Aldente1 Eng Glossario Alfabetico

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All the words are indicated/translated according to the corresponding context.

All verbs with irregular form in the present tense (-isc-) are highlighted.
f feminine pl plural GRA Grammatica SUO Suoni
m masculine sg singular PAR Parole SAL Salotto culturale

A a base di -based U5 5.F agenda f schedule, plans for the day U4 2.C
a causa di due to, because of U4 3.A agenzia f agency U6 SAL
A che ora? at what time? U4 3.G aglio m garlic U6 SUO
a costo zero (for) free, at no cost U8 4.B agnello m lamb U5 2.E
a fiori floral U8 2.B agrotourism/agritourism,
agriturismo m U7 GRA
holiday farm
a maniche lunghe long-sleeved, with long sleeves U8 2.B
aiutare to help U3 SAL
a misura d’uomo people-oriented U7 2.B
al cartoccio en papilotte (French) U5 5.F
a partire dalle starting from U4 3.A
al vapore steamed U5 5.F
a piedi on foot U7 5.B
alba f sunrise, dawn U3 4.A
a pois polka dot (adj) U8 2.B
albergo m hotel U6 GRA
a presto see you soon U1 3.A
alcolico/-a alcoholic U5 2.B
a quadri checked (adj) U8 2.B
alcun/-o/-a some, any, a few U5 4.B
a righe striped (adj) U8 2.B
alimentare food (adj), food-related U5 2.A
a volte sometimes U4 4.B
alla griglia grilled U5 5.F
abbastanza quite, fairly U3 5.A
allegria f cheerfulness, joy U2 3.D
abbigliamento m outfit, attire (clothes) U8 2.B
allegro/-a cheerful, happy U2 4.A
abbinare to match, to wear together U8 2.B
allergico/-a allergic, intolerant U5 4.B
abilità f skill U6 2.A
allevatore/-trice m/f cattle/livestock farmers U5 GRA
abitante m/f local people, resident U7 2.B
alloggio m accommodation U2 4.E
abitare to live, to reside U1 4.B
allora so U2 PAR
abito m suit, dress, gown U6 PAR
almeno at least U8 4.B
creature of habit, set in one’s
abitudinario/-a U4 PAR
way alto/-a tall U2 4.A
abitudine f habit, routine U5 2.B alzare to turn up U4 GRA
accendere to turn on U6 GRA alzarsi to get up, to wake up U2 SUO
accessorio m accessory U8 1.B amare to love U1 6.A
accogliente welcoming, hospitable U7 2.B amaro/-a bitter U5 3.D
acqua f water U5 2.A ambiente m environment U5 2.B
acquistare to buy, to purchase U5 2.B ambizioso/-a ambitious U6 SAL
adatto/-a suitable U7 5.B itinerant, (salesman: door-to-
ambulante U5 5.B
addormentarsi to fall asleep U4 2.C
americano/-a American U1 6.A
adolescente m/f teenager U3 3.A
amico/-a m/f friend U1 3.A
adorare to love (to worship) U3  GRA
ammesso/-a allowed U7 5.B
aeroporto m airport U6 GRA
amore m love U1 6.G
affascinante charming, fascinating U7 2.F
analcolico/-a soft, alcohol-free, non-alcoholic U5 3.A
affettuoso/-a affectionate, loving U2 4.A
anch’io me too, so do I U3 2.F
anche also, as well U2 4.A attorno alle (otto) around (8 o’clock) U4 3.A

ancora still, yet (negative sentence) U2 4.A happy… day! (can be a birthday,
auguri! or any occasion which is special U8 SAL
andare to go U3 2.A
to someone)
andare a trovare to visit, to go and visit U4 SUO
Australia Australia U1 6.B
andare in bici to ride the bike U3 5.A
Austria Austria U1 PAR
andare via to leave/to go away U1 3.B
autentico/-a authentic, true U7   3.A
angolo m corner U2 SUO
auto f car, automobile U4 4.B
angolo cottura m kitchenette U7 5.B
autunno m autumn, fall U7 6.A
animale m animal U2 3.D
avere to have U2 2.B
year (age: with word quanti ->
anno m U1 4.B avventura f adventure U3 4.A
quanti anni (pl.) how old)
avventuroso/-a adventurous, exciting U4 4.A
ansia f angst, anxiety U4 4.A
avversario/-a adversary, opponent, enemy U4 4.B
antipatico/-a unpleasant, obnoxious U2 PAR
anziano/-a elderly, old person U2 4.A
B bagaglio m luggage U6 GRA
bagno m bathroom U7 5.B
aperitivo m aperitif, drink U3 4.B
ballare to dance, to tango U4 4.B
aperto/-a outgoing, open U2 4.A
bambino/-a child U2 3.D
appartamento m flat, apartment U2 4.A
banca f bank U7   3.A
appena as soon as, first thing when U4 GRA
bancarella f stand, stall U8 4.B
appointment, engagement,
appuntamento m U1 3.A
meeting counter of the bar (or shop),
bancone m U4 SAL
standing up
aprile m April U7 6.A
barattolo m can, tin, jar U5 PAR
aprire to open U6 GRA
barca f boat U7 6.A
Arab, Arabic (referred to
arabo/-a U1 6.G
language or culture) bartender, barista, barman/
barista m/f U2 2.B
architetto m architect U2 PAR
barretta f bar U5 4.F
aria condizionata f air conditioning U7 5.B
basilico m basil U5 1.A
arma f weapon U4 4.B
basso/-a short U2 4.A
arrivare to arrive/to get (somewhere) U1 3.B
Basta così? would that be all? U5 5.E
Arrivederci! Goodbye U1 3.A
belga Belgian U1 GRA
ArrivederLa! Goodbye, Mr/Mrs/Sir/Madam U1 3.A
good-looking, handsome/
arrosto m roasted U5 5.F bello/-a U2 4.A
arte f art U1 6.A
bene well, fine U1 3.A
articolo m article U4 3.A
beneficenza f charity U8 4.B
asciugacapelli m air dryer U7 5.B
benessere m wellness U3 2.A
ascoltare to listen to U3 2.A
Benvenuto! welcome! U8 SAL
asociale withdrawn, solitary, anti-social U3 PAR
bere to drink U3 SAL
aspettare to lie ahead, to expect U4 3.A
bevanda f drink, beverage U5 2.B
aspetto m look, appearance U3 3.E
biancheria intima f underwear U8 2.B
assaggiare to try (food), to taste U3 3.E
bianco/-a white U3 GRA
atmosfera f atmosphere, environment U7 2.B
bibita f beverage, drink (soft drink) U5 2.A
attività f activity U3 2.F
biblioteca f library U6 GRA
attività fisica f physical exercise U3 3.E
bicchiere m glass U5 3.A
attivo/-a active, energetic U4 2.C
bici (bicicletta) f bike (bicycle) U3 5.A

