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‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات ‪0202-0202‬‬

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫المديرية العامة للتعليم‬

‫مديرية التعليم الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬
‫مادة اللغة االنجليزية‬


‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات ‪0202-0202‬‬

‫الجمهورية الجزائرية الديمقراطية الشعبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬

‫المديرية العامة للتعليم‬

‫مديرية التعليم الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي‬

‫التدرجات السنوية‬
‫مادةاللغة االنجليزية‬
‫السنة الثالثة ثانوي‬


‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات ‪0202-0202‬‬


‫يشكل التخطيط لتنفيذ املناهج التعليمية عامال مؤثرا في تحقيق أهداف العملية التعليمية ‪/‬التعلمية و تنمية كفاءات املتعلمين‪ ،‬يرتبط هذا التخطيط بعامل الوقت الذي‬

‫يجب أن ينظر إليه كمورد من املوارد املتاحة التي ينبغي استثمارها بالشكل ألامثل‪.‬‬

‫تحضيرا للموسم الدراس ي‪ 2020‬ـ ‪ ،2022‬و َسعيا من وزارة التربية الوطنية لضمان تنفيذ املناهج التعليمية في ظل الظروف الاستثنائية (كوفيد‪ )21‬تضع مديرية التعليم‬

‫الثانوي العام والتكنولوجي بين أيدي املمارسين التربويين التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‪ ،‬كأدوات عمل‪ ،‬معدلة ومكيفة بصفة استثنائية بما يتماش ى والحجم الزمني املتاح‪.‬‬

‫تضمن التدرجات السنوية املعدلة و املكيفة بناء املفاهيم املهيكلة للمادة بأقل ألامثلة والتمثيالت املوصلة إلى الكفاءات املستهدفة و تناول املضامين و إرساء املوارد مع مراعاة‬

‫وتيرة التعلم وقدرات املتعلم واستقالليته ‪ ،‬كما تقترح التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات فترات للتقويم املرحلي للكفاءة بما يضمن الانسجام بين سيرورة التعلمات و تقويم القدرة‬

‫على إدماجها‪ ،‬من هذا املنطلق نطلب من جميع ألاساتذة قراءة وفهم مبادئ و أهداف و آليات هذا التعديل البيداغوجي للتدرجات السنوية و التنسيق فيما بينهم بالنسبة لكل‬

‫مادة وفي كل ثانوية من أجل وضعها حيز التنفيذ‪ ،‬كما نطلب من املفتشين مرافقة ألاساتذة و تقديم التوضيح الالزم‪.‬‬

‫مذكرة منهجية‪:‬‬

‫تعد التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات أداة بيداغوجية أساسية توضح كيفية تنفيذ املناهج التعليمية‪،‬تضبط سيرورة التعلمات بما يكفل تنصيب الكفاءات املستهدفة في املناهج‬
‫التعليمية‪ ،‬ولقد ترتب عن تطبيق التدابير الاحترازية املتعلقة بالحد من تفش ي فيروس كورونا (كوفيد‪ ،) 21-‬جملة من إلاجراءات من بينها إنهاء السنة الدراسية ‪2020 -2021‬‬
‫دون استكمال التعلمات املقررة في الفصل الثالث والضرورية ملواصلة الدراسة في املستويات ألاعلى و كذا تأجيل الدخول املدرس ي ‪ ، 2022-2020‬اقتضت هذه الظروف‬
‫تعديال بيداغوجيا استثنائيا للتدرجات السنوية اعتمدت خالله آليات منهجية وبيداغوجية بما يحقق جملة من املبادئ و ألاهداف‪.‬‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات ‪0202-0202‬‬

‫ألاهداف‬ ‫املبادئ ألاساسية‬

‫تنصيب لدى املتعلم الكفاءات املسطرة في املناهج التعليمية؛‬ ‫املحافظة على الكفاءات كمبدأ منظم؛‬
‫تمدرس ناجع للتالميذ يسمح بإرساء التعلمات ألاساسية املستهدفة في املناهج التعليمية؛‬ ‫املحافظة على املفاهيم املهيكلة للمادة؛‬
‫املحافظة على تقويم القدرة على إلادماج لدى املتعلم من خالل وضعيات مشكلة مركبة تزويد املتعلم باألسس العلمية الضرورية ملتابعة الدراسة في املستويات ألاعلى‪،‬‬
‫تستهدف التقويم املرحلي للكفاءات؛‬
‫إدراج التعلمات ألاساسية غير املنجزة في السنة الدراسية ‪ 2020/2021‬ضمن التدرجات السنوية؛‬
‫التكفل بالتعلمات ألاساسية غير املنجزة خالل السنة الدراسية ‪2020/2021‬‬

