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University of Goroka

School of Humanities- Division of IEDS

HID 214 Physical Geography

Assignment No: 2, Topic: Rocks & Minerals

Name:_________________________ ID No:_______________Date:________Total:___/20

Instructions: Complete all questions hand out.

1. Minerals that make up the rocks are micas. hornblende, olivine, quartz, potassium
feldspar, plagioclase feldspar. Which of the minerals is described by following
characteristics?( 4 mrks)

(i) Rounded grain usually greenish in colour, with a sugary texture and found igneous rock

(ii)Very thin layers or layers of flakes

(iii) Shiny surface with crystal grains usually block & rectangular in igneous rocks.

(iv)Green to black in colour with shiny surface in almost rectangular & long needle like
crystals in rocks & found in metamorphic & sometimes igneous rocks.

2. What the difference between foliated & non foliated igneous rocks?(2 mrks)

3.Identify the following rocks in pictures if they are igneous, sedimentary or metamorphic
rocks and explain why? (Give one characteristic of each rock)

( 6 mrks)


4. Name one type rock that is;

(i) foliated metamorphic rock (ii) Plutonic igneous rock (iii) organic sedimentary rock

( 3 mrks)

5. What is the difference between mafic & felsic minerals in rocks? ( 2 marks).
6. Table below shows how igneous rocks can be differentiated by texture, colour and
minerals composition .Study the table & describe the following rocks.

(i)Granite (ii) Pumice (iii) Basalt ( 3 marks)

Due date 23th October …..End of Assignment! …… Mrs Keake,2020

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