biglietto m ticket U4 GRA carattere m personality, character U2 4.C

biologico/-a organic U5 2.B caratteristica f trait, aspect U3 5.B

biondo/-a blond U2 4.A carciofo m artichoke U5 SAL

birra f beer U5 2.A carino/-a nice, cute, pretty U2 GRA

bistecca f steak U5 2.E carne f meat U5 2.A

blu (navy) blue U8 2.G caro/-a expensive, pricey U7 2.F

bollito/-a boiled U5 5.F carota f carrot U5 2.E

borsa f bag U8 4.B carriera f career U6 3.A

bottega f small shop U7 3.A cartina f map U7 2.B

bottiglia f bottle U5 PAR casa f house U2 3.D

braccialetto m bracelet U8 PAR cassiere/-a m/f check-out assistant U2 3.D

braccio m arm - arms U8 PAR castano/-a (chestnut) brown U2 4.A

broccolo m broccoli U5 2.E cattivo/-a bad, evil, horrible, wicked U4 4.B

Buona giornata! Have a nice day U1 3.A cellulare m mobile phone U1 5.A

Buongiorno! Good morning! U1 2.A cena f dinner U3 2.B

buono/-a good U5 PAR cenare to have dinner U4 2.B

burro m butter U5 4.B centro benessere m wellness centre, health club, spa U3 2.B

buttare via to throw away, to get rid of U8 4.B centro commerciale m shopping centre, mall U4 SAL
C c’è there is U5 2.B centro m centre U2 3.D

caffè m coffee U3 2.F centro storico m historic centre U7 2.B

caldo/-a hot (warm) U5 3.D cercare to look for, to search U8 4.B

calm(ly) (in one’s own time, in cereale m cereal U5 2.F
calma f U4 2.C
no hurry)
certo certainly, of course U3 PAR
caloroso/-a warm, loving U7 2.B
Che ore sono? what time is it? U4 GRA
calzino m sock U8 2.B
what a pity!, What a shame!,
Che peccato! U8 5.A
cambiarsi to change outfit U8 GRA That’s too bad!
camera f bedroom, room U3 3.A what a nuisance!, “aargh!”
Che rabbia! U8 5.A
cameriere/-a m/f waiter/waitress U2 2.H
chiamarsi my name is… (to be called) U1 2.A
camicia f button down shirt, shirt U8 2.B
chiaro/-a light U8 PAR
camminare to walk, to go on foot U3 GRA
chiedere to ask U6 GRA
campagna f country-side U7 3.D
chiesa f church U7 PAR
campanile m bell tower U7 SUO
chitarra f guitar U3 PAR
canadese Canadian U1 GRA
chiudere to close U3 SAL
cane m dog U2 3.D
chiuso/-a shy, reserved U3 PAR
canottiera f vest, tank top U8 PAR
cibo di strada m street food U5 5.A
canto m singing U2 2.A
cibo m food U3 SUO
caotico/-a hectic, chaotic U7 PAR
cinema m cinema U1 6.A
capacità f skill U6 2.A
cinese Chinese U1 6.G
capello m hair U1 4.A
cintura f belt U8 2.B
capire (-isc-) to understand U2 SUO
cioccolato m chocolate U3 5.A
capo d’abbigliamento item/article of clothing,
U8 1.B cipolla f onion U5 SAL
m garment
cappotto m coat, overcoat U8 6.D circa around, about U4 3.A
città f city, town U1 GRA
clandestino/-a illegal immigrant U6 4.A consumatore/-trice
consumer U5 2.B
classifica f top list, to rank U7 2.B
consumo m use U5 2.A
codice stradale m traffic rules, highway code U3 SAL
contatto m contact U1 6.A
cognome m surname U1 4.A
contemporaneo/-a contemporary U3 2.E
colazione f breakfast U4 2.C
to continue, to keep on, to
collaborare to work with U6 3.A continuare U4 3.A
carry on
collana f necklace U2 SUO conto m bill, check U5 GRA
collegato/-a connected U7   3.A controllare to check, to verify U3 SAL
collo m neck U8 PAR cordialità f friendliness, warmth U3 SAL
colloquio di lavoro m job interview U8 2.I cornetto m croissant U4 5.B
colorato/-a colourful U7 PAR correre to run, to go running U6 6.A
How are you? / How are you, cortile m courtyard, yard U6 6.A
Come sta/stai? U1 3.A
sir/madam/Mr./Mrs.? (formal)
costo m cost, price U2 4.E
Come ti chiami? what’s your name? U1 3.A
cooking (method), (type of)
comico/-a m/f comedy (adj), comedic U6 2.A cottura f U5 5.F
cominciare to begin, to start U4 3.A cravatta f tie U8 2.B
commedia f comedy U3 5.A creativo/-a creative U6 2.A
commerciale commercial, shopping U7 5.A crema f cream, spread U5 4.B
commesso/-a m/f shop assistant U2 GRA Croazia Croatia U1 PAR
comodità f amenities U7 SUO cronaca f news, account U6 4.B
compagnia f company U2 4.E cronaca rosa f gossip column U6 4.B
compagno/-a m/f partner U2 2.A raw, not cooked, (of ham: dried
crudo/-a U5 4.B
competenza f competence U6 2.A cured)

