How To Post and Reply To A Reply First Discussion Forum1

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How to Post and Reply Using the D2L Discussion Forum

1. Click on the link to the Module’s Discussion Forum.

2. Read all of the assignment guidelines and access the any discussion posting resources, as
3. Then click on the Discussion Prompts, and select one.
4. When you are ready to post, click Start a New Thread:

Please be aware that you will not be able to see any posts until you post first.

5. Type in a Subject for your post in the Subject box, and type your message in the textbox.
Be sure to use the editing features, especially Spell Check.
6. Here is an example of a Discussion post about an assigned reading.

Note: If you want to receive a notification if anyone replies to your post, check the box next to
“Subscribe to this thread.”
7. Read what you’ve written carefully to make sure that you are adhering to the
requirements and take the time to EDIT for grammatical errors. Also, please make sure
that you check your tone and follow the ideas outlined in the Netiquette document.

8. Students are not able to delete their posts, so be sure that you are satisfied with your
message prior to clicking the Post button.

Don’t forget! You must also reply to two classmates’ posts!

Reply to a Thread
1. Click on the title of the classmate’s thread to which you would like to reply.
2. Click Reply to Thread.
3. Enter your reply in the message field.
4. Click Post.

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