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Est [e( Moly Uma] Cre] eee M OMRON Ase colo Essay Outline- The Nagorno- Karabakh Conflict PAW om telex] Loss and Waste Reduction for Universal Access to NCL ola) MeN olakols Nuclear Weapons ecw AN) eM HENS el (o)9r-1 (aed Leola el grA0740} Nett Lol Treaty Organization, Greece rejects NATO tele ela PNCoaE Neo MEE Eye Solved MCQs September 2020 pee Buy HSM Books Online Books for Competitive Exams & Military Tests a Just while sitting at home you can choose from a vast variety, and your desired Competitive Exams CSS/PMS/PCS/NTS and Military Tests (Army, ISSB/PAF/NAVY) HSM Books will be efficiently delivered to you on the designated date. Spectacular services and satisfying our customers will always be our most significant priority. We hope you have a worthy shopping experience at . www.hsmpublishers.com Thank you. HSM Publishers was started in 2013 as a publishing division of Ilmi Kitab Khana, founded by Haji Sardar Muhammad in 1945. Today it proudly owns: + Ilmi Kitab Khana Lahore + HSM Publishers Lahore + Ilmi Kitab Khana/HSM Publishers Islamabad F-7 Islamabad (Islamabad showroom where one finds under one roof the widest range of All kinds of Schools/Colleges/Universities educational pos Competitive Exams, ey Exam books and General Knowledge ooks ) 2 UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly HSM CSS Times HSM Ss HSM CSS TIMES 3 HSM CSS TIMES Monthly E- Magazine plays an important role in Competitive exams preparation Since, the majority of the current i affairs related questions in the Competitive exams. and government job Exams are analytical in nature, reading newspapers alone is not sufficient to clear the exam. One has to collect background information, additional data and opinions of various stakeholders to have a 360-degree approach on an issue. By reading HSM CSS TIMES Monthly E-magazine, aspirants can get all this information at one place. Besides, the study material, HSM CSS TIMES Monthly E-magazine also provide practice tests, toppers interviews, tips and strategies to clear the Competitive exams and the government job exam. Our website www.hsmpublishers.com will cover current affairs focusing more on ‘issues’ on a daily basis. This will help you pick up relevant news items of the day from various national and International dailies such as The Dawn, Express Tribune, Business Recorder, New York Times, Financial Post, Aljazeera and other important Online sources. Over time, some of these news items will become important issues. FPSC has the knack of picking such issues and asking general opinion based at Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | questions. Answering such questions will require general awareness and an overall understanding of the issue. Therefore, we intend to create the right understanding among aspirants —'How to cover these issues? This is the October 2020 edition of HSM's Monthly Magazine HSM CSS TIMES. This edition covers all important issues that were in news in the month of SEPTEMBER 2020 We hope this issue helps you crack the next Competitive exams and government job exam you appear for. All the best! For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly HSM. October S Times UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com PAKISTAN AFFAIRS. After the passage of three Financial Action Task Force (FATF) related bills on 16 September 2020 by a joint session of Pakistan's parliament, the country has wrapped up the important task of legislation concerning FATF, which experts believe will not only prevent the country from being blacklisted by FATF, but also have salutary effects on the national economy and revamp the global image of Pakistan FATF put Pakistan on its grey list in June 2018 and gave Islamabad a final deadline in February 2020 to implement the remaining 13 out of 27 action points by June 2020, but the deadline was extended up to September due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In this regard, over the past few months, dozens of laws have been passed by the national assembly and the senate to prevent Pakistan from being blacklisted by FATF and pave the way for the country to get out of the grey list. The final three FATF-related bills passed were Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Bill-2020, Anti-Terrorism (Third Amendment) Bill-2020, and Islamabad Capital Territory Waaf Properties Bill-2020. oe With Pakistan""s continuation in the "grey list", it will be difficult for the country to get financial aid from the IMF, World Bank, ADB, and the European Union, thus further enhancing problems for the nation which is in a precarious financial situation. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly CSS Times HSM October 2020 PAKISTAN AFFAIRS 5 Islamabad Capital Territory Waqf Properties Bill, 2020 “The Islamabad Capital Territory Waqf Properties Bill, 2020" is aimed at proper management, supervision, and administration of Waaf properties in the territorial limits of the Islamabad Capital Territory. Under the Islamabad Capital Territory Waqf Properties Bill-2020, the federal government also intends to control terrorism and religious extremism in the country. Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Bill, 2020 “The Anti-Money Laundering (Second Amendment) Bill, 2020" is aimed at streamlining the existing anti-money laundering law in line with the international standards prescribed by the FATF. Under the anti-money laundering bill, all banks and financial institutions across the country are now required to conduct a thorough investigation of each account holder. Any person sends or receives a large amount of money, will be asked by the concerned institutions about the source of income, and authorities will keep a close eye on more than expected transactions. Anti-Terrorism (Third Amendment) Bill, 2020 “The Anti-Terrorism (Third Amendment) Bill, Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | 2020" is aimed at addressing the issue of terror financing, one of the major obstacles, which is not only playing a degrading role against the development of the country but also imbuing such elements with the financial means, which are an ultimate threat to the internal and external peace of the country. The purpose of the Anti-Terrorism (Third Amendment) Bill is also to enable the law enforcement authorities to take certain encountering techniques with an authoritative support of the courts of law to curb terror financing. According to the Anti-Terrorism Act (amendment) Bill, 2020, the investigating officer, with the permission of the court, can conduct covert operations to detect terrorism funding, track communications and computer system by applying latest technologies in 60 days. The court may extend the period for another 60 days. The bill said funding for terrorism was a major obstacle in the country's development and a source of disgrace to it. Terrorism funding was benefiting those elements which were not only a threat to internal and external peace of the country but also its allies, it said. For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com About 60 percent of the world’s 6-to-12 year olds who are out of school are girls. With just.one extra year of education beyond the average, a girl's eventual wages increase by 10-20%. nes INTERNATIONALDAY _—s_—_—séG6 —Publishers— \ International Day of the Girl Child: 2020 Theme, My Voice, Our Equal Future International Day of the Girl Child is celebrated annually on 11 October to highlight and draw attention towards the challenges that girls’ face. It is also necessary to focus on their human rights and empowerment. What is the history behind celebrating International Day of the Girl Child, theme of 2020 and its significance? Let us find out! Introduction In ancient times, women were highly respected. But with time, their situation changed drastically. Thinking of people towards girls changed. Despite the social acceptance of female infanticide among some Arabian tribes, the Quran forbade this custom, and considered it a crime like any other murder. And when the female (infant) buried alive — is questioned, for what crime she was killed.” (81:8-9). Far from saving the gir'’s life so that she may later suffer injustice and inequality, Islam requires kind and just treatment for her. ‘Among the sayings of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in this regard are the following Whosoever has a daughter and he does not bury her alive, does not insult her, and does not favour his son over her, God will enter him into Paradise. (Ibn Hanbal). Whosoever supports two daughters till they mature, he and I will come in the day of judgment as this (and he pointed with his two fingers held together). A similar Hadith deals with one who supports two sisters. (lbn-Hanbal). Conservative practices like child marriage, dowry system, female foeticide, etc. became prevalent. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly SM CSS Times H! October 2020 According to Islamic Law, women cannot be forced to marry anyone without their consent. Ibn Abbas reported that a girl came to the Holy Prophet and complained that her father had forced her to marry someone without her consent. The Messenger of God gave her the choice ... between accepting the marriage or invalidating it. (Ibn Hanbal). According to another version, the girl said: "Actually I accept this marriage but I wanted to let women know that parents have no right (to force a husband on them)” (Ibn Maja). Due to this, girls were being denied from rights like education, nutrition, legal rights and medicine. But now in this modern era, several efforts are being made to provide Girls their rights and to make people aware of it. The Indian government is also working in this direction and is implementing various INTERNATIONAL DAY 7 countries unanimously adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action. It was the most progressive blueprint for advancing not only the rights of women but also for girls. This declaration is the first to specifically call out girl's rights. United Nations General Assembly on 19 December, 2011 adopted a resolution 66/170 to declare 11 October as the International Day of the Girl Child. It's aimed to highlight and recognise girl's rights and the challenges that girls face around the world. Thus, the first International Day of the Girl Child was observed on 11 October 2012 and its theme at that time was "Ending Child Marriage". “Women, like men, should try to do the impossible. And when they fail, their failure should be a challenge to others’. - Amelia Earhart schemes. International Day of the Girl Child Since 2012, International Day of the Girl Child is being celebrated every year. Its main objective is to empower women and help them to get their rights so that they can face the challenges all over the world and meet their needs. At the same time, spreading awareness about eliminating gender abnormalities against girls around the world. “Women's empowerment is intertwined with respect for human rights”. - Mahnaz Afkhami My voice, Our Equal Future This year, under the theme, “My voice, our equal future’, let's seize the opportunity to reimagine a better world inspired by adolescent girls - energized and recognized, counted and invested in. As adolescent girls worldwide assert their power as change-makers, International Day of the Gin 2020 will focus on their demands to: Live free from gender-based violence, harmful practices, and HIV and AIDS Learn new skills towards the futures they choose Lead as a generation of activists accelerating social change International Day of the Girl Child: History World Conference on Women took place in Beijing in 1995 where Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | ei? Worldwide, nearly 1 in 4g irls aged 15-19 years is neither aataved nor in education or training compared to 1 in 10 .oys of the same age. By 2021 around 435 million women and girls will be living on fecethanielon elday =rcldingay million pushed into poverty as a result of COVID-19. 