compleanno m birthday U7 6.A cucina f cooking (adj), cuisine, food U1 5.A

complimenti! well done! Congratulations! U8 SAL cucinare to cook U3 2.D

comprare to buy U3 SUO cugino/-a m/f cousin U2 3.A

comunicativo/-a talkative, sociable U3 SAL cuoco/-a m/f cook, chef U2 PAR

dressed with, seasoned/ cuore m heart U7 3.A

condito con U5 5.F
flavoured with curare to take care of U3 3.E
block of flats, apartment curiosità f curiosity, odd fact, peculiarity U4 4.B
condominio m U2 4.A
curioso/-a curious U3 3.E
confermare to confirm U3 SAL
curriculum m resume, CV U6 2.A
package, box (chocolates,
confezione f U5 PAR d’accordo U4 PAR
biscuits) all right, fine, agreed
confortevole comfortable, cosy U7 6.A danza f dancing (dance) U3 GRA

Congratulazioni! congratulations! U8 SAL dare to give U5 2.H

coniglio m rabbit U5 2.F davanti a in front of U7 4.A

conoscenza f acquaintance U5 5.B Davvero?! really? U3 2.E

to meet, to discover, to find out, decaffeinato/-a decaf, decaffeinated U5 3.A

conoscere U3 3.E
to know
decidere to decide U6 2.D
consegna a domicilio f home delivery U8 3.A
to taste, to drink (to enjoy, food
degustare U5 5.B
consentito/-a allowed U7 5.B and drink-related)
consigliare to recommend U7 6.A deluso/-a disappointed U3 SAL

consiglio m advice U2 SUO denaro m money U2 4.E

consumare to eat, to drink U5 5.B dentista m/f dentist U2 3.D


descrizione f description U5 5.F edicola f newsagent’s, newsstand U7 GRA

detestare to hate U3 GRA efficiente efficient U7 6.A
di fronte a in front of U7 4.A elegante elegant, stylish U7 2.B
di seconda mano second-hand U8 4.A elettricista m/f electrician U2 2.F
di solito usually, generally U4 2.C elettronico/-a electronic U8 3.A
dietro behind U7 4.A emancipato/-a independent, emancipated U4 4.B
difficile hard, difficult U2 GRA emozione f emotion U6 2.D
dimenticarsi to forget U8 2.B enoteca f wine-shop U7 2.B
dimostrare to show U4 4.B equosolidale fair-trade U5 2.B
dinamico/-a dynamic, active U2 4.A esagerato/-a over-the-top, exaggerated U3 SAL
dipendere to be based on, to depend on U4 2.C esame m test, exam U5 SUO
diplomarsi to graduate from high school U6 2.D excursion, field trip, day trip,
escursione f U7 6.A
disaccordo m to disagree, disagreement U3 2.F
to make one’s first appearance,
discount m discount/low-cost supermarket U5 2.G esordire (-isc-) U6 2.D
to start off
disgustoso/-a disgusting, gross U5 PAR esotico/-a exotic, foreign U3 3.E
disordinato/-a untidy, messy U3 3.A espressivo/-a expressive, demonstrative U3 SAL
disordine m untidiness, mess U3 3.B to be present (there is, there
esserci U3 2.F
disperazione f despair, affliction U6 4.A
essere to be U1 2.A
disponibile helpful, friendly U3 SAL
estate f summer U7 6.A
disumano/-a inhuman, cruel U6 4.A
estero m abroad U1 6.G
divano m sofa U4 2.C
estivo/-a summer (adj) U4 SAL
diventare to become, to be made into U6 3.A
estroverso/-a extrovert, outgoing U3 PAR
diverso/-a different U3 3.A
età f age U2 2.H
divertente funny U2 4.A
evitare to avoid U5 2.B
divertimento m entertainment, pastime U3 2.A
divertire to entertain, to amuse U6 2.D
F fa bel tempo the weather is nice U7 6.A
fa caldo to be hot U7 6.A
divorziare to divorce, to get divorced U6 PAR
fagiolo m bean U5 2.E
doccia f shower U4 2.C
family (adj), familial, well-
dolce sweet U2 4.A famigliare U2 1.B
domenica f Sunday U4 GRA famoso/-a famous, well-known U2 4.E
donna f woman, lady U2 3.D fantascienza f Science-Fiction U3 GRA
dopo after U3 2.F fantastico/-a fantastic, amazing U4 4.B
dormire to sleep U4 GRA fare to do, to make U2 2.B
dottorato di ricerca m PhD, doctorate U6 3.A fare colazione to have breakfast U4 2.C
dove where U1 4.B fare l’università to go to university U6 PAR
dovere obligation, duty U8 5.A fare shopping to go/do shopping U4 5.A
drammatico/-a drama (adj) U6 2.A farmacia f chemist’s, pharmacy U4 GRA
dunque well (conj.) U2 PAR farsi la doccia to have a shower U4 2.C
durante during U3 2.F felice happy U4 3.A
E e and U2 2.C fermata f stop (public transport) U0 3.D
eccezionale amazing U6 4.F festa f holiday, party U3 2.A
Ecco a Lei! here you are (sir/madam)! U5 5.E fetta f slice U5 4.B
economia f economy U6 4.B fidanzato/-a boyfriend/girlfriend U2 4.A
figlio/-a m/f son/daughter U2 2.B giornale m newspaper U3 2.F
fine settimana m weekend U3 2.F giornalista m/f journalist U2 2.H
finire (-isc-) to finish U3 SUO giornata f day U3 2.F
Fino a che ora? till when?/till what time? U4 3.G giovane young U2 GRA
fiume m river U7 2.B giovedì Thursday U4 SAL
formaggio m cheese U5 2.A giugno June U7 6.A
formale formal U1 3.A giusto (that’s) right U5 1.A
formazione f vocational training U6 2.A goloso/-a to have a sweet tooth U6 SUO
fornaio/-a m/f bakery, baker’s U5 PAR gonna f skirt U8 2.F
Forza! come on! U3 4.B gotico/-a Gothic U7 2.B
francese French U1 GRA grammo m gramme, gram U5 4.F

