Video Debate Questions Final

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Video Debate Questions

Before you actually record your debate, answering the following questions will
help create a "structure" for your debate. Once you decide who is on what side, do
a little research. This helps you develop an understanding about the “pros” and
“cons” of both English Only and Bilingual Education.

Each group only has to create one document in total (in this case, groups there are
groups of 4, so only one document for each group of 4). However, I would still
like each of you to create a tab in your Weebly portfolio, and upload the document

Please answer the following questions:

--Roles? Who is on the Bilingual Education side? English Only?

Bilingual Education side: Shaelynn Guilfoyle & Olivia Wrieth

English only: Theresa Scarola & Arianna Boelens

--Research Bilingual Education and English Only. Identify 3 pros for each,
and 3 cons for each.

Bilingual Education:


(1) It creates early diversity for the child at such a young age.

(2) It is easier for the child to learn a second language.

(3) Helps with future opportunities in the child’s life.


(1) Education in the second language can be inconsistent for the student.
(2) Learning a specific content in a specific language can be very difficult for the

(3) There is a lack of qualified teachers for a bilingual education.

English Only Education:


(1) Cheaper

(2) The teachers will be able to effectively communicate in one singular language.
Children “native” to English must adopt English as their first language to unify the
classroom so that everyone can communicate effectively.

(3) Students will learn faster and have more confidence with only speaking one
language at a young age.


(1) English only restricts the freedom of speech of an individual.

(2) It prevents the student from being involved in the culture locally.

(3) There will be little to no participation from students that are not English
language speakers.

--Identify 3 key points you will discuss in your opening for Bilingual
Education. Briefly describe why you believe the key points are
relevant/appropriate for the debate. Do the same for English only.


Bilingual education is a term that refers to the teaching of academic content in two
languages, in a native and second language. Varying amounts of each language are
used depending on the outcome goal of the model.

The english only approach to learning helps students begin speaking English
internally. To become fluent in a language, it is crucial to immerse yourself in the
An English only policy in a classroom requires them to negotiate the learning
process in English.

Bilingual Education

(1) Bilingual education is a great way to expose children to early diversity at such a
young age. It helps the student that is learning the new language transition better to
all subjects including English. The students will be able to start making
comparisons between their native language and English which will ultimately
make the transition to speaking and writing English easier.

(2) It is easier for students to learn the second language because they are constantly
being exposed to it all the time in the classroom. With the constant repetition from
the teacher, it will allow the students to become more comfortable speaking and
writing English.

(3) The exposure of two languages to the student at such a young age will provide
the student with many future opportunities at such a young age. Research has
shown that non-English speaking students that take advantage of these programs
effectively will learn how to speak and write in English much better/ quicker.

English Only:

(1) English only education is ultimately cheaper. Schools will save money because
they do not need to hire qualified bilingual teachers or materials that would be
needed in the classroom for bilingual education.

(2) Immigrants are encouraged to adopt English as their new and “native” language
because it is the only language spoken in the classroom. This will allow the
students, teachers and administrators to communicate with one another effectively.

(3) When students are in an English only classroom, they are able to learn faster
and more efficiently since they are only focusing on one language. This will help
with the student’s confidence because they will not get confused with the two

--Create 3 questions the English Only side will ask the Bilingual Education
side during the cross examination. Also vice versa.
Questions Bilingual Education will ask English Only:

(1) What would you do as a future teacher if a new student moved into your school
district that did not speak English, but the school district did not offer bilingual

As a future teacher, if a new student moved into my school district that

did not speak English, but the district did not offer bilingual education, I
would utilize the English Only approach to learning. Those students who do
not speak English should receive outside help such as spending time with a
tutor that can enhance their bilingual education. Although it is not necessarily
the school district’s responsibility to accommodate their entire curriculum for
one student, by providing them with outside help and translation services, a
more unified classroom will be created. Additionally, this will promote the
student’s confidence regarding their new skills which they can bring to the
classroom. They can also strive to make new friends and create lasting
relationships with these skills.

(2) Do you think that English Only schools will limit culture and diversity in the
child’s early learning life?

