Holographic Tabletop

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Electronic Tabletop Holographic Display: Design,
Implementation, and Evaluation
Jinwoong Kim 1, * , Yongjun Lim 1 , Keehoon Hong 1 , Hayan Kim 1 , Hyun-Eui Kim 1 , Jeho Nam 1 ,
Joongki Park 1 , Joonku Hahn 2 and Young-ju Kim 3
1 Broadcasting and Media Research Laboratory, Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute,
218 Gajeong-ro, Yuseong-gu, Daejeon 34129, Korea; yongjun@etri.re.kr (Y.L.); khong@etri.re.kr (K.H.);
hayankim@etri.re.kr (H.K.); turnn@etri.re.kr (H.-E.K.); namjeho@etri.re.kr (J.N.); jkp@etri.re.kr (J.P.)
2 School of Electronics Engineering, Kyungpook National University, 80 Daehakro, Bukgu, Daegu 41566,
Korea; jhahn@knu.ac.kr
3 Yunam Optics Inc., 33-7 Eongmalli-ro, Majang-myeon, Icheon-si, Gyeonggi-do 17389, Korea;
* Correspondence: jwkim@etri.re.kr

Received: 19 January 2019; Accepted: 15 February 2019; Published: 18 February 2019 

Abstract: Most of the previously-tried prototype systems of digital holographic display are of front
viewing flat panel-type systems having narrow viewing angle, which do not meet expectations
towards holographic displays having more volumetric and realistic 3-dimensional image rendering
capability. We have developed a tabletop holographic display system which is capable of 360◦
rendering of volumetric color hologram moving image, looking much like a real object. Multiple
viewers around the display can see the image and perceive very natural binocular as well as motion
parallax. We have previously published implementation details of a mono color version of the
system, which was the first prototype. In this work, we present requirements, design methods,
and the implementation result of a full parallax color tabletop holographic display system, with some
recapitulation of motivation and a high-level design concept. We also address the important issue of
performance measure and evaluation of a holographic display system and image, with initial results
of experiments on our system.

Keywords: digital hologram; holographic display; tabletop display; hologram measurement

1. Introduction
Digital electroholographic display technology has been believed to be an ultimate solution for
3-dimensional displays due to its theoretically perfect 3-dimensional visual cue support without
any conflict among them. There has been active research and development of many prototype
systems, though most suffer from critical performance limitations such as small image size or narrow
viewing angle. We can categorize the realization of electronic dynamic holographic displays into
two groups: one is a flat panel-based direct front viewing type and the other is tabletop type which
renders volumetric 3D images floating on or above the display. The former type can render extruding
3-dimensional images in front of or behind the display, which is not much different from conventional
stereoscopic or multiview 3D displays. Almost all displays, including TVs, PC monitors, information
kiosk, and smartphones, are of the former type and it is natural trying to make a 3-dimensonal display
of the same type. However, holograms and holographic displays are expected to have more powerful
3D rendering capability with volumetric 3D images looking much like a real object. This expectation
is universally depicted in many SF movies including old classic Star Wars or the very recent Avatar.
Moreover, current prototype systems of the former type reported so far have a very narrow viewing

Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 705; doi:10.3390/app9040705 www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci

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angle, so that even the basic requirements, such as supporting motion parallax or binocular parallax,
are hardly satisfied.
In the authors’ opinion, a tabletop display is the more desirable type of electronic holographic
display realization. Tabletop display can show full perspective views of an object or scene from
360 degree around, so that it gives viewers much better perception of the whole shape, volume,
and relation among parts of the scene or objects. Miniaturized scene or moving objects on a tabletop
display, rendered by holographic principle, will surely give excellent realism that cannot be achieved
by front-viewing displays. In this regard, we believe that the tabletop holographic display has much
wider application areas.
We have successfully implemented several versions of tabletop holographic display system
with commercially available DMD (Digital Micromirror Device) for SLM (Spatial Light Modulator)
device. We have previously reported on the first version of the system, which is monocolor one [1].
We have upgraded the system to a full color version, and the system can, for the first time, render
color holographic video, which can be watched by multiple viewers at the same time, freely from
360 degrees around the display. In this article, we report on the enhanced version of the system,
which is full-color, full parallax with extended vertical viewing range, and address initial experimental
result of performance measurement and evaluation of the system. In Section 2, the prior art of the
holographic display implementation is briefly reviewed. In Section 3, the overall design concept
and methodologies of the target system are capitulated, followed by implementation details of the
enhanced parts and experimental results including the system configuration and rendered images
are given in Section 4. In Section 5, we address on the performance evaluation issues including
definition of metrics, measurements, and evaluation regarding each metric, followed by conclusions
and discussions on further issues.

