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Learn About Penguins

Learn how to make an origami penguin on next pages!

How do penguins get around?

Penguins are a type of ightless bird that usually live in cold places like
Antarctica. Their feathers are a lot smaller than other birds’ feathers
because small feathers are better at keeping them warm.

Sometimes penguins live in warmer places. The important thing is that they
live near the ocean, because a penguin’s main mode of getting around
is by swimming! Penguins waddle around on land, but spend more than
half of their life in the water. They can swim as fast as 20 miles per hour!
That’s really fast!

What do penguins at? What eats penguins?

Penguins eat a lot of sh, shrimp, and krill by
shing for them while swimming. It’s dangerous
for baby penguins to hunt on their own, so
parent penguins will bring back food for them
and chew it up in their mouth for their babies.

Predators of the penguin include seals and

whales. They like to pick off lone penguins,
so penguins like to huddle in groups to keep
predators away!

What are some characteristic about

Penguins tell other penguins they like each
other by bringing them rocks! They use rocks
to build their nests instead of sticks that other
birds usually use.


Written Instructions
Step 1. Pick up a piece of paper!
Step 2. We need to make it into a square. To do so, fold the top corner to
one edge, and cut off the strip of paper that is on the side so all that is
left is the folded triangle
Step 3. Unfold your paper into a square
Step 4. Color one side of the paper black using a marker
Step 5. Fold your paper diagnoally to make two creases
Step 6. Fold your paper horizontally twice
Step 7. Open your paper again. There should be line going up and down,
side to side, and corner to corner.
Step 8. Fold the bottom corner up to the point where all the creases intersect
Step 9. Fold the top down just a little bit, about the fall way point between the
top and the middle
Step 10. Fold on top edge of the paper in by about a quarter
Step 11. Repeat with the remaining top edge
Step 12. Flip the paper so the black side is facing up. Fold the bottom two
edges in about a quarter of the way
Step 13. Fold the top two edges do that the meet the middle crease. A
triangle should be formed.
Step 14. Flip the paper so the white belly is facing up
Step 15. Fold it in half
Step 16. Make an inside-reverse fold by bending the paper inwards in order
to form a beak
Step 17. Solidify that fold in place. You’ve just completed your penguin!L

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