Teaching Philosophy

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My educational career as a student has motivated me to become an educator.

an educator, I want to be the motivator and helping hand that many students lack in their
lives. My main goal is to provide students with a variety of opportunities to get
everyone to participate and share their thoughts. I will create an engaging
learning environment that will challenge and encourage students to find their own
interpretation of history.
My educational experiences have encouraged me to become an educator. I want
to become a teacher to be able to push those kids who lack the motivation for a better
future. Ever since I started school, my mom had to work several jobs to provide for my
entire family. I always understood that she could not be there for me whenever I needed
help with my homework. Luckily, I always had teachers who put in the extra effort to
ensure that I continue my education. Some teachers helped me get into college by
helping me fill out applications, financial aid forms, and by answering questions I had
about college. Some teachers have helped me even after I graduated. For example, some
have helped me with school observation hours and by writing letters of recommendation
for me. These educational experiences are what motivate me to become an educator, a
role model and a helping hand to those students that might not have anywhere else to
turn. I want students to not only understand the content from my class, but also learn
lessons that can help them in other classes.
In my classroom, I want to provide a special learning environment where
students participate in open discussions and trust the instructor. In my educational
experiences, I have noticed that the same people participate in every classroom every
day. My goal as a teacher is to get those students that do not participate as often or at all
to share their thoughts in ways that they are comfortable doing so. I believe that building
solid relationships with the students is as important as getting them to understand the
topic. As a teacher, you are bound to learn from the student as well. I also believe that
students learn more from people they trust, and they are more likely to open up when
they feel comfortable. Once they feel comfortable with sharing their thoughts in one
class, they are more than likely going to start speaking up in other classes and I want to
provide this experience to my students through different means.
I plan to challenge my students with engaging lessons that will encourage them to
find their own answers and interpretation of history. Students get bored with simple
assignments. It is important to be challenged to be engaged in any given task. For this
reason, my students will be challenged with engaging articles and data that is in one way
or another connected to them. I will try to connect most of the content covered in class to
today’s world to create that engagement and curiosity.
My educational experiences have motivated me to become a role model, helping
hand and a teacher. My classroom will encourage students to participate and find their
own interpretations of history.

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