that needed it and think the understanding games. the NFL’s fifth-best of-
had the Dallas Cowboys of how we’re playing and Ryan Tannehill threw fense averaging 407 yards
23 yards from a big upset how we want things done, two touchdown passes, a game to a season-low
in his first career start six you can see it building and the banged-up Ten- 228.
years after the quarter- throughout the prepara- nessee Titans responded “When you’re sitting
back was drafted. tion phase.” Sunday by never trailing 5-1, to be 5-4, it hurts,”
The Cowboys had to Gilbert’s first career in beating the Chicago Bears coach Matt Nagy
settle for progress in a TD pass — a 20-yarder to Bears 24-17. said. “But now we’ve got
season that’s just about rookie CeeDee Lamb — The Titans (6-2) avoid- to make sure, whatever
lost, falling 24-19 to the ended a two-game stretch ed their longest skid those issues are, we just
unbeaten Pittsburgh without reaching the end since Tannehill took over at some point in time get
Steelers on Sunday when zone for an offense that as starting quarterback this thing back on track.”
Dallas was the biggest was No. 1 in the NFL with and stayed atop the AFC
underdog it has been at Prescott. But that was the South going into Thurs-
home in at least 31 years. only TD, and the offense day night’s division show-
“We deserved a chance squandered two more down against Indianapo-
to win that game,” Gilbert good chances provided by lis.
said. “Obviously, we gave special teams. Still, Vrabel clearly
ourselves that chance. It’s C.J. Goodwin took an wasn’t very happy after
just tough when all of us across-the-field lateral on his Titans failed to build
together put everything a punt down the right side- on a 17-0 lead after three
into that thing and then line 83 yards, but some of quarters.
come up short.” that was erased by an ille- “We just have to fin-
Gilbert was the fourth gal blocking penalty. Dal- ish games better,” Vrabel
different starter in a las had to settle for one of said. “We’re up, dominat-
five-game span for the Greg Zuerlein’s four field ing the football game and
Cowboys since star Dak goals. make it too close.”
Prescott’s season-ending With Pittsburgh kick- Amani Hooker recov-
ankle injury. Dallas (2- ing off from the 50 after ered the Bears’ onside
7) has lost all four games a field goal, rookie Rico kick attempt for Tennes-
without Prescott, drop- Dowdle’s 64-yard return see with about a minute
ping into a tie for last in the gave the Cowboys anoth- left to seal the victory
woeful NFC East with the er short field. Leading after Nick Foles made it
New York Giants. 19-15 from the Pittsburgh interesting with a pair of
A former Texas quar- 5, Gilbert was hit by Cam late TD passes for Chica-
terback who finished his Heyward as he threw and go.
career at nearby SMU, Fitzpatrick intercepted Tennessee got a big
Gilbert got the nod over the fluttering pass in the boost from an under-
Cooper Rush, who was end zone. manned and struggling
Prescott’s backup for most With just six passes defense missing three-
of three seasons and was for his career coming in, time Pro Bowl linebacker
re-signed after new back- Gilbert finished 21 of 38 Jadeveon Clowney with
up Andy Dalton got a con- for 243 yards. Dalton was an injured knee days after
cussion. unavailable because he’s linebacker Vic Beasley Jr.
Rookie Ben DiNucci on the COVID-19 list, but and starting cornerback
made his first career start he’s expected to be avail- Johnathan Joseph both
last week against the Ea- able after the open week. were waived.
gles, but first-year coach Dallas is at Minnesota in Cornerback Desmond
Mike McCarthy chose the two weeks. King picked up a fumble
experience of just being in “I thought Garrett kept and ran 63 yards for a TD
the league over another us in good plays,” McCa- only days after the Titans
start for the seventh-round rthy said. “There was a picked up the 2018 All-
pick, who returned to the lot going on at the line of Pro from the Chargers for
inactive list. scrimmage. He was pre- a sixth-round pick. King
The decision looked pared. You could see it didn’t join Tennessee un-
like a good one, with Gil- during the course of the til Saturday after clearing
bert comfortably direct- week he was getting more COVID-19 testing proto-
ing the offense and avoid- and more comfortable as cols and put the Titans
ing big mistakes outside he had the opportunity to up 17-0 late in the third
of an interception with a exercise the game plan.” quarter.
chance to extend a lead. It The Cowboys came in Once he picked up the
was only partially his fault with the NFL’s worst rush- ball, King said he knew
because he was hit just as ing defense, but held the he had to score. It was the
he was throwing. Steelers to a season-low 46 third defensive TD of his
Dallas’ last good yards. career.
chance appeared to end Ezekiel Elliott played “I knew I had a short
when Gilbert was sacked after being limited in prac- week of getting this down
on fourth down deep in tice all week by a ham- and not letting it be a
Dallas territory, but the string injury that he had distraction and using it
Cowboys got another shot to test on the field before as motivation knowing I
after Pittsburgh coach the game. The two-time have to get this done to
Mike Tomlin went for it on rushing champion fin- go out there and play and
fourth-and-1 rather than ished with 51 yards on 18 have my teammates trust
kick a short field goal with carries, while Tony Pol- me while I’m out there,”
about a minute remaining. lard had 57 yards on nine said King, who studied
The Cowboys got the carries. his new playbook and met
stop, and Gilbert moved with his new team virtual-
them 52 yards to the Pitts- ly from his hotel room.
burgh 23 in about a minute
Titans snap 2-game The Bears (5-4) came
for a final play. His pass to losing streak, beat in trailing Green Bay in
the end zone was short skidding Bears 24-17 the NFC North dealing
and knocked away by NASHVILLE, Tenn. with their own injuries
The Dispatch • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2020 3B