Francia France U2 GRA grande schermo m big screen U6 2.D

fratello m brother U2 3.A grandi firme f pl designer names/labels U8 3.A

freddo/-a cold (iced) U5 3.D grasso/-a fat U2 PAR

to attend (school), to spend grattacielo m skyscraper U7   3.A
frequentare U2 3.D
time with
gratuito/-a free U7 5.B
frigorifero m fridge, refrigerator U5 GRA
grazie thank you U1 3.A
fritto/-a fried or deep-fried U5 5.F
griffato/-a designer (adj) U8 2.B
frutta f fruit U5 2.A
grigio/-a grey U8 PAR
frutti di bosco m pl soft fruit U5 SAL
guanto m U8 PAR
fruttivendolo m greengrocer U5 2.G guardare U3 2.A
to watch
fumetto m comics U3 3.B wardrobe, all one’s clothing
guardaroba m U8 4.B
fumo m smoking U3 5.A articles

funzionare to work, to function U7 6.A guida turistica f tourist guide U2 2.B

fuori outdoor, outside U3 2.B guidare to drive U1 4.A

fuori stagione not seasonal, out of season U5 2.B taste, likes and dislikes,
gusto m U3 3.F
preference, style
G galleria d’arte f art gallery U7   3.A
I idea f idea U8 5.A
gassato/-a fizzy U5 2.A
immerso nel verde surrounded by vegetation U7 5.B
gatto/-a m/f cat U3 4.A
impegnarsi to work hard U4 SUO
ice-cream shop, ice-cream
gelateria f U5 PAR impermeabile m raincoat U8 GRA
generoso/-a generous U3 SAL impiegato/-a m/f employee U2 PAR

genitori m pl parents U2 3.A importanza f importance U5 2.H

gennaio m January U7 6.A In bocca al lupo! good luck! U8 SAL

gente f people U3 2.F in forma fit, in shape U4 2.C

gentile kind, friendly U3 SAL in mezzo a in the middle of U7 4.A

Germania Germany U1 6.B

incantevole enchanting, fascinating U7 2.B
incontro m meeting/ get-together (place) U3 SAL
ghiaccio m ice U5 3.D
indagine f research, survey U4 3.A
già already U6 4.C
indipendente independent (indie movie) U3 GRA
giacca f jacket U8 2.B
indirizzo m address U1 5.A
Giappone Japan U1 6.B
indossare to wear U8 2.B
giardino m garden U7 5.B
infanzia f childhood U6 PAR
giocare to play U4 GRA
infatti as a matter of fact U7 6.A
gioiello m piece of jewellery U8 2.B

infermiere/-a m/f male nurse/nurse U2 PAR lettore/trice m/f reader U3 2.B

informare to inform U6 4.A libro giallo m crime novel, detective story U3 5.A
infradito f flip-flop U8 2.B libro m book U3 2.A
ingegnere m engineer U2 GRA liceo m high school U2 3.D
iniziare to begin, to start U6 GRA lingua f language U1 6.G
innamorarsi to fall in love U4 4.B liscio/-a straight, neat U5 3.D
insalata f salad U5 5.B lista della spesa f shopping list U5 2.B
insegnante m/f teacher U1 2.A litro m litre U5 3.A
insegnare to teach U6 3.B locale (notturno) m nightclub U7 GRA
insieme together U5 2.B Londra London U2 GRA
integrale whole wheat, wholegrain U5 4.B lontano da far from U7 4.A
to interpret, to play the part of, lontano/-a distant, far (away) U7   3.A
interpretare U6 2.D
to act
luglio m July U7 6.A
intervista f interview U1 6.G
lunedì m Monday U3 SAL
introverso/-a introverted, closed off U3 PAR
luogo m site, place, location U7   3.A
invece instead, whereas U2 3.D
invernale winter (adj) U4 SAL
M ma but U2 2.C
Ma va! no way! / you don’t say! U3 4.A
inverno m winter U7 6.A
macchina f car U1 4.A
invitare to invite U5 GRA
macedonia f fresh fruit salad U5 SAL
iscriversi to enrol U6 GRA
macellaio m butcher U5 2.G
iscrizione f registration, enrolment U1 5.A
madre f mother U2 3.A
istruzione f education U6 2.A