I do not believe that English Only schools will limit culture and diversity
in the child’s early learning life. English Only does not eliminate any culture
or diversity. In fact, this approach to learning welcomes students into a new
culture, only strengthening their knowledge and perceptions of the world. It
also creates a sense of unity and culture within the classroom when everyone
speaks the same language. English Only schools are not eliminating the
student’s native culture, but adapting them to an additional culture.

(3) How would you include a student who does not speak English in your
classroom during classroom discussions?

There are a number of ways to include a student who does not speak
English in my classroom during classroom discussions. Although they may
come from a different background, I will always teach and treat them just as I
would any other student. It is crucial for their learning to keep them engaged
and focused at all times. Teachers may use accommodations and modifications
with these students like they would with any lower level learning student.
However, focus and lack of engagement will not decrease. The teacher should
also allow the student to work with a friend to promote confidence and
enhance their relationship with peers. That being said, decreasing a child’s
affective filter is one way to promote their confidence.

Questions English Only will ask Bilingual Education:

(1) Where will schools get the funding to support and be able to implement
bilingual education?

We believe that state and school districts hold the responsibility of

serving english language learners. The federal government donates a little
more than 700 million dollars which has taken on a growing role in the
education of English language learners. Therefore, the state gives funds to the
school if they decide they will teach bilingual education. This means that no
money is coming out of the schools personal pockets. The schools will be able
to require all the materials they need such as textbooks, books and curriculum
notes through state funding not personal school collected money.

(2) How will a school district know if they are hiring a teacher that is qualified for
the bilingual teaching position? What steps will be taken to prove that the student’s
will be learning effectively?

Since bilingual education is mostly funded by the state, school districts

around the country will utilize this money by hiring and providing teachers
with extensive and efficient educational resources. This will inform the
teachers how to best educate their dual language students. Teachers who may
not have had as much training, exposure or experience with bilingual students
will be provided with aids and assistance in the classroom in order for the
teacher to have extra help. The student will also have someone to talk to and
advocate for them if there is an issue or they need something in the classroom.
Our greatest hope is that with the training schools provide and the experience
teachers receive in the classroom teachers will be able to educate bilingual
education learners to the best of their ability. We hope to see the amount of
success in our bilingual students as well as our english only students.

(3) How will teachers transition during a lesson from teaching one language to
teaching another language?

The teacher will make sure their transitions are slow and gradual. If the
transitions are too fast, students may get confused on the content that is being
discussed in the classroom. In effective transitioning the teacher will make
sure all the students in the classroom are silent and listening to directions
before the teacher starts talking. The teacher will then state to the individuals
in the class what they will be doing in the next lesson by demonstrating it to
the students first.

--Identify 3 key points you will address in your closing statements for both
English Only and Bilingual Education.

Closing Statement Bilingual Education:

(1) Bilingual education gives a greater opportunity for future success to each
individual that can comprehend one or more languages. Bilingual education will
not only help students in the classroom succeed during their academic years as a
student but also when it comes to finding a job. For example, as an educator one is
much more likely to get hired when they know more than one language.

(2) Bilingual education enhances brain development, and gives students an

advantage to effectively write and speak in English. Knowing both languages will
give the students an advantage in the future by giving them a greater choice of
acquiring a job.

(3) English only curriculum decreases participation from students with lower
English skills. If a student does not understand English they will not succeed in a
classroom setting. In order to give all students an equal advantage their native
language needs to be incorporated in their learning.

Closing Statement English Only:

(1) School districts that have little funding, eliminating bilingual education will
help schools fund different programs. Taxpayers should not have to go out of their
way to pay for bilingual education when the majority of the students do not need
this support. We believe that the school districts funding should go towards
different areas other than bilingual education. English only education will allow
students and teachers to be positively affected because they will not have to focus
on teaching other languages. This will also allow the teachers to effectively
communicate with all their students in the same language.

(2) English only education increases the student’s confidence and they will learn
faster because they are only focused on their new language not retrieving
information from their past (or another) language. Students will not have to focus
on learning another language which will help the students learn faster.

(3) With school districts not having bilingual support, students should get outside
help like going to a tutor to receive the bilingual education they need. This will
maintain the unity of not only the school district but the nation as a whole.
Everyone will speak the same language in the classroom. English only welcomes
students to a new culture.

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