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The quality of product with its appearance is a crucial factor that affect the acceptance
of product towards the consumer. The quality in term of its colour, flavour and taste also the
physical characteristic such as size, shape and texture. In order to produce a good quality of
product, instrumental analysis could be conducted by using texture analyseranalyzer. For
example, the crispiness or crunchiness of product can be indicated through the quantity of
fractures that measured by the analyzer. By identifying the textural characteristics of product,
the quality if product can be measured to determine the consumer satisfaction (“Texture
Analysis Application Note: Potato Chips,” n.d.).

To defining the textural properties of products, Texture Profile Analysis (TPA) can be
done which is a double compression test. Sometimes this method is been used in industries
such as pharmaceuticals, gels, and personal care. The TPA used texture analyzer instrument
to produce understanding the behaviour when the food it being chewed. Plus, this method
also known as "two bite test" as the texture analyzer mirrors biting action (“Overview of
Texture Profile Analysis,” n.d.).

The textural characteristic of food has many different aspects and related to sensory
expectation by consumers. TPA may use as analytical method that helps in measure multiple
textural parameters in a single experiment. In addition, texture analyser offer in ultimate
control and test flexibility in measurement of physical or textural properties of product with
different types such as solid or semi-solid. There are broad range that can be measured such
as properties of fracturability, chewiness, stickiness, and others. The texture measurement can
be used in field of research and development and in big industry as it produces simple,
reproducible, and reliable result (“How a Texture Analyser works,” n.d.).


1. To determine the textural characteristics in different types of food product by using

texture analyser.
2. To determine the fracturability of crisps test.

Sample of solid food products (commercial soft cake Apollo brand and Oriental brand and
crisps of Mister Potato brand and Pringles brand) and Texture Analyser instrument (TA.XT2i
plus, Stable, Micro Systems, UK).


1. Texture Profile Analysis (TPA)

The sample was The "Run a Test"

positioned at the The "T.A." from was selected or
centre of the the tool bar menu clicked "Run a Test"
platform base. was clicked. short cut icon from
the toolbar menu.
The "Start Test"
was pressed.
The data result was
obtained and the The TPA profile The analysis was
data was entered that obtained was repeated in
onto the data printed out. triplicate.
sheets provided.

2. Fracturability of Crisps

The sample was The probe was The "T.A." from the
positioned at the ensured it is closed to tool bar menu was
centre of the the sample clicked.
platform base. (approximately 1 cm).

The "Run a Test" was

selected or clicked
The analysis was The "Start Test" was "Run a Test" short cut
repeated in triplicate. pressed. icon from the toolbar

Table 8.1. Result of Texture Profile Analysis (TPA)


Pandan 1239.587 0.522 0 0.747 647.514 483.872
Cake 1
Pandan 1217.806 0.521 0 0.751 634.498 476.537
Cake 2
Pandan 1163.355 0.541 0 0.744 629.880 468.717
Cake 3
Average 1206.916 ± 0.528 ± 0.009201 0 0.7473 ± 637.297 ± 476.375 ±
± SD 32.06 0.002867 7.466 6.188

Oriental 886.157 0.662 -10.179 0.98 586.569 574.814

Cake 1
Oriental 854.609 0.635 -36.404 0.896 542.442 485.848
Cake 2
Oriental 1116.201 0.631 -47.025 0.877 704.267 617.778
Cake 3
Average 952.322 ± 0.6427 ± 0.01377 -31.20 ± 15.485 0.9177 ± 611.093 ± 559.48 ±
± SD 116.593 0.04475 68.303
Table 8.2. Fracturability of crisps test.