L la maggior parte most of U5 2.B

maestoso/-a majestic, grandiose
primary/elementary school
U7 2.F

La posso provare? can I try it on? U8 6.C maestro/-a m/f U2 2.H

ladro/-a m/f thief U4 4.B maggio m May U7 6.A
lago m lake U7 GRA maggiore elder U2 3.D
lana f wool U8 2.G magico/-a magical, enchanting U7 2.B
latte m milk U5 2.A maglietta f t-shirt U8 2.G
lattina f can U5 3.B maglione m jumper, sweater U8 2.G
lattuga f lettuce U5 2.E magro/-a slim, thin U2 4.A
degree, (celebratory event) mai never U3 SAL
laurea f U6 1.B
graduation party
malinconia f melancholy U4 3.A
to get a degree, to graduate
laurearsi U6 3.A
from university mancare to be absent U5 2.B
lavarsi to wash (oneself) U4 GRA mancia f tip U4 SUO
lavorare to work U2 2.B manifestazione f demonstration, event U3 SAL
lavoratore/-trice m/f worker, employee U5 2.B mano f hand – hands U8 PAR
lavoro m work U1 6.G manzo m beef U5 2.E
leggere to read U3 2.A mare m seaside, sea U3 4.A
leggero/-a light U4 SAL marrone brown U8 PAR
legume m legume U5 2.F martedì m Tuesday U4 SAL
Lei cosa prende? What would you like to have? U5 5.E massimo m peak, high point U4 3.A
lento/-a slow U4 2.C materia f subject U6 PAR

letto m bed U7 5.B matrimonio m wedding U8 SAL

mattina f morning U3 2.F musica f music U1 6.A
mattiniero/-a m/f early riser, morning person U4 2.B mutande f pants, knickers U8 PAR
medicina f medicine U1 4.A N nascere to be born U6 3.A
medico m doctor U1 4.A nascita f birth U4 2.C
medievale Medieval U7 2.B nascosto/-a hidden U4 4.B
meglio better, wiser U3 2.F Natale m Christmas U8 5.A
mela f apple U5 2.B nato/-a born U1 4.A
melanzana f aubergine U5 2.F naturale natural, still U5 3.D
meno less U2 4.E navigare su Internet to surf the net U4 2.C
mentre while, as U3 SAL nazionalità f Nationality U1 6.A
spectacular, wonderful, neanch’io me neither, neither do I U3 2.F
meraviglioso/-a U7 2.B
evocative (of view)
neanche neither U3 2.F
mercato delle pulci m flea market U8 4.B
necessità f need, necessity U5 5.B
mercato m market U3 SAL
negozio m shop U4 SAL
mercoledì m Wednesday U4 SAL
nervoso/-a tense, fidgety U5 SUO
merenda f snack U4 SAL
nessun/-o/-a no one, nobody, no + noun U5 4.B
mese m month U2 2.A
neutro/-a neutral U3 5.B
metà f mid U4 2.C
nothing (no + noun; any + noun
metro (metropolitana) niente U5 3.A
underground, subway U7 3.A in neg.)
nephew/niece, grandson/
nipote m/f U2 3.G
metropoli f metropolis, city U3 4.A granddaughter
mettere to put U6 GRA nocciola f hazelnut U5 SAL

mettersi to wear U8 2.B noioso/-a boring, tedious U3 SUO

mezzanotte f midnight U4 2.C nome m first name, given name U1 4.A

mezzo (di trasporto) m means of transport U7   3.A non c’è male not bad U1 3.A

milione m million U6 SUO Non ci credo! I don’t believe it! U6 4.E

minestra f soup, broth (first course) U5 5.F non lo so I don’t know U5 1.A

minigonna f miniskirt U8 2.B granddad, grandpa/

nonno/-a U2 3.A
grandmother, granny
minoranza f minority U5 2.B
normalmente generally, usually U4 2.C
mio/-a my U1 3.A
nostalgia f homesickness, to be homesick U6 SUO
moda f fashion U4 5.B
nostro/-a our U2 3.D
moglie f wife U6 2.D
notizia f (piece of) news U6 PAR
moltissimo very much U3 PAR
nottambulo/-a m/f night owl U4 2.B
Molto bene, grazie! very well, thank you! U1 3.A
notte f night U4 2.A
Molto lieto/-a! pleased to meet you! U1 3.A
nuovamente (once) again U4 3.A
mondo m world U6 SAL
nuovo/-a new U3 3.E

montagna f mountain U3 4.A
obbligo m a must, inescapable condition U8 2.B
monumento m monument U3 2.A
occasione f occasion, event U4 GRA
moro/-a dark-haired/brunette U2 4.A
occhiali da sole m pl sunglasses U8 2.B
mostra f exhibition U3 2.A
occhio m eye U1 4.A
motivo m reason U1 6.A
odiare hate, not like U3 3.A
moto (motocicletta) f motorbike (motorcycle) U7 3.A
to offer, to pay for (“I’ll get this”
motorino m moped, scooter U7 3.A offrire U5 5.E
or “this is on me”)
muoversi to move around, to travel U4 4.B ogni giorno every day U4 4.C