‫آليات التعديل البيداغوجي‬

‫الجانب البيداغوجي‬ ‫الجانب املنهجي‬

‫ب‪-‬املمارسات البيداغوجية‪:‬‬ ‫أ‪ -‬املوارد املعرفية والنشاطات‪:‬‬

‫تحديد الحد الالزم من املوارد الضروري لبناء الكفاءة ( املوارد منهجية استغالل الوثائق ( استغاللها ضمن مسعى لحل‬ ‫تحديد مالمح التخرج والكفاءات املستهدفة‪،‬‬
‫مشكل )‪،‬‬ ‫املهيكلة)‪،‬‬
‫ِ‬ ‫توزيع التعلمات على ‪ 22‬أسبوعا دون احتساب أسابيع‬
‫استغالل الحد ألادنى من الوثائق‪ ،‬السندات و النشاطات لبناء بناء بطاقات منهجية‪ ،‬تقدم للمتعلم‪ ،‬توضح منهجية‬ ‫التقويم‪،‬‬
‫استغالل مختلف أنماط الوثائق(جداول‪ ،‬منحنيات‪،‬‬ ‫املوارد‪،‬‬ ‫ضبط التقويم املرحلي للكفاءة؛‬
‫نصوص‪ ،‬أعمدة بيانية‪ ،‬خرائط‪،)...‬‬ ‫وضع مخطط زمني يسمح بمتابعة مدى تنفيذ املناهج الدمج بين النشاطات في إطار حل املشكل‪،‬‬
‫إدراج بعض النشاطات التي تستهدف البناء ألتحصيلي ضمن مرافقة املتعلم أثناء إنجازه للمهمات بتقديم تعليمات تيسر‬ ‫التعليمية‪.‬‬
‫الحل‪.‬‬ ‫التقويم‪.‬‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات ‪0202-0202‬‬

‫‪ -1-‬الشعب المشتركة‬
‫علوم تجريبية ‪ /‬رياضيات ‪ /‬تقني رياضي ‪ /‬تسيير و اقتصاد‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Level: Secondary Education: Year Three (SE3)

Streams: Common streams
Time devoted: 3 Hours a week

At the end of SE3, the learner must produce written messages/texts of descriptive, narrative,
argumentative, expository and prescriptive types of about 20 lines, using written or oral support.

1- Ill Gotten Gains never prosper (Ethics in Business)

2- Safety First (Advertising, Consumers and safety)
3- It’s a Giant Leap for Mankind (Astronomy and the Solar system)
4- We are a Family (Feelings, emotions, Humour and related topics)

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Topics and Targeted Learning Assessment and

Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Theme Competency Objectives Remediation
- Making a public - Expressing condition: providing The tasks should be made 1- Assessment should
Interactive statement that/provided that/as long as. more communicative occur at regular intervals 8
Unit 1 : providing opportunities for during the sequence and weeks
“Ill Gotten - Expressing - Past wish, present wish, future speaking. For instance, at the end of the
Gains Never Interpretive wishes wish (desire) performing dialogues using sequence in addition to 24
Prosper” the target functions designated exam periods hours
- Writing an - Advising: had better/not, should such as : agreeing, 2- After 3/4 weeks of
Productive opinion article If I were you, I would... disagreeing, contrasting, teaching, learners must
- Ethics in expressing opinions be trained on how to
Business - Agreeing/ - Expressing desire: it’s high time, through writing newspaper mobilize their resources
disagreeing on the it’s about time. articles, debating, role-play, and reinvest them in a
issue of ethics in writing a charter, designing problem-solving
- fighting fraud, business - I totally agree, I agree but…, I a poster. situation, through pair
corruption and totally disagree... work or group work
money - Writing a policy
laundering statement - Cause/effect relationship
phrase+ that)

