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APLICAȚIA 3. Cine sunt eu?/ Who am I?


Gândește-te la 4 persoane pentru care tu crezi că ești important.

Notează ce crezi că ar declara aceste persoane despre tine, cum te-ar

Think of 4 different people for whom you think you are important.
Write down what you think they would say about you/how they would
describe you. 

Persoana Ce ar zice despre tine?

1 my mum/dad they think I am a serious and good person at heart
2 my I don’t have any siblings
3 my friends they think i'm the kind of person they need all the time, they say i'm
an understanding and very interesting person
4. grandparents I think my grandmother thinks I'm a very annoying person
sometimes, but she thinks I put my soul into everything I do.

Materiale utilizate
Foi albe, pixuri, tabel-fișa de lucru

Analiza aplicației

Deseori, identificăm mai ușor trăsăturile noastre pozitive, analizând

relaționarea cu persoanele ce contează din viața noastră. Ce părere ai
despre răspunsurile pe care le-ai notat? Cum ești tu, cu
adevărat? Care sunt însușirile tale pozitive, caracteristicile deosebite
ce te definesc?
. Well, I describe myself as a normal person. What defines me is the fact that I can understand any
person and make them feel good. I like to make others smile. But, like any person, I also have flaws,
and my biggest flaw is that I am very shy, in many moments :(

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