Support Technical Task

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Task length: 2 hours

1. Please provide an example of a time where you provided extraordinary support

2. Current pricing packages for clinicians are as described in this document here
a. What is the best option for a small clinic that’s just interested in testing Myndlift in
the clinic?
b. What are the best options for a large clinic that intends to use Myndlift remotely
with its patients?
c. Who would you offer the annual pricing to?

3. What are the top 5 things you would improve in the Myndlift website? Please be specific.

4. We have 2 models. One in which the clinic pays us and delivers the Myndlift service to
their clients, and another in which the consumer pays us to get the Myndlift service
directly from us.

One day, a clinician sends the following frustrated email:

“Hi, I have just discovered that Myndlift has a competing offering to what I am offering to
my clients. It looks cheaper and now I don’t know how to continue marketing Myndlift to
my own users. Please advise”

What are the things you would consider and how would you reply?

5. You have an upset user with headset (wearable device) bluetooth disconnecting
issues, a clinician who wants to know why they were billed twice and another clinician
complained about the dashboard being down. What do you deal with first, how and

6. Please describe a time when you handled a situation that was not in your job

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