ogni tanto sometimes, from time to time U4 4.C parrucchiere/-a m/f hairdresser U4 SAL
Olanda Holland U1 6.B partire to leave U4 GRA
olio m oil U5 GRA Pasqua f Easter U7 6.A
oliva f olive U5 GRA to spend (time/holiday), to
passare U7 GRA
pass by
ombrello m umbrella U8 6.A
passatempo m pastime, Hobby U3 2.B
onomastico m name-day U8 SAL
passeggiata f walk, stroll U3 GRA
operaio/-a m/f factory worker U2 2.B
passione f passion U5 GRA
ora f time, hour U3 2.F
“pasta al dente” (of food,
orario pasta al dente f typically pasta) cooked so as to U3 GRA
open all day U4 SAL
continuato m be still firm when bitten
orario m time, timetable U3 SAL pasto m meal U4 SAL
ordinato/-a tidy, neat U3 3.A patata f potato U5 PAR
organizzare to organise, to plan U3 3.E patente
driving licence U6 GRA
orologio m clock U4 2.C (di guida) f

ospedale m hospital U2 PAR Pechino Peking (Beijing) U2 2.A

ospitale U3 SAL pecorino cheese (from sheep’s

hospitable, friendly, welcoming pecorino m U5 2.E
osservare to observe, to notice U4 3.A
pensionato/-a pensioner, retired U2 2.B
ottenere to receive, to obtain U6 2.D
per for, out of U1 6.G
ottimista optimistic U6 4.A
per favore please U4 SUO
ottobre m October U4 SAL
per niente (not) at all U3 SUO
P pacchetto m packet, pack U5 GRA
pera f pear U5 2.E
pacco m pack, packet U5 PAR
perché because, why U1 6.A
padre m father U2 2.B
perdere to lose U6 GRA
Paese m nation, country U1 6.B
pericoloso/-a dangerous U7 2.F
pagare to pay, to spend U2 4.E
periferico/-a suburban U7 5.A
paio m a pair/ pairs U8 2.B
però but U2 2.C
palazzo d’epoca m period building U7 5.B
persona f person U3 3.E
palazzo m palace U7 2.B
pesce m fish U5 2.A
palestra f gym, Sport centre U3 2.B
pescheria f fishmonger, fish market U5 2.G
pallavolo f volleyball U4 GRA
pessimo/-a terrible, very bad U7 PAR
pane m bread U5 2.A
piacere to like, to enjoy U3 2.B
panettiere/-a m/f baker, bread shop U5 2.G
pleased to meet you/ how do
piacere! U1 3.A
panificio m bakery, baker’s U4 SAL you do
panino m sandwich U5 4.B piacevole enjoyable, pleasurable U3 2.F
panna f cream U5 GRA piano m floor U2 4.A
pantaloncini m shorts U8 2.B piano terra m ground floor U2 4.A
pantofola f slipper U8 PAR piatto m dish U3 2.E
papà m dad U2 3.A piatto unico m one-course meal U5 5.B
paparazzo m paparazzi U6 SAL piazza f square (public place) U3 SAL
parcheggio m parking space, car parking U7 5.B piccante spicy, hot U5 PAR
parco m park U4 2.C piccolo/-a small, little U1 GRA
parlare language U2 2.A pigiama m pyjamas U8 PAR
parmigiano m parmesan cheese U5 1.A piovere to rain U7 6.A
piscina f swimming pool U7 5.B to suggest, to propose, to
proporre U4 4.A
pista ciclabile f cycling track, bike path U7   3.A
prosciutto m ham U5 SAL
più more U2 4.E
prossimo/-a next U6 4.A
poco little, not very much U2 4.E
provare to try, to taste U5 6.C
poco fa just now, not long ago U6 4.D
pubblicare to release U6 GRA
poesia f poetry U3 SUO
pubblico m audience U6 2.D
poi then, after U4 2.C
to clean, to wash, to clear (foe
pollo m chicken U5 2.E pulire (-isc-) U4 2.C
ex. the table)
pomeriggio m afternoon U4 2.A pulito/-a clean U7 2.B
pomodoro m tomato U5 2.E pulizia f cleaning U7 5.B
ponte m bridge U7 SAL purtroppo unfortunately U7 6.A
portafoglio m wallet U8 GRA Q qualche some, any (sing.) U5 4.B
portale m portal U8 4.B qualcosa something U5 4.B
positivo/-a positive U3 5.B which, what one (with
Quale? U1 4.B
preposition “in”, where)
posizione f location, position U7 5.B
Quando? when U1 4.B
posta f mail U4 2.C
Quanto? how much, how many U1 4.B
potere can U8 5.A
quartiere m local area, neighbourhood U5 2.B
pranzare to have lunch U4 3.A
quasi mai almost never, hardly ever U4 4.B
pranzo m lunch U3 2.B
quello/-a that U8 6.A
pratico/-a practical U8 5.A
questo/-a this U8 6.A
preferire (-isc-) to prefer U3 4.A
qui here U7 6.A
preferito/-a favourite U3 2.B
quotidiano/-a daily U4 1.A
prendere to have, to drink U3 2.F
prendere il treno to get the train U4 3.A R racconto m report, description U6 3.A
ragazzo/-a m/f boy/girl U1 6.A
prendere un aperitivo to have a drink (aperitif) U4 2.C
raggiungere to gain, to obtain U6 SAL
preoccuparsi to care about, to worry about U5 2.H
rapido/-a quick, fast U7 6.A
preparare to prepare, to cook U3 2.E
rapporto m relationship, rapport U2 PAR
prepararsi to get ready U4 2.C
raramente rarely, hardly ever U4 GRA
preparato/-a con prepared with U5 5.F
regalo m gift, present U8 5.A
presentare to introduce U1 3.A
regione f region U1 GRA
presentazione f introduction U2 2.B
regista m/f film director U6 3.A
presto early U3 3.A
regola f rule, regulation U3 SAL
previsione f outlook U6 4.A
relax m relaxation, rest U3 4.A
prezzo m price U8 3.A
residente resident, residing U1 4.A
prima before, first U4 2.B
residenza f (place of) residence U2 2.A
primavera f Spring, springtime U7 6.A
residenziale residential U7 5.A
primo/-a first U4 3.A
responsabile conscientious, careful U5 2.B
principale main, most important U4 SAL
ricco/-a rich, wealthy U4 4.B
prodotto m produce U3 SUO
ricevere to receive, to have U2 4.E
produttivo/-a productive U4 2.C
riciclare to recycle, to re-gift U8 5.A
professione f profession, job, career U1 4.A
riconoscere to recognise U4 4.B
professore/-essa m/f teacher U1 GRA
ricordare to bear in mind, to remember U4 SAL

