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Actu Physiol Scund 1990, 139, 531-534

How do dogs determine the direction of tracks?

J. B. S T E E N and E. W I L S S O N *
Department of Biology, University of Oslo, Norway, and * T h e Swedish Dog Training
Centre, Solleftei, Sweden

STEEN,J. B. & WILSON,E. 1990. How do dogs determine the direction of tracks? Actu
PhysiolScund 139, 531-534. Received 23 January 1990, accepted 27 March 1990. ISSN
0001-6772. Department of Biology, University of Oslo, Norway, and The Swedish Dog
Training Centre, Solleftel, Sweden.

Two professional tracking dogs were brought in at right angles to 50-m-long tracks to
try to identify the clues that the dogs used to determine the direction of the tracks. When
the dogs were tested on tracks laid by a walking man, they took the direction that the
track-maker had moved significantly more often than predicted by random choice
regardless of whether the person had moved forwards or backwards. When tested on
tracks laid by bicycling on grass or asphalt, the choice of direction was not significantly
different from random, even though the dogs were always rewarded when making
correct choices. When four leather strips were tied to the back tyre of the bicycle before
laying the track, the one dog tested took the correct direction sigpificantly more often
than predicted by random choice. When the leather strips were smeared with sausage
before laying the tracks, the dog took the wrong direction more often than predicted by
random choice. However, when rewarded for making correct choices, the dog learned.
to choose the direction in which the bicycle had actually moved. We suggest that our
dogs determined the direction of tracks by comparing the scents of consecutive prints
and following the prints in the direction of increasing intensity.

Key words: dogs, odour, scent, smell, tracking.

T h e ability to track other animals is of vital footprints by using both scent and vision, but
importance to most mammalian predators, Not scent appears to be the most likely source of
only must they be able to follow a track, they information.
must also be able to determine in which direction Although we have been unable to find any
the prey has moved. Some trained service dogs systematic studies on how dogs determine the
are almost infallible in the art of following human direction of tracks, the problem itself was alluded
tracks. T h i s paper attempts to identify the to almost 800 years ago. T h e famous Icelandic
sensory clues which dogs use in determining the narrator, Snorre Sturlason (122&1235), des-
direction of a track. cribed how two Norwegians, imprisoned by the
There are only two ways in which the direction Swedes in 1026, fooled their pursuers by tying
of a track can be determined. One is to study reindeer hooves back to front under their boots.
each footprint and detect the position of heel and T h e Swedish tracking dogs, it is told, followed
toes. T h i s method is used by humans and their tracks in the direction indicated by the
perhaps also by other animals whose dominating footprints of the reindeer and thus ended u p at
sense is vision. T h e other is to compare the empty prison (a deep hole in the pigsty).
consecutive footprints and determine a direc- While more recent reports indicate how
tional gradient. Theoretically dogs can study accurately dogs are able to determine the
direction of tracks (see Mackenzie & Schultz
Correspondence : Johan B. Steen, Division of Gen- 1987), no one since Snorre Sturlason seems to
eral Physiology, Department of Biology, University of have suggested what clues they may use to do so.
Oslo, PO Box 1051 Blindern, 0316 Oslo 3, Norway. T h e experiments to be described below were
53 1
19 A C T 139
532 3’.B. Steen and E. Wilsson
from where the middle of the track crossed at right
angles to his direction of approach. The dog was then
unleashed and given the order ‘track’ (in Swedish
‘Spw ’).
The performance of the dogs was scored as correct
when the dog tracked in the direction the track-maker
had moved and as wrong when it tracked in the
opposite direction. The dog was always rewarded
when it made a correct choice, either with a titbit or
with a wooden stick which had been left there by the
track-maker but hidden from the view of both dog and
handler. The dog was not rewarded when it made the
wrong choice. Deviation from random choice (50 : 50)
was tested by a simple binomial test.

