Al Dente 1: Unità 0 Il Bel Paese!

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Al dente 1
C. What has helped you find the information?
Work with a classmate.
1. Il formato del documento (the format of the
2. Parole che conosco (words I know)
3. Parole simili a parole della mia lingua (words
which are similar to those in my own language)
A2 4. Parole simili a parole di una lingua che conosco
(words which are similar to those of a language
I know)
D. Listen to the conversations and identify where
Unità 0 they are taking place.
• biblioteca (library)
Il bel paese! • strada (street)
• fermata autobus (bus stop)
• ristorante (restaurant)
5 p. 14
• metropolitana (underground/subway)
A. Look at the pictures: do you recognise anything? • museo (museum)
What words do they make you think of?
B. Look at the cloud of words: how many words do
The type of text we are reading helps us
you know? How many are new to you? Compare understand the meaning of the words it
them with a classmate. contains.
Words I know:
New words: 5 p.18
C. How many Italian words do you know? Work in 4. L’alfabeto
groups and make a list of all the Italian words or
A. With a partner read the letters of the alphabet
expressions you know.
and the examples. Then, together, listen to how
they are pronounced.
5 p. 15
Come si scrive (how you write them)
1. Italiano… Come si dice (how you say them)
Esempi (examples)
A. Read the texts: how many of the given information
do you already know? Which ones surprise you? Open vowel sound: città, caffè, sì, andrò, virtù
Closed vowel sound: perché
B. Compare the information you already know with
vowels marked with diaresis : Günter
the information of a classmate.
vowels marked with a tilde: João
vowels marked with a circumflex: Benoît
5 p.16
c with a cedilla: François
2. Come suona l’italiano B. Listen and write the missing letters; then
A. Which adjective do you associate Italian with? compare your notes with a partner’s notes. What
words are they?
B. Listen to the six speakers of the recording and
mark with an X those who are speaking in Italian.
5 p.19
5 p.17 5. I numeri
3. Capisci l’italiano? A. Here are the numbers from zero to twenty. Read
them and then listen to the recording.
A. Look at the pictures: what are they about?
B. Listen to the recording and tick the numbers you
B. Look again at the different papers: what kind of
information do they give? Write down notes in your
own language. C. Complete the gaps with the numbers you hear in
the recording.

Al dente 1

Unità 1
B. Read the dialogues again and complete with the
types of greetings.

Ciao a tutti!
When arriving: ciao...
When leaving: ciao, buona giornata...
C. How do you reply to these questions? Pay
5 p.21
attention to the situation: formal or informal?
•• Make a photo story book about greetings and CI TANTI SALUTI
introduction Make a poster with the Italian greetings and their
•• Write and fill in a registration form equivalent in your own language.
CI 5 p.24
•• Make a poster with all types of greetings
•• Write a list of questions to ask personal information 4. Documenti d’identità
•• Make a list of reasons for learning Italian
A. Look at these three identity cards: what are
1. Immagini e parole they used for? What are their equivalent in your
country? Work with a classmate.
A. Read the words and expressions in the picture:
do you know them? Do you use them? B. Read the information contained in each of the
three IDs and answer the questions.
B. Now read the words in the cloud and complete
the list. C. Look at the highlighted verbs in exercise B and
Words I know: find the rule on their use. Circle the correct option.
Words I don’t know but understand:
The prepositions a and in p. 28
Words I don’t know and don’t understand:
D. Work with a classmate and write down his/her
C. Compare your list to another classmate’s.
driving licence data. Use ID n. 2 in exercise A as an
Together find the words you don’t know.
example to gather the information.
5 p.22
5 p.25
2. Ci presentiamo 5. Moduli d’iscrizione
A. Look at how the Italian teacher introduces
A. Look at these three registration forms: to which
herself and then answer the questions.
centre does each one refer to? Then listen to the
B. Read the text and questions in exercise A and recording and complete the forms with the missing
complete the conjugation of the verbs essere and information.
B. Look at the indefinite articles highlighted in
essere and chiamarsi p. 28
exercise A and complete the box.
C. Go around the classroom and get to know your
the indefinite articles 5 p. 28
classmates. Introduce yourselves.
D. Valentina is from Bologna: do you know this city?
Find it on the map of Italy on page 244. words beginning
Which other Italian cities do you know? Find them with a consonant: un    
on the map. Work with a classmate. laboratorio, palestra...
Bologna: view of Piazza Maggiore with the Basilica words beginning
of St. Petronius with s+consonant, z:        
studio, scuola, zaino…
5 p.23 words beginning
3. Come stai? with a vowel:
istituto, accademia...

A. Look at the pictures and read the dialogues: which

situation is formal and which informal? Then read the C. Do the following words have an equivalent in
expressions and greetings in the box: what are their your language?
equivalents in the formal situation? Complete the box.

With a classmate make a list of questions useful Make a list of the reasons you and your classmates
when asking for personal information. are learning Italian. Which is the most popular
5 p.26

6. Studenti d’italiano GRAMMATICA

5 p.28
A. Look at the information cards of some students
who are learning Italian. Then together with a SUBJECT PERSONAL PRONOUNS
classmate find the following information.
B. Read the information cards in exercise A again: io
write the name of each student next to their
countries. Then complete the box of the nationality
adjectives. lui / lei / Lei
nationality adjectives p. 28
In Italian the formal way to address someone is by
C. Work with a classmate: look at the information using the personal pronoun Lei, both for men and
cards in exercise A and ask each other questions. women.
In written Italian the use of lei with the lowercase l
D. You can make a list of the countries and
has become more common.
nationalities you are interested in. You can use a
Country Nationality It is the verb form we find in the dictionary. In
Italian the infinitive has three different endings
E. Think about famous people. What nationality are
which correspond to the three conjugations.
they? Ask your classmates.
1ª conjugation 2ª conjugation 3ª conjugation
-are -ere -ire
5 p.27
abitare vivere dormire
F. Read the information cards in exercise A again studiare leggere partire
and look at the highlighted definite articles. Then
ascoltare scrivere sentire
complete the box.
the definite articles 5 p. 28
Words beginning with
a consonant: cinema il    
musica... io abito io vivo

Words beginning with tu abiti tu vivi

s+consonant, z: sport,     la
lui / lei / Lei abita lui / lei / Lei vive
Storia, zucchero…

Words beginning with a

vowel: aperitivo, arte...
G. A campus radio station is interviewing some
students. Listen to what they say and write down io mi chiamo
what language each student is learning and why. tu ti chiami

studied language reason for learning it lui / lei / Lei si chiama

H. And why are you learning Italian? Read the

suggested reasons. You can add more. Then discuss
this with your classmates.

Al dente 1


STARE via Riaffrico 12. (indirizzo)
ESSERE AVERE STARE Vivo / abito in Umbria. (regione)
io sono io ho io sto Francia. (Paese)
tu sei tu hai tu stai
Europa. (continente)
lui / lei / Lei è lui / lei / Lei ha lui / lei / Lei sta
Vivo / abito a Padova. (città)
San Gimignano. (piccolo paese)
5 p.29
un + consonant un laboratorio 1. Complete the gaps with the correct subject
un + vowel, h un istituto personal pronoun.
uno + s + consonant, z, ps, gn, y uno studio 2. Write the corresponding infinitive form of the
verb in the present tense.
3. Complete the dialogues with the missing verb
una + consonant una palestra forms.
una + s + consonant, z, ps, gn, y una scuola 4. Complete the sentences using the correct forms
of the verbs essere and avere.
un' + vowel, h un’accademia
5. Complete the gaps with the correct definite
THE SINGULAR DEFINITE ARTICLES 6. Complete the gaps with the correct indefinite
7. Next to each adjective write (M) if it is
il + consonant il cinema masculine, (F) if feminine or (M/F) if it can be
l’ + vowel, h l’aperitivo both.
8. Complete the gaps with the correct ending of
lo + s + consonant, z, ps, gn, y lo sport
the adjective.
FEMININE 9. Circle the correct option.
la + consonant la musica 10. Complete the gaps with the correct prepositions
a, in, and di.
la + s + consonant, z, ps, gn, y la storia
l' + vowel, h l'arte
5 p.30
The Greetings
1. Complete the box with the appropriate
adjectives in -o/a greetings. Some may be used more than once.
italiano italiana when arriving when leaving
tedesco tedesca
spagnolo spagnola 2. This is how you greet in Italian according to the
argentino argentina time of day. Look at the given information and
marocchino marocchina write down a timeframe in the form of a clock to
adjectives in -e explain how you greet in your own language.
francese francese
giapponese giapponese Nationality adjectives
canadese canadese 3. Match each country with the corresponding
senegalese senegalese
adjective of nationality. You can add more.
adjectives in -a 4. Complete the box with your personal
belga belga information.
keniota keniota
vietnamita vietnamita

The numbers B. In which cities can you find these monuments?
5. Complete the missing numbers. Match the cities to each picture and then listen to
the recording to check if they are correct. Lastly,
5 p.31 find the cities on the map of Italy on p. 244.
The interrogatives C. Work in groups. Choose an Italian region; do
6. Complete the questions with the missing some research and write a poster containing the
interrogative words. information based on the data below. You can add
some pictures. Then you can either hang your poster
Learning a language
in your classroom or post it on the virtual classroom.
7. Complete the list with further possible
Colloquial words
8. Write the appropriate answer for each question.
5 p.34
Then listen to the recording and check if they
are correct. Lastly, translate the answers into CF Make a photo story book about
your own language. What do the words in bold greetings and introduction
correspond to in your language?
A. Choose a situation: formal or informal.
B. Decide on a number of characters you wish to
SUONI use as well as the different roles (who plays the
1. Listen to the recording and write whether the actor, who takes the photos etc.)
sound of the letter e is open [ɛ]or closed [e].
C. Write down a script and rehearse.
2. Listen to the recording and write whether the D. Choose a presentation format (PPT, poster etc.)
sound of the letter o is open [ɔ] or closed [o]. and describe the photo story to your classmates.

3. Listen to the recording and write how to

pronounce the letter c, choosing between the
sounds [k] and [tʃ]. Then complete the rule. Organise your team work carefully and follow each
step in an orderly way: this will make your project
easier and you will accomplish your task.
Before …….. c sounds [k].
Before … and … c sounds [tʃ]. You can also make a video and either upload it on Youtube or
ch + e, i sounds….. post it on the virtual classroom.

4. Write whether the following words have the CF Write and fill in a registration form
sound [g] or [dʒ]. Then listen to the recording to
A. Choose a type of course: cooking, photography,
check if you are right and complete the rule.
language, yoga, etc.
Before a… g sounds [g]. B. Decide which information you need to ask and
Before … and …. g sounds [dʒ]. prepare a registration form.
gh + e, i sounds ……
C. Put your form on the notice board and choose
one of your classmates’. Then fill it in.
5. Listen to the recording and write whether the
following words have the sound [gn ] or [ ɲ].

Before creating your own registration form, look at

SALOTTO CULTURALE the different types there are on p. 25.
5 p.33
Post your form on the virtual
Conosciamo l’Italia classroom.

A.What information about L’Italia in numeri do

you find more interesting? Try to write the missing
information. Work with a classmate.

Al dente 1

Unità 2
5 p.35

Com’è andato il compito?

A. Assess your own competences. Cose di famiglia
I am able to greet someone
I am able to introduce myself and others 5 p. 37
I am able to distinguish formal and informal
situations CF
•• Types of families in my class
I am able to ask and give personal information
•• Introducing loved ones
B. Did you have any problems when working on
your assignments? What kind? CI
•• Interviewing a classmate to make his/her
Did you learn something new? What? What did you
information card
enjoy most about your assignments?
•• Drawing your family tree
C. Assess the work of your classmates and discuss •• Describing someone famous
it with them.
The presentation is understandable.
They used the contents of the units.
1. Vita famigliare
The vocabulary used is appropriate. A. Look at the picture. Which elements do you
It is interesting and original. recognise? Discuss it with a classmate and use a
The pronunciation is clear and the intonation is dictionary if necessary.
B. Read the cloud of words and complete the
following categories.

