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Podgorica, 04.03.


To: Deponija DOO, Podgorica

Technical Director, Mr, Igor Šćepović
Mr Momir Stanojevic
Mr. Ratko Pavicevic
CC: Mr. Dejan Ilic

Subject: Methanol – preliminary treatment - maintenance

Dear Momir,

At first i would like to remind you that our stocked at the project methanol is running
out. We have two more weeks’ time in which a new batch should arrive. It is very
critical to continue the supply of methanol to the system since the latest sedimentation
tests shows some bio-sludge development is SBR No2. Our current methanol
consumption is around 1000kg / month with one working SBR. So, I believe that
Deponija will arrange as soon as possible the new procurement.

Also, i would like to express my satisfaction towards you and the rest of Deponija’s
staff, about implementing the task of cleaning the Preliminary sedimentation tanks
and the effort that is being made to clean the Equalization tank. However, I suggest
that as soon as the cleaning of the EQ tank is complete, the flow should return back to
normal. By normal I mean to reactivate at least the two sedimentation tanks in the
Preliminary treatment. Those tanks despite the fact that we don’t use chemicals before
them, hold all the sediments that are about to be inflowed to the SBRs. It is critical to
hold as much solids as possible from entering the bioreactor. I am afraid that even
during that time of the equalization cleanup the biology in the SBR might get
disturbed if any solids enter it. So, I want to make sure that you will reactivate the
preliminary treatment as soon as possible.

Last but not least I would like to remind you of the periodic maintenance of the
surface aerators. It is critical to change the oil as soon as possible. A lot of time has
gone by since we started discussing it via our onsite employee, but I am not sure were
the task of procuring and finally changing the oil of the aerators from Deponija’s side
was stuck.
From our side we are organizing a new technician’s visit to repair any defective
methanol PVC pipelines in order the automatic metering of methanol to begin.

I ll be happy to provide you with any additional information.

Industrial Area of Larisa Phone: +30 2410541386
Postal Code 41004, BOX 3053 Greece Fax: +30 2410 541354
Niegoseva 6, Podgorica
Postal Code 81100 Montenegro Email:

Yours sincerely

Nikolaou Konstantinos
Chemical Engineer
Operation and Maintenance

Industrial Area of Larisa Phone: +30 2410541386
Postal Code 41004, BOX 3053 Greece Fax: +30 2410 541354
Niegoseva 6, Podgorica
Postal Code 81100 Montenegro Email:

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