- Review of the passive form

- Making concessions

- Pronunciation of final “s”
Project Example: Writing a charter of ethics in business. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Topic and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Theme Competency Remediation
- Making hypotheses - May, Might, Could, Can The tasks should be made more 1- Assessment should occur
about future changes. used to express hypotheses. communicative providing at
- Interact orally - arguing for/against an - Dependent prepositions. opportunities for speaking. regular intervals during the 8 weeks
issue -Reporting statements, - Designing pie charts/ graphs/ sequence and at the end of
- interpreting, reacting questions and orders posters the sequence in addition to 24 hours
Unit 2 : - interpret an oral to and creating an - Present simple - Writing an argumentative designated exam periods
Safety First message / written advert - because, since, as, speech 2- After 3/4 weeks of
message - Writing a report for a because of,... - Prescribing a set of safety teaching, learners must be
consumers’ magazine - as a result, rules trained on how to mobilize
Advertising, - Writing a dialogue on consequently, - creating commercials their resources and reinvest
consumers and -produce a written pros and cons on therefore,… them in a problem-solving
safety message advertising Expressions of situation, through pair work
- Writing a letter of concession. or group work.
complaint - Expressions of certainty
- Making a survey on and doubt.
the impact of - Imperatives.
advertising on Algerian (positive/negative)
consumers - Vocabulary related to -
adverts and holidays.
- Opposite items related to
consumption and safety.
- Word stress / syllable

Project Outcome Example: Making a survey on the impact of advertising on Algerian consumers. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Targeted Assessment and

Topic and Theme Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Competency Remediation
Unit 3 : “It’s a Interactive 1- Make suppositions - Review of the 1- Whole class discussion. 1- Assessment should occur
Giant leap for and set hypotheses. conditionals: unless, if+ 2-Sentence ordering at
Mankind” 2- Compare and not, etc. 3- Reference questions regular intervals during the 6 weeks
“Astronomy and Interpretive contrast. - Expressing similarities 4- Inference questions sequence and at the end of
the Solar System” 3- Use the metric and differences: whereas, 5- Information transfer the sequence in addition to 18 hours
system. while, like, unlike, etc. 6- Cohesion (reference) designated exam periods
productive 4-Predict the content - Vocabulary related to 7- sentence ordering 2- After 3/4 weeks of
of a text from the astronomy teaching, learners must be
headline. *If-conditional: type 2,3 1. Brainstorming trained on how to mobilize
5-Identify main ideas. - Word formation 2. Selecting relevant ideas and their resources and reinvest
6-Read and Affixation drafting them in a problem-solving
comprehend an article -Vocabulary related to 3. Using cohesive devices to situation, through pair work
about astronomy. dimensions, size and express: or group work.
1- Use deductive and weight. Cause/effect
concessive reasoning Phonology: Purpose
to write a short article. -Silent letters (review) Contrast
3. Editing

Project Outcome Designing an astronomy booklet (a short presentation of the history of space travel, ID cards about two major planets in our solar system, a short
imaginary dialogue with a famous astronomer). Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Targeted Assessment and

Topic and Theme Learning Objectives Resources Tasks Time
Competency Remediation
Unit 4 : - Interact orally *Developing * Present simple *Ordering statements as they 1- Assessment should occur
“We are a Family” - interpret an understanding of the *Past simple, past perfect occur in an interview at 6
Feelings, Emotions, oral message / concept of humour * Simple past, present With an humourist regular intervals during the weeks
Humour and written message * raising awareness of perfect. *Responding to a letter (writing sequence and at the end of
related topics -produce a others’ *Enjoy/like/dislike +gerund a letter of advice) the sequence in addition to 18
written message thoughts and feeling *I’d rather do… * Writing a newspaper article designated exam periods hours
*Raising awareness I’d rather do …than… about feelings and emotions 2- After 3/4 weeks of
about the importance I’d prefer …to… *Listening to a lecture about teaching, learners must be
of emotions/ feelings *Should, ought to, if I were friendship and ordering the notes trained on how to mobilize
for the development you * Re-ordering paragraphs to get their resources and reinvest
of the individual *articles: omission before a coherent public statement. them in a problem-solving
* Developing abstract nouns ( love, anger, situation, through pair work
understanding of the humour …) or group work.
expression of feelings *Quantifiers: a lot of, a great
across different deal of , few, little, some of
cultures and societies us , all of us …
*Exploring the *each other, one another
concepts of friendship, *forming adjectives from
love , patriotism , nouns with: -ful , -ic, -ous
generosity , courage *forming nouns with: -
*Forming verbs with -en
-Pronunciation of final “ed”

Project Outcome Writing a booklet coping with strong emotions. Or refer back to the textbook for alternative projects.