Family members:
C. Compare your list with a classmate’s. Together
look for the words you both don’t know.

5 p.38

2. Tutto il mondo è paese

A. Read the following interview and mark with an X
the given information.
B. Read the introductions of some foreign people who
live in Italy. Then complete their information cards.

5 p.39

C. Find and pay attention to the connective words ma,

però, e. How do you translate them in your language?
Then write a sentence using each one of them.
D. Find the nationality adjectives in the information
cards and write them in the box with the correct

Gender and number of nouns and adjectives 5 p. 44 CI CONOSCIAMOCI!
Interview a classmate and write his/her
singular plural
information card with their name and surname,
masculine feminine masculine feminine their nationality, age, languages, email address,
job. Then compare the cards of the class and
filippino filippina filippine
identify the most common profession.
marocchino marocchina marocchini

rumeno rumena rumene 5 p.40

tedesco tedesca tedesche 3. Una famiglia eccezionale!
cinese cinese cinesi A. Look at Camilla’s family tree and complete the
sentences below with the corresponding names.
albanese albanese

E. Do you know any other adjectives of nationality B. Look at the forms of the definite articles and
ending in -o/a and in -e? Write a list and share it complete the box. Work with a classmate.
with a classmate.
Plural definite articles 5 p. 44
F. Find the names of professions of the people whose
masculine feminine
introductions are in the texts and write them in the
box. Then translate them into your own language. words beginning with a
consonant: fratelli, nonni,
G. Do you have friends who live abroad or friends from genitori, sorelle...
foreign countries? Discuss it with your classmates.
words beginning with s
H. Listen to what some Italians living abroad + consonante, z: studenti, le
have to say. Then mark with an X which of the zii, zie...
information below belongs to which speaker.
words beginning with a
I. Look at the verb forms highlighted in exercises B vowel: amici, amiche...
and H and complete the box.
C. Make a list of the family ties in the family tree
The present indicative 5 p. 44
and write their translation into your own language.

noi voi loro 5 p.41

parlare parliamo D. On the website Italiano in casa some families who

wish to accommodate an Italian-learning student
studiare studiate
introduce themselves. Read the descriptions and
lavorare lavorano then the students’ information cards. Decide which
student would be better suited for which family.
chiamarsi vi chiamate si chiamano
E. Look at the highlighted words in exercise D and
VERBS IN -ERE complete the box.
vivere vivete The possessive adjectives  5 p. 44
IRREGULAR VERBS singular singular plural plural
masculine feminine masculine feminine
avere avete
tuo tua tuoi tue
fare fate suo sua suoi sue

L. Find in the texts those expressions used for

talking about one’s profession and underline vostro vostra vostri
them. Then ask your classmates what their
loro loro loro
profession is.

Al dente 1

F. Underline the professions mentioned in the texts to your classmate. Try and guess who is the student
of exercise D. Then translate them into your own your classmate is describing.
G. Look at the use of articles with the possessive CI
Is there someone famous you particularly admire?
adjectives in exercise D. Complete the box and
Speak about him/her and describe his/her
then circle the correct option to complete the
personality and physical appearance.

With the possessive adjectives and family members in

the singular form you use / you don’t use the articles,
with the exception of “loro”. With the possessive 5 p.44
adjectives and family members in the plural form you
use / you don’t use the articles.

io noi

tu voi
CI lui / lei /Lei loro
Draw your own family tree. Then find who in your
class has more siblings, more uncles and aunts or
5 p.42


A. Alice is describing her family and neighbours.
Look at the pictures: two people have been put ESSERE AVERE FARE STARE
with the wrong families. Who are they? Find them
io sono ho faccio sto
and then check with a classmate.
tu sei hai fai stai
B. Complete with the names of all the people. Then
compare your work with a classmate. lui / lei /Lei è ha fa sta

noi siamo abbiamo facciamo stiamo

5 p.43 voi siete avete fate state

C. Read the text in exercise A again; in the box write loro sono hanno fanno stanno
the adjectives of personality and the adjectives for
the physical description.
D. Look at the endings of the adjectives and
complete the box.
Gender and number of the adjectives p. 44
masculine feminine masculine feminine
E. Read the text and mark with an X which are the
advantages for students and which for the elderly. -o -a -i -e

alto alta alti alte

F. Luisa has joined the project called Prendi in casa
uno studente and is accommodating Luca. Listen to -e -i
them talking about their experience. Mark with an insegnante insegnanti
X Luca and Luisa’s features.
-ista -isti
G. What does your classmate look like? Work with
giornalista giornalisti
a classmate; in turns describe one another. Then
both choose another student in your class and
without revealing his/her identity, describe them

tedesco - tedesca - tedeschi - tedesche PAROLE
austriaco - austriaca - austriaci - austriache 5 p.46
simpatico - simpatica - simpatici - simpatiche
The family and personality
amico - amica - amici - amiche
1. Complete the sentences with the missing word.
2. Match the words with their opposite.
DEFINITE ARTICLES 3. Match the professions to the corresponding
4. Complete the list of combinations.
il i 5. Answer the following questions.
gli Colloquial words:
allora and dunque
la 6. Listen to the dialogue and write how many
FEMININE le daughters there are in each family.

5 p.47
POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES 7. Look at the highlighted words of the sentences
Masculine Feminine
taken from the recording: what do they mean? Is
there an equivalent in your own language?
SINGULAR PLURAL SINGULAR PLURAL 8. Write a short dialogue using the colloquial words
il mio i miei la mia le mie dunque and allora.

il tuo i tuoi la tua le tue

il suo i suoi la sua le sue SUONI

il nostro i nostri la nostra le nostre 1. Listen to the recording and complete the
following words with l or ll.
il vostro i vostri la vostra le vostre 2. Read the following words; then listen to the
il loro i loro la loro le loro recording to check how they are pronounced.
3. Read the sentences to a classmate. Then
Whenever a possessive adjective is used with listen to the recording to check how they are
names of family members in the singular form, pronounced.
the article is always dropped except when 4. Read the sentences and underline the stressed
using loro: syllable of the words in bold. Then listen to the
mio zio, i miei zii recording to check how they are pronounced.
suo cognato, i suoi cognati
la loro zia, le loro zie
5 p.45 5 p.49

1. Write the subject of the following sentences. Modelli famigliari: quanti tipi di
2. Complete the gaps with the correct verb forms famiglia esistono?
in the indicative present tense.
A. In your opinion, what are the most common
3. Underline the adjective in each group which is
family types in Italy? Discuss it with a classmate
the odd one out.
before reading the infographic. Then read it and
4. Write the sentences as shown in the example.
check if your theories are right.
5. Complete the gaps with the correct definite article.
6. Write the sentences again using the appropriate B. With a classmate discuss the family types of
possessive adjective. your own countries: are there any differences with
7. Match the two parts of the sentences. Italian ones? What are they?
C. Listen to the recording and match the names
to each family member. What family type does it
correspond to?

Al dente 1

D. Is there a famous family in your country? Do some I am able to talk about my family and friends.
research to speak about them and draw their family tree. I am able to describe people’s personality and
physical appearance.

COMPITI FINALI B. Did you have any problems when working on

5 p.50 your assignments? What kind?
Did you learn something new? What? What did you
CF Fare la classifica dei modelli di enjoy most about your assignments?
famiglia della classe
C. Assess the work of your classmates and discuss
A. In groups prepare a list of questions to help you
it with them.
conduct a survey so to find out the most typical
The presentation is understandable
family types in your class.
They used the contents of the units
B. Interview your classmates and take notes of The vocabulary used is appropriate
their answers. Then make a list of all the family It is interesting and original
types of the class. The pronunciation is clear and the intonation is
C. Put the lists of the various groups on a board
and compare them. Do the family types in the lists
represent the ones in your country?

Organise the group work: assign different tasks

(who takes notes, who draws etc.). Come to an
agreement making sure everyone’s ideas and
suggestions are taken into account.

You can post your list on a

blog, on Facebook, YouTube...

CF Presentare le persone più

importanti della tua vita
A. Think of the 4 most important people in your
life. Who are they? Organise and write down your
B. Write a short text introducing each of the 4
people you thought about.
C. Make a video recording of your oral presentation
and share it with the class.

Before writing your paper, take notes and organize

and outline your ideas following an order.

Post your video on a blog, on

Facebook, YouTube...

5 p.51

Com’è andato il compito?

A. Assess your own competences.
I am able to ask or give personal information.

Unità 3
5 p.57

D. An Italian radio station is interviewing some

I gusti sono gusti people on their spare time activities. Listen to the
recording and mark with an X which activities the
interviewees like or don’t like.
5 p. 55
E. Read the following sentences taken from the
CF interviews in exercise D and complete the box.
•• Make an infographic about the likes and dislikes
of the class Stressed and unstressed indirect object
•• Find the classmates whose likes and dislikes are personal pronouns p. 62
mostly similar to yours
F. Read the comments about leisure time in the
COMPITI INTERMEDI forum and underline the statements you agree
•• Create a diagram about your favourite cultural with. Then look at the highlighted forms and
activities complete the box.
•• Make a list of the most loved and most hated
G. What do you like doing in your spare time? What
time of the day or of the week? Discuss it with a
•• Complete a personality test

1. I gusti in parole CI
Work in groups and create a diagram about the
A. Look at the objects on Carlotta’s desk: what does
favourite cultural activities of the class. Choose
she like? Use a dictionary to help you.
a graphic format – you can consider “what” and
B. Look at the shape of the cloud of words: what “when” as variables.
does it represent? Then read the words and
expressions contained in the cloud and complete
5 p.58
the list.
Words and expressions I know: 3. Le cose che amo e… che odio!
Words and expressions I don’t know but
A. Look at Giorgia and Daniele’s bedrooms; they
are two very different teenagers. According to the
Words and expressions I don’t know and don’t
characteristics of their rooms, match the adjectives
to the right person. You can add more adjectives.
C. Compare your list to another classmate’s.
B. Who is saying what? Match the statements to
Together find the words you both don’t know.
either Giorgia (G) or Daniele (D).

5 p.56
5 p.59
2. Tempo libero e cultura C. Look at the highlighted forms in the sentences of
A. Complete the following mind map with spare exercise B and complete the box.
time activities. Use a dictionary.
D. Look at the form of the verb piacere in the
B. What do Italians do in their leisure time? Think of sentences of exercise B. Then try and complete the
three activities and compare them with a classmate’s. rule on its use.
Use a dictionary to help you. Then read the article,
the verb piacere p. 62
write the missing information in the infographic and
check if your ideas are correct. E. In your opinion what are the people in the
pictures like? Match them to the adjectives
C. Read the article again: look at the use of the
below. Then discuss with a classmates which of
verbs piacere and amare and circle the correct
these activities you love or hate doing. Use the
option. Do you notice anything particular in the
expressions in exercise C.
construction of the sentences? Discuss it with a
classmate. F. Now that you know your classmate’s likes and
dislikes better, try and describe him/her using the
piacere and amare p. 62
adjectives in exercises A and E.

Al dente 1

CI AMORE E ODIO A me piace il cioccolato.

Make a list of the most loved and most hated things (subject = il cioccolato)
among your classmates. A noi piacciono molto i fumetti.
(subject = i fumetti)
5 p.60
Whereas, the sentence structure with the verb
4. Cosa preferisci? amare is:
subject + verb + object:
A. Take this personality test and then compare it
Nino ama passeggiare dopo pranzo.
with those of your classmates.
(subject = Nino)
B. You are a member of a whatsapp group: read Io amo il cioccolato.
your friends’ messages and then reply according to (subject = io)
your personal preferences. Noi amiamo i fumetti.
(subject = noi)
C. Look at the forms of the verb preferire used in
the messages and complete the box. PRONOUNS PIACERE
Do you notice anything particular about the
conjugation? Discuss it with a classmate. a me / mi SINGULAR noun
a te / ti la pasta
Verb in -isc- p. 62 piace
a lui / gli infinitive
a lei / le leggere
a noi / ci
5 p.61
a voi / vi plural noun
5. Compatibilità a loro / gli i film d’azione

A. These are two profiles posted on a dating

website. Read Angelo’s profile, then listen to the A me piace suonare la chitarra.
recording and complete Betta’s. Do you think they Mi piace suonare la chitarra.
are compatible? Discuss it with a classmate. A me mi piace suonare la chitarra.

