Active Recall

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Active Recall

What is passive recall and active recall?
Passive recall: Passively reviewing information without retaining it: this is what school focuses on
taking notes, reading over them (& rereading)
highlighting & underlining
watching videos

Active recall: The need to actively stimulate memory during the learning process, which more effectively
helps you remember things
quizzing yourself
spaced repetition
Why is active recall better than passive
In a 2008 study where students were given a list of 40 word pairs, those who repeatedly both
reviewed and tested the pairs remembered 80% of the information on a final test while those
who only reviewed remembered 34%.

While passive studying only improves recognition skills, active recall

stimulates your brain more
makes you really think about what you know
moves material from short-term to long-term memory
How to Active Recall Well
Instead of simply recognizing a problem, be able to explain how your problem relates to the
concept or idea being taught or apply it to the real world.

A possible studying route:

Quiz yourself
Plan the topics you study next time (what you missed sooner, what you knew later)

Teach other people

Summarizing Properly
Read a large chunk of the text
Summarize what you learned (the important parts) without looking at the book or text.
Go back and fix what you messed up if you made a bad summary.
The key here is making yourself think about what you summarized, not copying text from the

If you tend to write down too much, try writing one line of notes for each paragraph in the
textbook. This ensures you get only the main ideas.
Tips on quizzing yourself
Make it open-ended.
Use questions similar to what questions will be on the test.
Don't make it too easy.
When you look at a question, don’t assume you know the answer (pattern recognition). Write it
down or say it out loud.
Try to simulate testing conditions (ie time limits, no distractions, etc)

Collaborative note-taking
Thank you for joining us today !
Thanks to Mrs. Murali and Coach Adams

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