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Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


A student should choose a course which he or she will be love studying

throughout his or her college years, and decision-making should take part and

should not take for granted. The decision of which course to take is one of the

hardest decisions for a student especially those who are graduating Senior High

school students. Moreover, students should consider if their dream is realistic.

They should reality check if they afford the tuition and other expenses of their

chosen career because if not, it can lead to confusion and other difficulties.

Students are having a hard time deciding what to choose their track and

strand for Senior High School because according to Measom, C. (2011), they are

afraid of failure. They fear that they won't be good at it. Furthermore, they are still

unaware of skills they possess, values and what poke their interests.

Since 1945, The Philippines have used the 10-year curriculum type
for the country’s education system. Not until 2013 they implemented the K to 12
programs because the country alongside with Djibouti and Angola were the only
ones left that uses the 10-year system.

Although a lot of people were against the idea of the new system, they still
continue the implementation of it. Some people were arguing that it should be
postponed because the government is not ready to handle the said program.
From the lack of schools and universities offering Senior High School, the
deficient facilities and insufficiency of skilled teachers to properly educate the
students, they suggested to postponed it considering the students’ welfare.
Choosing track and strand can have consequences. The results of what you
have chosen can either help you or hinder you in the future. In choosing track
and strand for Senior High School, many students are still confused and
undecided on what is the most suited track and strand for them.

A students’ career can be successful if they were given a proper guidance in

choosing the right course that suited to every their own interest.

Parents have been seen as the most influential people in shaping the

aspirations of the students because they provide the opportunities,

encouragement, and support for their children (Garg et al., 2002). For students

who have aspirations and expectations for their future, they should have

perseverance and determination in pursuing their studies.

The people surrounding the students can also influence their decision. In

particular, peer can be one of their many considerations before selecting their

courses due to wanting acceptance and wanting to experience multiple activities


As stated by Kimbrell, G. & Vinecyard B. S. (n.d.) Bennet and McKnight

Division (G n.d) a satisfying lifestyle depends greatly on a satisfying career. A

person should get to know themselves better before choosing or exploring their

careers. They should have a good understanding of their own values,

personality, and abilities. Then they can choose what career they want.
The study entitled The Knowledge and Understanding in Decision making

Among Senior High School Students in Choosing Strand aims to determine the

following : (1) Acquire knowledge and understanding to have extra information

about their course. (2) Identify how did the students choose their strand for

Senior High school. (3) Determine if the students are satisfied with their chosen


This research also explains the most primary things they consider in
choosing a track and strand. It can reveal if it is the Interest in chosen strand or
Influence of people around (peer) mostly put up first by the students before they
decide what course to take.

Statement of the problem

The general problem of this study is: What is the Knowledge and

Understanding in Decision making Among SHS Students in Choosing Strand?

Specially, the study will seek answers to the following questions:

1. What are the demographic profile of the participants in terms of :

1.1 Gender, and

1.2 Age

2. What are the factors of SHS students in decision making in terms of:

2.1 Interest in chosen strand, and

2.2 Influence

3. What are the interventions that might settle after knowing the findings?


1. What is your gender?

2. What is your age?

3. Does your interest align with your chosen strand?

4. How does the influence of others affect you? Would you follow their

opinion or stick with what’s on your mind?-:

Scope and Limitation

The researchers conducted the study entitled Knowledge and

Understanding in Decision making Among SHS Students in Choosing Strand in

the school of Sacred Heart Academy of Santa Maria, Bulacan(Inc)., located at

Dr.Teofilo Santiago St.,Santa Maria, Bulacan during December 2019 – March

2020. The participants were the selected grade 11 Accountancy, Business, and

Management (ABM) students of Sacred Heart Academy of Santa Maria,

Bulacan(Inc)., located at Dr. Teofilo Santiago St., Santa Maria, Bulacan .

Therefore, other strands from Sacred Heart Academy and other schools are not

included in this study.

Significance of the study

This study entitled The Knowledge and Understanding in Decision making

Among SHS Students in Choosing Strand seeks to benefit the following:

 To the Students

This study will help them to be a critical thinker for choosing their course

that they will take in college and realize how important decision-making is.

 To the Parents
This study can be helpful to all the parents because, in this study, their mind will
be up for new ideas on how the decision-making of their children
works in choosing track and strand in Senior High School. And also, they will
understand the things that they should provide for their children to help them end
up in the right track and strand for their better future ahead.

 To the Faculty members of Senior High School

this study will help their students in choosing the right track by delivering

the knowledge well.

 To the Future Researchers

in the near future, the result of this study can be their guide. This study will

serve as their basis, reference and comparison to their future study.

Definition of Terms

Knowledge – a body of facts learned by study or experience

Understanding – an arrangement about action to be taken

Senior High School - This is the term used for schools and universities offering
education for students who are in eleventh and twelve years of High School.

Decision Making – the action or process of making decisions, specially important


Strand - is a concept covered by the DepEd K-12 program where it will serve as
an option by the students and later on choose one to pursue in Senior High
School. The strand is the specialization covered by a track. the academic track
has four strand like Accountancy Business Management (ABM), Science
Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM), Humanities and Social Science
(HUMSS), and General Academic Strand (GAS).
Choosing – the act or process of selecting

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