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Project Proposal


1. Author details

2. Project description

2.1 Project title


2.2 Problem definition

This project explicates the geology of the study area to enable successful development of the wind farm.
In depth geotechnical analysis of the Hollandse Kust (zuid) Wind farm site I and II to determine
probable geological limitations for development.

Dr Malcolm Whitworth 1
2.3 Project aims and objective

Project aim
To use literature, site geology and ground investigation data to understand the likely ground
conditions of the site and create a geotechnical assessment of the wind farm zones for design

1. Using the geotechnical survey to develop an interpretative report to assist in the design of
the offshore structures and cable burial.
2. Develop a geological ground model with project specific geological dating analysis
3. Compilation of geotechnical data in a Geographic Information System with information
from Fugro database for detailed field analysis.
4. Offshore geotechnical data to determine vertical and lateral variations in seabed conditions.

2.4 Keywords
Provide up to four key words or phrases, which describe the area of research
Geophysical data interpretation
Offshore geotechnical investigation
Wind farm development
Geological ground model

2.5 Study area

Provide information on your proposed study area including coordinates and location map identify
the extent of your proposed mapping area (on a separate sheet, map should include north arrow
and scale). Indicate the boundary of your proposed study area or area of interest (AOI).

The HKZ wind farm sites are located in the Hollandse Kust (zuid) Wind Farm Zone (HKZWFZ),
which extends across an area of 235.8km2. The HKZWFZ is situated to the west of the Netherlands,
off the coast of Zuid-Holland (South Holland) and Noord-Holland (North Holland) provinces in water
depths between 18m and 27m.

Do not use maps from websites and try not to use Google Earth maps/images, for UK maps use
Edina Digimap ( and ArcGIS.
Literature review
This section describes the framework of the Hollandse Kust (Zuid) Windfarm zone and the
scope of the project. Wind energy has been an ancient source of energy, which is then
transformed to mechanical energy using technology (R.Y. Redlinger, 2002). Offshore wind
farms require adequate site conditions and soil properties for appropriate foundation designs.
Foundations for offshore wind turbines are typically installed in shallower water depth with
lower vertical load but higher horizontal load reverse movement and controlled by dynamic
response rather than ultimate limit states (Houlsby, 2001)
For this project the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend
Nederland,RVO) contracted Fugro Survey B.V (FSVB) to carry out a geophysical survey for
better understanding of the geology of the Wind Farm Site of Hollandse Kust (zuid) Wind
Farm Zone. Nearby is the Luchterduinen Wind farm turbines is located within the Hollandse
Kuid (Zuid) Wind farm zone operated by the Dutch energy company Eneco, this effected a
500m safety zone around the both sites restricting any engineering activities around the safety
zone. The proposed Hollandse Kust (zuid) wind farm will connect infield cables to the alpha
platform station using TenneT offshore grid connection system. This platform will transform
the power from the wind farm sites from 66kV to 220kV,then transport the electricity to
shore through two export cables, relevant routes will be decided.(Fugro 2016).

A total of 19 bathymetric surveys performed in and around the study area by the Netherlands
Hydrographic Office (NLHO) from 1969 to date whereby 11 of these surveys were carried
out with single beam echo sounder data and the rest with multibeam echo sounder data
(Deltares, 2015). An understanding of the bedforms is essential for wind farm installation;
from the field investigation there is considerable large and medium scale sand dunes across
the study area. (Deltares, 2015) presents analysis of the sand dune mobility with migration
rate of about 1-10m/year. Migration rate of over 20m/year is reported near the island of
Texel,with decreasing rates towards the south to a stationary (0m/year) field near Rotterdam
Harbour (Van der Meulen, 2004).
Seabed features present include ripples, sand waves and dunes, they are significant in field
survey and can be classified in terms of spacing between features, dune height and dune
shape (Ashley, 1990). Large bedforms dominate the study area with 2D and 3D dunes
showing crests orientation towards NW-SE (Ashley, 1990). The bathymetry of the Hollandse
Kust(zuid) of the windfarm zone has a significant morphology with complex bedform pattern
i.e large dunes (Fugro, 2016).
Existing cables and pipelines are located using magnetometer survey (Fugro, 2016) crossing
the wind farm zone although two inactive cables are assumed to not be effective to the study
area seen on the GIS files.
The seabed sediments are classified using the backscatter analysis and are correlated with the
SSS seabed mosaic (Heffron et al., 2015).The soil porosity and permeability is considered as
these are key elements for foundation excavation depths (McLean, 1979).
The Environmental Impact Assessment documents relating to the spatial planning and
relevant licensing is presented in 2017 under the ‘Rijkscoördinatieregeling’.
Van der Meulen, M. S. (2004). Grind en stenen voor de kust van Texel en de winbare voorraad
suppletiezand,TNO-report,. Netherlands: Netherlands Institute of Applied Geosciences.