Continued from Page 1B
Corner. And then a third anticipation to letdown them made the putt from unreal.”
cheer in the direction of to delirium when his chip down below to the front Louis Oosthuizen
the 15th green. on the 16th hole in 2005 right up-on-top pin. And could hear better than
More birdies? Eagles? trickled down the hill, the place erupted to the he could see when in
No, it was the crowd stopped for a full second point where the ground 2012 he became the
scattered across the on the brim of the cup actually shook and you only player to make an
golf course responding until gravity took over could feel the vibrations albatross on the par-5
to seeing scoreboards and the ball dropped for in my feet,” Mickelson second hole, holing a
change as Woods moved a birdie. said. 4-iron from 253 yards.
into a tie for the lead. He Ask what one moment “And moments lat- He never saw the ball go
couldn’t keep it going. stood out and it wasn’t er, the other player — I in the hole, but he saw
That was the year eight even for him. don’t know who putted the people.
players had at least a He was paired in the first between Tom and And he could hear
share of the lead at some final round with Da- Jack — made the same them.
point on the back nine vis Love III in 1998. putt and the place erupt- “I remember seeing it
until Charl Schwart-
zel finished with four
Right behind them was
58-year-old Jack Nick-
ed again,” he said. “That
was my first Masters.”
go up and disappearing
behind the bunker,” he

straight birdies.
An incredible day.
laus, making an early
charge, chipping in for
A charge even more
stunning than Woods in
said. “Then I remember
looking at the people. You
Sudoku is a number-
placing puzzle based on
Sunday’s answer
a 9x9 gridis witha several
num- 9 2 1 7 6 3 4 5 8
Amazing atmosphere. birdie on No. 3. 2011 — which also fell can see the front row get
given numbers.puzzleThe object 3 6 8 9 4 5 1 2 7

2020 Conceptis Puzzles, Dist. by King Features Syndicate, Inc.

And now, silence. “The roars were so short — was Jordan Spi- up from their seat, and
based onthe
is to place a 9x9
numbers 4 7 5 2 1 8 9 3 6
This Masters in No- much louder. Those were eth in 2018. He started then everyone erupted.
1 to 9with
in theseveral
empty spaces 1 8 6 3 2 9 7 4 5
vember will be missing Nicklaus roars,” Woods the final round nine shots It’s something I’ll always given
the patrons because of said. “And that’s what I behind, and his birdie on see in my mind.” so that numbers.
each row, eachThe 2 3 4 5 7 1 8 6 9
column and each 3x3 the
is to place box
the COVID-19 pandem- had grown up watching the 16th put him at 9-un- Nick Price could only numbers 7 5 9 6 8 4 3 1 2
ic and missing the very and got a chance to expe- der for the day and tied see a putter. But, oh, that contains the1same to 9 number
8 4 2 1 9 6 5 7 3
the empty spaces so
essence of what makes rience in person.” with Patrick Reed. Along sound. only once. The difficulty 6 1 3 8 5 7 2 9 4
that each row, each
Augusta National so Nicklaus had compa- for the ride that day was He was coming off the level increases from
column and each 5 9 7 4 3 2 6 8 1
magical. ny in producing a cheer Justin Thomas, friends first 63 in Masters history Monday
3x3 boxtocontains
Sunday. Difficulty Level 11/07

