Peace Be Upon You! Peace Be Upon You!

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Peace be upon you!

Preface – it is unfortunate that I must protect this document, as above, but I wish this work to remain
pure and anonymous. If anyone should come forth and claim to be the author, let it be known
know that this
person is a fraud, and should not be trusted. There is no money to be made, nor fame to be gained, by
producing this manifesto; my only goal is to spread the P
eace of God to our broken species.

There has always only been one Religion world1, however whenever the Prophets (peace be upon
eligion in the worl
them) have come to give God’s message and bring us back to the Truth, we have taken those teachings
and have placed them above God; we have made the Prophets and their teachings an idol, and have
worshipped scripture and tradition above God. This is not right. We must always place God and His Will
above all of our religions and traditions. Simply put, Gods Will is Love and Peace. There really isn’t
much more to it than this.

Although I have outlined a way to worship below, please understand that the goal is not to establish
another religion – God forbid! The goal is to give a simple way to reestablish communion with God
without the need of joining a Temple, Church, Mosque, or any other religion. I do not think of myself as
a Prophet, I’m just a regular person who sees a problem and wants to help solve it for those who are
ready to establish a direct communion with God in their own lives. This document is intended for those
who are tired of the dogma and superstition that infects their religious beliefs and want something
simpler, and more pure.

Praise be unto God!

The Articles of Peace:

1. There is only one God, who is the Creator of all things, both the Seen and the Unseen, and this
Creator alone is worthy
rthy of worship. In our ignorance we have created many gods and goddesses, or
have become atheists, however God also exists within all of these religious stances and they should not
be disparaged. God is truly Merciful, Compassionate and Understanding.

2.. Nature is the only acceptable Scripture of God, because God is constantly speaking to us through all
things. However, since humanity
umanity is in ignorance we have needed the Prophets (pbut) to guide us back
to the right path – Salaam, or Peace. The Prophets have all spoken with the Power of God (e.g. Spirit of
Guidance, Holy Spirit) and have delivered us from sin and led us along the way to Paradise. Due to our

We can call it Salaam, Shlama, Shalom, Love, Peace, and so on.
ignorance, however, we have codified the teachings of the Prophets into religions which have further
divided an already broken species.

3. God has given us only one commandment - Salaam (e.g. Love, Peace, Wholeness). We must Love God
above all things, and we must also Love all of the Creation. This should include activism (e.g. Holy
Struggle) for the oppressed, protection of the environment for ourselves and all other living creatures,
and general support and help for those who suffer.

4. Gods Kingdom, often called Paradise or Heaven, is present throughout all things, both the Seen and
the Unseen - it is not contained in Time or Space. To be outside of Paradise is to be locked into
depression, suffering and ignorance. The only way to enter Paradise is through Love. Only Love can
open the Gates of Paradise, and only through Love can we be Born Again into the Kingdom of God. This
is what Yeshua (Jesus, peace be upon him) was referring to when he said we must be Born Again: being
Born Again is to be reborn into the Kingdom of God. You have to experience it to really understand, you
aren’t born into another body, you are born into the direct experience of Gods Love.

5. The Day of Recompense (Resurrection/Judgment) is when we have entered Paradise. It is when you
have become Born Again, Saved, Enlightened, etc. It is not one day in the future, it is right now, but for
most people it takes many years of cultivation in order to enter Paradise and be Wedded to the
Beloved, God. At any time we can be either in Paradise or not, our hearts are filled with Gods Love or
they are not. Paradise exists in both the Seen and the Unseen, it is beyond all Creation, and yet we can
experience it both here in the Seen and in the Unseen after our physical death.

6. All religious terminology, including the concept of God, Paradise, the Day of Judgment, are flawed due
to our ignorance. No scripture should be taken literally, as they were all written in parable to help
convey the Truth. In the Abrahamic faiths God is thought of as a person in a Kingdom “somewhere.” In
Asian religions “God” might be called Cosmic Consciousness, the Pure Light, Nirvana, etc. All of these
concepts refer to the same existence that we, with our limited brains, call God. God is beyond gender,
race, religion, sexual orientation, nationality. No religion or culture can own God. God is Pure Light,
Pure Love, Pure Wisdom. These are words that describe God, but God is beyond even these.

Praise be unto God!

The Pillars of Peace:

1. Salaam – We must show Love and Peace unto all things, and at all times.

2. Salah – Prayer, meditation and recitation.

3. Sawm – Abstaining once per week, and during the month of Ramadan, from food, alcohol and sex
during sunlight hours in order to convict and purify our hearts. The focus should be to atone and make
up for wrongdoings, giving alms alms, volunteering, etc.
4. Kashf – Study of the writings of the Prophets under the guidance of God; understanding that the
words and teaching of the Prophets should not be taken literally and have probably been altered by
religious ignorance.

5. Jihad – We must struggle against all forms of oppression, ignorance and violence. Jihad is not war, it
is struggle – activism, protest, refusing to allow others to suffer.

Praise be unto God!