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات ‪0202-0202‬‬

‫‪ -2-‬شعبة آداب و فلسفة ‪ /‬شعبة لغات أجنبية‬

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Level: Secondary Education: Year Three (SE3)

Streams: Literature and Philosophy and Foreign Languages
Time devoted: 4 Hours a week

At the end of SE3, the learner must produce written messages/texts of descriptive, narrative,
argumentative, expository and prescriptive types of about 20 lines, using written or oral support.

1) Exploring the past. (Ancient civilizations)

2) Ill Gotten Gains never prosper (Ethics in Business)

3) Schools Different and Alike. (Education in the World: Comparing Educational systems)
4) We are a Family (Feelings, emotions, Humour and related topics)

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Targeted Assessment and

Unit and Theme Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Competency Remediation

Unit 1 : Students will be able Grammar: *Reading a map to 1-Assessment should

Interacting to: * Past simple /Past perfect identify occur at regular intervals
*speak/write about the *Used to /Had to /Was/were able to the ancient during the sequence and
EXPLORING THE rise and fall of *Articles: use and omission before abstract civilizations 7
at the end of the sequence
PAST Interpreting civilizations nouns represented weeks
in addition to designated
* speak/write about the *Quantifiers: Few/little/ a lot of *Drawing the wheel of exam periods.
contributions of *Expressing concession using: though, in spite civilizations and 2-After 3/4 weeks of
Ancient civilizations to the of,but, however… ordering the teaching, learners must 28
Civilizations Producing growth of man Morphology: civilizations be trained on how to hours
* describe people’s *Forming ne- prefixes de and dis to form chronologically mobilize their resources
past habits, lifestyles opposites *Gap-filling ( use of and reinvest them in a
and achievements - suffixes –ic, -ment, -y , -able verbs related to the problem-solving
* make a historical Lexis related to : rise and fall of situation, through pair
account about the *rise and fall of civilizations (verbs) civilizations) work or group work.
development of a Phonology: *Filling in a
civilization * Pronunciation of final “-ed” spidergram about
*Speak/write about achievements in
world heritage sites Islamic civilization
*write about the *Completing a
challenges faced by network tree
modern civilization about the major threats
to our civilization
Project Outcome The goal is to explore the rise and collapse of civilisations
-draw the wheel of civilisation
-make a timeline from the most ancient civilisations (Chinese, Sumerians, Azteks, Egyptians, etc)to the most modern ones
-display the timeline on a bulletin board

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Targeted Assessment and

Unit and Theme Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Competency Remediation
Unit 2 : Students will be able to : Grammar: * Gap-filling ( definition 1-Assessment should
Interacting * consider honesty in business * Expressing condition using: of lexical items related to occur at regular
as a sign of active/good Provided/providing that/as long as fraud and corruption intervals during the
citizenship *Expressing wish and desire with “wish” , *Writing a public sequence and at the 7 weeks
ILL GOTTEN Interpreting *define the concept of ethics in “It’s high time” statement using a end of the sequence
GAINS business *Asking for and giving advice and spidermap in addition to 28
NEVER *debate on the importance of warning using: should, ought to,had about counterfeiting designated exam hours
PROSPER Producing ethics in business better with words related to periods.
* identify and define the - Expressing regret: If only + past perfect fraud 2-After 3/4 weeks of
Ethics in concept of ethics in other *Present simple and present continuous *Writing an opinion teaching, learners
professional contexts *Expressing cause and result using: article must be trained on
*raise awareness about the because, so+ adj +that, such…that following the outlined how to mobilize their
negative effects of So, as aresult, thus, consequently… procedure in the diagram resources and
counterfeiting *Expressing obligation and necessity provided reinvest them in a
and the dangers of counterfeit with must/have to *Expanding notes to problem-solving
products Passive form (review) make a speech in favour situation, through
*develop a sense of active Morphology: of ethics in business pair work or group
citizenship ( the pupil as a - Forming nouns by adding suffix “-ty” to * Using guidelines work.
conscious consumer) adjectives contained in a diagram
Students will be able to : - Forming opposites by adding prefixes : and a checklist of
*speak/write about social “dis-”, “il-”… expanding note to write
auditing and ethics in business Lexis related to:
a policy statement
- corruption and fraud
- counterfeiting
- Word stress and syllable division
OUTCOME Example : writing a charter of ethics in business, Refer back to the textbook for alternative project

