Unit 7 Pages 42 and 43 Reading and Use of English Part 5 Reading

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Grammar: Reading and use of English

Review 3 Units 9-12 Page 75 Exercise 10

“I had great admiration for my grandfather”, said 17-year-old Josie
Taylor. “He was such a kind and sensitive person that I felt I needed
to do something when he died”. After some consideration Josie
came up with an original idea: she decided to perform 90 random
acts of kindness for strangers – one for each year of her
grandfather’s life. So far she’s done 24, from picking up litter to
buying strangers coffee. Josie says most people have reacted with
astonishment and simply thanked her for her generosity. Other have
looked at her as if she was mad. “I have to use my judgement
carefully when I choose people ill help”, she says. One of her most
memorable acts has been when she baked a cake for a lonely elderly
neighbour. By an unbelievable coincidence it was his birthday that
day and he was absolutely thrilled.
Unit 7 pages 42 and 43 Reading and Use of English Part 5
1. According to the first paragraph how did Holmes behave on
Thursday morning?
He was unable to sit still due to a feeling of anxiety.

2. The word “stroll” in line 27 means to move.

Quietly and secretively

3. Why does Holmes complain when Watson mentions the thefts

in London.
Because he believes his skills are wasted on such rimes.
4. What does “it” refer to in line 40.
A murder.

5. Holmes suggests that his brother Mycroft is someone who:

Is predictable in his routine.
Unit 19 pages 108 and 109 Reading and Use of English Part
1. B: According to the article wich statement is true?
Teenagers brains have some advantages and disadvantages over adult

2. A: This is the area we use to think carefully about something

in order to make a decision
Gap 3

B: Dramatic conclusions might make good headlines in the

press, but the evidence for any truth in them is weak

D: It is able to absorb huge amounts of information and the

opportunity is there to make the most of this by putting energy
into learning and new experiences
Gap 6

E: Everyone was asked to identify the feelings their

expressions represented. Gap 2

F: The researchers concludes that teenagers’ emotions are

developing much faster than the parts of the brain that help
them manage their emotions
Gap 4

G: However, a number of recent studies using brain scanning

equipment have led to the belief that the typical teenage brain
is as unique as this phase itself
Gap 1

Unit 13 pages 76 and 77 Reading and Use of English

Part 7

2) Read the profiles of four teenagers taking part in “Three not
Dash”. In pairs decide wich basic need each teenager is
They all want to solve problems related to humans rights

3) A: Wich person has been recognized for their project in

their own country?
D, Anoop

B: Wich person has improved the lives of a very large

number of people through their idea?
B, Yosh’s

C: Wich person is working locally on their Project at the

moment but wishes to expand it to other location?
C, Natasha

D: Wich person has worked with the kinds of people

involved to their project for a long time?
D, Anoop
E: Wich people has involved their relatives closely to their
C, Natasha

F: Wich person was motivated when they suffered from a

personal experience?
B, Yosh

G: Wich person is aiming their project at primary school age

children to begin with?
A, Hector, 7-11 years old

H: Wich person did some research to find out the extent of a

B, Yosh

I: Wich person has helped individuals to get back in contact

with each other?
D, Anoop, project “hello”

Article: The first day I play football on a championship.

Oh, I remember the day I play on a championship football. I

was 13 years old and it was a very stressful day, first of all I
didn’t packed my football shoes, so my mom had to bring
them at last minute. I was so nervous that I forgot them.
When I put foot on the field something changed in me, I
completely forgot about the world and I was focused only on
win the match. Does this happen a lot? I don’t know, but it
feels amazing. To get where I was at that time, I spend a lot of
time training and doing exercise. Then one day my coach says,
ok david you’re going to the championship. OMG. I think
passed away for a minute.
When we won the first match, I think I cry but in a good way
and I hug my coach like for 5 minutes. I was very emotional I
must say. Later on, me and friends spend like 1 hour talking
about all the moves that we did in the match and in what we
can improve. It was one of my happies days of my life. Have
you ever feel that way?.
And now I’m on a the college team trying to do my best, and
my dream is play on the Real Madrid F.C one day. Thanks to
my coach I’m where I am now so he is a very important person
of my life. I owe him a lot. So shoutout to him haha.


Unit 6 page 39 Listening Part 1

1. You hear a student talking about her degree. What does she
think about studying psychology?
She finds the research fascinating

2. You overhear a conversation between two friends. Why

does the boy think his parents will be annoyed?
They keep warning him about losing things

3. You hear a girl leaving a voicemail message for her friend.

Why is she calling?
To find out what a test will cover

4. You overhear two friends talking about a school project.

What does the teenager say about his project?
He’s feeling optimistic about its progress.

5. You hear a father talking to his daughter on the phone. How

is he feeling now?

Unit 8 page 49 Listening Part 2

1. Restaurant owner
2. Government grant
3. Washed cars
4. $185.000
5. Planning
6. Video clips
7. Vote
8. Steal
9. Drawings
10. A factory

Grammar and use of English
 We need to see very close in what tense the words are
and the meaning of the sentence.
 We can use a dictionary to be more secure of what we
are writing.
 The best way to understand a text is underlining the
words that we don’t understand and finding them on the
dictionary, with that we can continue reading the text a
understanding it.
 Add "ed" to verbs for the Past Tense
 Always check for subject and verb agreement
 Always use complete sentences, not sentence fragments
 We need to be in a quiet room so we can really
appreciate what the person is saying on the audio.
 Write down key words that can help us finding the
meaning of what the person is saying
 Put attention to what the person is asking to do
 Understand the main idea
 Write down a script of what you want to say
 Practice the script several times
 Say the script out loud
 Turn nervousness into excitement
 Speak unusually slow
 Use language you know is correct
 Use words and expressions you have used before
 Improve your pronunciation

 Find a topic you like
 Divide what you want to say in paragraphs and put it in
 Use key words
 Try to use linking words to link clauses and make your
sentence longer
 Compare and contrast
 Check grammar and spelling

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