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The game of happiness

Do you want to be happy?

Play with me!

Every morning before to

get up give yourself a I love myself.....the
And now close your eyes
Universe love
big hag and and repeat : thank you,
repeat aloud this me... Today will be a
thank you, thank you
wonderful day
words for 3 times:
The Aladdin's Lamp
• Do you have you a dream?
• Play with this dream as if it were the new
• Close your eyes, image your dream with
all the details and start to answer this
• Where are you? What are you doing? How
are you dressed? Which is the first person
who you speak about it? What do you
smell in this moment? What do you hear?
A new character

The comedy start....are you ready?

Image you in this new reality (your dream has come true)

And now start to be this new YO. You have to behave for 10 minutes (or more if you start
to enjoy) as you have this new condition in your life.

How you walk? If you cross with somebody how you look him/ her? What decision you
make.....? Imagine you are acting in a theatre play.... it's the same!!!!!
• Are you yet in the bed?
• How was your day?
• Do you like to draw or write?
• Write, draw or easily think from 3 until 10 things for you are
grateful of this day.
Good • When you finish, repeat the magic word for three
night.... times...THANK YOU...THANK YOU...THANK YOU

Esta foto de Autor desconocido se concede bajo licencia de CC BY-SA-NC.

Sweet dreams....?
• There are something of this day that make you
still angry or sad?

Don't warry....always you can play with your

Close your eyes and imagine your day as you wish it
were. You can change all you want!!!!
Feel like this is you reality and with this imagine in
your mind you can fell asleep.....
Sweet dreams....

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