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Bureau of Organizational Development 18 June 2018 Inspection Division TO: FROM: Fred L. Waller Chief Bureau of Patrol Cornelia C. Lott Commander Inspection Division SUBJECT: Body Worn Camera Program Evaluation Committee Report MEETING DATE: Second Quarter - 20 June 2018 The below observations are following a review of the March 2018 reports, Special Order 03-14 has been amended eff. 30 Apr 2018 Form CPD 21.130 has been retitled to "Body Worn Camera Video Review Report” Form CPD 21.131 (BWC Videos Viewed) was introduced 30 Apr 18 and upon completion by the WOL, will be submitted by Units, to the Inspection Division with the monthly report There is not an instruction / explanation sheet provided with the Body Worn Camera Video Review Report (CPD 21.130). It is the opinion that the form is self- explanatory The "Video ID #" has been replaced by the "Event #” Some Executive Officers / Commanders are not reviewing the reports and summarizing findings in a "To/From format" to the Commander of the Inspection Division. The only Patrol Units in compliance for the WOL randomly viewing BWC are Districts 011 (with 88 viewed), 019 (with 80 viewed) and 014 (with 82 viewed) There is inconsistency in unit evaluations. Each unit is reporting their results differently. This will correct itself with the implementation of the amended order. Units have submitted the BWC VR Report consistently excetpt for the following: District 009 - missing November 2017 & January 2018 reports District 004 — missing January 2018 report ¢ District 004 & 006 are not in compliance with the Order for reporting «Every Unit has reported PQuip ticket numbers for various reasons. Most ticket numbers are closed. The quantity of ticket numbers for each Unit may be provided upon request. It is suggested that this meeting is held at the end of a quarter to obtain a timely, inclusive reporting ormelia ott Commander Inspection Division CCL

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