Director Evaluation

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Seunmeneaienemammaamemmmmmammememmmn ese ch WEST VIRGINIA STATE UNIVERST Department of Education Master of Education in Instructional Leadership Supervisor of Instruction Internship Performance Evaluation Leadership Candidate: Taylor Connara site: Clay lo. US On-site Supervisor: Robert Morn's Contact Method: | S24 -U22Up een Cea TSM University Supervisor: Contact Method: Date Started: Date Completed: a PART 4: Description of Standard Related Activites to be ‘performed Directions to the On-site Supervisor: Discuss the Suggested Activities below. Assist the Intern to devise an internship ptan to demonstrate the ability to meet Standards 5 and 6. Page 1of7 Educational Leadership Constituent Couneil Sy 5. Candidates undersandanteeee integrity andteimess to ensure search system of accountability for even eats | 3eademic and social ‘Success, ee 5.2 Candidates understand and ‘can model Principles of self-awareness, reflective practice, transparency, and ethical behavior 8 related to their roles within the sehoel, 5.3 Candidates under the values of demos Lwithin the school. 5.4 Candidates understand and can evaluate the potential moral and legal conscaucnces of decision making inthe senocl 5 Candidates understand and can promote Social justice within the school to eaure that individual student needs inform all aspect of | schooling. stand and ean safeguard racy, equity, and diversity | Educational Leadership Constituent Council Sea 6.4 Candidates understand and can advocate for school students, families, and caregivers. 6.2 Candidates understand and can act to influence local, district, state, and national decisions affecting student learning in a school environment. [63 Candidates understand and anticipate and ‘assess trends and initiatives based on [leadership strat ELCC Standard 5. Legal and Ethical Leadership SS eer res i | ies. ‘Suggested Activities that show Candidates are Derren aes Cee eee tte ks Roast ein Intern models behaviors of integrty and feimess and manages resources to assure sypestra Inte considers the needs of individuals and groups when dtbuting resources and monitors stibuon of resources using teprtolony Intern kagps a cpy of tho NAESP or NASSP code of ethics info maintains 3 ‘elective journal to reflect on leadership 4ecsions and ther outcomes inthe light ofa legtrstip code of ee, tas comankaton priest bromolfamess and eau eC ooo reflect on implementing poy promoting erpocacy, equity and avery Inte maintains a reflective journal to {evaluate decisions in terms of moral and legal -|_consequences. 1 Intern maintains a reflecive journal to | ertique schoo! policy with respect to. Confidentiality of information and respect for dividuals and groups, ELCC Standard 6. Advocacy Dose rec raneet om ees ict eee Mieka ees On-site supervisor can observe Interactions of intern to determine if intern ‘advocates for positive outcomes for students and te eps documents of wien | communications and log of spoken | communications in which attempts are made to influence district, state o national decisions relaled to schools, Intern reflects on emerging trends and initatives in Reflective Journal Page 2 of 7 PART 2: Intern Performance Evaluation by Field Supervisor Dit rections: Complete this form, discuss the evaluation with the intern, and upload {0 online course + send it directly to: Director of MEIL Program, West Virginia State University, PO Box 1000, Wallace 619 Institute, WV 25112-1000. Thank You. ; Internship am Chou Conky Hug Sho] Duration of internship: From 04 (73120 to_0\z2/20 Date 3 Date iy Did the intern achieve hisiher intemship performance ‘competencies? Yes 4 No_ a. If you marked "No," which competencies were not met? b. In your opinion, these competencies were not met because: 2. Ifother competen: desoribe: 'S were achieved which were not on the intem’s plan, briefly 3. In your opinion, are there other administrative and leadership experiences this intern should have before assuming an administrative position? Yes__ No IFyes, briefly describe: 4. At the midpoint and at the end of the internship, please rate the intem on these performance standards: Page 3 0f7 ELCC Standard 5.1 Gantlidates understand and can act with itegrty and faimess to ensure that schools are accountable for ey student's academic and social success, Standards Distinguished Accomplished ___ Emerging Uta £141 Integrity | Demonstrates, / Models behaviors| | States that the | Engages in integty and / and manages || role ofleadership| undesirable faimess with | | resources to _| is tobe a change_| behavior respect to assure that all | agent with respect | (dishonesty, Students, and alsd | students have the| | to integrity Carona works wih ‘owiedge, skits | famess and | treating someone teachers to andvalos tobe | tes unfaiy,et) Bromote high Salty teaching | | arateaming or 5.4.2 Equitable ins é no sy Resoutas* | 8ilionio —~/Gonsies neat Uae a saad EH mor | | Pecomtshed, | otindvidals or \geenenee equtable | reates an groups when | stem winout | datrbuton of | (aastuctre {| astibuing” | Bega, |S | |Seyan™ [ acorn | emai [rues | Procedures) that| | the goals helps to ensure | | scademic ond | equitable | eal Suan al. Montors sone | sa Uo E21 Refectvo Tee oe Pracica "| sconpireane [enteonsy | sieceatte™ [paras Sern Scat me | eee eng [Se | crimcsin aes deters inthe ote book ightot whether tetabished | | they are effective ethical practice | | es | [NASSP coda t | | mec. ond NASSP code ity. cthics) | ta22 ea Coneiata oe ra estaba | |Tanaperamy [peactecer’ fecaniars \ |ommeic, [pogrteunee| effective in practices for racces for | to ansparency, | oe Meme Ivoring | Tarmessand [| slakerorsof\ | sarcheders ot | | teqully and erty | escort ond \ | essen! chon a positive schoo} | ancillary events ‘events and | | ‘environment. and functions ang | fron | | | | | for answering questions and | | receiving ‘feedback from kehalders, ELCC Standard 5.3, versity within the Candidates understand and can safeguard the values of democracy, equity, and diversity wt School CT 22.1 Promote | inadaitonto 7” Candidate Candidate can | Canale can Equity ‘ccomplished, tHe | reflects on idenity ntor | Wently or ete | Candidate can | implementing \ create school school policy Stonthalpaicy | paleypemoeg |omeytat™ | rome | results in ‘democracy, equity | promotes democracy, equitable and diversity, democracy, uily, and utcomes uty and | very. (achievement, diversity. | Seti ai, et) ELCC Standard 5.4 : Candidates under and can evaluat : ihe eon 4 cn erat te ptr orang oneness aking Sarmrn SS TT 5.4.1 Evaluate In addition to ‘Candidate \| Candidate o ‘Does not evaluate | Decisions” | sccomptche, ty cai evauates | esersip. candidate leaden \\eacerp | Gaceane | vases

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