1 in 3 women worldwide have experienced physical or sexual violence. Emerging data shows that since the outbreak of COVID-19, violence against women and girls (VAWG), and particularly domestic violence, has INTENSIFIED. At least 60% of countries still discriminate against daughters’ rights to inherit land and non-land assets in either law or practice. For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com According to FPSC Revised, syllabi enirvesn ssc Wraita) ee ee baa ees Ua h iri Ce chan e c Ei canal \CcQs Wee ee ona iN ine: www.hsmpublishers.com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly HSM. CSS Times, WORLD CURRENT AFFAIRS 9 Mel The Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Between Azerbaijan and Armenia Outline: Thesis Statement The longer, protracted conflict/stand-off between Azerbaijan and Armenia stems from long- standing territorial and ethnic conflagration which can result in mass-scale displacement, blanket destruction, and, above all, increased involvement of outside powers risking a wider regional war. (D) The cold war era and the fall of the Soviet Union-1991 (1) Guerrilla warfare 1988-1991 (2) Full scale warfare 1992-1994 (3) NK parliament voted-to join Armenia- 1988 (2) Opposed by Moscow (Russia) (b) The Azerbaijan Soviet government (4) Collapse of the Soviet Union (a) Yerevan backed Armenia separatists seized NK and adjacent 7 Azerbaijan districts 1 Introduction to the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict 2 Historical perspectives (A) Strategically important: the Caucasus region in SE Europe (Between the Dead Sea and Caspian Sea) (B) The USSR in 1920-1922- Inclusion of Armenia and Azerbaijan (©) The Nagorno-Karabakh: An Autonomous Oblast of the Soviet + MOA QTUNONST Azerbaijan (Administrative unit) _ en = am Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly SM CSS Times H! October 2020 CASPIAN 3 The 2020 crisis between Azerbaijan and Armenia (a) Azerbaijan forces tried to recapture swaths of territory captured during the war between 1992-94. 4 Theatre of war (b) The Nagorno-Karabakh region between Azerbaijan and Armania plus Nagorno Karabakh 5 Major players in the conflict (A) Russia (Moscow) (a) Strategic ally with Armenia (Bilateral Multilateral a arrangements) (b) Sells weapons to both Azerbaijan and Armenia. (c) CSTO-Collective Security Treaty Organization (d) OSCE-Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (USA, France, Russia) a mediator mechanism (e) Stalled relations in the wake of 2018 Revolution between Armenia and Russia (B) Turkey (a) 1991-Turkey first recognized Armenia (Azerbaijan PM's words -One Nation with two states- Turkic culture + Population in Azerbaija (b) First Diplomatic and moral support now all-out support (0) Mobilized Syrian mercenaries to Azerbaijan for fighting (© Iran, Georgia, Qatar-Mediation and political settlement (D) UN-OSCE-Mediation .UNSC Four warning to Armenia to leave occupied territories peacefully) (E) Role of USA- Busy in Presidential Election and Global Pandemic crises (F) Role of Pakistan Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | WORLD CURRENT AFFAIRS 0 (a) Politically negotiated settlement (b) Role of mediation (Muslims world) (c) Voice at UN, SCO, Russia (d) Controlling religious outfits (e) Not aligning with any party 6 Geopolitics (a) NATO vs CSTO (b) The UNSC resolutions in favour of Azerbaijan (c) West Sanctions on Russia if Russia supports Armenia (d) Clash of Muslim World and Christian World 7 Conclusion PV eels Saeed Wazir mentors students of CSS Essay, Précis and Current Affairs and specializes in English literature, language and linguistics from NUML. He has perused Media studies at NUST. He qualified PMS three times in a row. He serves at federal Universities as marking instructor. He has been mentoring CSS English students for the last seven years and runs Facebook page: CSS Essay, Précis, with Saeed Wazir, He is based in G 9/2, Islamabad and runs special batches of CSS Essay Précis both On-Campus and Online. He could be reached at CSSPMSSS@GMAIL.COM and WhatsApp plus Phone no 03450997822 He contributes to CSS Times, Daily Times, Dawn, Foreign Policy, and IPRI. He evaluates Online Essays, Précis and Comprehension. For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly HSM CSS Times. WORLD CURRENT AFFAIRS i October 2020 Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict Armenia vs Azerbaijan: An Old Regional Conflict, Interested Neighbours At the heart of the decades-old conflict is the have never resulted in a peace treaty. Nagorno-Karabakh region. It is recognised as Armenia is majority Christian while oil-rich part of Azerbaijan, but it is controlled by Azerbaijan is majority Muslim. Turkey has ethnic Armenians. close ties to Azerbaijan, while Russia is allied The countries fought a bloody war over the _with Armenia - although it also has good region in the late 1980s and early 1990s. relations with Azerbaijan Although they declared a ceasefire, they have never managed to agree a peace treaty. The story in 100 words Nagorno-Karabakh is part of Azerbaijan, but its population is majority Armenian. As the Soviet Union saw increasing tensions in its constituent republics in the 1980s, Nagorno- Karabakh voted to become part of Armenia - sparking a war which stopped with a ceasefire in 1994. Since then, Nagorno-Karabakh has remained part of Azerbaijan, but is controlled by separatist ethnic Armenians backed by the ‘Armenian government. Negotiations over decades, mediated by international powers, Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly SM CSS Times H! October 2020 Oil-rich Azerbaijan has redefined itself over the past two decades from a struggling newly independent state to a major regional energy player. Deals with international energy producers have allowed the country to use its energy revenues to create a government-run fund involved in international projects. It has also used its resources to rebuild its army, which is seen as a government priority as. the country grapples with the breakaway territory of Nagorno-Karabakh. Despite its wealth and increased influence in the wider region, poverty and corruption continue to overshadow the country's development. Agovernment crackdown on human rights advocates and journalists has raised concern that Azerbaijan's embryonic democracy is under threat. Republic of Azerbaijan Cis : Baku Population 9.7 million ‘Area 86,600 sq km (33,400 sq miles) Major languages Azeri, Russian Major religion Islam Life expectancy 69 years (men), 75 years (women) (UN) Main exports Oil, oil products UN, World Bank President: Ilham Aliyev UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com WORLD CURRENT AFFAIRS The story in 500 words The Caucasus are a strategically important mountainous region in south-east Europe. For centuries, different powers in the region - both Christian and Muslim - have vied for control there. Modern-day Armenia and Azerbaijan both became part of the Soviet Union when it was formed in the 1920s. Nagorno-Karabakh was an ethnic-majority Armenian region, but the Soviets gave control over the area to Azerbaijan authorities. The Armenians in Nagorno-Karabakh made several calls to be transferred to Armenian authority control in the following decades. But it was only as the Soviet Union began to collapse in the late 1980s that Nagorno- Karabakh’s regional parliament officially voted to become part of Armenia. Azerbaijan sought to suppress the separatist movement, while Armenia backed it. This led to ethnic clashes, and - after Armenia and Azerbaijan declared independence from Moscow - a full-scale war. Tens of thousands died and up to a million were displaced amid reports of ethnic cleansing and massacres committed by both sides. Armenian forces gained control of Nagorno- Karabakh before a Russian-brokered ceasefire was declared in 1994. After that deal, Nagorno-Karabakh remained part of Azerbaijan, but since then has mostly been governed by a separatist, self-declared republic, run by ethnic Armenians and backed by the Armenian government, Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly HSM CSS Times October 202 A landlocked country with Turkey to the west, Georgia to the north, and in to the east, Armenia boasts countries. After independence from the Soviet Union in 1991, Armenia quickly became drawn into a bloody conflict with Azerbaijan over the mainly Armenian Nagorno-Karabakh region. One of the earliest Christian civilisations, Armenia's first churches were founded in the fourth century. In later centuries, it frequently oscillated between Byzantine, Persian, Mongol or Turkish control, as well as periods of independence. Prime minister: Nikol Pashinyan President: Armen Sargsyan The Republic of Armenia Capital: Yerevan ~ Population 3.1m Area 29,743 sq km (11,484 sq miles) Major languages Armenian, Russian Major religion Christianity Life expectancy 71 years (men), 77 years (women) Main exports Diamonds, machinery, foodstuffs WORLD CURRENT AFFAIRS 13 It also established the Nagorno-Karabakh Line of Contact, separating Armenian and Azerbaijan forces. Peace talks have taken place since then mediated by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) Minsk Group - a body set up in 1992 and chaired by France, Russia and the United States. But so far a peace treaty has not been signed Clashes have continued throughout the past three decades, with the last serious flare up in 2016, when dozens of troops on both sides ys Os The conflict is further complicated by geopolitics. Nato member-state Turkey was the first nation to recognise Azerbaijan's independence in 1991. Former Azeri President Heydar Aliyev once described the two as “one nation with two states". Both share a Turkic culture and populations, and Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has pledged his nation’s support for Azerbaijan. Moreover, Turkey has no official relations with Armenia. In 1993 Turkey shut its border with Armenia in support of Azerbaijan during the war over Nagorno-Karabakh, Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com eae are Ruri Pade aa HOST el ar eco pertain Nahe aaa Ts a Mar dca (cr a mi re Mehmood Parcs Buy online: www.h Ay it emer UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly SM,CSS Times. WORLD CURRENT AFFAIRS 15 H! October 2020 Azerbaijan-Armenia Conflict aw s a ii asninheae enone f Ricny | Nagorno-Karabakh ‘Autonomous Region Azerbaijani territory under Armenian military control Armenia