Ashley. (1990, January). Classification of Large Scale Subaqueous forms:A New Look At An
Old Problem. Journal of Sedimentary Petrology , 160-172.

Deltares. (2015). Geological study Hollandse Kust Zuid Wind Farm Zone.

4 Fugro. (2016). Geophysical Site Investigation Survey,Hollandse Kust(zuid) Wind Farm Zone
I,II,III,IV. Dutch Continental shelf,North Sea.

5. Heffron et al., E. L. (2015). Working Toward Guildlines and Recommendations For the Geohab Backscatter.
The GeoHab backsactter working group, , 1-9.
6 Houlsby, G. B. (2001). Novel Foundations for Offshore Wind Farms. EPSRC,Department of Engineering
Science, Oxford University , 9.
7. McLean, A. a. (1979). Geology For Civil Engineers. London : E& FN Spon .
8. R.Y. Redlinger, P. D. (2002). Wind Energy in the 21st Century. New York: PALGRAVE.
A methodology is undertaken for adequate geotechnical interpretation of the study area. The
initial ground investigation carried out by Fugro Survey B.V is taken into account, with
further research using published data to identify possible variations in the ground condition
over time. This chapter describes the various methods used in the report analysis.
Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Risk Assessment
Preliminary risk assessment is carried out to assess and mitigate possible risk created by
UXO. From historical data of the Bundesarchiv-Militärarchiv in Germany and the National
Archives in the United Kingdom new information shows details of ordnances in the area and
recommendations for UXO detection.

Data Sources/Desk study.

From the Fugro data base,LIDAR data is used for the investigation for adequate imagery of
the study area. The LIDAR image is compiled with suitable OS mapping and relevant
geological data.

Field Survey
Data collection is significant for understanding the relevant geology of the study area consists
of site walkover and exploratory investigations. Eight locations were investigated with depth
of about 50m below mudline, supported by standard cone penetration tests and seismic cone
penetration tests. Advanced laboratory tests which includes geotechnical index tests ,
dynamic tests, static and cyclic strength tests (Fugro E. B., 2016) were performed in addition
to initial laboratory tests. The field surveys conducted are adequate to establish a ground
model of the study area.

Field Techniques
Fugro B.V. Engineers undertook the preliminary site investigation between 8th to 17 July
2016. This investigation comprised of offshore drilling from the Bucentaur drilling vessel
which include downhole sampling and in situ testing. Positioning Survey was analysed using
an ultra short baseline (USBL) system,water depth measurement determined using pressure
sensor,echo sounder mounted on the hull of the vessel and drill string by direct
sounding(Fugro 2016).
Drilling, Sampling and In situ testing was carried out at eight locations as seen from the site
investigation, using the rotary drilling method with direct circulation including the use of
seabed frame equipped with SEACLAM system, for re-entry and support of the drill string at
Sample Handling is essential in field data collection, for the purpose of this report the details
of sample handling are provided in the geotechnical laboratory test results by Fugro.
Laboratory tests performed on-site include soil classification and sample descriptions with
accordance to BS 5930 (BSI, 1999) and Clark & walker (1977) and are shown in the
geotechnical test results.
Geotechnical Ground Model
From the geotechnical analysis and extensive research a geotechnical ground model is
developed for design purposes. The ground model is developed in accordance with layered
plates as shown in section 4.1 with correlations from the geotechnical lab tests (Carter, 1991).
Table of Contents
Abstract. Acknowledgments
1.0 Introduction Aims and objectives
2.0 Study Area Topography Geology Geological Setting Geological model Topography Geology
Ground Conditions Hydrogeology and Hydrology. Unexploded Ordnance/Bombs Proposed Development
2.2 Geoenvironmental Hazard model