“It echoes there. It that Phil Mickelson still with Spieth since they in the third round of 1986, the same number only once. The difficulty level
travels,” Woods said. remembers. It was the were teenagers. putting him in the final increases from Monday to Sunday.
“It’s unlike any place in second round of 1991. “He made about a group with Greg Nor-
the world.” Mickelson, the 20-year- 35-footer and that was man. Both were strug-
Woods has heard his old U.S. Amateur cham- the loudest roar I’ve gling midway through
share. He probably can pion, opened with a 69 ever heard in my life. the back nine in a year
still hear the lustrous and was on the 18th It felt like the ground when a half-dozen players
chants of “Tiger! Tiger!” green. was moving. It was in- had a chance to win. One
after he celebrated a fifth “Tom Watson and sane,” Thomas said. “I’m of them was the 46 -year-
and most unlikely Mas- Jack Nicklaus were getting goosebumps old Nicklaus, who took
ters victory last year. Or playing together and on just thinking about it, the lead with a birdie
the change in pitch from the 16th green, one of talking about it. It was putt on the 17th.

Sunday’s Cryptoquote:

Continued from Page 1B

after Earnhardt Jr. re- lin (seven). Elliott’s win last November. first sports to resume
tired. He’s the first most at Martinsville last week Logano led 125 laps, competition. NASCAR
popular driver to win not only locked him into but most of them early. went racing again May
the championship since the final four, but elim- “It stings not win- 17 and used doublehead-
his father won his only inated regular-season ning, I’m not going to ers, midweek races and
title. champion Harvick. lie. It hurts,” he said. a massive scheduling
The Elliotts joined “I felt like we took Keselowski had been shuffle to complete the
Lee and Richard Petty some really big strides holding out hope for a season for all three of its
and Ned and Dale Jar- this year, and last week late caution to set up a national series.
rett as just the third fa- was a huge one,” said short sprint to the fin- For the finale, the
ther-son combination Elliott, who also won ish, which is how both first one at NASCAR’s
to win a NASCAR Cup the All-Star race at Bris- the Truck Series and owned and remodeled
title. The Elliotts, along tol. “To come out of that Xfinity Series titles Phoenix Raceway, NA-
with Hall of Famer Tim with a win and a shot to were decided the previ- SCAR loosened its “bub-
Flock, are the only three come here and have a ous two nights. ble” and allowed fami-
drivers from Georgia to chance to race is unbe- “I would have loved to lies and guests for the
win the title. lievable.” have raced it out,” Kes- first time since, well,
Hendrick Motor- Elliott beat Brad Ke- elowski said. “We just
the last time they raced
sports extended its NA- selowski, who was fol- didn’t get any yellows.”
at Phoenix. The post-
SCAR record with a 13th lowed by Team Penske The race had just four
race celebration was the
championship. teammate Logano and total cautions, three of
first time Johnson had
Elliott passed Joey then Hamlin, who is them scheduled breaks.
Logano with 42 laps now 0 for 4 in title rac- It made Elliott’s corona- seen Rick Hendrick, his
remaining and pulled es. Hamlin is considered tion look easy. boss of 20 years, since
away in a race Elliott along with Hall of Fam- The race completed March.
controlled even as the er Mark Martin the best NASCAR’s frenzied 38- “If you can get
four title contenders driver without a Cup ti- race schedule that was through a year like this
ran 1-2-3-4 most of the tle. overhauled because of and you’re NASCAR, ACROSS
afternoon. Elliott had “No one has won the pandemic. The sea- certainly it bodes well,” 1 Bowlers and
charged through the more than we have over son was suspended five Keselowski said. “I derbies
field during the first the last two years. Pret- days after NASCAR thought it was really 5 Use four-letter
stage to clump the four ty proud what this team raced at Phoenix in amazing what the sport words
contenders in the win- is doing,” Hamlin said. March, a race won by was able to achieve, that 10 Foreboding
ner-take-all season fina- “We’ll come back and do Logano, and the engines we were able to get all sign
le. it again next year.” idled for 10 weeks. the races in. To be here 11 Not as well off
It was Elliott’s fifth Hamlin was the only But facing crippling today and have a great 13 Kelly of morn-
win of the season, trail- driver among the final financial losses to the race for a championship, ing TV
ing only Kevin Harvick four not to lead a lap at teams and the industry, I think that’s really im- 14 Highly deco-
(nine) and Denny Ham- Phoenix, where he won NASCAR was one of the pressive.” rative
15 Breastbone

