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Name: Skarlet Arteaga #3 10°: A Term: II

Teacher name: Fabiola Bayona.

1. George Washington’s doctor did a treatment called bloodletting.

2. Cells all have important building body jobs to do.
3. We have natural defenses to keep out the troublemaking microbes.
4. The immune system knows the difference between good.
5. Bacteria are simple, single celled organisms.
6. The flu, chicken pox and the common cold are each caused by a virus.
7. Ringworm causes a wormlike, red ring to appear on the skin.
8. Athlete’s foot Attacks the bottom of the feet and area between the toes.
9. If a sick person touches a doorknob after he or she blows his or her nose, the
microbes stay behind.
10. When a small group of people in the same place gets the same disease, it is
called an outbreak.

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