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HIG 214 Physical Geography

Topic: Plate Tectonic

Tutorial Activity

Name: JOEL ATIS Id #: 2019313081 Date: 30/09/2020

Complete questions

1. Define Plate tectonics ( theory)

2. Name the major & minor tectonic plates shown below.

Study the diagram below before answering the questions

3. Explain why tectonic plates move?

4. Which part of the earths’ structure is causing tectonic plates to move?
5. What are plate boundaries?
6. Name the type of plate boundaries
7. What type of plate boundary is shown below? Name & describe the landforms associated
with this type of plate boundary?

8. What type of plate boundary is shown below? Name & describe the landforms associated
with this type of boundary?
9. What type of plate boundary is shown below? Name & describe the landforms associated
with this type of boundary?

10.What type of
plate boundary
is shown below?
Name & describe
the landform associated with this type of plate boundary.

11. Describe the following effects of tectonic movements on the earth’s surface

(i) Volcanic activity

(ii) Faulting
(iii) Folding
(iv) Subsidence
(v) Earthquake
(vi) orogeny
. Study the diagram above & answer the questions (blue line- convergent, black line-divergent,
dotted line- passive)

12. Which two plate share a divergent plate boundary? South American Plate and African plate

13. Which two plates share a convergent plate boundary? Eurasian plate and Indo- Australian plate

14. Which two plates share a passive plate’s boundary? Caribbean Plate and South American Plate

By Mrs S Keake ,2020

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