Pair Work - Unit 7

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Pair work – unit 7

I. What did the man cut himself with?

 The man cut himself on the edge of a paper
II. When the man was cut, did he bleed?
 No he didn't bleed
III. Can the cut damage the nerve endings of man?
 No, these types of cuts do not damage nerve endings
IV. What is the part of the body where there are more nerve endings?
 There are more nerve endings in the hands than anywhere else
V. Why should man be happy?
 because the cut won't damage your nerve endings
VI. What does the woman suggest that the man do?
 Put on a bandage to reduce pain
VII. What advantages does a man get from putting a bandage on his finger?
 Putting on a bandage prevents the skin from drying out, in addition to holding the skin
together, preventing the nerve endings from being exposed
Edriam Diaz y Daniel Pérez

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