B. Make a list of all the adjectives found in this unit INDIRECT OBJECT PERSONAL PRONOUNS
according to how you view them.
positive characteristics:
negative characteristics: io mi a me
neutral characteristics: tu ti a te

C. Now create your own profile. You can write lui, lei, Lei gli, le, Le a lui, a lei, a Lei
additional information which you feel are important. noi ci a noi
Then you can post it in the virtual classroom to find
voi vi a voi
out who you are most compatible with.
loro gli a loro
CI TEST DI PERSONALITÀ Stressed forms are used in order to give emphasis.
Add questions you feel are important to the
A me non piace la musica punk!
personality test on p. 60 and then compare your
preferences with your classmates’ ones. In negative sentences unstressed forms are
always placed between the negation (non) and
the verb.
GRAMMATICA Non mi piace il cinema americano.
5 p.62
This verb has a particular conjugation since the EXPRESSING PERSONAL LIKES AND DISLIKES
actual subject of the sentence is not the person Amo viaggiare.
(who likes or doesn’t like) but the object or the Mi piace tantissimo / moltissimo / un sacco fare sport.
action which is liked or not liked. Mi piacciono molto / tanto i fumetti.
A Nino piace passeggiare dopo pranzo. Mi piacciono abbastanza i film horror.
(subject = passeggiare dopo pranzo) Non mi piace tanto / molto la musica jazz.
Odio / Non sopporto guardare la TV.

5 p.64

Mi piace leggere. Anche a me. A me (invece) no. Personal likes and dislikes
Neanche a me. A me (invece) sì. 1. Think of your ideal boyfriend/girlfriend: what
Non mi piace il calcio.
does he/she like or doesn’t like doing? Write
Io amo l’arte. Anch’io. Io (invece) no. some sentences about it.
2. Read these expressions and complete the box
Io non amo cucinare. Neanch’io. Io (invece) sì.
writing them according to the level of intensity
they describe.
3. In this unit there are examples of the verb
Me anche / Me neanche
andare + preposition. Complete the sentences
with the correct preposition a, al or in.
Adjectives to describe personality or
Some regular verbs of the third conjugation
character traits
(-ire) are particular as they require the suffix
4. Match the adjectives in the left column to their
-isc- to be added to the stem of all three singular
(io, tu, lei) and the third-person plural (loro): io
5. Fill the gaps with the appropriate adjective.
prefer-isc-o, tu cap-isc-i, lui/ lei/Lei fin-isc-e, loro
5 p.65
When looking for the infinitive form of the verb
in the dictionary, this distinctive feature is The verbs used when talking about
pointed out: spare time activities
6. Complete the list of combinations. Pay
capire [ca-pi-re] v. (capisco, capisci, attention to the article.
The colloquial words certo, ma va
preferisco finire B(io) finisco 7. Choose the appropriate reply to each question.
preferisci capire B(io) capisco Then listen to the recording to check if they
are correct. Lastly, translate the answers into
preferisce pulire B(io) pulisco
your own language: what do the words in bold
preferiamo unire B(io) unisco correspond to?
preferite stabilire B(io) stabilisco
preferiscono costruire B(io) costruisco

5 p.63 1. Listen to the recording: use the colour red
to underline the sound [sk] as in scuola and
1. Underline the subject of the following
the blue for the sound [ʃ] as in scivolo. Then
complete the rule.
2. Circle the correct option.
Before    and    , sc is pronounced [ʃ].
3. Complete the gaps with piace or piacciono.
Before   ,    and   , sc is pronounced
4. Complete the dialogues with the correct forms
of the verb preferire.
Sc followed by h is pronounced   
5. Write the subject personal pronoun of each
2. Read the following sentences to your
classmate: what is your intonation? Then
6. Write whether each reply expresses agreement
listen to the recording and write whether they
(A) or disagreement (D).
express surprise (S) or interest (I).
7. Write the appropriate reply choosing from the
3. Listen to the dialogues and write whether the
following expressions: anch’io, neanch’io, anche
expressions ma va and certo are used to state
a me, neanche a me, io sì, io no, a me sì, a me
agreement (A), disagreement (D) or surprise (S).
no. Base your choice according to the symbols:
agreement (=), disagreement (≠).

Al dente 1

SALOTTO CULTURALE C. Find the classmate you are most compatible

5 p.67 with and write a short text to explain the likes
and preferences you have in common.
Dell’Italia mi piace e non mi piace...
A. Read the comments contained in the article:
do you share their opinion? Discuss it with a You can organise your ideas by creating a
classmate. mind map.

B. Based on what you know about Italy and the You can prepare a short video where you introduce
Italians, write a list of what you like and what you yourself and talk about your likes and dislikes.
don’t. Then compare it with a classmate’s.
C. Match at least one of the adjectives below to 5 p.69
the comments in the article. There are different
Com’è andato il compito?
possible options. Work with a classmate.
A. Assess your own competences.
D. Lastly, make a short list of the things that, I am able to talk about likes and dislikes and
according to you, foreigners love or hate about your preferences
country (or about a country you know well). I am able to express agreement or disagreement
I am able describe people’s personalities
I am able to talk about hobbies and leisure-time
5 p.68
B. Did you have any problems when working on
Fare un’infografica su gusti
CF your assignments? What kind?
e preferenze della classe
Did you learn something new? What? What did you
A. Work in groups. Choose a topic like leisure time, enjoy most about your assignments?
culture, sport, cooking, etc.
C. Assess the work of your classmates and discuss
B. Prepare a questionnaire for your classmates to it with them.
fill out so you will find out their likes and dislikes The presentation is understandable
and preferences. They used the contents of the units
The vocabulary used is appropriate
C. Once you have gathered all the data, share the
It is interesting and original
information with the other groups.
The pronunciation is clear and the intonation is
D. Prepare an infographic about the likes and dislikes correct
of the class. Remember to use texts and images.


In order to complete the assignment you can leaf

through the unit and collect information. This
assignment is a way for you to contextualise what
you have learnt.

You can create an infographic animated version or

also make a video in which you describe the likes and
dislikes of the class.

CF Trovare il/la compagno/a con cui si ha

più affinità
A. Which likes and preferences describe you better?
Write a brief text about them.
B. Hang up your work in the classroom and share it
with the rest of the class.

Unità 4 E. Look at the following words and find them in the
blog. What are their equivalent in your language?
Che giornata! F. The blog mentions a lot of daily actions.
Underline them and complete the box with the
5 p. 71 corresponding infinitive.
COMPITI FINALI G. In the blog, among the verbs expressing daily
•• Make a list of the things that make you happy on actions, two are conjugated like the verb preferire.
Sundays Which are they? Find them and write their
•• Prepare a test for a classmate to take, and decide conjugation.
what his lifestyle is
H. Complete the following chart. You can read the
•• Identify in your class who is a morning person
I. Listen to the interview of two people talking
and who is a night owl
about their daily activities and write who does
•• Create a diagram about the happy moments of
what. Who is the owl and who is the lark?
the class
•• Make a list of the most common habits of the L. Are you an owl or a lark? Discuss it with a
people in your country classmate. Then write a comment for the blog in
exercise C.
1. Azioni quotidiane MATTINIERI O NOTTAMBULI?
A. Look at the pictures: which daily activities are With a classmate prepare some questions to find
represented? Discuss it with a classmate. out whether in your class there are more morning
people or night owls.
B. Look at the cloud of words: which words can
you match the pictures to? Complete the following
categories with the words inside the cloud. 5 p.74
Times of the day:
Daily activities:
3. Momenti di felicità
A. Which are, according to you, the Italians’
C. Compare your list a classmate’s. Together find
happiest moments of the day? Discuss it with a
the words you both don’t know.
classmate. Then read the article and find out the
times of the day when the Italians feel the happiest.
5 p.72
B. What are Italians like at the times written below,
2. Mattiniero o nottambulo? happy or sad? Based on the information in the
article, match the emoticons to the corresponding
A. Look at the different times of the day in Italian:
time. Then write them in letters.
are there similarities with your own language?
Discuss it with a classmate. C. Read the article and find the following verbs.
Look at them carefully and then complete the box.
B. Look at the pictures: which of these activities,
according to you, identify a morning person or a Verbal periphrasis p. 78
night owl? Discuss it with a classmate.
.......................... + a + infinitive
C. Read the posts on the following blog. What do .......................... + a + infinitive
you think about the owl-lark theory? Discuss it with .......................... + di + infinitive
a classmate.
D. Look at the highlighted words of the article in
exercise A. What do they express? Choose the
5 p.73
correct option. What is their equivalent in your
D. Read the blog posts again, look at the highlighted language?
verb forms and match them to the corresponding
infinitive form in the following box. Do you notice 5 p.75
anything particular about the conjugation? Discuss
E. A radio programme is broadcasting an interview
it with a classmate.
to several people: they were asked what their
Reflexive verbs p. 78 happiest moment of the day is. Listen to the
Al dente 1

interview and complete the gaps with the time of C. Underline the actions in exercise B and complete
each activity. the box.
F. Look at the highlighted preposition in exercise E
and complete the following box. CI
Write at least five habitual daily actions which
Articulated prepositions p. 78 characterise the people from your country and
discuss them with your classmates. Then make a
G. Now look at the following sentences taken from
conclusive list of the most representative habits of
the recording in exercise E. Write possible answers.
your fellow countrymen.
H. Work with a classmate. Use the highlighted
constructions you find in exercise G to ask about
your routines.
5 p.78
Write your answers in the following space.
What is the happiest time of the day according dormo finisco
to your class? Ask your classmates and together
create a diagram using the information collected. dormi finisci
dorme finisce

5 p.76 dormiamo finiamo

4. Avventuroso o abitudinario? dormite finite

dormono finiscono
A. Look at the different adjectives used for the
description of people. Which lifestyle of the three
suggested do you associate each one with? Match
them and then discuss it with a classmate. And
what is your lifestyle? USCIRE FARE

B. Read the information about the following three esco faccio

comics characters: do you know them? Which one esci fai
would you like to read? Discuss it with a classmate.
esce fa
Then match the lifestyles suggested in exercise A to
the appropriate character. usciamo facciamo

C. Read the texts again and look at the highlighted uscite fate
words. What is the position of the adverbs of escono fanno
frequency in the sentences? Now complete the box.
D. Give a short written description of a comics
character you know about. Use the texts in exercise SVEGLIARSI VESTIRSI
B to help you. Use the adjectives and adverbs of
mi sveglio mi vesto
ti svegli ti vesti

5 p.77 si sveglia si veste

ci svegliamo ci vestiamo
5. Italiani DOC
vi svegliate vi vestite
A. In your opinion, what are the most common
habits among the Italians? Discuss it with a si svegliano si vestono
B. And what about you? Is your lifestyle like an
Prima mi faccio la doccia e poi / dopo faccio
Italian’s? Take the following test and answer the
questions; read your corresponding profile. Then
Prima di uscire di casa leggo il giornale.
compare your result with a classmate’s.
Durante la giornata prendo tre caffè.

