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Founded 1881 by T.W. Rhys Davids

Dr R.M.L. Gethin, President

Old Market Studios

68 Old Market Street
Bristol BS2 0EJ

Tel: +44 (0) 7436 534 179


09 November 2020

Dear Mr Arellano,

Thank you for joining the Pali Text Society. As a sponsoring member you may
attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting, and purchase any of the Society’s
publications at the current rate of discount, now 20%. You will also receive free (and
post free) one volume each year.

Sponsoring members can designate an alternate book at any time and you may
choose which volume you wish to receive from the Society’s current list, with the
exception of the Pali Tipitaka Concordance.

We enclose a copy of the Rules of the Pali Text Society. You can find up-to-date
information on our publications on our Website (

We would like to point out that when you order books, you can wait until the
invoice arrives with the order before sending payment. This will help to avoid small
amounts of debt or credit due to miscalculation of what the shipping may cost.

Thank you for becoming a member. We hope that you will encourage other
individuals and institutions to become members, and so ensure another century of
fruitful activity for the Society.

The Council of the Pali Text Society

The Pali Text Society, Ltd (by Guarantee)

Registered No. 770074 (England & Wales) Registered Charity No. 262216 VAT Registration No. 229 7681 25

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