rilassante relaxing U4 2.C scambiare to exchange U5 5.B

rimanere to be left U7 6.A scambiare due parole to have a chat U5 5.B
rinascimentale Renaissance (adj) U7 2.B scarpa f shoe U8 2.B
ringraziare to thank someone U8 5.A scatto m snapshot, picture U6 SAL
ripieno/-a (di) filled with, stuffed with U5 5.F scegliere to choose, to decide U6 3.A
riposarsi to rest U4 2.C scelta f choice, decision U5 2.B
riscaldamento m heating U7 6.A scendere to decrease, to go down U4 3.A

riso m rice U3 GRA sciarpa f scarf U8 2.B

risolvere to solve U4 4.B scienziato/-a m/f scientist U3 SUO
rispettare respect, to follow U3 SAL scontato/-a discount (adj), on sale U8 3.F
rispettoso/-a respectful U2 4.E scorso/-a last U6 GRA
rispondere to answer, to let someone know U3 4.B scotto/-a overcooked, overdone U3 SUO
risultato m result U4 3.A scrittore/-trice m/f writer U6 3.A
ritardo m delay U4 3.A scrittura f writing U6 2.A
ritmo m rhythm U4 2.C scrivere to write U6 3.B
rivendere to sell again U8 5.A scuola f school U2 PAR
rivista f magazine U3 2.A scuola superiore f high school U6 PAR
Romania Rumania U2 2.B scuro/-a dark U8 PAR
romanico/-a Romanesque U7 2.B scusate! sorry, excuse me U1 3.A
romantico/-a romantic U3 GRA secolo m century U6 SAL
romanzo m novel U3 5.A secondo/-a second U2 4.A
rosa pink U8 PAR sedentario/-a lazy, sedentary U3 3.A
rosso/-a red, ginger (hair) U2 4.A seguente following, next U4 3.A
rovina f (ancient) ruin U7 2.B to follow, (advice) to take
seguire U8 2.F
someone’s advice
rubare to steel U4 4.B
sembrare to look U4 GRA
rumeno/-a Rumanian U2 2.D.
sempre always U4 4.B
rumoroso/-a loud, noisy U2 3.D
sensibilità f sensitivity U4 4.B
Russia Russia U1 6.B
sentire to hear, to ask U3 4.B
russo/-a Russian U1 6.A

sentirsi to feel U2 4.E
sabato m Saturday U4 SAL
senza without U5 3.D
salato/-a savoury U3 4.A
separato/-a separated U2 4.A
sale m salt U4 SUO
sera f evening U3 3.F
salire to climb (up) U4 3.A
serata f evening U4 3.A
cured pork meat (category of
salume m U5 2.A
food) serio/-a serious, earnest U2 4.A
salute f health U5 3.A settembre m September U7 6.A
salutista health enthusiast, health fanatic U5 2.B settimana f week U4 2.B
saluto m greeting U1 PAR sfortunato/-a unlucky U4 4.B
sandalo m sandal U8 PAR sforzo m effort (to try harder) U4 2.B
sano/-a healthy U5 2.B it is important, (suggestion) you
si deve / si devono U8 3.A
sapere to know U5 1.A
siciliano/-a Sicilian U2 4.A
sapore m taste, flavour U5 5.B
sicuro/-a safe U2 4.E
sbagliare to get it wrong, to go wrong U8 2.B
signore/-a m/f man, gentleman/woman, lady U2 4.A
silenzioso/-a quiet, peaceful U2 4.E stella f star U4 4.B
simile similar U5 2.A stesso/-a same U7 2.B
simpatico/-a likeable, pleasant, nice U2 4.A stile m style, look U8 2.A
sobrio/-a sober, chaste U8 2.B stilista m/f fashion designer U8 2.B
socializzazione f socialising, getting together U5 5.B stipendio m salary, paycheck U8 SAL
socievole friendly, sociable U2 4.A stivale m boot U8 2.G
soggiornare to stay U7 GRA storico/-a historical U3 5.A
soldi m pl money U8 5.A stressante stressful U4 4.A
solido/-a strong, rooted U5 2.B studente/-essa m/f student U1 6.A
solo/-a alone U2 4.E studiare to study, to learn U2 2.A
somalo/-a Somali U6 3.A studio m studies U1 6.A
sopportare to bear, to stand U3 3.B studioso/-a diligent, studious U3 3.A
soprattutto above all, especially U5 2.B stupendo/-a fabulous, amazing, wonderful U7 2.B
sorella f sister U2 3.A subito immediately, straightaway U5 GRA
spagnolo/-a Spanish U1 GRA successo m success U5 GRA
spazio m room, space U2 4.E suggestivo/-a evocative, inspiring U7   3.A
spazioso/-a spacious U7 5.B suocero/-a m/f father-in-law/mother-in-law U2 3.D
specchio m mirror U8 GRA suonare to play (an instrument) U3 3.B
specialty, special dish of the superalcolico/-a spirits, hard liquor U5 3.A
specialità f U5 2.B
supermercato m supermarket U2 PAR
spegnere to turn off U6 GRA
svago m fun, recreation, entertainment U5 5.B
spendere to spend U6 GRA
svedese Swedish U2 2.F
spesso often U2 3.D
svizzero/-a Swiss U2 3.D
spettacolare beautiful, breathtaking U7 2.B
tacco m heel U8 PAR
spettacolo m show, event U3 SAL
tanto/-a a lot, much, many U7 2.B
spiaggia f beach U8 2.B
tardi late U4 2.C
spiegare explain U2 PAR
tassista m/f taxi-driver U2 2.H
splendido/-a beautiful, amazing U7 2.B
tavola f table, (at) meal time U5 2.B
sporco/-a dirty U7 2.F
tavolo m table U4 2.C
sportivo/-a athletic (sports person) U3 3.A
tè m tea U3 4.A
sposare to marry U6 3.A
teatro m theatre U3 2.A
sposato/-a married U2 2.B
tedesco/-a German U1 6.A
spremuta f fresh-squeezed juice U5 PAR
telefonare telephone U2 SUO
spuntino m light meal, nibble U4 SAL
tempo libero m leisure time, spare time U3 2.A
squisito/-a delicious U5 PAR
tendenza f trend U5 2.A
sregolato/-a undisciplined U3 SAL
tenere to keep, to leave U8 4.B
stagione f season U5 2.B
testa f head U8 PAR
stanchezza f tiredness U4 3.A
ti voglio bene I love you (not romantic love) U6 2.D
stanco/-a tired U4 2.C
timido/-a shy U2 4.A
stanza f room U2 4.C
tipico/-a typical U5 2.B
stare to be U1 3.A
tisana f infusion, herbal tea U3 5.A
Stati Uniti m pl United States U1 6.B
toccare to reach U4 3.A
statunitense US-citizen U1 6.A
tornare to return, to come back U4 3.A
stazione f train station U7 5.B