VERBAL PERIPHRASIS CCSono le quattro di pomeriggio / di notte.
cominciare (to start, to
11A che ora cominci a lavorare?
a + infinitive CCAlle otto.
continuare (to continue,
to carry on) 11Che orario fa il parrucchiere il martedì?
CCDalle 9 alle 20, orario continuato.
finire (to stop) di + infinitive
Di solito, comincio a studiare alle 10. 11Quando vai in piscina?
Continuo a studiare fino all'ora di cena. CCVerso le 19.
Finisco di lavorare intorno alle 18.
11Fino a che ora guardi la TV?
ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY CCFino all'una, poi vado a letto.
sempre / ogni giorno (always / every day)
spesso (often) 5 p.79
a volte / qualche volta / ogni tanto (sometimes /
1. Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the
at times / now and again)
following verbs.
quasi mai (hardly ever)
2. Choose the correct alternative.
mai (never)
3. Complete the gaps with the correct forms of the
Non vado mai al cinema. indicative present tense of the following verbs.
Non vado quasi mai a teatro. 4. Complete the gaps with the verbs fare or uscire.
Qualche volta vado a cena fuori. 5. What time is it? Match the times to the clocks.
Ogni tanto vado al museo. 6. Match the questions to their corresponding
Qualche volta pranzo con Nicoletta. answers.
A volte faccio un pisolino dopo pranzo. 7. For each of the following activities, write a
Spesso vado in piscina. / Vado spesso in palestra. sentence using an adverb of frequency to say
La mattina bevo sempre il caffè. how often you do them.

 ualche volta, ogni tanto, a volte are placed

before the verb. PAROLE
Sempre, mai and quasi mai are placed after 5 p.80
the verb.
Times of the day
Mai and quasi mai must always be combined
1. Write the following times in letters. Then match
with the negation non.
them to the time of the day they belong to.
Spesso can be placed before or after the verb
2. Complete the box with the possible
3. Look at this restaurant’s opening hours and
il lo la l' i gli le complete with the missing information.
4. Look at Andrea’s daily routine and write his
a al allo alla all' ai agli alle actions according to each illustration.
5. Match the adjectives to their opposite.
da dal dallo dalla dall' dai dagli dalle

su sul sullo sulla sull' sui sugli sulle 5 p.81

Colloquial words
di del dello della dell' dei degli delle
6. Listen to the dialogues and write what the
in nel nello nella nell' nei negli nelle highlighted colloquial words express: agreement,
surprise or approval?
7. Listen to the dialogues and repeat the sentence
ASKING AND TELLING THE TIME where you hear the colloquial expression ah, sì.
11Che ora è? / Che ore sono? Pay attention to the intonation.
CCÈ l’una
CCSono le due…

Al dente 1

SUONI B. Submit the test to your classmate and write

1. Listen to the recording and choose the word you down his/her answers.
C. Think of adjectives to describe his/her lifestyle
2. Read the sentences and write the sounds you
and explain your choices to him/her. Compare your
hear: sound [l] as in sala, [ll] as in palla or [ʎ]
as in maglia.

SALOTTO CULTURALE Before preparing your test, look at different types

so to help get some ideas.
5 p.83

Che orario! Post your test in the virtual classroom. Your

classmates will also be able to do so.
A. Read the text about the times and timetables in
Italy. What differences are there compared to your
country’s? Discuss it with a classmate. 5 p.85

B. Look at the following times. Then listen to the Com’è andato il compito?
dialogues and complete the box stating if the
A. Assess your own competences.
speakers are talking about the baker’s, the museum
I am able to talk about my life routine
or the hairdresser’s.
I am able to ask and give the time
C. Think of how a normal day in people’s lives from I am able to ask about timetables and frequency of
your country is organised. Are there other times actions
or timetables which could be useful to foreigners?
B. Did you have any problems when working on
Discuss it with a classmate.
your assignments? What kind?
Did you learn something new? What? What did you
enjoy most about your assignments?
COMPITI FINALI C. Assess the work of your classmates and discuss
5 p.84
it with them.
Fare la lista delle cose che rendono The presentation is understandable
felici la domenica They used the contents of the units
A. Work in groups. Talk about Sundays’ activities The vocabulary used is appropriate
which make you feel the happiest. It is interesting and original
The pronunciation is clear and the intonation is
B. Decide on at least five activities the whole group
shares. Write them down on a sheet of paper and hang
it up in your class or post it in the virtual classroom.
C. Compare your list with those from other groups and
make a conclusive list containing the most common
five activities shared by everyone or by the majority.

Before starting the group discussion, each

member of the class could collect their ideas
and make a personal list.

Post the list on a social network and ask its users to

add some activities.

CF Preparare un test per un compagno e

decidere che tipo di vita fa
A. Prepare a test to understand the lifestyle of one
of your classmates.

Unità 5
5 p.91

E. What do the three people interviewed usually

Parla come mangi! eat? Listen to the recording and complete their
shopping list with the following food products.
(mela= apple; zucchini= courgettes (UK)/zucchini(US);
5 p. 89
farro= spelt; fagioli= beans; melanzana= aubergine
COMPITI FINALI (UK)/eggplant (US); orzo= barley)
•• Conduct a survey on food consumption
F. Complete the box with the food products in
•• Present the typical food shopping in your own
exercise E. You may add more examples. Work with
a classmate and use the dictionary.
•• Your average consumer Meat (red and white): agnello, coniglio,
•• My daily diet
Cereals: farro, orzo,
•• Street food specialties
Cheese: pecorino,

1. Il cibo in parole Fruit: pesche, uva,

Legumes/beans: soia,
A. Which food products do you recognise in the
picture? Use the cloud of words to help you. Vegetables: zucchine, melanzane,

B. Fill the box with the food products contained

both in the cloud of words and the picture
according to what you like or don’t like. Then G. Listen to the second part of the interview and
discuss your list with a classmate. write where the three people do their shopping.
C. Write down the food products you don’t know H. Listen to the third part of the interview and
and compare your notes with a classmate’s. write who (speaker 1, speaker 2, speaker 3) does
Underline the products you both don’t know and the following actions.
search them on the net.
Identify and describe the eating habits and behaviour
5 p.90
of the “average consumer” in your country.
2. Consumo e tendenze
A. Choose the products from the list below that you 5 p.92
usually buy and then compare them with the ones
chosen by a classmate: is your food shopping similar?
3. La salute innanzitutto!
A. Do you drink in a healthy way? Take this test and
B. What type of consumer are you? Read the article
find out.
and discuss it with a classmate.
B. Match the types of drinks found in the test to
C. Read the article again and complete the box
their corresponding container. You may add more
with the expressions c’è or ci sono. Work with a
classmate and circle the correct option to complete
the rule for their use. C. Read the test again and identify which words
c’è / ci sono p. 96 refer to the direct pronouns lo, la, li, le and the
pronoun ne. Then circle the correct option to
c’è + singular / plural ci sono + singular / plural
complete the rule of their use.
the direct pronouns and the pronoun ne p. 96
D. Look at the sentences where the verb mancare
is used; then for each statement select which of the The pronouns lo, la, li, le are used instead of a
two given options with the use of c’è / ci sono has direct object / a direct object when we speak about
the same meaning. a quantity/amount.
mancare p. 96 The pronoun ne is used instead of a direct object
/ a direct object when we speak about a quantity/

Al dente 1

D. How do you prefer having your drinks? How Discuss it with a classmate.
many do you drink? Discuss it with a classmate and
B. Read the text. Work with a classmate and find
identify similarities and differences in your eating
out if your opinions are true. Then underline the
habits. Use the following words and expressions to
places where Italians eat.
help you.
C. Look at the following sentences taken from the
5 p.93 text: who is the subject of the verbs mangiare
and degustare? Then choose the correct option or
4. Mens sana in corpore sano options to complete the rule.
A. Choose which daily eating habits are, in your
impersonal form p. 96
opinion, healthy ones. Then compare them with a
classmate’s and together add more examples of we use si + verb with the third person singular when…
healthy or unhealthy eating habits. we use si + verb with the third person plural when…
B. Three forum members have shared their diet. D. What are the eating habits and trends in your
Read the posts: who is a vegetarian? Who is a country? And what about in other countries you
vegan? According to you, which of the three diets is know? Discuss it with a classmate.
the healthiest? Discuss it with a classmate.
5 The piadina romagnola, one of Italy’s most
C. Which are the main meals during the day in your popular types of street food. You eat it warm, filled
country? Do you eat at every meal or do you skip any? with cheese, charcuterie (cold cuts) or vegetables.
D. Read the forum posts again and complete the
box with the words nessun, nessuno or nessuna. 5 p.95
Which quantities do they describe? Based on what
E. Who do you think is saying the following? Write
does their construction change?
(V) for venditore ambulante (stollholder) and (C) for
Indefinite adjectives p. 96 clienti (customers). Then listen to the dialogue to
check if you are right.
E. Read the posts and complete the box with the
words qualche or alcuni/e. In your opinion, do F. The following words and expressions help you to talk
these two adjectives have the same meaning or about dishes and food. Put the correct title for each
a different meaning? Then circle one option to column. You may add other words or expressions.
complete the rule for their use.
G. Now listen to a conversation between two
Indefinite adjectives p. 96 customers and a lady traveller and complete
the card about this two following street foods:
qualche + singular / plural
Lampredotto and Sopressa Vicentina.
alcuni/e + singular / plural
F. Look at the partitive articles highlighted in the SPECIALITÀ DI STRADA
forum posts of exercise B and complete the left Speak about street food you know and that you
column using the correct articles. Then from the like: describe it briefly and use pictures to help you.
titles below, choose the correct one for each column. Don’t reveal the region or nation it is from: your
classmates should try and guess.
Partitive articles p. 96


Write a post to describe your daily diet. Then 5 p.96
compare and discuss it with your classmates. Who
has the healthiest one?
To state the presence or existence of someone or
something the forms c’è + singular, ci sono + plural
5 p.94 are used.
Il sabato c’è molta gente al ristorante.
5. Abitudini, tradizioni e mode Nel suo carrello della spesa ci sono i prodotti
culinarie biologici.
A. In your opinion are the following statements
about the Italians’ eating habits true or false?

To state the absence of someone or lack of THE PREPOSITION DA
something for a planned event: Si mangia bene da Beppe. (= at his home)
- c’è/ci sono can be used with the negation Compro la carne dal macellaio. (= at the butcher’s)
non: Da noi si cena tardi. (= at our home / in my
Non c'è pane fresco in casa. country)

- the verb mancare can be used: THE INDEFINITE ADJECTIVES

Manca il caffè… Andiamo al bar? They give a generic, imprecise information.
(third person singular) Nessun, nessuno and nessuna are always used in the
Mancano le pizzette per l’aperitivo. singular form.
(third person plural) Mario non fa nessuno spuntino a metà mattina.
Nessuna cuoca al mondo cucina meglio di mia
Lo, la, li, le are used to identify people or objects
Poco / poca / pochi / poche
which have been already mentioned.
C’è poco latte… Non possiamo fare il dolce.
They agree in gender and number with the noun
Due uova sono poche per la frittata.
they are replacing as direct objects.
Alcuni/e (are always used in the plural form)
Compro il vino e lo porto alla festa.
Faccio alcuni spuntini durante la giornata.
L’acqua minerale? Non la bevo mai.
Alcune persone fanno colazione al bar.
Vado da Mara e Carla e le aiuto a preparare le
lasagne. Qualche (is invariable and it is always used in the
I dolci? Li adoro! singular form)
Faccio qualche spuntino durante la giornata.
Qualche persona fa colazione al bar.
Masculine lo li
Tutto / tutta / tutti / tutte (followed by the definite
Feminine la le
article of the noun)
Mangia e beve tutto il giorno!
In spoken Italian direct object pronouns are
Tutte le mattine mangio uno yogurt.
often used to give emphasis:
Lo preparo io il tiramisù! Troppo / troppa / troppi / troppe
Le compri tu le olive? Mangi troppa carne!
Mangiare troppi dolci fa male.
The pronoun lo can be used to replace an entire
sentence. To refer to an indefinite small quantity, the
expression un po’ di can be used.
- Che cosa si mangia di tipico in Finlandia?
Compriamo un po’ di fragole?
- Non lo so.
Bevo un po’ di vino durante i pasti.
(= I don’t know any typical Finnish dish.)
Partitive articles are formed by using the
It can replace a noun when this is introduced by a
preposition di + definite articles to introduce an
number or an expression of quantity.
unknown amount.
Ci sono sei uova, ne uso quattro per la frittata,
ok? with uncountable nouns with countable nouns
(singular) (plural)
del pane
They are words that identify a group of people or
dello zucchero /speck / dei tortellini
things. Verbs referring to collective nouns are used in yogurt degli spaghetti / gnocchi
the third person singular. dell’aranciata / olio delle mele / angurie
della mortadella
La maggioranza / maggior parte degli italiani dà
molta importanza alla convivialità a tavola.

