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Why is an EMS important

Environmental Management Systems go beyond just complying with the law. It is
expected that a company will know and meet all the environmental requirements that
are specified for their operations, but not every company will look past this and work
towards improving their operations with respect to reducing the negative impacts on the
environment. This is the reason for having an environmental management system, and
is the biggest selling point for why a company would want to implement such a system.
Reducing your environmental impact can help gain market share in a world with ever
growing environmental awareness.

The ISO 14001 standard is the main set of requirements for this which is recognized
world-wide and defines and outlines all the typical policies, processes, procedures and
records that are needed for a successful EMS. It is non-prescriptive, meaning it
specifies what needs to be done but not how, and can be used and tailored for the
needs of any organization.

Without an Environmental Management System (EMS), you’re risking your brand,

business and relationships with increasingly environmentally-conscious travelers. The
troubling issue of climate change and global warming is influencing almost every
purchase decision your guest makes, from the sunscreen they buy, to the flights they
take and hotel they choose.

Basic components of EMS:

1. Establishing the company’s environmental goals.

2. Reviewing the company’s legal requirements and environmental impact.
3. Establishing measurable objectives and targets to reduce environmental impact
and be in legal compliance.
4. Creating and implementing programs that will meet the established objectives
and targets.
5. Communicating with and involving all the staff by creating environmental
awareness and knowledge.
6. Measuring progress towards achieving the objective and targets.
7. Reviewing and sharing progress towards meeting EMS goals, and seek ways to
keep improving both the process and improvement.

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