New Hope
17 Grier of “Jack-
ie Brown”
Continued from Page 1B 18 Places for
laces Sunday’s answer
she wouldn’t be joining 19 Alias letters
20 “— a deal!” found 16 Brooklyn
21 Storage spot 39 Mysterious team
Unbeknownst to
22 Digitizes, as loch 21 Glossy bird
Greenhaw, though,
a page 40 Attire 22 Was inclined
Younger had already
25 Pebble or 41 Merriment 23 Like museum
accepted the offer. She
boulder DOWN exhibits
had a surprise planned.
26 Breathing 1 Neigh sayer 24 One more
The next day at soc-
organ 2 Friendliness 25 Diner order
cer practice, Younger
27 Big snake 3 Sioux shelter 27 Alternative to
slipped a bottle of tea
28 Spanish gold 4 Becoming briefs
into Greenhaw’s locker.
29 Connoisseur tangled 29 Heredity units
On it, she’d written two
of fine food 5 Teapot parts 30 Cook’s mush-
words: “Hey, roomie.”
33 Light touch 6 Some bait room
“She was really sur-
34 Investigate 7 Long, long 31 Make blank
prised,” Younger said
35 Flammable time 32 High-strung
of Greenhaw on Friday
gas 8 Plains people 36 Gorilla, for
morning, shortly after
37 Persia, today 9 Captured anew example
the two signed their
38 More pro- 12 Newly fash-
letters of intent to play
soccer together for the
Eagles -- and, naturally,
live together.
“I’m really excited to
meet new people, but Theo DeRosa/Dispatch Staff

I’m glad to have that Bree Younger (left) and Reagan Greenhaw signed their letters of intent to play
soccer at Meridian Community College on Friday morning in the New Hope High
one person I can go School cafeteria.
back to at the end of the
day and talk to and talk made her choice. She and Greenhaw go alone. Younger will be
about our day -- just have “When she committed, will play for the Eagles there, too.
somebody that I know I was like, ‘Well, I don’t and coach Mike Smith, “I just think everything
and somebody that I’m want to just go for her,’” who coached both play- worked out how it should
comfortable with there,” Younger said. “I wanted to ers with Alliance Futbol have,” Younger said.
Younger said. see if I liked it for myself.” Club in Meridian. Green- Greenhaw agreed, say-
She announced her She did. Younger haw said the familiarity
ing she was glad to see
commitment Sept. 29, picked Meridian over she had with Smith and a
her and her best friend’s
less than three weeks Northwest Mississip- great visit to the campus
efforts rewarded Friday
after Greenhaw did. Al- pi Community College, made the choice easy.
though the two went to which turned out to be “Everybody was so as the two took their next
Meridian together to visit a good choice when the welcoming,” Greenhaw step together.
the campus and received Rangers’ coach left not said. “It just felt like home. “It just feels really
their offers at the same long after Younger re- It definitely felt like I was good to have all that
time, Younger wanted to ceived an offer from the supposed to go there.” hard work pay off,”
wait a bit after her friend school. Now, she won’t have to Greenhaw said.
4B MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2020 The Dispatch •