Al dente 1

IMPERSONAL CONSTRUCTION The colloquial words beh, boh, mah

For actions with an unspecified subject it is 7. Choose the appropriate reply for each
common to use the word si + verb in the third question. Then listen and check if you are
person singular or plural. right. Lastly, translate the answers into your
own language. What’s the equivalent of the
Durante la settimana, a pranzo si mangia fuori.
words in bold in your language?
(verb in the third pers. sing.)
Dopo il lavoro si prende un aperitivo con gli amici.
(verb in the third pers. sing.+ singular object)
1. Listen to the recording: use the colour red to
In Italia si consumano cibi di strada molto
underline the sound [s] as in sole and the blue
differenti. (verb in the third pers. plur. + plural
for the sound [z] as in presentare.
2. Listen to the recording: use the colour red to
underline the sound [ts] as in canzone and the
5 p.97
blue for the sound [dz] zaino.
1. Complete the gaps with c’è or ci sono and match 3. Listen to the recording paying attention to the
the sentences with the ones below to create intonation. Then use the correct punctuation
dialogues. to end the sentences: full stop(.), question
2. Read the following dialogues: what words do the mark (?) or exclamation mark (!).
pronouns lo, la, li, le and ne refer to? Underline
the words as shown in the example. SALOTTO CULTURALE
3. Complete the gaps with the pronouns lo, la, li, 5 p.101
le or ne.
A DOP menu
1. Complete the gaps with the partitive articles or
A. Here is a menu of an Italian restaurant.
the singular indefinite articles.
Match the pictures to the dishes. Work with a
2. Complete the gaps in this interview with Livia,
a cook, with the indefinite adjectives. There is
more than one possible option. B. Together with a classmate complete the menu
3. Write what the subject of these sentences is. on page 100 with the following dishes. Search
the net to find out the dishes you don’t know.
PAROLE C. Read the ingredients of two dishes on the
5 p.98 menu: did you guess which they are? Then
also add the main ingredient. You may use the
Food products
internet to help you.
1. Complete the following lists of food types.
D. Among the various dishes on the menu find
Containers and quantities
those more suitable for a vegan and a vegetarian.
2. Complete the list of combinations.
You may also change the ingredients. Work with
Adjectives and expressions used for a classmate.
talking about food
E. Use the internet and create a menu based on
3. Read the following sentences and write the
DOP and IGP products. Choose also according
translation of the words in bold in your own
to your likes and dislikes. Then show it to a
classmate to know if he/she would enjoy it. You
4. Identify the types of food suitable for each
may add pictures to present your suggestions.
cooking method.
The Italian acronyms DOP (Denominazione
Places and professions related to
di Origine Protetta; in English, Protected
Designation of Origin) and IGP (Indicazione
5. Match the descriptions to the professions.
Geografica Protetta; in English, Protected
Then write the name of the corresponding
Geographical Indication) are official certifications
which identify products the quality and
characteristics of which depend on their
5 p.99
geographical area of origin and the type of
Verbs related to food production. The certification for Italian wines is
6. Complete the list of combinations. DOC (Denominazione di Origine Controllata; In

English, Controlled Designation of Origin) and I am able to talk about quantity and speak about
DOCG (denominazione di Origine Controllata e something in general
Garantita; In English, Controlled and Guaranteed I am able to give information on food products
Designation of Origin). I am able to talk about eating habits
B. Did you have any problems when working on
your assignments? What kind?
Did you learn something new? What? What did you
5 p.102 enjoy most about your assignments?

CF Fare un’inchiesta sul consumo C. Assess the work of your classmates and discuss
alimentare it with them.
A. Prepare a questionnaire to find out who, The presentation is understandable
among your classmates, is a health-conscious They used the contents of the units
consumer and who a responsible consumer. The vocabulary used is appropriate
It is interesting and original
B. Everyone in the class should interview two
The pronunciation is clear and the intonation is
classmates and write down their answers.
C. Compare all your notes and decide who is the
most responsible consumer and who is the most
health-conscious in your class.

Before making the list of questions for the

questionnaire, carefully define the profiles of the
two types of consumer.

You may post the results of your survey in the virtual


CF Presentare la spesa tipica del proprio

A. Search information to prepare the list of the
most purchased types of food in your country (or a
country you know well).
B. Choose a format for your presentation: it can
be a printed or digital version. Think of a title, a
subtitle; find pictures for a visual description. You
may add captions.
C. Give an oral presentation to the class and
all together discuss about the differences and
similarities among the different countries.

Preparing a plan of the presentation helps you

explain your work neatly.

Share your research by posting in the virtual


5 p.103

Com’è andato il compito?

A. Assess your own competences.
I am able to ask if someone or something is there

Al dente 1


Personaggi e storie
The passato prossimo is formed with the present
indicative of the auxiliary verbs essere or avere +.....

5 p. 105 F. Look at the forms of the past participle in

exercise E and complete the box with the
CF corresponding endings. There are two irregular
•• Create the timeline of the class
verbs: which are they?
•• Interview a classmate and write his/her resume
dated 2035 the past participle p. 112
•• Write your resume
G. Ask a classmate about his education or job
•• Write the biography of someone famous
•• Make a list of the three newspapers and the three
magazines most loved in Italy
Write your resume. Use the same format as the one
1. Li conosco! for Roberto Benigni’s CV.
A. Do you know these celebrities? If you do,
what do you know about them? Discuss it with a 5 p.108
3. Intellettuali d’Italia
B. Look at the cloud of words and find those
A. Read the biographies below about some Italian
corresponding to the following categories:
writers: do you know them? Have you read any of
their works? Discuss it with a classmate.
Life events and achievements:
C. Compare your list with a classmate’s. Work
5 p.109
together and find the words you both don’t know.
B. Read the statements below: who are they
referred to? Match them to the famous people
5 p.106
whose biographies are in exercise A.
2. La vita è bella! C. Read the biographies again; highlight the
A. Roberto Benigni is a celebrity: do you know him? verb forms in the passato prossimo tense.
Read his resume. Have you seen any of his movies Then complete the box. Lastly, complete the
or shows? Which ones would you like to see? conjugation in the second part of the box.
Discuss it with a classmate.
the auxiliary verbs essere or avere p. 112
B. Answer the following questions about Roberto
C. Look at the highlighted words in his resume:
D. Look at the verb forms you have highlighted in
what’s the equivalent in your language? Do you
the biographies again. Which verbs are irregular
provide the same type of information when you
in the past participle? Complete the box.
write a resume in your country?
the past participle p. 112
D. Read Roberto Benigni’s biography and answer the E. A radio station is broadcasting a programme
questions. Compare your answers with a classmate’s. about the life and works of an important Italian
writer. Listen and write whether the following
E. Look at the verb forms in bold you find in the
statements are true or false.
text. Put them in the corresponding infinitive and
complete the rule. F. Talk about a particularly significant period
in your life. What happened during that time?
The past tense passato prossimo p. 112
Describe it to a classmate using the highlighted
time indicators.
G. Now write down the most significant years in with the 3 mostly read newspapers and the 3
your classmate’s life. most loved magazines.

Do you know about a famous person’s life? Try to
5 p.112
write a short biography.
5 p.110 It is formed by using either the verb essere
(to be) or avere (to have) in the present tense
4. Notizie dall’Italia followed by the past participle.
A. Do you know any Italian newspapers or
magazines? Discuss it with a classmate. Then + PAST PARTICIPLE
read the following articles and match them to
their corresponding headlines.
B. Match the following types of news to the ha
+ ricevuto
articles in exercise A. Then discuss it with a dormito
classmate. hanno
C. Read the speech bubbles in the pictures below sono
and look at the highlighted words. What do they sei
mean? Then choose the correct option in the box è andato/a
siamo andati/e
on page 111 to complete the rule.
5 p.111
Adverbs of frequency p. 112
All transitive verbs use the auxiliary avere.
In the passato prossimo tense, the adverbs of
frequency ancora, già, mai, appena are placed The verbs which use the auxiliary essere are as
before the auxiliary / between the auxiliary and follows:
the past participle / after the past participle.
5 reflexive verbs
5 verbs which express a change of state (nascere –
D. Modify the following sentences by using
to be born; diventare – to become etc.)
the adverbs of frequency as shown in the
5verbs which express stasis or immobility (essere
– to be; stare – to stay; rimanere – to remain etc.)
E. Listen to the recording: some people have 5verbs which express movement (andare – to go;
read some bizarre news. Choose which of the venire – to come; entrare – to enter etc.)
following expressions describe the speakers’
reaction to the news.
Some verbs of movement require the
F. Work with a classmate and create the front auxiliary have: camminare (to walk),
page of a newspaper bearing extraordinary viaggiare (to travel), nuotare (to swim),
headlines. Among them, make up some with passeggiare (to walk, to stroll) etc.
you as the protagonist. Write at least 6 news
When the verb is conjugated using the auxiliary
headlines using the passato prossimo tense.
avere, the past participle does not change
Then read them to your classmates. What’s their
(invariable) and does not agree with the subject:
La direttrice ha parlato con il nuovo giornalista.
G. In pairs, answer the questions. Use the
Monica e Valeria hanno elaborato un saggio
adverbs of frequency.
sugli scrittori italiani del Novecento.

CI QUOTIDIANI E RIVISTE When the verb is conjugated using the auxiliary

Research which Italian newspapers and essere, the past participle agrees with the
magazines are the most popular. Make a poster subject in gender and number.

Al dente 1

Marina è andata a vedere l'ultimo film di Benigni. 5 p.113

Le mie zie sono nate a Berlino.
1. Who is the subject of the following sentences?
Simone, Giulia or both?
REGULAR PAST PARTICIPLES 2. Find and correct the mistakes in Lucy’s account
of her life.
stare stato
3. Essere or avere? Complete the gaps with the
avere avuto correct auxiliary verb.
partire partito 4. Which of the following things have you already
done and which ones not yet? Answer the
SOME IRREGULAR PAST PARTICIPLES questions as shown in the example.
accendere acceso 5. Complete the biography of the singer Luciano
Ligabue with the following verbs in the passato
prendere preso prossimo tense.
decidere deciso 6. Which of the following things have you done and
which ones have you never done? Answer the
chiudere chiuso
questions as shown in the example.
spendere speso
correre corso PAROLE
5 p.114
perdere perso/perduto
vedere visto/veduto
Verbs related to life
1. Complete the list of combinations.
vincere vinto 2. Complete the sentences with the following
aprire aperto prepositions or expressions.
3. Complete the sentences with the following
offrire offerto
simple or articulated prepositions.
chiedere chiesto 4. Match the words to their corresponding meaning.
comporre composto 5. Complete the mind map with the types of news
you know.
rispondere risposto
dire detto 5 p.115
fare fatto 6. Write your life’s most significant events and
leggere letto dates.
7. Write the following events in chronological
scrivere scritto
mettere messo
spegnere spento
Colloquial words
8. Listen to the recording. What do the
exclamations express: surprise, joy or pity?
9. Listen to the recording and underline the
stressed syllable of the words in bold.

Ancora expresses an action which still hasn’t SUONI

occurred at that time 1. Read the sentences and write whether the
letter g is pronounced [g] as in gatto or [dʒ] as
Non ho ancora comprato il biglietto.
in gelato. Then listen to the recording to check if
Appena shows that an action has taken place recently: they are correct.
2. Read the sentences write whether the letter c
Ho appena comprato il biglietto.
is pronounced [k] as in cane or [tʃ] as in ciao.
Già shows that an action has already taken place: Then listen to the recording to check if they are
Ho già comprato il biglietto.
3. Listen to the recording and write if you hear the
The adverb mai is always used with the negation non. sound [l] as in lato, [ʎ] as in maglia o [ ɲ] as in
Non ho mai comprato il biglietto.
5 p.117
Com’è andato il compito?
I fotografi della dolce vita A. Assess your own competences.
A. Do you know the word paparazzo? Before I am able to give an account of someone’s life
reading the texts, discuss your ideas with a (biography)
classmate. I am able to talk about past events
I am able to deliver news
B. Read the texts and answer the following
I am able to react to pieces of news and fun facts
questions. Then compare your answers with a
B. Did you have any problems when working on
C. Work with a classmate. Complete the
your assignments? What kind?
paparazzo’s identikit.
Did you learn something new? What? What did you
enjoy most about your assignments?
COMPITI FINALI C. Assess the work of your classmates and discuss
5 p.118
it with them.
CF Elaborare la linea del tempo della The presentation is understandable
classe They used the contents of the units
A. Work in groups. Gather information and take The vocabulary used is appropriate
notes on the significant moments in your lives (high It is interesting and original
school diploma, graduation, wedding, children, The pronunciation is clear and the intonation is
abroad experiences etc.) correct
B. Create a timeline using the collected data.
C. Discuss this with the other groups and put all the
information together to create the timeline of the

Before deciding the groups, you can write down a

list of questions to make the collection of data

Create a digital version of the timeline and post it in

the virtual classroom.