I n none of the more than 200 tests did the dogs
fail to find and follow the track. However, they
did not always pick the right direction. Once
,; they came to the track the dogs would normally
hesitate for a few seconds, often walking back
Fig. 1. Which direction to the prey? A hunting dog’s
and forth along the track, before they decided
never-ceasing decision problem. A drawing by Kai
Fjell. whether to go left or right. Only in a few cases
did the dog change its direction once it had
followed the track more than 5 m.
designed to reintroduce the problem to modern Test 1 was designed to establish the dogs’
biologists and suggest a solution. ability to determine the direction of normal
human tracks laid at a rate of about one step per
second. Laffe tracked correctly in all his four
M A T E R I A L S A N D METHODS trials, whereas Lanja had 22 correct versus four
The work was carried out at The Swedish Dog wrong when tracks were laid across a grass field.
Training Centre, Solleftei, from 1985 to 1988. After When tested with similar tracks on asphalt,
screening a number of dogs, we’selected two German Lanja had 10 correct versus one wrong (Table
Shepherds. These showed superb abilities in choosing 1).
the correct direction of tracks and had the mental Test 2 was designed to test if the dogs
stamina to endure repeated testing. The female determined the direction of tracks by following
‘Lanja’ was used throughout the study, the male
them in the direction from heel to toe of each
‘1,affe’ became ill and was only used the first year.
Tracks were laid on grass fields or on a tarred footprint. T o this end tracks were laid as in test
airstrip. Human tracks were laid by one of the authors 1, except that the track-maker walked backwards.
walking on grass in rubber boots or on asphalt in When tested on such tracks, Laffe followed the
leather shoes. Tracks were also laid by one of the direction the track-maker had walked in all his
authors riding a bicycle on either grass or asphalt. four tests, while Lanja had nine correct versus
When making bicycle tracks, care was taken not to two wrong choices (Table 1). T h i s suggested
touch the ground with the feet. Each track was at least that the dogs did not determine the direction of
50 m long and marked with a pole at both ends. The the tracks by following them from heel to toe.
dogs were tested on up to 20 tracks a day. Test 3 was designed to test if the dogs could
The dogs were always handled by their trainers.
determine the direction of a continuous track.
The handler and dog were not present when the tracks
were laid and no one who was present when the results I n pilot experiments we showed that both dogs
of the tests were recorded knew the direction of the had difficulties in deciding the direction of tracks
tracks. The dogs were tested 20-30 min after the track laid by dragging a pair of shoes across the field
had been set. With the dog on a leash, the handler was or by walking with such short steps that the heel
told where to go and asked to stop when he knew, hit the ground at the toeprint of the previous
from the position of the poles, that he was about 5 m step.
Directional tracking in dogs 533

Table 1. The ability of the two dogs to determine the direction of different types of tracks

Dog Track Ground Correct Wrong Signif.

Laffe Normal foot Grass 4 0 -

Lanja Normal foot Grass 22 4 < 0.01

Lanja Normal foot Asphalt 10 1 < 0.05
Laffe Backwards foot Grass 4 0 ~

Lanja Backwards foot Grass 9 2 < 0.05

Laffe Bicycle Grass 10 9 n.s.
Lanja Bicycle Grass 10 11 n.s.
1,anja Bicycle +leather Asphalt 19 3 < 0.01
Lanja Bicycle + leather + hand Asphalt 12 11 n.s.
Lanja +
Bicycle leather +sausage Asphalt
First day 4 12 < 0.05
Second day 10 2 < 0.01