torre f tower U7 2.B to differ, to be different, to

variare U4 SAL
torta f cake U4 GRA
vasetto m (of yoghurt: pod), jar U5 2.B
tra between U4 3.A
vedere to see U6 GRA
tradire (-isc-) to betray U4 4.B
vedovo/-a widower/widow U2 4.A
tradizionale traditional, usual U3 5.A
vegano/-a vegan U5 2.B
tradizione f tradition U5 2.B
vegetariano/-a vegetarian U5 2.B
tradotto/-a translated U6 3.A
veloce fast, quick U5 4.B
tramezzino m British style sandwich U5 4.B
vendere to sell U5 PAR
tramonto m sunset, dusk U3 4.A
venerdì m Friday U4 SAL
tranquillo/-a peaceful, quiet U7 2.F
verde green U8 PAR
trascorrere to spend (time/holiday) U7 GRA
to move (from one place/city to verdura f vegetable, vegetables U5 2.A
trasferirsi U6 3.A
another) vestirsi to get dressed U4 2.C
trasporto m transport U7 PAR vestito m dress, suit U8 2.F
informal small restaurant,
trattoria f U5 2.B veterinario/-a m/f veterinarian, vet U2 3.D
serving Italian typical dishes
travestirsi to wear, to camouflage U4 4.B via f street, road U1 5.B

troppo/-a too much, too many U7 2.B viaggiatore/-trice m/f traveller U4 4.B

to wear make-up, to put make- vicino a next to U7 2.B

truccarsi U4 GRA
up on vicino/-a m/f neighbour U2 2.B
turista m/f tourist U4 SAL
vincere to be awarded, to win U6 2.D
turistico/-a tourist (adj) U7   3.A
vino m wine U3 5.A
tuta da ginnastica f tracksuit, gym clothes U8 2.B
viola purple U8 PAR
tutto/-a all, everything/everyone U2 4.A
visitare to visit, to go sightseeing U3 2.D
TV (televisione) f TV (television) U3 2.A
U ufficio m office U2 PAR
vista f
vita notturna f
facing, with a view over
U7 5.B

U7   3.A
ultimo/-a last (tiniest) U3 SAL
vivace lively, vivid, intense U2 3.D
umore m mood U4 3.A
vivere to live, to reside U1 4.B
un po’ a little U2 4.E
vizio m weak spot, flaw, bad habit U3 5.A
un po’ di tutto a bit of everything U5 4.B
voce f voice U3 SAL
un sacco a lot U3 3.B
volentieri gladly, willingly (to prefer) U5 2.B
uomo m (pl uomini) man/men U4 4.B
volere to want U5 5.E
uovo m (pl uova) egg/eggs U5 2.A
volontario/-a voluntary worker, volunteer U3 5.A
usare to use U4 4.B
uscire to go out U4 2.B volta f time U6 PAR

utile useful U8 5.A volume m volume U4 GRA

uva f grapes U5 2.B vorrei I’d like… U5 5.E

V vacanza f holiday U4 GRA Z zio/-a m/f uncle / aunt U7 GRA

vale la pena it is worth it U7 6.A zona pedonale f pedestrian area U7 GRA

vanitoso/-a vain, conceited U3 3.E zucchero m sugar U5 3.A

vantaggio m advantage, positive aspect U2 4.E zuppa f soup U5 PAR

vaporetto m ferry-boat, steamer U7 SAL

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