meanwhile has good relations with quoted Azerbaijan President Ikhlam Aliyev as Russia. There is a Russian military base in saying that for the fighting to stop, Armenia Armenia, and both are members of the must unconditionally leave Nagorno- Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) Karabakh. military alliance. However, President Vladimir - Putin also has good relations with Azerbaijan, and Moscow has called for a ceasefire. In 2018, Armenia underwent a peaceful revolution, sweeping long-time ruler Serzh Sargysan from power. Protest leader Nikol Pashinyan became the prime minister after free elections that year. Mr Pashinyan agreed with Azerbaijan's President Ilham Aliyev to de-escalate tensions and set up the first military hotline between the two countries. In 2019, both nations issued a statement declaring the need for “taking concrete measures to prepare the The Armenian government lodged a request populations for peace" with the European Court of Human Rights As yet however, nothing has come of those (ECHR) for an interim measure (applicable words. It is unclear which nations started the only when there is imminent risk of latest violence but tensions have been high _irreparable harm) against Azerbaijan. It for months, since clashes in July left casualties requested the court to indicate to the ‘on both sides. Azerbaijani government to “cease the military What Next? attacks towards the civilian settlements along As of now, both sides are standing their the entire line of contact of the armed forces ground. The Russian state news agency TASS _of Armenia and Artsak' Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly SM CSS Times H! October 2020 Alexei Navalny is Russia's opposition leader and anti-corruption campaigner who was evacuated to Germany after falling ill Navalny collapsed on a flight in Russia's Siberia region on 20 August 2020. He was transferred to the Charité hospital in the German capital Berlin two days later. Germany, where Navalny is recovering, says he was poisoned by a Novichok nerve agent. Its findings were confirmed by labs in France and Sweden. The Kremlin denies any involvement. In an interview published by Der Spiegel - the first since he fell ill - Navalny said the order to use Novichok could only have come from the heads of three of Russia's intelligence services, all of whom work under Vladimir Putin. “If 30 people have access to a [chemical] agent, and not three, then it's a global threat,” the 44-year-old told the magazine What is Novichok? The name Novichok means "newcomer" in Russian, and applies to a group of advanced nerve agents developed by the Soviet Union Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com WORLD CURRENT AFFAIRS 16 Navalny 'Poisoned': What are Novichok Agents & What Do They Do? in the 1970s and 1980s. They were known as fourth-generation chemical weapons and were developed under a Soviet programme codenamed Foliant. Novichok's existence was revealed by chemist Dr Vil Mirzayanov in the 1990s, via Russian media. He later defected to the US, where he published the chemical formula in his book, State Secrets. The weaponisation of any chemical is banned under the 1997 Chemical Weapons Convention, of which Moscow is a signatory. For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly HSM CSS Times, WORLD CURRENT AFFAIRS 17 What nerve agents do to the body Ga brain: Convulsions, my) vg) loss of consciousness coma ‘Eyes: Pupils constricted Lungs: Wheezing, shortness of breath, excessive fluid secretion Heart: Initially high blood pressure and raised heart rate. Later low blood pressure and decreased heart rate. '——Digestive system: Nausea and vomiting, diarrhoea o———————— Skin: Profuse sweating Death can occur by asphyxiation or cardiac arrest Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com ETO] Mer arnTn ta ANE G IS — = FN acc. Oe i Encyclopedia Ne Knowledge Pmacacas Objective (MCQs) rs Cia So 1 _ PAs) ui Poe _— a S sz Buy Online www.hsmpublishers.com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com WORLD CURRENT AFFAIRS 19 Monthly SM CSS etal H! October 2020 However, Moscow is not believed ever to have declared Novichok or its ingredients to the Hague-based Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which oversees a treaty banning their use. Background: Novichok were added to the Chemical Weapons Convention's list of controlled substances last year. This was the first time that the list was updated since it was agreed upon in the 1990s. Kremlin's ‘Extreme Measures’ Asked why the Russian president would target him, Navalny spoke of recent unrest in the far eastern province of Khabarovsk. “The Kremlin realises that it must take extreme measures to prevent a ‘Belarus situation’,” the opposition leader said, in reference to weeks of mass anti-government protests there following a disputed election. “The system is fighting for its survival and we've just felt the consequences.” Navalny was released from hospital in Berlin and is still receiving physiotherapy to aid his recovery. His spokeswoman said that his bank accounts had been frozen and his flat seized but Navalny told Der Spiegel he still planned to return to Russia. "Not going back would mean that Putin had achieved his goal... I will not give Putin the gift of not returning to Russia.” The EU and a number of governments have called for Russia to investigate Navalny's poisoning. If the attack on Alexei Navalny was meant to failed. He's made it clear that he intends to return to Russia - and to opposition politics - more determined than ever, pledging to take ‘on those "villains" who commit “the most heinous crimes". But