Sample Number of Sample Hardness (g)

Mister Potato Crisps 1 526.48

2 451.02

3 469.43

Average ± SD 482.31 ± 32.12

Pringles Crisps 1 359.2

2 250.11

3 355.23

Average ± SD 321.51 ± 50.52


In this experiment, the determination of textural characteristic of food products by

using texture analysis, it is focusing on the determination of texture profile analysis (TPA)
and the fracturability of crisps by using different brand of food products. For the first part of
analysis which is texture profile analysis (TPA), type or brand of food product that used is
Pandan Apollo Layer Cake and Oriental Pandan Layer Cake. Both brands show a similar
characteristic which it is a sponge cake product. Meanwhile, in the determination of
fracturability of crisps, the brand of Mister Potato Crisps and Pringles Crisps

Firstly, in the determination of TPA, the parameter that observed in this analysis is
hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness of the products.
The observation of the parameters in TPA has been used as it allows in evaluation of sensory
attributes and the rheological properties of foods (Nishinari et al., 2013). The value of
hardness of Apollo brand which is 1206.916 ± 32.06 is higher than Oriental brand with value
of 952.322 ± 116.593. It can be observed that Pandan Apollo Layer Cake sample is harder
than Oriental Pandan Layer Cake sample.

The parameter of hardness or known as firmness can be defined as the firmness the
force (N) that needed to compress the product by a pre-set distance and determined from
experimental data directly (Al-Muhtaseb et al., 2013). Plus, the hardness of product may
differ as it depends on the contact area size between the probe and surface of sample also rely
on the compression amount that set by operator (Trinh & Glasgow, 2012). The result shows
that the Apollo brand has higher in density than Oriental brand. This is because the hardness
of sample directly reflects to the sample’s density and indirectly to the volume of sample
(Hosseini Ghaboos et al., 2018). Thus, the Oriental brand sample shows it has low in density
and produce more volume also giving a lighter bite. In term of sensory, hardness which
means the maximum force that needed to compress the samples by using molar teeth
(Chandra & Shamasundar, 2015) shows that the Apollo brand requires higher force or energy
to deform its texture than the Oriental brand sample.

Second, in TPA determination is on the cohesiveness of product. The cohesiveness

shows the way how the product resist for a second deformation relative to the product
withstand under first deformation (“Overview of Texture Profile Analysis,” n.d.). In another
word, cohesiveness is defined as the ratio of positive force area at the second compression to
force area at the first compression, A2/A1 (Nishinari et al., 2013). As according to the result,
the cohesiveness of Apollo band is lower than the Oriental brand, which is 0.528 ± 0.009201
and 0.6427 ± 0.01377, respectively.

In the result, Apollo brand is higher in the hardness value and lower in cohesiveness
value. This is because when the hardness and the adhesiveness is higher, the cohesiveness of
the product would be decreased (Nishinari et al., 2013). Moreover, the parameter of
cohesiveness could be used in determination of the taste of the products. The cohesiveness
contributes to the softness or brittleness of the sample. The sample with higher cohesiveness
shows as a good quality product as it contributes to a tasty food. This is because the
cohesiveness related to the bubbles in the product. The larger the value of cohesiveness of the
product, the higher the amount of small bubble in the product and give a good taste
(“Advances in Pattern Recognition ICAPR2003,” 2003). Therefore, it shows that Oriental
brand is softer than Apollo brand as higher in cohesiveness value.

Next, the determination of adhesiveness in the Oriental brand sample. The

adhesiveness is the negative force area for the first bite (Nishinari et al., 2013) and
correspond to the energy needed overcome the attractive force presence between the sample
and the compressing plunger (Chandra & Shamasundar, 2015; “Texture Application Note
Sponge Cake,” n.d.). From the result, the adhesiveness of Oriental brand is in negative value
which is -31.20 ± 15.485. Adhesiveness value shows the attractive force between food and
oral cavity structure. After completing the first cycle, the compression plate is pulled away
from the sample and adhesiveness is measured by the negative force. The zero value in
adhesiveness indicates the product is completely inert and non-sticky. Meanwhile, the sticky
product would produce a negative pressure as the adhesive characteristic is resists the pulling
back or compression plate (Houjaij et al., 2009).

Other that, the determination on the springiness of both samples. Springiness means
the elasticity of product which determine the amount of recovery between the first and the
second sample (Hosseini Ghaboos et al., 2018). In a simple word it is referring to the rate of
deformed sample return to its original size and shape (Trinh & Glasgow, 2012). From the
result, the Oriental brand shows a higher in springiness value which is 0.9177 ± 0.04475 than
Apollo brand with the value of 0.7473 ± 0.002867. It shows that the product with higher in
springiness value were less hard in texture and less chewy (Meullenet et al., 1998). Therefore,
this result indicates that Oriental brand is more elastic as it has higher springiness value rather
than Apollo brand.