Grieving Allen shines in Bills’ 44-34 win over Seahawks

THE ASSOCIATED PRESS that’s what he did,” McDer- and final, Super Bowl ap- mode and rattled Wilson, loss to Arizona two weeks good offense. But I think
mott added. “It was a big, pearance. who was sacked five times, ago. that we can be better.”
ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. big win, and a great, great Allen deflected any threw two interceptions The turnovers weren’t Though Buffalo never
— Josh Allen set aside his thing for him to play like praise, noting the defense and lost two fumbles. the only problem. Seattle trailed, the game was de-
grief over the death of his he played. Just a mentally forced Wilson to turn over “What I will tell you is I became the NFL’s sixth cided in the opening min-
grandmother to enjoy one tough man.” the ball four times, and spe- don’t recognize that game. team to score 25 or more utes of the fourth quarter,
of the most productive Allen got the Bills’ of- cial teams contributions. We haven’t seen us look like points in each of its first when the Bills scored
games of his three-year ca- fense off to such a produc- “As a whole team, we that, and it’s a game that I eight games, but the de- touchdowns over a span of
reer. tive start, not even Russell took care of business to- don’t have any place in my fense surrendered 420 2:49 to open a 41-20 lead.
Though Allen made no Wilson and the high-scor- day,” Allen said. “Sitting brain for it,” said Seahawks yards — the fifth time this Zack Moss scored on a
mention of his loss immedi- ing Seahawks could keep here, 7-2, we’re excited with coach Pete Carroll, who season an opponent has 1-yard run, one play after
ately following a 44-34 win pace. Starting with a three- what we can do and how we confirmed after the game topped 400 yards. Allen converted a third-
over the Seattle Seahawks play, 45-yard scoring drive, can play.” that he has signed a mul- The 44 points allowed and-16 by hitting John
on Sunday, coach Sean Mc- Allen threw touchdown Allen’s 24 completions tiyear contract extension. were the most in Carroll’s Brown on a 33-yard catch-
Dermott revealed Allen’s passes on three of Buffalo’s and 282 yards passing in “We just don’t turn the ball 11 seasons in Seattle and and-run.
grandmother had died a first four possessions. He the first half alone were over like that, but we did the most for the franchise Facing third and 25 on
day earlier while praising later added a rushing TD. both the most by a Bills today and they capitalized since a 48-10 loss at Green Seattle’s next possession,
his quarterback’s resolve. He finished 31 of 38 and player since at least 1991. on all of it and just made us Bay on Dec. 27, 2009. It was Wilson threw his second
“Josh was emotional,” equaled his career best The Seahawks (6-2) pay.” just the eighth time since interception. Tre’Davious
McDermott said. with 415 yards passing. The blew an opportunity to Wilson finished 28 of Week 9 of the 2011 season White broke off covering
“He said he wanted to AFC East-leading Bills are match their best record 41 for 390 yards with two the Carroll-led Seahawks tight end Jacob Hollister
play and you know, he just 7-2 through nine games for through eight games. They touchdowns, but has sev- have lost by 10 points or to jump in front of a pass
felt like was going to have to the first time since 1993, a were 7-1 in 2013. en turnovers in the past more. intended for DK Metcalf.
compartmentalize for the season that ended with the Working with an early three games. He threw a “We just got to be clean- White returned it to the Se-
better part of 24 hours to Jim Kelly-led Bills making 17-0 advantage, the Bills’ season-worst three inter- er,” Wilson said. “We scored attle 3, and Allen scored on
get through the game, and their fourth consecutive, defense went into attack ceptions in a 37-34 overtime 34 points. We’re a pretty a sweep on the next play.

