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Do this PERSONALITY QUIZ to find out what kind of person you are:

How likely are you to ... very quite neither quite very
likely likely likely, unlikely unlikely
1. start a personal conversation
with a complete stranger?

2. explain things to other people?

3. use difficult or unusual words?

4. change your mind about things?

5. organize social events?

6. worry about being on time?

1) After calculating your scores, sum up your conclusions and share them with the rest of the

- I’m (very / quite) (un)likely to ...

- I’m (very / quite) good at ...
- I (sometimes / often) tend to ...
- I find it (very / quite) difficult to ...

2) Compare your answers with your partner and discuss these questions:

a) How much do you have in common?

b) How do you comment on your test results? Do you think they are accurate / true about
you? Why (not)?

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