Remote Assessment Data Sources
Field Work Field Techniques
Ground Investigation for the Wind Farm Zones Drilling and Excavation methods
Sampling and Geotechnical Testing Engineering Descriptions of Geology Geomorphological Mapping
Slope Stability
Geotechnical Ground Model
Further Research
Ground Stability within the Wind Farm Zones
Geomorphological Assessment
Site 1& 2 Evaluations
Site Investigation Results
Summary of investigation for the proposed Wind farm 4.4Geotechnical Testing Results
Geotechnical Ground Model
Final Ground Model
5.0 Discussion Geological Ground Model
Site Investigations
Remote analysis
Geomorphological mapping
Potential remediation methods
Ground Model Evolution
6.0 Limitations
Further Works
Appendices .......
Project Proposal

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Dr Malcolm Whitworth 10
Project Proposal

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Proposal Title FARM ZONE

Student name ADELE CHIMA

Supervisor(s) NICK KOOR
Date of submission 20TH SEPTEMBER 2020
Proposed start date 15TH JUNE 2020
Funding details
(if appropriate)

Lay summary of your proposed research (less than 300 words). This should
explain the reason for the research and what the research involves. This should be
comprehensible to a non-specialist reader.

Dr Malcolm Whitworth 11
The Geotechnical Assessment of the proposed Hollandse kust (zuid) wind farm zones presents
information to support the successful development of the wind farm. Geotechnical,geophysical and
geological investigation are considered in this course of this assessment.
Although offshore wind farm development commenced decades after the onshore but recently
offshore wind farm development seeing a dramatic growth due to the following reasons:

 Availability of unlimited areas

 Continuous or better supply of wind resources

 Need for a bigger capacity

 Environmentally friendly (eg; nosie pollution etc.)

The 1.5GW Hollandse Kust Zuid (HKZ) offshore wind farm project will be developed in four parcels
in the North Sea, approximately 18km off the coast of the Netherlands. Developed by Swedish energy
company Vattenfall, the HKZ is the first non-subsidised wind farm project in the Netherlands. The
proposed Wind farm will contain transformer platforms of about 700MW capacity and transport about
220kV of electricity via export cables to the exising onshore 380kV Maasvlakte high voltage
substation. This level of impact will require proper evaluation of the behaviour of subsurface water,
with the porosity and permeability of the soil.

Potential hazards and limitations are evaluated to impede foundation failure with the help of in depth
geotechnical investigation and relevant data sources.

s should be less than 300 words, indicating: Research questions (hypothesis), rationale, proposed data collection

Approaches executed for conclusion include: Deskstudy

Subsurface exploration Geotechnical testing Soil settlement criteria Groundwater evaluation
Project Proposal

Design of wind energy system to withstand earthquakes or ground movement

Probabilistic approach.

ase consider appropriate sampling permits, consent for access to private sites, coercion, dignity and participant in

he researcher (please confirm that the appropriate health and safety form or laboratory COSHH form has been s


Confidentiality (please describe how participant and or data confidentiality will be maintained).

ies to deal with them e.g. Sensitive scientific or cultural sites, Detrimental effects on the environment (e.g changes on slope instability or ecolo

Dr Malcolm Whitworth 13
Project Proposal

nefits (please describe any potential risks and or benefits of participation in the study and comment on the balance of risks and benefits within

Risk Assessment has been evaluated using Risk Management Resources.

Please state any conflict of interests

m that the research has been designed and will be conducted according to professional and or national / international guidance, such as the Ge

British Standards ,Eurocodes and relevant sources.

Please complete the final checklist, ticking for each question ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Yes No
Does the study involve human research participants? X
Are there risks of damage to physical and or ecological environmental X
Are there risks of damage to features of historical or cultural heritage? X
Will the research be conducted in protected scientific, cultural or heritage X

Dr Malcolm Whitworth 14
Are there risks of damage to sensitive flora or fauna? X
Do human participants take part in studies without their consent or will X
deception of any form be used?
Does the study involve vulnerable or dependent participants (e.g. X
children or people with learning difficulties)
Does the study involve observation or discussion of sensitive, sexual, X
political, financial or illicit behaviour?
Could the study induce psychological distress or anxiety in participants or X
third parties?
Will the study involve prolonged or repetitive testing or participants? X
Does the study involve the use of ionising radiation? X
Will financial inducements other than reasonable expenses be offered to X

Signed (the student) Checked and approved

(Signature of the supervisor)


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