Comics & Puzzles

Dear Abby
EAR ABBY: “in-law” and “out- also deceased, wasn’t my dad’s
We are law” tables. daughter. Dad is gone now, and
approach- I’ll be honest, I only have my cousin’s word to
ing the time of it took work. The go by.
year when many adults had to Almost all of the relatives
people struggle agree to act like are dead, and the only living un-
with how to divide adults, but I’m cle was younger than my mom.
time between proud that every- He’s in his 80s now and doesn’t
families during the one looks forward remember anything like that. I
holidays. This is to coming to our can’t help but wonder what oth-
often made harder holiday celebra- er parts of my life were a “lie.” I
when there has tions whenever have suffered from depression
been divorce and they are held. My for years and this certainly
ZITS remarriage within advice to your doesn’t help. Any thoughts? —
a family, especially readers: Forget JUMBLED IN TEXAS
when children are the calendar DEAR JUMBLED: I’m glad
involved. This was and remember you asked because I do have
the case in our Dear Abby the reason for some to offer. None of the parts
family. the gathering! — of your life have been a “lie.”
Planning dinners and FOUND HOLIDAY SPIRIT Certain parts of your PARENTS’
celebrations became far easier DEAR FOUND: I love your at- lives were obfuscated, most
once I realized that holidays titude, and couldn’t stop smiling likely because they weren’t
are not just arbitrary dates on after reading your letter. Thank proud of them. In your parents’
a calendar, but a spirit of heart you so much for writing. I hope it generation, divorce was less
and mind. I let everyone else will open the minds and hearts common than it has been in
plan their events, and then of other readers. more recent decades. But they
choose a day that as many peo- DEAR ABBY: I’m a 61-year- are dead and gone now. It is
ple as possible are available. I old man. When I was 40, I was time to forgive them for their
GARFIELD host an event on that day — a told by my sister that Dad had lapses and concentrate on
week earlier, a week (or month) confided that our mom — who your own life. A step in the right
later — it doesn’t matter. What had recently passed — had direction would be to schedule
does matter is that we gather in been married before. We were some time with a licensed psy-
love and friendship and have a both floored that it was a secret chotherapist to talk about your
wonderful time. all those years and that, with a depression.
As a result, even my former family of 12 aunts and uncles Dear Abby is written by
daughters-in-law readily join and countless cousins, no one Abigail Van Buren, also known
in with their new spouses and ever spilled the beans. as Jeanne Phillips, and was
children and we have a ball! About a year ago, I asked an founded by her mother, Pauline
We get to blend together four older cousin on Facebook why Phillips. Contact Dear Abby
generations, and our youngest no one had ever mentioned it. at or P.O.
generation is richer for the ex- He said his mom told him not Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA
perience. We joke about having to, AND that my oldest sister, 90069.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Nov. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). realm of story and feelings.
9). You’ve chased a certain kind Without the diversion of novelty LEO (July 23-Aug. 22).
of success in the past, but this and fun, you run the risk of There’s a decision to make and
time around the sun, it chases contracting a bad case of serious- something important hanging in
you. Connecting with people and ness. Don’t wait for a reason to the balance. You’re starting to get
making a stellar impression is find the humor in things. Laughter the feeling that once you make up
one of your specialties. You’ll is a balm. your mind about this, you proba-
have the pleasure of assembling GEMINI (May 21-June 21). bly won’t unmake it. All the more
a crew for a new journey. In You can play it cool if you wish, reason to take your time.
February, you’ll bank a top goal. but a corny, old-timey music VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22).
Aquarius and Capricorn adore number does tend to play inside In the past, you’ve run ideas by
BABY BLUES you. Your lucky numbers are: 10, your heart every time you think of certain people looking for guid-
4, 44, 3 and 18. a certain someone, an indication ance or approval. Now you realize
ARIES (March 21-April that this may be a connection for that your need and focus have
19). There is no time to waste in the ages. changed. Seek new mentors for
wondering what the other person CANCER (June 22-July 22). new directions.
means. Talk about what you’ve You have already made a solid LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23).
already learned, and see if you case with the facts, and there’s Showing up strong always works
can get some guidance. Ask nowhere left to go with that. If it best when you actually have all
questions, and if you still don’t still didn’t sway the other person, that it takes to do so. When you’re
understand, ask different ones. move to the very influential not quite sure where the relation-
ship should go next, forget about
strength. Show up curious and
ready to listen and learn.
SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov.
21). Tell your side of the story.
BEETLE BAILEY A lot of people have gone before
you already, but that doesn’t
make your point of view any less
important. Contribute. You never
know who needs to hear you.
21). You never really operate
alone. You will sense the influ-
ence and perhaps the presence
of someone while you are en-
gaged in an activity you associate
with that person.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan.
19). Some people’s patience is
very easily challenged, especially
MALLARD FILLMORE those who are thinking in shorter
and more closed terms, or who
have extremely strong self-in-
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.
18). You won’t be sure what to
say, but you’ll be sure that you’re
supposed to connect and say
something. Relax and start the
conversation. Once you get over
the initial icebreaker, it all flows
PISCES (Feb. 19-March
20). You’re in a role, so play it.
Don’t worry how well it really
FAMILY CIRCUS suits you. That takes away from
the show. This is no time for pon-
dering. Commit. It’s short term.
Later, you can look back and
know you gave it your all.