the fact he identifies Vladimir Putin as chief “villain” in his poisoning has infuriated the Kremlin. Its spokesman called the accusation “utterly unfounded" and "insulting". That's standard Kremlin-speak but Dmitry Peskov also said he had “concrete information" that Alexei Navalny was getting “clear instructions" from the CIA. That's new, and an escalation apparently aimed at discrediting him as thoroughly as possible here in Russia. Navalny has already mocked the claim online, wondering whether the CIA was “instructing” him on his physiotherapy, as that's all he’s been doing since his release from hospital. He's threatened to sue for what he called a “monstrous lie", which he believes is meant to distract Russians from what the Kremlin “needs to hide’ What is Chemical Weapons Convention (cwc)? It is a multilateral treaty that bans chemical weapons and requires their destruction within a specified period of time. The CWC is implemented by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW), which is headquartered in The Hague (OPCW won the 2013 Nobel peace prize). The CWC is open to all nations and currently has 193 states-parties. Israel has signed but has yet to ratify the convention, Three states have neither signed nor ratified the convention- Egypt, North Korea and South Sudan. The Chemical Weapons Convention prohil 1. Developing, producing, acquiring, stockpiling, or retaining chemical weapons. 2. The direct or indirect transfer of chemical weapons. 3. Chemical weapons use or military frighten him into silence or compliance, it preparation for us Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly HSM CSS Times INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 20 October 2020 International Atomic Energy Agency Iran has agreed to give International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors access to two suspected former nuclear sites. A joint statement said Iran was doing so in good faith to resolve outstanding issues related to nuclear safeguards. The agreement came during a visit to Tehran by the IAEA's director general. The global watchdog has criticised Iran for not answering its questions about possible undeclared nuclear material and nuclear- related activities at the two locations, and denying it access. It is thought the activities took place long before 2015, when Iran struck a landmark deal with world powers that placed limits on its nuclear programme. Tran insists it has never sought nuclear weapons, but evidence previously collected by the IAEA suggests that until 2003 it conducted "a range of activities relevant to the development of a nuclear explosive device". Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | Iran signed the nuclear deal in 2015 with the United States, Germany, France, Britain, China and Russia. Known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA, it allows Iran only to keep a stockpile of 202.8 kilograms (447 pounds). However, as per IAEA reports, Iran continues to increase its stockpile of enriched uranium in violation of limitations set in the deal. For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly HSM CSS Times October 2020 Why this oversight is necessary? 1. The suspected work on a uranium metal disk, which could be used as a nuclear weapon component, and on neutrons—which are used to trigger a nuclear implosion—point to Iranian work on a neutron initiator for a nuclear weapons test or nuclear weapons device. 2. Iran's stockpile of enriched uranium has grown by around 50% since February to 1,572 kilograms. That puts Iran's stockpile of the nuclear fuel far above the limit of 202.8 kilograms stipulated in the 2015 nuclear accord. 3. With 1,000 kilograms of low-enriched uranium, Iran would likely have enough material to fuel a single bomb. once the material is further enriched, a process some experts believe could take as little as a months. About IAEA: Set up as the world's “Atoms for Peace” organization in 1957 within the United Nations family. Reports to both the United Nations General Assembly and Security Council Headquarters in Vienna, Austria. Functions: Works with its Member States and multiple partners worldwide to promote the safe, secure and peaceful Use of nuclear technologies. Seeks to promote the peaceful use of nuclear energy, and to inhibit its use for any military purpose, including nuclear weapons. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 2 Board of Governors: 22 member states (must represent a stipulated geographic diversity) — elected by the General Conference (11 members every year) ~ 2 year term At least 10 member states — nominated by the outgoing Board. Board members each receive one vote. Functions: Recommendations to the General Conference on IAEA activities and budget. Responsible for publishing IAEA standards. Responsible for making most of the policy of the IAEA. Appoints the Director General subject to General Conference approval. Progrems: I. Program of Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT), . Human Health Program. .. Water Availability Enhancement Project. . International Project on Innovative Nuclear Reactors and Fuel Cycles, 2000. For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com w Buy Online www.hsmpublishers.com www.ilmikitabkhana.com Kabir Street Urdu Bazar, Lahore Phone: 042-373532510 UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com CSS Times INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION Monthly North Atlantic Treaty Organization Greece Rejects NATO Mediation. It says ‘de-escalation’ only after Turkey withdraws vessels from Greek waters. Bulgaria Athens insisted the only way