Intervistare un compagno e scrivere il
suo CV del 2035
A. Write down questions to interview a classmate
and find out about his studies and experiences.
B. Imagine it is the year 2035: based on the
collected information write your classmate’s
C. Show the resume to your classmate and
explain your choices. You can hang the CV in your
classroom and share it with the class.

Make sure you know about your classmate’s

competences and interests so to envision an
imaginary future career for him/her.

Use a format among the several types viewable on

websites like LinkedIn or Infojobs.

Al dente 1

Unità 7
E. Which city mentioned in the article would you
rather visit? Discuss it with a classmate

Tutta mia la città 5 Turin, the most visited city by Italians in 2013.
F. A radio station is interviewing several people to
5 p. 123 know which city in Italy is the most beautiful. Read
the following info cards, listen to the recording and
CF write the information you hear.
•• Promote a city worth visiting
•• Give information and describe an area
COMPITI INTERMEDI Which do you think is the most beautiful city in
•• Describe the most beautiful city your country? Write a short text to describe it.
•• Make a photo-collage presentation
•• Write a review of services
5 p.126

1. La città in parole 3. Nuove bellezze

A. Read the posts in this blog about three Italian
A. Look at the picture: what comes to your mind?
areas which have been redeveloped. Which do you
Use a dictionary to help you.
think is the most interesting?
B. Now look at the clouds of words: do you know
B. In the blog posts you found new adjectives to
the building depicted? Then find the words
describe a city. Underline them and add them to
corresponding to the following categories.
the list on page 125. Lastly, try and complete the
City sites:
following lists of words.
Adjectives used for describing the city and its sites:
C. Read the posts and find the plural of the
C. Compare your list with a classmate’s. Together
following words: do you notice anything particular?
find the words you both don’t know.
Discuss it with a classmate.
Invariable nouns p. 130
5 p.124
D. Look at the highlighted words in the blog
2. Da non perdere posts and try to complete the box. Work with a
A. Look at the format of this text: what’s the classmate. Then look at the plural masculine and
general theme? What kind of information can you feminine: do you notice anything?
find? Work with a classmate.
Nouns in -co/-go, -ca /-ga p. 130
B. Read the article: do you know the Italian cities
mentioned? Work with a classmate and find them
on the map of Italy on page 244. E. And what’s your neighborhood like? What
services are provided? What are its main
characteristics? Write a short text to describe it.
5 p.125

C. Read the article again and underline the

5 p.127
adjectives used to describe the cities. Then
translate them into your own language. 4. #insta_roma
D. Look at the highlighted words in exercise A: what A. Hans is visiting Rome: follow him on Instagram!
are they used for? Complete the examples (left Which photo do you think is the most beautiful?
column) and circle the correct option to complete Complete the descriptions and match the captions
the rule for their use (right column). below to the corresponding picture.
The indefinite p. 130 B. Now look at the highlighted words in exercise A
and complete the box.
The indefinite + an adjective have a variable/
Expressions of place p. 130
invariable form.
The indefinite + a noun have a variable/invariable
C. Choose an object in the class and give clues to a GRAMMATICA
classmate who will then have to try and guess what 5 p.130
it is.
They give a generic, imprecise information. They
can be used with a noun to specify its amount, or
Choose or take some pictures of an area in a city
with an adjective to specify the intensity:
you like; make a photo collage. Then show and
explain it to the class. In questa zona ci sono troppi turisti.
Questo quartiere è molto tranquillo.
5 p.128 When used with a noun, they agree in gender and
number with that noun:
5. Dove dormiamo?
L'albergo offre pochi servizi.
A. When organising a trip to a city and looking for
In centro c'è molta confusione.
accommodation, which area do you prefer? Use the
Internet or a dictionary to help you. When used with an adjective, they are invariable:
B. Here are some suggestions for a weekend-long Il ristorante è molto caro.
stay in the city of Mantova. Use two different Gli abitanti sono molto gentili.
colours to underline the services provided with the
accommodation and those available in the areas.
Then compare it with the work of a classmate. troppo/a troppi/e

C. Find some information on Mantova and then molto/a molti/e

choose the most enticing accommodation among tanto/a tanti/e
the ones suggested in exercise B. Discuss it with a
poco/a pochi/e
nessun / nessuno / nessuna / nessun’

5 p.129
Nessun, nessuno and nessuna are always used
6. Ti è piaciuto? in the singular form.
A. Read the reviews below and write the places
named in the labels they refer to. Then choose a INVARIABLE NOUNS
title for each of the reviews from the ones given. Some nouns have one form only for the singular
and the plural.
B. Read the reviews again, find the sentences which
correspond to the statements in the following Nouns with stressed final vowel:
box and then complete it. Look at the highlighted la città B le città
words: what words are they replacing? il caffè B i caffè
The locative ci p. 130 Nouns ending in a consonant:
il bar B i bar
C. Read the reviews and underline the passato
l’autobus B gli autobus
prossimo tense of the verb piacere. What auxiliary
does it need? Abbreviation of nouns:
il cinema B i cinema (cinematografo B cinematografi)
D. Listen to four different reviews and write the
la moto B le moto (motocicletta B motociclette)
level of customer service quality satisfaction.
eccellente (excellent)
All elements which accompany these nouns
nella media (average) s
(articles, adjectives, etc.) follow the general
carso (poor)
rules of agreement:

CI LO CONSIGLIO! La città è tranquilla. [feminine singular]

Write a positive review and a negative one Le città sono pulite. [feminine plural]
regarding a service (accommodation, restaurant Il bar all'angolo è economico. [masculine singular]
etc.) or an activity (guided tour, excursion etc.) I bar del centro sono cari. [masculine plural]

Al dente 1

NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES ENDING IN -CA AND L'albergo ci è piaciuto molto, davvero
-GA, -CO AND -GO confortevole!
turistico B turistici Le escursioni non ci sono piaciute tanto.

parco B parchi
5 p.131
psicologo B psicologi
1. Circle the correct option.
albergo B alberghi 2. Write whether the following words are singular
banca B banche (S), plural (P) or can be both (S/P).
3. Write the plural form of the following words. Pay
bottega B botteghe
attention to the stress position for the masculine
4. Complete the expressions of place with the
amico B amici correct preposition. Pay attention to the noun
dialogo B dialoghi which follows the preposition.
5. Complete the gaps with c’è/ci sono or è/sono.
For the plural of masculine nouns ending in –co
6. Match the sentences in the first column to the
and –go you must pay attention to the
ones in the second so to create some dialogues.
stressed syllable.
Then underline the part of the sentences the
word ci refers to.
7. Complete the gaps with the verbs in brackets
They are used to indicate the location of objects
conjugating them in the passato prossimo tense.
or people in space. They are usually formed by
Pay attention to the auxiliary.
using the prepositions a and da (davanti a, lontano
da = in front of, far from), and it is important
to pay attention to the noun which follows the
5 p.132
City sites and services
Siamo davanti al museo.
1. Complete the following mid maps.
La fermata è di fronte allo stadio.
2. Match the words to find city sites and services.
Il B&B è lontano dal centro.
Ti aspetto in mezzo alla piazza.
Adjectives to describe a city
3. Match the adjectives on the left to their opposite.
4. Complete the sentences with the following adjectives.
To state where someone or something is located
Accommodation services
the verbs essere and esserci can be used:
5. Write the following words or expressions next to
In pieno centro storico c’è il bellissimo loft. their corresponding pictogram.
Il bellissimo loft è in pieno centro storico.
Verbs related to the city
Al primo piano ci sono la camera e il bagno.
6. Complete the list of combinations.
La camera e il bagno sono al primo piano.
If the first piece of information is the place, 5 p.133
location, we use esserci; if it is the object or
Prepositions of place
person, we use essere.
7. Where is Hans located in each situation in
relationship to the Coliseum: in front of, near,
behind, between, opposite or far from?
The pronoun ci can be used instead of a place:
Colloquial words: non so, senti
A me piace questa zona, ci vengo spesso. 8. Match each sentence to the appropriate reply.
Bellissima Mantova! Ci siamo stati per Pasqua. Which colloquial word expresses doubt and which
Questo ristorante è ottimo, ci torniamo di sicuro! is used to draw someone’s attention? Then listen
to the recording to check if you are correct. Lastly,
THE PASSATO PROSSIMO OF THE VERB PIACERE translate the replies into your own language.
The verb piacere is conjugated using the auxiliary
essere; the past participle agrees with the object in
gender and number.

SUONI CF Dare informazioni e descrivere un
1. Read these sentences to your classmate: what’s quartiere che conosciamo
your intonation like? Then listen to the recording A. Choose a neighbourhood of a city or town you
and write whether the sentences express know and that you like.
surprise (S), interest (I) or disappointment (D).
B. Write down the most significant characteristics
2. Listen to the recording and place the accent
as well as several suggestions for those who wish
mark on the words in bold where necessary.
to visit this place.
3. Listen to the recording and circle which word you
hear. C. Write a comment supporting your proposal.


5 p.135 Before writing your text, take notes and
make a list of the things you want to write
In giro per Venezia about.
A. Look at the map of Venice and answer the
following questions. Then compare them with a You can share your description by posting on a blog,
on Facebook, on Tripadvisor etc.
B. Read this riddle and try to finish it writing the 5 p.137
missing word.
CF Com’è andato il compito?
C. Look at the picture: do you recognise any means A. Assess your own competences.
of transport? Work with a classmate. I am able to describe an area or city
I am able to ask and give information about places
D. Read the information on Venice. Which
I am able to locate people, places and things
statements do you think are true and which false?
I am able to talk about and give my opinion on a trip
Then listen to the interview and write which
statements are true or false according to Lucia. B. Did you have any problems when working on
Lastly, compare them with your initial hypothesis. your assignments? What kind?
Did you learn something new? What? What did you
E. Work in groups. Choose an area in Venice, do
enjoy most about your assignments?
some research and create an info card based on the
given prompts. Then hang it in the classroom. C. Assess the work of your classmates and discuss
it with them.
The presentation is understandable
COMPITI FINALI They used the contents of the units
5 p.136 The vocabulary used is appropriate
It is interesting and original
Promuovere un quartiere o una città
The pronunciation is clear and the intonation is
A. Work in groups. Choose a specific area or city
you like and that it’s worth visiting.
B. Think of the characteristics you wish to point out
and select the most significant places of interest.
C. Create a presentation aiming at promoting your
proposal. Choose your favourite format: Power
Point, a poster, a brochure, a photo collage, Prezi, a
video, ecc.

Organise your team work: decide who does

what (who takes note, who makes the
drawing etc.). Come to an agreement taking
into account everyone’s opinions and

You can post your presentation on Facebook, a blog,

on Youtube etc.

