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Name : ______________________________ Class : _____________

Unit 1 – Where are you from?

1. Listen and say.

Dengar dan sebut.

Japan Australia Canada

The US Korea China

2. Listen and point to the picture.

Dengar dan tunjuk pada gambar.

Text 1
I am Miyako.
I’m from Japan.

Text 2
I am Donald.
I’m from the US.

Text 3
My name is Lin Dan.
I’m from China.

Text 4
He’s David.
He’s from Australia.

Text 5
My friend is Brian.
He’s from Canada.
3. Look at the flags. Match the flags to countries.
Lihat bendera-bendera berikut. Padan bendera dengan negara.


  the United States


  Mexico


  The United Kingdom


  Malaysia


  China


  Brazil
4. Read and answer.
Baca dan jawab.

Hi, everyone. My name is Diego. I’m from Mexico and

Diego :
I am Mexican.
Hello. I am Anastasia. I’m from the United Kingdom. I
Anastasia :
am British.
My name is Lee Min-Ho. I’m from Korea and I am
Lee Min-Ho : Korean. This is my friend, Carlos. He’s from Brazil and
he is Brazilian.
Hello, friends. I am Lin Dan. I am Chinese. I’m from
Lin Dan :
My name is Arianna Grande. I’m from the United
Arianna Grande :
States. I am American.
Hello, everyone. My name is Hafiz. I’m from Malaysia
Hafiz :
and I am Malaysian.

Fill in the blanks with the correct information.

Arianna Grande The US _________________

Diego _________________ Mexican

Lin Dan China _________________

Hafiz _________________ Malaysian

Carlos Brazil _________________

Anastasia _________________ _________________

Lee Min-Ho _________________ Korean

_______________ Malaysia __________________

5. Fill in the blanks with adverbs of frequency.
Isikan tempat-tempat kosong dengan kata sifat kerja kekerapan.

usually always never sometimes

a. Susan _______________ goes to the ice-skating rink on Sundays.


b. The children ______________ play chess on the weekend.


c. I _______________ swim in the summer.


d. My father _______________ cooks.

Note: X

6. Read and complete the sentences

Baca dan lengkapkan ayat-ayat.

Hello. My name’s Jim. I’m British. I wake up at 7 o’clock every day.

I get dressed, have breakfast and go to school at 8 o’clock. After
school, I do my homework and I sometimes watch TV or ride my
bike to the park. On Sunday afternoons, I always play chess with my
brother at home.

a. Jim is from _______________ and __________ chess on Sundays.

b. Jim ___________ homework after school.

c. Jim sometimes ____________ TV after school.

7. Read the text. Record in the short video.
Baca teks di bawah. Rekod dalam video pendek.

I’m Paola and I’m American. I wake up at 7:30 in the morning.

I have breakfast and I ride my bike to school at 8:15.
After school, I usually go to my karate lesson for an hour.
But every Wednesday, I go swimming. It’s great!

8. Look and write.

Lihat dan tulis.

What are you doing? What is she doing?

I am ______________ my homework. She is ________________ lunch.

What is he doing? What are Anna and Greg doing?

He is __________________. They are _____________ chess.
9. Making a pocket book.
Membuat buku poket.

Materials needed (Bahan yang diperlukan)

a. Two pieces of A4 paper (dua keping kertas A4)
b. Glue (gam)
c. Colour pencils. (pensel warna)
d. Scissors. (gunting)
e. Stapler. (stapler)
f. Newspaper/ magazine cut-outs. (keratan surat khabar/ majalah)
g. Print out materials (from internet) (bahan bercetak dari internet)

Instruction (arahan)
1. Fold A4 into two. (lipat A4 pada dua bahagian)
2. Trace the cut-out area using a pencil. (surih tempat untuk digunting)
3. Cut the A4. (potong kertas A4)
4. Stapler at the middle. (stapler pada bahagian tengah)
5. On the front page, write the title of the project.
Pada muka hadapan, tulis tajuk projek.
6. On the second page, draw the flag.
Due date
Pada muka surat kedua, lukis bendera. 12 June 2020
7. On the third page, draw one character.
Pada muka surat ketiga, lukis satu watak.
8. On the fourth page, describe what the character does
Pada muka surat empat, terangkan apa yang watak ini buat
a) In the morning (pada waktu pagi)
b) after school (selepas pulang sekolah)
c) In the evening (pada waktu petang)
d) On the weekend (pada hujung minggu)

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