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Urban planning

GDP and GDP/ capita

World view will define the system
simply having a view will not suffice,
HDI will not mean a happy society, they have multiple nuances within their domain
When plotted against GDP & HDP will show how Govt. is spending economy in a country
% breakdown of this year budget, where money is being spent.
Trickle down economics
Happiness plays a vital role in defining a country's indicator
The objective/ approach is what matters
'Where to invade next' - Documentary by Michael Moore
Simon Cuznets
Can HDI be used as a cover for GDP?
In Bhutan, the indigenous rule of GNH, is claimed as outdated and GDP
The three conditions are privatization, deregulation, and trade liberalization-
typical of the neo-liberal model
Ayub: Decade of development
Bhutto: Socialist, Nationaliszation
Zia: Islamization
Green Revolution: related to farmers
1990s IMF: Capitalist
Josepth Stiglitz book: Globalisation and its discontents
Musharraf: Neo-liberalism

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