Al dente 1

Unità 8
and complete the box.
The direct imperative p. 146
5 p. 139
E. Complete the combinations. Use the text to help
COMPITI FINALI you if necessary.
•• Choose a present for a classmate
F. Sandra and Paolo are getting ready to go to the
•• Describe the most beautiful and the ugliest
theatre. Listen to their conversation and write
which articles of clothing and accessories they are
COMPITI INTERMEDI wearing. Then, in pairs, think about what Sandra
•• Give advice on how to dress like an Italian and Paolo could wear to follow the blog’s style tips
•• Prepare an interview to find out the most in a better way.
compatible shopping partner
G. Look at the sentences taken from the dialogue:
•• Choose and describe a present to get for the
next to the underlined verbs in the imperative form
Italian teacher
write their infinitive form.
The direct imperative p. 146
1. Parole della moda
H. Did you understand how to form the imperative
A. What elements shown in the picture do you
mood of verbs? Complete the box.
recognise? Discuss it with a classmate and write a
list of words. The direct imperative p. 146
B. Now read the words contained in the cloud and IMPERATIVE AFFIRMATIVE IMPERATIVE
complete the categories. Then discuss it with a NEGATIVE
I. In pairs, choose one of the following situations
Article of clothing:
and give your classmate advice on how to dress.
Places where to go shopping:
C. The English word shopping has become part of Do your classmates follow the Italian fashion style
the Italian vocabulary and is now a common word. rules? Look at the way they are dressed and give
Look at the verb used together with shopping. them advice so they look more “Italian”.

5 p.140 5 p.142

2. Ma come ti vesti? 3. Facciamo shopping!

A. In what way does the Italian style stand out, in A. In a fashion forum, Kevin, a British guy, is asking
your opinion? Which differences are there in the for advise on the best places to go shopping.
way people dress between your country and Italy? Read the posts in which some people answer and
Discuss it with a classmate. share their opinion on where they prefer to shop.
Underline the places where it is possible to go
B. Read the following blog which gives tips on style.
shopping. Then answer the questions below.
Then look at the pictures and identify which ones,
according to the blog’s writers, represent wrong or B. Look at the highlighted sentences in the forum:
correct fashion style choices. what do they express? Then choose the correct
option or options to complete the rule.
C. What about you? What do you think about the
blog’s fashion tips? Which ones do you follow or Expressing need or obligation p. 146
don’t? Discuss it with a classmate. You may give
si deve + infinitive + singular / plural
some pieces of advise.
si devono + infinitive + singular / plural

5 p.141 C. Look at the highlighted sentences in the forum

again and write sentences using the constructions
D. Look at the highlighted verb forms in the text
bisogna + infinitive and avere bisogno di.
D. The forum presents useful vocabulary to talk Would you like to receive a present from your
about shopping. Complete the following lists of classmate or not?
words. Then compare the list with a classmate’s.
B. Look at the highlighted verbs in the text and
E. What about you? Where do you prefer going complete the box.
shopping and why? Discuss it with a classmate and
Modal verbs p. 146
give each other tips. Then write a comment for the
forum in exercise A. C. In the text find the verbs related to “getting
presents” and complete the list writing them in
their infinitive form.
5 p.143
D. Think about two presents you bought: who were
4. Abbigliamento di seconda they for? How did you decide what to get? Discuss
mano it with a classmate.
A. What do you think about second-hand clothing?
Discuss it with a classmate.
5 p.145
B. In your opinion, are the following statements on
second-hand clothes shopping in Italy true or false?
6. Vorrei quell’orologio
Discuss your opinions with a classmate. Then read A. Look at the following pictures and match them
the article and find out if you are right. to the corresponding dialogue.
C. Look at the imperative + pronoun forms B. Read the lines of the pictures and complete the
highlighted in the article and choose the correct box using the demonstratives adjectives. Then
option to complete the rule. choose the correct option to complete the rule.
The imperative with pronouns p. 146 The demonstratives p. 146

The imperative in the affirmative form requires We use questo, questa, quest’, questi, queste to
the pronoun before the verb / after the verb / point out an object which is near us / far away
before or after the verb from us.
The imperative in the negative form requires the We use quel, quello, quella, quell’, quei, quegli,
pronoun before the verb / after the verb /before quelle to point out an object which is near us / far
or after the verb away from us.

D. Now compare the following constructions: are C. Read the sentences of a dialogue taking place in
there differences between the position of the a shoe shop and a dialogue taking place in a clothes
reflexive pronoun and the position of the direct shop. Write whether the sentences are said, in your
pronoun? opinion, by the shop assistant (C) or the customer
(CL). Then listen to both dialogues to check if you
The imperative with pronouns p. 146
are right.
E. What about you? Have you got anything to sell
D. Look at the highlighted expressions in exercise C.
or swap at a second-hand market? Write a list of
Then think of some items of clothing or accessories
garments or accessories and find corresponding
you would like to have and ask a classmate
pictures. Discuss it with a classmate and match the
whether he/she has them.
items to create different looks.
E. Imagine you are a shop assistant in a clothes
shop where a customer wants to buy a pair
of shoes and a jumper. Write a short dialogue
Prepare some questions to find your most
using the following information. Then act out the
compatible shopping partner. Interview some of
dialogue with a classmate.
your classmates and identify the right one. Explain
the reasons behind your choice.
5 p.144
Work in pairs: think of a present for your Italian
5. Un regalo è per sempre! teacher. Explain the reasons behind your choice.
A. What’s your relationship with presents? Take the
test and compare your results with a classmate’s.
Al dente 1


5 p.146 Avere bisogno di + infinitIive /noun
THE PRESENT INDICATIVE OF MODAL VERBS Ho bisogno di mettermi il cappotto perché ho freddo.
When conjugating the verbs dovere (must), potere Ho bisogno dei vestiti leggeri per il viaggio a Cuba.
(can) and volere (want) in the present tense, they
modify their stem. (These verbs do not follow THE ADJECTIVE BELLO
the regular conjugation patterns of the Italian When it precedes the noun, it takes the forms of the definite
-ere verbs) article: bel vestito, bell’oggetto, bei vestiti, begli oggetti.
devo posso voglio The construction ce + direct pronoun lo, la, li, le is
devi puoi vuoi used to express possession.
11Ce l’hai il vestito?
deve può vuole
CCSì, ce l’ho.
dobbiamo possiamo vogliamo
dovete potete volete DIRECT (INFORMAL) IMPERATIVE
It is used to offer advice or suggestions and to give
devono possono vogliono
instructions to one person (tu – you, second person
singular) or a group of people (voi – you, second
Vuoi quel braccialetto?
person plural) in an informal way.
Finalmente oggi posso riposarmi.
Devi indossare la camicia nuova. AFFIRMATIVE
Anna vuole che stasera ci vestiamo in modo All persons of the conjugation of the verbs in the
elegante. imperative are the same as in the present indicative
with the exception of the second person singular of
In order to make a request politely, the verb volere
the verbs ending in -are.
is generally used in the conditional or the imperfect

Buongiorno, vorrei provare quella giacca marrone. tu studia scrivi dormi finisci
11Salve la posso aiutare? voi studiate scrivete dormite finite
CCSì, grazie, volevo vedere quegli stivali neri.
Those verbs which are irregular in the present
indicative are also irregular in the imperative.
The need or obligation to do something specific can
essere → (tu) sii, (voi) siate
be expressed by using the personal or impersonal
avere → (tu) abbi, (voi) abbiate
sapere → (tu) sappi, (voi) sappiate
IMPERSONAL FORM The second person singular has irregular forms.
Si deve + infinitive andare → va’ (o vai)
Si deve vestire in modo elegante a un dare → da’ (o dai)
matrimonio. dire → di’
Quando fa freddo, si devono indossare vestiti fare → fa’ (o fai)
pesanti stare → sta’ (o stai)
Bisogna + infinitive NEGATIVE
Quando fa freddo bisogna mettersi qualcosa di The imperative in the negative form is formed with
lana. non + infinitive of the verb for the second person
Bisogna prendere l’ombrello per ripararsi. singular; with non + imperative affirmative for the
second person plural.
The construction si deve/devono + infinito Non mettere le scarpe rosse stasera.
changes when the infinitive is followed by a Non abbinate più di tre colori.
noun in the plural form.
In the affirmative form the pronoun is joined to the

verb. In negative form it can be placed before or Body parts, clothes and accessories
after the verb. 3. Match the body parts to clothes and accessories.
Mettiti il vestito blu!
Non ti mettere il vestito! / Non metterti il vestito! Dialogue in a clothes shop
4. Put the dialogue between a customer and a shop
DEMONSTRATIVE ADJECTIVES assistant in the correct order.
Questo/a indicate closeness in space or time of
people or objects with respect to the speaker. Clothes categories
Quello/a indicate distance in space or time of 5. Complete the following lists.
people or objects with respect to the speaker.
5 p.149
MASCULINE FEMININE Adjectives for clothes
questo / quest' questa / quest' 6. Complete the sentences with the correct form of
SINGULAR the adjective bello.
quello / quell' quella / quell'
7. Complete the sentences with the correct colour
questi / quegli queste endings.
quelli quelle 8. Choose from the list of adjectives and for each
noun form the most possible combinations.
The singular form quest’ is used when the noun
begins with a vowel.
The forms quel, quello, quella, quell’, quei, quegli, 1. Work with a classmate and act out the following
quelle follow the same rules of the indefinite article dialogues. What’s your intonation? Then listen to
the recording to check if you are correct.
5 p.147 2. Listen to the recording and write whether the
sentences are questions (?) or exclamations (!).
1. Complete the gaps in the dialogues with correct
3. Listen to the recording and choose which word
form of the verbs volere, dovere and potere.
you hear.
2. What do the demonstrative pronouns in the
following sentences refer to? Underline the
correct option or options.
3. Complete the sentences to give advice as shown
5 p.151
in the example.
4. Complete the following sentences with si deve or Il regalo giusto per ogni occasione
si devono. A. What type of present do you get in your country
5. Give Piero advice when replying to each of his for the following occasions? Before reading the
statements. Choose how to reply using the text, discuss it with a classmate. Then read the
options as shown in the example. article and compare the types of presents.
6. Piero and his brother don’t do everything as they
B. Which of the following expressions are more
should. Encourage them to do better writing
suitable for each of the six situations described in
sentences as shown in the examples.
the article? Discuss it with a classmate.
7. Complete the answers or the questions in the
appropriate way. C. Listen to two conversations between people who
must decide what present to buy some friends.
What do they eventually decide to get?
PAROLE D. How would you reply to these statements? Use
5 p.148
the expressions in exercise B.
Articles of clothing and accessories
E. What are the most important occasions in your
1. What do you wear in summer and winter?
country? What types of presents are bought? Write
Write the list of articles of clothing below in the
a short text and discuss it with a classmate.
appropriate column.
2. Underline the appropriate articles of clothing
and accessories according to each situation.
What do you wear …?

Al dente 1

COMPITI FINALI B. Did you have any problems when working on

5 p.152 your assignments? What kind?
Did you learn something new? What? What did you
CF Scegliere un regalo per un compagno enjoy most about your assignments?
A. Work in groups: prepare some questions for a
classmate to answer to. Find out useful information C. Assess the work of your classmates and discuss
on which article of clothing or accessory you can it with them.
get him/her. The presentation is understandable
They used the contents of the units
B. Each group should interview a classmate and
The vocabulary used is appropriate
write down their answers.
It is interesting and original
C. Read the answers and choose the most suitable The pronunciation is clear and the intonation is
present for your classmate. Then search on the correct
Internet and send a picture of the present with a
gift card to your classmate.


Organise your team work: decide who does what

(who takes note, who does the research etc.). Come
to an agreement taking into account everyone’s
opinions and suggestions.

You can post your present in the virtual classroom.

CF Descrivere il regalo più bello e più

A. Think of the presents you have received: which
one did you like best and which one the least?
B. Write a text where you describe both presents:
what was the occasion and who got them for you?
Why did you or didn’t you like them? Use a picture
for your description.
C. Hang the description in your classroom. Then
read it to your classmates and choose the present
you like best.

Before writing your text, take notes and make a list

of the things you want to write about.

Share your descriptions by posting them in the virtual


5 p.153
Com’è andato il compito?
A. Assess your own competences.
I am able to communicate and ask about something
in a shop
I am able to talk about clothes and style
I am able to give advice on style
I am able to ask for and grant permission
I am able to express need and obligation


14. Listen to the interview and write if the following

unità 1
sentences are true (vere) or false (false).


