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Canon Bradley

November 4, 2020
PAW for the Michelson Soil
Taxonomic Class: fine loamy, mixed, super-active Calcic Argicryolls
Using the water retention equation, we were able to calculate the estimated amount of
Plant Available Water in our soil. The water retention equation is PAW(plant available water)=
FC(Field Capacity)- WP (wilting point). This was used on each soil horizon. FC and WP were
calculated by the Welsh calculator.
A: PAW=.27-.24
PAW=.13 (cm3 H2O/cm3 soil)
Bt: PAW=.31-.17
PAW=.14 (cm3 H2O/cm3 soil)
2Bk: PAW=.30-.16
PAW= .14 (cm3 H2O/cm3 soil)
3Btkb: PAW=.30-.20
PAW=.10 (cm3 H2O/cm3 soil)
Total Root Zone PAW:
Equation: Root Zone PAW= A Paw (A depth/root zone depth) + Bt PAW (Bt depth/root
zone depth) + 2Bk PAW ( 2Bk depth/root zone depth) + 3Btkb PAW (3Btkb depth/root
zone depth)
Root Zone PAW (%)= .13(13/152)+ .14(46/152)+ .14(97/152) +.1(152/152)
=.24 (cm3 H2O/cm3 soil)
Root Zone PAW (S) = Root Zone Depth(PAW %)
= 152cm (24%)
= 36.5 cm of PAW
The texture triangle and the Welsh calculator are great tools to use in a perfect soil without any
organic matter or rocks. The Michelson series is known as a cobbly loam and this is evident by
the rock percentages ranging from 35% at the A horizon to 70% on the 3Btkb horizon. The
Michelson series also has organic matter that reaches all the way to its base horizon. The organic
material in the top layer helps with the alluviation process, helping restore the negative impact of
rocks on the PAW.
Canon Bradley
November 4, 2020

“ArcGIS Web Application.” Nrcs.Maps.Arcgis.Com,

Accessed 6 Nov. 2020.

“Soil Data Explorer | California Soil Resource Lab.” Casoilresource.Lawr.Ucdavis.Edu, Accessed 5 Nov. 2020.

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