Building Gods Temple Within the Heart:

The Pillars shown above offer one way for an individual to cultivate themselves and establish Gods
Temple in their hearts, and to enter Paradise. This is not to take away your own religious traditions,
however for those who are worn out on old traditions, or who do not have an established tradition,
please use these Pillars to create your own. The prayers and practices below are examples only – neither
I, nor any other human, has the right to dictate your relationship with God.

1. Salaam – We must always operate from a stance of Peace and Love. This is a struggle for many
people, but it is an ignorant struggle. The truth is that we can be Peaceful at any time; we just need to
choose it and open to it. Remember: The Peace of God and Paradise are with us at all time, we just
need to open the Gate with Love.

2. Salah – In Islam Salah is the obligatory prayer five times per day, but the guidance I am giving here is
that we should be in constant prayer and communion with God at all times! This is not possible for
everyone though. So, my suggestion is to pray at least three times a day – morning, noon and evening.
You may use the prayer of your religious tradition, perhaps the Prayer of Jesus (Our Father…), or the Al
Fatiha, the Great Compassion Mantra, or any prayer that addresses the Creator, gives Her honor and
asks for cleansing of the heart and mind. Here is the prayer that I say three times every day:

"Toward the One, the Perfection of Love and Peace, the Merciful and Compassionate Allah.
Love and Peace be upon all things. In you, My Lord and My Beloved, I have my life, movement
and being. From within you all things emerge, and unto you all things must return, for you are
the King of all things both Seen and Unseen. Wash clean my heart and establish Thy Holy
Temple within me, that I may be an instrument of your Peace. Amen."

You may also include meditation, mantra recitation, scriptural recitations, etc. as your Salah practice as
well. My own practice is to perform a half hour of Jhana Meditation and also to repeat my mantra on a
mala of 108 beads each day, but you may use any spiritual practice that brings Peace and Love into your
life and awareness. This is the goal, to firmly establish Peace in your life, so that you can go forth into
the world and make Peace for others. *Note: we should never pray for things, prayer is communion with
God, not a cosmic slot machine. If you find yourself praying for things or outcomes then you are
operating out of fear, not Salaam. Fear has no place with God. Also, boasting has no place with God,
you should pray and do your practice in secret.
3. Sawm – There are many mental, emotional and physical benefits of fasting, but our primary concern is
spiritual. My suggestion is to fast once a week, and also for an extended period each year. I fast on
Thursdays and during Ramadan, however you may utilize any period of time that you wish. For
example, most religious traditions designate Saturdays or Sundays as periods of Worship. In Christianity
Lent is a period of fasting, in Judaism you might choose the Days of Awe. The purpose of fasting, in
spiritual context, is to remind ourselves of the suffering that the world experiences every day. It is not
to be pious, or to show the world that you are so awesome because you can fast longer than others.
You should never tell people that you are fasting; it is a deeply personal thing, to experience the
suffering of the world. To fast, you should refrain from eating, drinking, sex, drug use, etc. during the
sunlight hours. This may manifest as not consuming more than 20% of you normal caloric intake. The
fast periods should be used to make amends for your wrongdoings. If you are not able to make amends
– for example if the person is dead, or if your sin is too great to admit in public (remember God is
Merciful!) – then you should find some other way to do penance. One example might be, if you stole
something and the shop is no longer in business, you might make a donation to some cause, or maybe
give alms to someone who desperately needs help. If you committed some horrible crime, you might
donate your time or resources to an organization that fights against that crime. We must remember
though, that to be truly repentant is to not sin again.

4. Kashf – We should study the writings of all religions and all Prophets, but we should remember that
these scriptures are almost always tainted by religious bias. Before study, ask God for guidance:
remember if it doesn’t come from a place of Love, then it may not come from God. Also remember that
scripture is not to be taken literally, it is parable. For example, in the Holy Quran, we are told that
adulterers must receive 100 lashes for their crime. This is symbolic of the pain that one should feel for
committing offence against their spouse, this is why we do Sawm, to remind us of the suffering that we
cause. Look at the many armed images of the Hindu gods, does the Hindu actually believe the god has
so many arms? No! It is a teaching device, it is a symbol of a higher truth and not in any way literal.
This is the same with all scripture. Another point, theology is the dissection and destruction of scripture
and is better left ignored. I cannot give you any commandments, only God may do that, but my
suggestion is to not indulge in the fruitless act of theology. What great revelation will you find in
dissecting scripture? Is Gods Love not good enough!? We read scripture to better understand the
stories of humanity, not to discover Gods Will, Gods Will is Love – what more do you need?

5. Jihad – Jihad is not Holy War, it is a Holy Struggle. It is the Struggle against oppression and the things
that cause suffering. We must all engage in Jihad against slavery, subjugation, oppression, hatred,
sexual violence, drug abuse, intolerance, corporate greed, etc. We must fight for those who cannot fight
for themselves. Jihad may manifest in activism, protests, deciding to be vegan, preaching sermons,
writing blogs, making music, making art, and so on. Jihad is an endless battle against the things that
cause suffering, and should NEVER cause suffering in itself. Never use Jihad as an excuse to cause
suffering for another, Jihad is the elimination of suffering, not the cause of it.

Praise be to God!

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