5 P. 194 15. Circle the correct option.
1. Complete the sentences with the correct
16. Complete the sentences with per or perché.
personal pronouns.
17. Match the following reasons for learning Italian
2. Circle the correct option.
with the right picture.
3. Complete the sentences with the correct form of
the following verbs.
5 P. 197


4. Complete the sentences with the correct forms Read the text and write if the following sentences
of the verb chiamarsi. are true (vere) or false (false).


AVERE, STARE Listen to the dialogue and complete the chart
5. Complete the sentences with the correct forms about Carlotta with the missing information.
of the verbs essere or avere.
6. Complete the dialogues with the correct forms C. WRITING EXERCISE
of the verb stare and then match them with the You are in Italy and you are attending a language
right pictures. Then listen to the recording to course to learn Italian. Write a letter to a friend and
check if they are correct. introduce your new school friends. Use the infor-
mation in the charts.
5 P. 195

7. Complete the post with the correct form of the

following verbs.
8. Read the sentences. There are 4 mistakes: find
unità 2
them and correct them.
5 P. 198


9. Complete the box writing the following words in 1. Change the underlined subject with its correct
the right columns. corresponding personal pronoun, as shown in
10. Complete the sentences with the correct the example.
definite article.
NATIONALITIES 2. Circle the correct option.
11. Read the sentences, then write the right nation 3. Complete the box with the verbs of exercise 2.
for each adjective which describes a Nationality. Then write their form in the infinitive.
4. Read the sentences. There are 4 mistakes: find
5 P. 196 them and correct them.
5. Complete the sentences with the correct forms
of the verbs fare or essere.
12. Complete the sentences with the Nationality
6. Circle the correct option.
adjectives. Pay attention to the gender
13. Complete the dialogues with a Nationality

Al dente 1


ADJECTIVES Describe your best friend, his personality, his physi-
7. Complete the box with the following adjectives. cal appearance and, if you know them, one member
Then write the other forms as shown in the of his family.

5 P. 199

8. Complete the names of professions with the

correct ending.
9. Complete the notices with one of the following
unità 3
words. Pay attention to the gender and number
5 P. 202
10. Put the following words in their plural form. THE PRESENT INDICATIVE
Remember to put the article in the plural form. 1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms
of the verbs in brackets.
DEFINITE ARTICLES 2. Read the sentences and write the infinitive
11. Complete the box with the following words. of the underlined verbs in the corresponding
12. Circle the correct option. PREFERIRE OR PIACERE?
13. Complete the dialogue with the possessive 3. Complete the sentences with the correct forms
adjectives and corresponding article when of the verbs piacere or preferire.
necessary. Then listen to the recording to check 4. Listen to the dialogue and write which activities
if the exercise is correct. Marco (M) likes, and which Lucia (L) likes.


5. Circle the correct option.
6. Complete the sentences with the following
14. Match the following sentences to their
corresponding pictures.
7. Put the words or group of words in the correct
order to create a sentence.
15. Complete the crossword puzzle with the names
5 P. 203
of professions.
ADJECTIVES USED FOR DESCRIBING PEOPLE 8. Replace the underlined words with the correct
16. Match each adjective to its opposite. Use a stressed indirect object personal pronoun, as
dictionary if necessary. shown in the example.
9. Replace the underlined words with the correct
COLLOQUIAL WORDS DUNQUE AND ALLORA unstressed indirect object personal pronoun, as
17. Put the sentences in the correct order. Then shown in the example.
listen to the recording to check if they are right.
5 P. 201 10. Look at the pictures and complete the box.
What do you like or don’t like?
11. Match the elements of the two columns so to
1. Read the text and choose the correct option.
create sentences.
2. Read the text again and write if the following
12. Write the sentences into their negative forms.
sentences are true (V) or false (F).
13. Circle the correct option.
Listen to a radio programme and complete the
box with the adjectives describing personality and EXPRESSING AGREEMENT OR DISAGREEMENT
physical traits of Giuseppe and Pedro. 14. Put the dialogue in the correct order. Then
listen to the recording to check if it is correct.


15. Match each sentence to its appropriate reply. IRREGULAR VERBS

Then complete the answers with the following 6. Complete the box with the correct forms of the
expressions. following irregular verbs.


16. Match the following adjectives to their
7. Complete the sentences with the correct forms
corresponding definitions.
of the verbs in brackets.
17. Complete the box with the missing forms of the
8. Put the following expressions in the correct
order of frequency.
18. Complete the following dialogues using the
9. Put the words or group of words in the correct
colloquial words certo and ma va.
order to create a sentence. Pay attention to the
position of the adverbs of frequency.
5 P. 205
10. Listen to Bianca’s message and write if the
A. READING COMPREHENSION following sentences are true (V) or false (F).
Read the text and write if the following sentences
are true (V) or false (F). PREPOSITIONS
11. Complete the sentences with the correct simple
B. LISTENING COMPREHENSION or articulated preposition.
1. Listen to Anna and Paolo’s messages, then 12. Read the sentences. There are 4 mistakes: find
complete the box with the information on their them and correct them.
likes and dislikes.
2. Listen to the recording again and complete the 5 P. 208
13. Listen to the dialogues and choose the correct
What are the things which foreigners like or don’t
like about your country?
14. Complete the sentences with one of the
following adjectives.
unità 4 15. Listen to the dialogues. Pay attention to the
intonation and end the sentences with a
question mark (?) or an exclamation point (!).
5 P. 206


1. Read the sentences, underline the reflexive
verbs and circle the non-reflexive ones. Then
1. Read the text and choose the title which best
write them in the corresponding columns.
suits each paragraph.
2. Circle the correct option.
2. Read the text again and write if the following
3. Complete the sentences with the correct forms
sentences are true (V) or false (F).
of the following verbs.
Listen to the messages on Stefania’s answering
4. Complete the sentences with the correct forms
machine and choose the correct option.
of the verbs in brackets.
5. Write the infinitive of the verbs of exercise 4 in
the corresponding columns.
What’s a typical day in your life like? What do you
do? Where do you go? Who do you see? Write a
short text to describe it.

Al dente 1

14. Listen to the message and complete the shopping

unità 5
list by writing the mentioned quantities.


15. Match each adjective to its opposite. Use a
C’È AND CI SONO AND DIRECT PRONOUNS dictionary if necessary.
1. Circle the correct option.
2. Complete the sentences with c’è or ci sono and ORDERING FOOD AND DRINKS
match them to the ones below so to create 16. Listen to the dialogue and complete it with the
dialogues. Then write the noun which the missing expressions.
underlined pronoun in the answers refers to. 17. Put the dialogue between a market stallholder
and a customer in the correct order. Then listen
DIRECT PRONOUNS AND THE PARTITIVE NE to the recording to check if it is right.
3. Complete the sentences with the pronouns lo, li,
la, le o ne. 5 P. 213
4. Read the sentences. There are 4 mistakes: find
them and correct them.
1. Read the text and write if the following
sentences are true (V) or false (F).
2. Read the text again and write to which category
5. Complete the sentences with one of the
of organic products consumers the following
following expressions.
sentences refer to.
6. Replace the underlined expressions with the
1. Listen to the people speaking about organic
correct partitive article. Use the plural form
products and choose the correct option.
when necessary.
2. Listen to the recording again and answer the
following questions.
5 P. 211


7. Put the sentences in the impersonal form, as Is organic food popular in your country? What do
shown in the example. you think about it? Write a short text expressing
8. Read the text B on page 94 and write if the your opinion.
following sentences are true (V) or false (F).
9. Circle the correct option.

10. Change the sentences by replacing the
underlined words with the preposition da, as
unità 6
shown in the example.
5 P. 214


11. Where can you buy these food products? 1. Complete the box by writing the following verbs
Complete the box. Some types of food can be in the corresponding columns.
bought in more than one shop. 2. Complete the sentences with the correct forms
12. Cross out the unrelated product in each food of the auxiliary verbs essere or avere.
5 P. 212 3. Complete the box writing the past participle of
the following verbs in the corresponding columns.
13. Match the names of the dishes to their
4. Complete the sentences with the past tense
corresponding pictures.
passato prossimo of the verbs in brackets.


5. Write the past participle of the following

unità 7
irregular verbs.
6. Complete the sentences with the past participle
of the verbs in brackets. Then listen to the
recording to check if they are correct. 5 P. 218

5 P. 215
1. Complete the sentences with the correct forms
AGREEMENT OF THE PAST PARTICIPLE of the verbs essere or esserci.
7. Complete each past participle with the correct 2. Circle the correct option.
8. Write the sentences in the past tense passato THE PLURAL OF SOME NOUNS AND ADJECTIVES
prossimo. 3. Complete the sentences with the correct ending.
4. Write the plural form of the following
WORDS RELATED TO LIFE expressions as shown in the example.
9. Complete the sentences with one of the 5. Read the sentences. There are 3 mistakes: find
following verbs. them and correct them.
10. Look at the pictures and complete the
sentences with one of the following verbs. INDEFINITE WORDS
6. Underline the indefinite words and write whether
5 P. 216 they refer to a noun (S) or to an adjective (A).
7. Circle the correct option.
11. Complete the crossword puzzle.
5 P. 219
12. Circle the correct option. THE LOCATIVE CI
13. Put the words or group of words in the correct 8. Write the second sentence of each dialogue
order to create a sentence. using the locative ci.


14. There are 3 mistakes: find them and correct 9. Complete the sentences with one of the
them. following expressions of place.
10. Circle the correct option.
15. Listen to the recording and mark with an X in CITY AND SERVICES GLOSSARY
which pages of a newspaper you can find these 11. Complete the crossword puzzle with the terms
types of news. referring to the city.
16. Write to which type of newspapers or
periodicals the following definitions refer to. 5 P. 220

12. Complete the box with the following words.

5 P. 217
13. Match the following words to their
A. READING COMPREHENSION corresponding pictures.
Read the text and choose the correct option. 14. Match each adjective to its opposite. Use a
dictionary if necessary.
B. LISTENING COMPREHENSION 15. Listen to the recording and write whether the
1. Listen to the recording and write if the following following sentences are true (V) or false (F).
sentences are true (V) or false (F).
2. Listen to the recording again and write which COLLOQUIAL EXPRESSIONS NON SO AND SENTI
activities Luca has done. 16. Circle the correct option. Then listen to the
recording to check if the sentences are correct.
1. Choose a famous person from your country and
write a short biography about him/her.

Al dente 1

5 P. 221 5 P. 224

A. READING COMPREHENSION 11. Listen to the dialogue and write what Cristina
1. Read the text and complete it with the following and Monica have bought.
words. 12. Listen to the recording again and complete the
2. Read the text again and write if the following boxes with the types of material and patterns
sentences are true (V) or false (F). Cristina is talking about.


Listen to the recording and circle the correct option. 13. Read the sentences. There are 4 mistakes: find
them and correct them.
Write a short text describing characteristics, dis- THE COLOURS
tricts, services and the most important sites in your 14. Complete the adjectives with the correct
city. ending.


15. Match each of the following sentences to the
appropriate occasion.

unità 8
16. Complete the dialogues with the correct forms
of ce + lo, la, li or le

5 P. 222 5 P. 225


1. Complete the box with the correct forms of the Read the text and write whether the following sen-
modal verbs. tences are true (V) or false (F).
2. Complete the sentences with the correct forms
of the verbs dovere, potere or volere. B . LISTENING COMPREHENSION
Listen to the dialogue between a client and a shop
EXPRESSIONS OF NEED AND OBLIGATION assistant and choose the correct option.
3. Complete the sentences with the following
expressions. C . WRITING EXERCISE
4. Change the sentences by using the impersonal Think about a present to get your best friend for
form as shown in the example. his/her birthday and explain why according to you
it is suitable for him/her.
5. Complete the sentences with the affirmative
form of the imperative of the following verbs.
6. Put the sentences in the negative form of the

5 P. 223


7. Complete the box with the following words.
8. Complete the sentences with the correct
demonstrative adjectives.
9. Complete the dialogue with the correct
demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. Then
listen to the recording to check if it is correct.

10. Match the following words to the corresponding


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