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NAME __________________________________ DATE ____________ PERIOD ______________

Fact or Fiction?

Fill in the blanks for the quote below.

because the______________ measured time

in an endless loop, ancient Mayans couldn’t
use it to establish chronologies or relate
events with wide spans of time between
them.________________., priests apparently
solved this problem by devising a new
method known as the _______________,
which identified each day by counting
forward from a base point calculated to fall
on___________ ... A single cycle of the Long
Count calendar lasts 13 baktuns, or roughly
______ solar years, meaning that it is slated to
end on a date correlating to _____________.”

Complete the Venn Diagram below. How are the pyramids different? How are they the same?

Maya Pyramids Egyptian Pyramids

How are Inca highways different from the highways we see today? How are they the same?

What does the image show? How do you think this layout worked for

The image shows ______________________

Fill in the blanks below. Did you know this about the Aztecs? How
does this fun fact make the Aztec empire
more unique?

"The Aztec Empire __________the few older

civilizations that featured _______________
education at home and in schools. Every child
was educated, no matter his or her
____________________, whether noble,
commoner or slave."

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