to de-escalate the situation was for Turkey to withdraw its warships from Greek waters. The furious rebuke comes after NATO secretary-general Jens Stoltenberg claimed the two members of the military alliance had agreed to technical talks to defuse a row over energy exploration. Mr Stoltenberg said: "Following my discussions with Greek and Turkish leaders, the two allies have agreed to enter into Tensions in Eastern Mediterranean technical talks at NATO to establish Tensions have recently escalated over the deconfliction mechanisms and rescue the risk _issue of energy exploration in the Eastern of incidents and accidents in the Eastern Mediterranean Mediterranean.” Greece has disputed Turkey's energy Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly HSM CSS Times INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION a4 October 2020 exploration in the region, trying to box in for dialogue to ensure the fair sharing of Turkish maritime territory based on small resources. islands near the Turkish coast. Caisse tor latest Tensor Turkey -- the country with the longest Tensions are mounting to breaking point coastline in the Mediterranean -- has sent out between Turkey and Greece over Turkey's drill ships to explore for energy reserves on _ drilling work near the Mediterranean its continental shelf, saying that both Turkey _ island of Cyprus, which like Greece is an EU and the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus member country. (TRNC) have rights in the region. Turkey doesn't recognize the divided island of Cyprus as a state and claims 44 In order to reduce tensions, Turkey has called per cent of Cyprus’ exclusive NATO Memk NATO - North Atlantic Treaty Organization ecretary General of NATO is Jens Stoltenberg is Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly SM CSS Times H! October 2020 economic zone as its own. Cyprus was split along ethnic lines in 1974 when Turkey invaded in the wake of a coup by supporters of union with Greece. About North Atlantic Treaty Organization: It is an intergovernmental military alliance. Established by Washington treaty. Treaty that was signed on 4 April 1949. Headquarters — Brussels, Belgium. Headquarters of Allied Command Operations — Mons, Belgium. Significance: It constitutes a system of collective defence whereby its independent member states agree to mutual defence in response to an attack by any external party. Composition: Since its founding, the admission of new member states has increased the alliance from the original 12 countries to 30. The most recent member state to be added to NATO was North Macedonia on 27 March 2020. NATO membership is open to “any other European state in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and to contribute to the security of the North Atlantic area.” Membership 30 states — Albania, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Montenegro, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, and United States. Background The Brussels Treaty of 1948, revised in 1984, represented the first step in the post-war reconstruction of Western European security and brought into being the Western Union and the Brussels Treaty Organization. It was also the first step in the process leading to the signature of the North Atlantic Treaty in 1949 and the creation of the North Atlantic Alliance. The Brussels Treaty is the founding document of the present day Western INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 3 European Union (WEU). Negotiations culminated in the signature of the Treaty of Washington in April 1949, bringing into being a common security system based on a partnership among 12 countries: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, the United Kingdom, and the United States. In 1952, Greece and Turkey acceded to the Treaty. The Federal Republic of Germany joined the Alliance in 1955, and Spain became a member of NATO in 1982. The Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland joined NATO in 1999. Bulgaria, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Slovenia, and Romania became NATO members in 2004. Croatia and Albania became members in April 2009. Montenegro became a member in 2017. Objectives: Political - NATO promotes democratic values and enables members to consult and cooperate on defence and security-related issues to solve problems, build trust and, in the long run, prevent conflict. ry — NATO is committed to the peaceful resolution of disputes. If diplomatic efforts fail, it has the military power to undertake crisis-management operations. These are carried out under the collective defence clause of NATO's founding treaty - Article 5 of the Washington Treaty or under a United Nations mandate, alone or in cooperation with other countries and international organisations. Developments 2020 On 27 March, North Macedonia officially Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly SM CSS Times H! October 2020 joined NATO becoming the 30” member state NATO allies met on 22 May, to discuss the future of the Open Skies Treaty. The NATO Secretary General reaffirmed commitment to the treaty and reiterated efforts to bring all members into full compliance. 