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Unit and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Theme Competency Remediation
Unit 3 : Students will be able to : Grammar: * Paragraphing ideas 1- Assessment should
Interacting *identify the characteristics of *Present simple, present continuous *Speaking/writing one’s occur at regular
different educational systems passive ideal school using a intervals during the
SCHOOLS *If-conditional: type 2,3 spidermap sequence and at the end
DIFFERENT Interpreting * state what educational *Expressing desire and wish: * Designing a home- page of the sequence in
AND ALIKE systems have in common at I wish I were/ I had for addition to designated 7
world level *Asking for and giving advice: the lycée (describing my exam periods weeks
Education in Producing should, ought to, If I were you school) 2- After 3/4 weeks of
the World: * write reports comparing *Expressing obligation : must, have to * Writing a checklist of 28
teaching, learners will
Comparing different systems in the world *Expressing similarities and differences recommendations for the beable to mobilize hours
Educational with “like”, “whereas” Baccalaureate their resources and
systems *speak/write about ways to *Reporting statements, questions and examination reinvest them in a
improve our educational orders problem-solving
system Morphology: situation, through pair
*collocation with “school” and
work or group work.
* write an expository article on “education”
the causes and effects of * Forming adjectives with suffixes–ive
examination stress on and–al
students Lexis
- related to education
*Pronouncing final “s”
-Reporting statements, questions and orders

- Review of the conditionals: unless, if+ not

Project The goal is to increase understanding of educational systems in the world

Outcome -be involved in a panel discussion
-make a survey on different systems of education in the same country (eg; USA) ; in countries from northern and southern hemispheres
-write reports comparing different systems in the world
-make “commercial” flyers on this theme

‫وزارة التربية الوطنية‬ 0202-0202 ‫التدرجات السنوية للتعلمات‬

Unit and Targeted Assessment and

Learning Objectives Resources Suggested Tasks Time
Theme Competency Remediation
Unit 4 : *Developing Grammar: *Ordering statements as 1- Assessment should
Interacting understanding of the * Present simple they occur in an interview occur at regular
concept of humour *Past simple, past perfect With a humourist intervals during the
* raising awareness *Past simple, present perfect *Responding to a letter sequence and at the end
WE ARE A Interpreting of others’ thoughts *Enjoy/like/dislike +gerund (writing a letter of of the sequence in 7 weeks
FAMILY and feeling *I’d rather do… advice) addition to designated
*Raising awareness I’d rather do …than… * Writing a newspaper exam periods
about the importance I’d prefer …to… article about feelings and 2- After 3/4 weeks of 28hours
Feelings, Producing of emotions/ feelings *Should, ought to, if I were you emotions teaching, learners must
Emotions , for the development *articles: omission before abstract *Listening to a be trained on how to
Humour and of the individual nouns( love, anger, humour …) lecture about friendship mobilize their
related topics * Developing *Quantifiers: a lot of, a great deal of , and ordering the notes resources and reinvest
understanding of the few, little, some of us , * Re-ordering paragraphs them in a
expression of feelings all of us … to get a coherent public problem-solving
across different *each other, one another statement situation, through pair
cultures and societies Morphology: work or group work
*Exploring the *forming adjectives from nouns with: -
concepts of ful , -ic, -ous
friendship, love , *forming nouns with: -ness,-ty
patriotism , *Forming verbs with -en
generosity , courage Phonology: Silent letters (review)

Project -design a webpage to establish contact with students of their age

Outcome -select one or two characters of friendship and love from a play/ novel/ film and write about them
-create a network of friend through the web
-write an essay /a poem on the topic of “Love your country”


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