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The Devil’s Arithmetic


ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How does our past affect our

Layered curriculum allows you more choice in your assignments. Each layer
requires a different level of thinking. Layer C is the most basic knowledge for the
unit. In order to earn a “C” grade, you need to complete the amount of points
required for that layer. Layer B requires you to apply the knowledge you gained in
Layer C. In order to earn a “B” grade, you need to complete the amount of points
required for that layer. Layer A requires you to think critically about the unit, and to
make text-to-text, text-to-self, and text-to-world connections. In order to receive an
“A” grade, you need to complete the required points for Layer A. DO NOT lose this
paper! If you lose it, you will be required to re-do the assignments that were signed

Deadline: March 3 (A Days)

March 4 (B Days)

Layer C-Basic Knowledge

Assignment Points Points Teache

Possib Earne r’s
le d Initials
Chapters 1-3 Study Guide 20
Chapters 4-6 Study Guide 20
Chapters 7-9 Study Guide 20
Chapters 10-12 Study Guide 20
Chapters 13-15 Study Guide 20
Chapters 16-Epilogue Study Guide 20
Found Poem 15
Rwanda Article DRTA 15
Shock Experiment Article DRTA 15
Jewish Traditions Worksheet 15
Anticipation Guide 15
Think Aloud 15
Character Inference 15
Create 10 vocabulary flash cards with Yiddish words 15
Handlebars DRTA 15
Problematic Situation 15
Prejudice Worksheet 15
Guided Imagery: Draw an important scene in the book 15
Anne Frank Worksheet 15
Concentration Camp map 15
Utips test 40
Total Points for Layer C (290 required)
*I will not give extra points on Layer C,
so count carefully!

Layer B-Application

Assignment Points Points Teacher

Possib Earne ’s
le d Initials
Research a part of the Holocaust (e.g. Hitler, Nazi Party, 25
concentration camps, hiding Jews, etc.), and write a one
page informative article about it. Make sure you include
your sources.
Create a Wordle from an important scene in the book. 25
Write a page explaining why this scene is important.
Quote Analysis 25
Create a comic strip from the story. The strip must be at 25
least 16 frames with no more than 4 frames per page.
Write an alternate ending for the story. The ending must 25
be at least two typed, double-spaced pages.
Create a diorama that displays a scene from the story or 25
from the Holocaust.
Total Points for Layer B (50 required)
*I will not give extra points on Layer B, so count carefully!

Layer A-Critical Thinking: Essential Question

How does our past affect our future?

Instead of using the class essential question, you may come up with your own
essential question. Make sure I approve it before you begin your project.

Assignment Points Points Teache

Possibl Earne r’s
e d Initials
Create a powerpoint (15 slides) that answers an essential 30
question for the book.
Create a poster that answers an essential question for 30
the book. The poster must have at least five pictures and
explanations of why those pictures were included.
Create a video (4-5 minutes) that answers an essential 30
question for the book. Try
Conduct three interviews related to an essential question 30
for the book. Write an interview article (2 pages)
reporting your results (turn in notes with article).
Write a 2-3 page essay answering an essential question. 60
Support your argument using quotes from the text.
Total Points for Layer A (60 required)
*I will not give extra points on Layer A, so count

Total Points for Unit /400

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