2. Prior Art of Holographic Display Implementation

Since Prof. Benton of MIT Spatial Media Group introduced the first prototype system of electronic
holographic display [2], called Mark-1, there have been several different approaches with different
SLM device [3–11]. The basic challenge is overcoming the Space Bandwidth Product (SBP) limitation
of the SLM device used, by using spatiotemporal multiplexing techniques for wider viewing angle and
bigger image size. Table 1 shows the most prominent systems reported so far with their characteristics
and specifications.

Table 1. Electronic holographic display systems.

Systems SLM Architecture Characteristics References

MIT Holo-video P: HPO,
Multichannel [2]
display AOM C: MC (1992), FC
mechanical scanning [3]
(Mark-I, II, III, IV) (2012)
LCD (pixel pitch: Viewing window ISD: 20 inch
SeeReal VISIO 20 [4]
~100 um) tracking VA: NA (eye
SNU Curved P:FP
Curved spatial tiling of
holographic LCD ISD: 0.5 inch [5]
multiple LCDs
display VA: 22.8◦
ISD: 85 mm
NICT Full color [6]
4K LCoS 4 × 4 spatial tiling VA: 5.6◦ ,
display [7]
FR: 20 fps
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 705 3 of 16

Table 1. Cont.

Systems SLM Architecture Characteristics References

Horizontal scanning P: HPO
Horizontal [8]
DMD with anamorphic ISD: 6.2 inch
scanning [9]
system VA: 10.2◦
Univ. of Arizona Rewritable 6-ns pulsed laser at a P: FP
Rewritable printing photorefractive rate of 50 Hz write, ISD: 12 inch [10]
display polymer material LEDs for readout VA: NAFR: 0.5 fps
LCD (pixel pitch: Viewing window ISD: 16 inch
ETRI [11]
~120 um) tracking VA: NA (eye
P: Parallax (HPO or Full Parallax (FP)), C: Color (Monocolor(MC) or Full color (FC)), ISD: Image Size Diagonal,
VA: Viewing Angle, FR: Frame Rate, DT: Data Throughput, NA: Not Available, MIT: Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, SNU: Seoul National University, NICT: National Institute of Information and Communications
Technology, TUAT: Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology.

They used almost all different types of SLMs, including acousto-optic modulator (AOM),
liquid crystal display (LCD), digital micromirror device (DMD), liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS),
and rewritable photorefractive photopolymer, which reflects that none of them has satisfactory
capability to build a high quality holographic display system; for an extensive review and analysis of
these systems and similar approaches, please refer to [12].
All of these holographic display systems are of the ‘front-viewing’ type implementations.
Holographic 3-dimensional images are seen in front or behind the display depending on the content to
be rendered. Since the viewing angle is small, it can hardly give any volumetric feeling or perception
different from conventional multiview displays, while image size and quality is much inferior to them.
So, even though the theory tells strength of the holographic display, practical implementations do not
yet realize desired superiority of the technology. This situation is depicted in Figure 1. Recently, there
have been several other approaches for different type of holographic displays trying to render more
volumetric holographic images, either floating in the air [13] or seen from 360 degrees around [14,15].
In reference [13], only one viewer can see the image, and in reference [15], one can see only side views,
while the display in reference [14] can show top side views, thus neither one is fulfilling the capability
of rendering true volumetric image. On the other hand, there have also been several tabletop display
systems demonstrated their quite impressive capability of volumetric 3-dimensional image rendering
in the free air, which easily enables some manipulations and interactions with the content [16–18].
These displays shows the usefulness of the tabletop displays, but crucial weakness remains regarding
human factor issue, since it cannot support visual accommodation cue of the human 3D vision. This
can only be achieved by holographic technology, though super-multiview or integral imaging has also
been claimed to have a very similar property [19–21]. In summary, the tabletop holographic display
system with rendering capability of more realistic volumetric 3D images is yet to be developed, which
is far better than typical ‘front-viewing’ type ones.
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Figure 1. Current status of state-of-the-art holographic displays.