2019 On 1 February, the North Atlantic Council issued a statement in support of the United States’ decision to suspend its INF Treaty obligations. On 6 February, NATO Allies signed the NATO Accession Protocol for North Macedonia, paving the way for the country to join NATO. upon Accession Protocol ratification. On 14 March, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg discussed the 2018 Annual Report, which described strengthened partnership, an increase in defense spending, and modernization. On 4 April, NATO Foreign Ministers held a meeting on the 70” anniversary of the Alliance to discuss key security topics including NATO-Russia relations, terrorism, burden sharing, and regional security. On 11 April, NATO held its largest-ever medical exercise in Romania to practice military incident responses. The exercise, Vigorous Warrior 2019, involved 26 Alliance members and 13 partners. On 27 June, NATO Defense Ministers approved a new space policy during two days of Brussels meetings. Other topics included defense readiness, Afghan security, the INF Treaty, and burden sharing. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION On 20 July, NATO condemned Iran's “seizure of two commercial ships in the Strait of Hormuz.” On 2 August, the North Atlantic Council reaffirmed the Alliance's support for the United States’ decision to withdraw from the INF Treaty and said that Russia “bears sole responsibility” for the Treaty's collapse. The statement said NATO would “respond in a measured and responsible way” to Russia's 9M729 missile, which NATO claimed violated the Treaty. NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg added that the Alliance does “not want a new arms race” and has “no intention to deploy new land-based nuclear missiles in Europe.” 2018 From 16 to 17 January, the 178” Military Committee met in Chiefs of Defense Session at the NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. The Chiefs of Defense discussed NATO's role in the Middle East and the security of ally countries in Eastern Europe. On 13 February, the NATO-Istanbul Cooperation Initiative Regional Centre hosted its first energy security training course in Kuwait, offering classes on cyber defense, and chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear threats. On 16 February, NATO Secretary General Jens Stolenberg spoke at the opening session of the Munich Security Conference. The Secretary General discussed the need to keep “a safe, secure, and effective” nuclear deterrent in the wake of growing Russian, Chinese, and North Korean nuclear programs. On 14 March, NATO issued a statement condemning the use of a nerve agent in For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com Monthly HSM CSS Times October 2020 Salisbury, England, calling the attack “indiscriminate and reckless.” NATO also emphasized the importance of the CWC as part of the global non-proliferation regime. On 14 April, NATO supported the destruction of Syrian chemical weapons facilities by the United States, the United Kingdom, and France after alleged chemical weapons attacks in Douma, emphasizing that their destruction is vital to protecting the CWC. On 16 May, the NATO Chiefs of Defence met in the new NATO Headquarters to focus on NATO's role in the Middle East, alliance modernization, and enhancing NATO's deterrence capabilities. On 5 June, NATO and China resumed diplomatic dialogues after a three-year hiatus. Chinese officials and NATO military chiefs discussed North Korea, security in Central Asia, and the possibility of practical cooperation between China and NATO. On 11-12 July, NATO held a summit Brussels, Belgium. The Alliance agreed to new readiness initiatives, greater support for counter-terrorism missions, and to start accession talks with the Republic of Macedonia. The Alliance also agreed to increase defense spending and ensure fairer burden-sharing. The Brussels Summit Declaration, published during the summit, also included language that suggested a stronger reliance on the U.S.'s forward deployed nuclear weapons for its strategy of defense and deterrence. On 14 September, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg spoke in Washington, D. emphasizing NATO's role in contributing USS. security and prosperity. Monthly HSM CSS Times (E Magazine) | Oct 2020 | UPLOADED BY HSM PUBLISHERS www.hsmpublishers.com INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION 27 On 4 October, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg released a statement on Russian cyberattacks, condemning Russia's "reckless pattern of behavior" and pointing to efforts to bolster NATO cyber defenses. From 25 October to 7 November, all NATO members and partners Finland and Sweden conducted the largest Alliance military exercise since the Cold War ended. Approximately 50,000 personnel participated in this exercise, called Trident Juncture, with around 10,000 vehicles, 250 aircraft, and 65 ships. The exercise aimed to “test NATO's ability to restore the sovereignty of an Ally after an act of armed aggression.” From 29 to 30 October, the 14” annual Conference on Weapons of Mass Destruction, Arms Control, Disarmament and Non- Proliferation took place in Iceland. Topics included ballistic missile proliferation, chemical weapons attacks, and the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty. On 27 November, the North Atlantic Council called Russia's work on the Kerch Strait bridge “another violation of Ukraine's sovereignty” and urged Russia to release seized Ukrainian ships and sailors. On 29 November, NATO representatives met in Washington, D.C,, for the annual Nuclear Policy Symposium. NATO Director of Nuclear Policy Jessica Cox emphasized the “critical role” of nuclear weapons for NATO deterrence, particularly in light of Russian nuclear capabilities. On 4 December, NATO Foreign Ministers declared that Russia was in violation of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty (INF) by producing and fielding a specific new missile. For Free Download: www.hsmpublishers.com

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