First we tested if the dogs could determine the

direction of continuous tracks laid by bicycling
across a grass field. T h e y had no difficulty in
finding and following the tracks but they were
unable to determine their direction (Table 1).
Despite the fact that they were given the
conventional reward every time they made a
correct choice, their performance did not im-
prove as testing went on. W e therefore concluded
that it was beyond the dogs’ capacity to determine
the direction of continuous tracks.
Test 4 was designed to test if Lanja could
determine the direction of a continuous track if
a point track was superimposed onto it. To test 1-16 17-28
this we tied four strips of leather, at equal Track number.
distances apart, around the rear tyre of the First day Second day
bicycle. Of 22 such tracks laid on asphalt, Lanja Fig. 2. Results from an experiment where a dog was
tracked correctly in 19 cases (Table 1). Evidently led perpendicularly on to a track laid on asphalt by a
the difference in scent strength from consecutive bicycle that had four leather strips smeared with
leather prints was sufficient to tell the dog in sausage fastened to the rear tyre. Tracks 1-16 were
which direction the bicycle had moved. W e laid the first day, tracks 17-28 the second. Correct
suggest that she was able to determine a gradient direction means the direction in which the bicycle had
along the track, the leather scent from the first- moved. We suggest that the dog went mostly in the
wrong direction the first day because she followed the
laid contacts with the asphalt being weaker than
tracks towards stronger smell. However, since she was
the more recent ones. rewarded when taking the opposite direction, she
Test 5 was designed to test the suggestion learned to follow the track in that direction. The dog’s
from test 4. T o this end we tried to make tracks choice of direction is significantly different from
where the prints supposedly smelled more at the random on both days (P < 0.05). .,correct direction;
beginning of the track than at the end. T h i s was B, incorrect direction.
achieved by applying a scent to the leather strips
which would gradually wear off as the bicycle time even though she was rewarded every time
touched the ground. she did it right.
First wc applied smell by rubbing the leather W e then modified the experiment by smearing
with the hand before laying the track. O f 23 such the leather with a sausage. T h e trials were
tracks, Lanja took the correct direction in 12 carried out during two consecutive days, 16 the
cases but did not improve her performance with first day and 12 the next. During the first day
534 J. B. Steen and E. Wilsson
Lanja went mostly in the wrong direction, i.e. direction of 3-h-old tracks. This indicates that,
towards where the bicycle had started (Fig. 2). beyond a certain point, the tracks have aged so
However, during the second day she decided much that the dogs are unable to discriminate
correctly in 10 out of 12 trials. During the first odour strength between prints.
day her correct choices came in trial 2, 4, 10 and The finding that neither of the dogs improved
14, during the second day the first two were its ability to determine the direction of bicycle
wrong and the rest correct. tracks despite being rewarded when correct
choices were made suggests that such tracks did
not contain the appropriate sensory clues. On
the other hand, tracks where the scent was
Our dogs had little difficulty in determining the applied in patches, either from a foot or from a
direction in which tracks were laid by regular leather strip, appeared to contain such infor-
walking. They were not fooled by walking mation. Lanja back-tracked consistently when
backwards, but consistently followed the di- we applied a second scent which presumably
rection the track-maker had walked. This shows wore off with each contact with the ground. This
that these dogs did not determine the track supports our suggestion that she determined
direction as the direction from heel to toe in direction by tracking towards ever stronger
each footprint, as implied in Snorre Sturlason’s smelling tracks. However, since she was trained
(cn. 1220-1235) narrative. to go in the direction where she found the
However, determining the direction of a reward, she learned to track in the direction
continuous track, whether laid on grass or on in which the bicycle had moved. This further
asphalt, was evidently beyond the dogs’ capacity. supports the idea that she determined direction
This suggests that they determined the direction by comparing the strength of consecutive prints.
in which the track-maker had moved by com- A practical implication of this study is that
paring sensory inputs from consecutive prints simply following a track and determining its
and tracking in the direction of recency, i.e. direction appear to be two separate issues for a
towards increasing strength of a time-decaying dog. A dog trained to follow a track does not
clue. We propose that scent was most likely the necessarily learn to determine the track’s di-
clue, since it is hard to believe that other sensory rection. In order to teach the dog to take the
clues were available from tracks on dry asphalt. direction of the track-maker, the dog’s attention
Our finding that it was more difficult for our needs to be focused on that task, for example by
dogs to determine the .direction of continuous being rewarded when it does it correctly.
than of interrupted tracks confirms the general
experience that it is easier to distinguish sensory It is a special pleasure to acknowledge Professor
stimuli when they were discrete rather than Ellisiv Steen, who brought the historical aspects of
continuous. this study to our attention. We are also indepted to the
If we assume that each footprint smelled the dog handlers Erik Sundin and Barbro Borjesson and
to Professor Holger Ursin and Dr Kathryn T. Mearns
same at the moment it was set, and that the scent for valuable comments on the manuscript. This study
evaporated at a constant rate, we can get an idea was supported by the Nordic Council for Game
of the sensitivity of the dogs’ sense of smell. We Research and the Carl Trygger’s foundation.
walked at a rate of one step per second and the
tracks were 30 min (1800 s) old when the dogs REFERENCES
were tested. The smell from one print should
therefore theoretically be 1/ 1800 stronger than JOHNSON, G.R. 1977. Training Dogs-Theory and
Methods. Arner Publ., New York.
that of the foregoing. This indicates that the
MACKENZIE, H.A. & SCHULTZ, J.A. 1987. Frequency
dogs were highly sensitive to an odour difference of backtracking in the tracking dog. Appl Anim
of this magnitude. Johnson (1977) found that his Behav S c i 17, 353-359.
dogs made few errors in determining the STURLASBN, s. (ca. 1220-1235) olav den Helliges
direction of tracks if they were less than 30 min Saga. Verse 141. Recent editions in Norwegian and
old, whereas they were unable to determine the English are available.

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