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4 “My Little
high volume setting & pos- location. Must see inside.
sess great communication $850. 662−364−1610 COLUMBUS, MS Jessie Brooks @
and interpersonal skills.

SITE LEAD SUPERVISOR Apts For Rent: West Mobile Homes for Rent Sporting Goods
will be responsible for su-

pervision of employees on 3BR/2BA MH in New Hope. Crawford Army Surplus
the job site. Interested $650 dep + $650/mo. No
candidates should mail pets, quiet area. Leave full
on Main in Crawford.

Now for sale: Metal Ammo
resume to: Blind Box 678 name & message, cans 30&50 cal, $10;
Autos For Sale
5 Justin
c/o Commercial Dispatch 205−712−6697. .155mm Howitzer treated
PO Box 511 wood ammo boxes,
Columbus, MS 39703 Apartments & Houses
$5&10; Army steel 2006 FORD Ranger FX4
1 Bedrooms REAL ESTATE bunkbeds, $125; Field
Artillery camo nets with
ext. cab, 4.0 L Eng. with
only 208K miles. Has
2 Bedroooms spreader poles, $225;
Unissued camo (BDU/
camper shell, bed rug,
brush guard with light bar,
It’s a classified 3 Bedrooms ADS STARTING AT $25 ACU/ABU) military 6− new tires in Sept, cold air
pocket fatigues, $35 & M− intake, new water pump in
rule-of-thumb: Furnished & Unfurnished Houses For Sale: Southside 65 field coats & fire− Oct, and new A/C in 2019. LIST YOUR BUSINESS
We tell readers 1, 2, & 3 Baths 1512 WASHINGTON AVE
retardant coveralls, $50;
polypro col weather under
Has 3 coats of ceramic
coating. Looks & runs IN THE SERVICE DIRECTORY!
what they need Lease, Deposit 3BR/1.5BA, living room w/ garment, $18; good. Only $8500. Ads starting at $25
gas log−heat, dining room, OCP T−shirts, $5. 501−545−7750 in
& Credit Check
to know to buy front/back porch, natural
gas heat, window units−
Call 662.769.1889 Columbus.
what they need.
cooling, storage bldg & General Help Wanted
carport. 1,230 sq ft.
Call 662−425−9451.

