Present Continuous (+)

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27th October, Tuesday

Present Continuous Tense

Affirmative (+)

Exercise 1 – Write

1. Wear – wearing
2. Play - _________
3. Listen - _________
4. Look- _________
5. Draw- _________
6. Rain- _________
7. Snow- _________
8. Jump- _________
9. Fly- _________
10. Mop - _________
11. Read- _________
12. Put- _________
13. have - _________
14. make - _________

Exercise 2 – Read and complete: am/ is/ are

1. She ___ watching TV. 2. Erlina ___ watering the plants.

3.Mona ___ setting the table. 4. Alvin and Lee ___ dancing.

Exercise 3 – Read and complete

a) She is watching (watch) TV.

b) He ______ (write) an email.
c) They ______ (make) the bed.
d) I ______(vacuum) the carpet.

Exercise 4 – Put the words in right order to make sentences.

-is/ he/ hockey/ playing

He is playing hockey.
-a shower/ is/ it/ having
-it/ raining/ is
-are/ mopping/ the floor/ they
-is/ the ironing/ Harry/ doing

*Дополнителни вежби за во слободно време 

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