Then, the other determination in TPA is gumminess. The gumminess refers to the
force or energy that needs to disintegrate before swallowing of semi-solid products (“Texture
Application Note: Sponge Cake,” n.d.). The value of the gumminess can be obtained by
multiplication of hardness with cohesiveness value (Hosseini Ghaboos et al., 2018). From the
result in gumminess of both samples, Apollo brand produced a higher result of the
gumminess value which is 637.297 ± 7.466 than in the Oriental brand with the result of
611.093 ± 68.303. However, this determination of gumminess parameter is not suitable for
solid product as it more suitable for semi-solid products (Chandra & Shamasundar, 2015).
This is because the gumminess is an attribute for semi-solid foods by giving a low value of
hardness but higher value of cohesiveness (Chandra & Shamasundar, 2015). At the same
time, the observation can be done by measured the chewiness value as it more suitable for a
solid product (“Overview of Texture Profile Analysis,” n.d.). Plus, the value of chewiness
should be higher with increasing of gumminess value as it relates to each other (Yusof et al.,

Besides, the determination of TPA also able to produce the chewiness values in
samples. The parameter of chewiness which is more suitable to be applied for a solid food
and can be calculated by multiplied the value of gumminess with springiness (“Overview of
Texture Profile Analysis,” n.d.). The chewiness of product can be defined as the energy
needed to chew the solid food to a ready state before swallowing action (Al-Muhtaseb et al.,
2013). In a simple term, chewiness is the number of bites need to break down the food to
form a swallowing size and known as rate of breakdown of food (Trinh & Glasgow, 2012).

By referring to the result obtained, Oriental brand gives a high value of chewiness
which is 559.48 ± 54.941 than in the Apollo brand with value of 476.375 ± 6.188. However,
the result that obtained is not reliable as the chewiness value is related to gumminess value.
The Appllo brand has high value in hardness and when the degree of hardness increased, the
gumminess and chewiness value will be increased too (Yusof et al., 2019). Therefore, the
unreliable result that produce when determine the chewiness of samples may be affected by
some error as it is expected that the Apollo brand should produce higher value of chewiness
than the Oriental brand.

The second part which is the determination of fracturability of crisps test. The
fracturability or also known as brittleness is the tendency of sample to fracture, crumble,
crack, shatter or fail when there is stress or force is applied onto it (“How to Measure
Fracturability and Brittleness,” n.d.). The hardness which means the maximum force at the
first compression cycle while the fracturability is the force appointed at the first significant
peak in the first compression curve (Kusińska & Starek, 2014). From the result, it shows that
the Mister Potato crisps has a higher of hardness value which is 482.31 ± 32.12 than the
Pringles crisps brand with 321.51 ± 50.52. The product with the higher hardness value
indicates that it has lower fracturability value and it becomes less brittle (“Texture Analysis
Application Note: Potato Chips,” n.d.). Therefore, this shows that the Mister Potato crisps is
less crunchy and has a lower crispy texture than the Pringles crisps.


As a conclusion, texture analyser are used to determine the textural properties of

various food. The texture profile analysis (TPA) can be done to measure the parameter of
hardness, cohesiveness, adhesiveness, springiness, gumminess and chewiness. The
experimental result shows the Oriental brand of sponge cake produces the best quality of
product than the Apollo brand as the Oriental brand gives a higher value of springiness and
cohesiveness with lower value of hardness, adhesiveness and gumminess. In the fracturability
of crisp test, the result shows the Pringles crisps brand has crunchier and crispier texture than
Mister Potato crisps brand as Pringles crisps brand has lower hardness value which indicates
higher fracturability value. Therefore, the determination of textural characteristics of food is
important as it is used in determination of consumer acceptance toward the product.
Nevertheless, not all parameters give a precise result as some results might misleading due to
error which may come from improper operational settings of the instrument.


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