Apts For Rent: Other Lots & Acreage


Bad Credit Options. Good
ADS STARTING AT $25 credit as low as 20% down,
$499/mo. Eaton Land,
Business Opportunity
For Sale: 17+/− acres,
FIRST PENTECOSTAL 3442 Nashville Ferry Rd.
CHURCH is accepting BIDS Has 2 trailer spots on
Classes / Training Insurance Services-General
for the following: Exterior property. Partially wooded. COMPUTER AND IT TRAINING PRO- ATTENTION SMALL BUSINESS OWN- DIRECTV - Every live football game,
walls w/ 8" metal stud $25,500. 662−327−8712.
framing, EIFS on east & GRAM! Train ONLINE to get the skills to ERS! Are you protected in case of prop- every Sunday - anywhere - on your
south walls & Porte− become a Computer and Help Desk erty damage or if you have an interrup- favorite device. Restrictions apply. Call IVS
Professional now! Grants and tion in service due to a property event? - Call 1-855-978-3110
cochere, wood blocking &
metal parapet cap, alum− Scholarships available for certain pro- Business Owner Property insurance IS DISH NETWORK. $59.99 for 190
inum framed windows & grams for qualified applicants. Call CTI AFFORDABLE and WILL PROTECT YOU Channels! Blazing Fast Internet,
doors, install stone veneer for details! 833-992-0228 (M-F 8am- when the unexpected happens! For free $19.99/mo. (where available.) Switch &
on 7 columns, exterior ADS STARTING AT $12 6pm ET) quote, call 855-933-1267 (M-F 7:30 am- Get a FREE $100 Visa Gift Card. FREE
metal door & frame 1 door,
Porte−cochere metal stud PHARMACY TECHNICIAN TRAINING 9:30 pm ET) Voice Remote. FREE HD DVR. FREE
framing, Interior walls 3 5/ PROGRAMS From Ultimate Medical AUTO INSURANCE STARTING AT Streaming on ALL Devices. Call today! 1-
8 metal stud framing per CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE Academy Offer Quality Healthcare $49/ MONTH! Call for your fee rate 877-628-3143
plans. 662−245−1098. Magnolia Antique Mall Education to Students 100% online.- comparison to see how much you can
Sat., Nov. 21, 2020 Ultimate Medical Academy: 1-866-664- save! Call: 833-678-0500
Stocks & Bonds 10AM−5PM 4140 DENTAL INSURANCE from Physicians
The Military Square 302 Alabama St. Mutual Insurance Company. Coverage
DIGITAL ENTREPRENEURS Apartments are now Columbus Employment for (350) procedures. Real dental insur-
NEEDED!! accepting applicants!
Whether you want to design We have 1, 2, and 3 Bargain Column L. E. TUCKER & SON, INC. - CDL ance - NOT just a discount plan. (Don’t
a life or make EXTRA bedroom units available. DRIVERS needed to run from S.E. to wait!) Call now! Get your FREE Dental
MONEY!! All apartments are newly CELL PHONE SANITIZER West Coast. Experienced Singles and Information Kit with all the details!
*Profit in first 48−72 hours remodeled, and include: NEW BLACK CELL PHONE Teams. Check out our new pay package. 1 - 8 5 5 - 3 9 7 - 7 0 4 5
*All from your New Washer/Dryer, New SANITIZER $20 firm. #6258
SMARTPHONE or Columbus. Singles, 41 cents per mile for 60 day pro-
Refrigerator, New A/C Unit!
COMPUTER 662−352−1407 bationary period. 46 cents per mile there- UP TO $15,000.00 of GUARANTEED
*Work whenever you want We also offer rent after. Teams, 50 cents per mile for 60 day Life Insurance! No medical exam or
*More time freedom discounts for: Firewood / Fuel probationary period. 55 cents per mile health questions. Cash to help pay funer-
For more information, text −Active Military thereafter. Late model conventional trac- al and other final expenses.Call
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Call us at: 662−205−0005
Medical / Dental
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The weather is increasingly unpredictable. on your diabetic supplies! Convenient
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Schedule your in-home assessment today. learn more, call now! 877-368-0628
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reduce your reliance on the grid, prepare Miscellaneous
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Full installation services available. $0 Receive maximum value of write off for 1 col. x 2 inch.............$525
Down Financing Option. Request a FREE, your taxes. Running or not! All condi- 1 col. x 3 inch.............$785
no obligation, quote today. Call 1-844- tions accepted. Free pickup. Call for 1 col. x 4 inch...........$1050
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Building & Remodeling General Services General Services Painting & Papering


CO. Building, roofing, Bucket truck & stump Ext/Int Painting.
remodeling, & home repair. removal. Free est. Sheet Rock Hang, Finish &
Licensed & Bonded. Serving Columbus Repair. Pressure Washing.
662−242−3471. since 1987. Senior Free Estimates. Ask for
citizen disc. Call Alvin @ specials! Larry Webber,
Carpet & Flooring 242−0324/241−4447 662−242−4932.
"We’ll go out on a limb for
you!" Painting & Papering

Slag − $400 Special Prices.
Clay Gravel − $250 Interior & Exterior Painting.
Available for hauling any 662−435−6528
materials. Filling in
swimming pools. Plumbing
Columbus. Call Walter,
Fall Special: 4 Rms $99 662−251−8664.
1 Room − $50 Lawn Care / Landscaping ACME, INC.
2 Room − $70 Stan McCown
3 Rooms − $90 WORK WANTED: Licensed "We fix leaks."
Carpet−Rugs−Tile−Cars & Bonded. Carpentry, minor JESSE & BEVERLY’S Natural gas & water.
DAVID’S CARPET & electrical, minor plumbing, LAWN SERVICE 662−386−2915
UPHOLSTERY insulation, painting, demo− Mowing, cleanup, tree
CLEANING lition, gutters cleaned, cutting, landscaping,
Call for more info! pressure washing, land− sodding & bush hogging.
662−722−1758 scaping, cleanup work. 662−356−6525 Are you a painter?
662−242−3608. Advertise here!

One call will bring you results. 662-328-2424

6B MONDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2020 The Dispatch •

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