Figure 1. Current status of state-of-the-art holographic displays.
3. Design Concept and Methodologies
3. Design Concept and Methodologies
In the following are our design goals of tabletop holographic display implementation. What we
had inInmind
the following
from the startare our design
is that goals of
the system tabletop
should holographic
be designed display
to evolve implementation.
eventually What we
to a commercially
had in
viable mind from the start is that the system should be designed to evolve eventually to a
commercially viable system.
(1) The1) size
the of
hologram image should
the hologram be reasonably
image should big enough
be reasonably big so that viewers
enough so thatcan perceive
viewers can
the 3-dimentional volume and some details of
perceive the 3-dimentional volume and some details of the image. the image.
(2) The2) hologram
The hologram image should
image be seen
should by multiple
be seen by multipleviewers
viewersat at
same time,
different positions and perspectives so that each viewer can
different positions and perspectives so that each viewer can easily perceive the easily perceive the whole shape
shape ofof
rendered objects
objects andand all viewers
all viewers can can share
share the the whole
whole scene
scene information
information in order
in order to to discuss
discuss about,
about, or
or collaboratively
collaboratively manipulate,
manipulate, on it. on it.
(3) The3) image
The image
should should be rendered
be rendered in such
in such a waya way
that that binocular
binocular disparity
disparity andand motion
motion parallax
parallax is
is perceived
perceived totoa asatisfactory
words, the
the image
image should deliver the the perception
perceptionof ofreal
objects being
objects there,
being showing
there, all around
showing perspective
all around views
perspective of the
views of object withwith
the object full full
(4) No 4) physical
No physical apparatus
apparatus of display
of the the display should
should occupy
occupy thethe image
image space,
space, sosothat
image is shown
image is shownin free air, enabling
in free manipulation
air, enabling manipulation or interaction withwith
or interaction the the
image imageas ifaswe do with
if we real
do with
real objects.
5) High
(5) High quality
quality colorcolor hologram
hologram imageimage
withwith dynamic
dynamic content,
content, i.e.,
i.e., thethehologram
hologramvideo videoshould
be presented.
be presented.
Also note that vergence-accommodation conflict-free property should basically be supported
the note
systemthatis vergence-accommodation conflict-free property
real holographic display. Performance should
specification basically
of the displaybesystem
to be
since the is
realized system
drawnisfromreal holographic display.which
these requirements, Performance specification
is summarized in Table of 2.
the display system to be
realized is drawn from these requirements, which is summarized in Table 2.
Table 2. Performance specification of the system.
Table 2. Performance specification of the system.
Requirement  Specification
1. Size of the hologram image  → 7.63Specification
cm or bigger
2. 360 degree viewable
1. Size freely byimage
of the hologram → Horizontal viewing angle
7.63 cm or 360 degrees

multiple users
2. 360 degree viewable freely by Vertical viewing angle 20
Horizontal viewing angle 360degrees

3. Volumetric image withusers
multiple full Vertical viewing angle 20 degrees

Volumetric image with full Floating image in the center of the display with 45
Floating image in the center of the

4. Image should not parallax
occupy degrees of downward
display viewing
with 45 degrees direction
of downward

physical space
4. Image should not occupy viewing direction

5. Color hologram space
video  R/G/B full color video rendering
5. Color hologram video → R/G/B full color video rendering
A drawing of the system design goal and schematic diagram of the main system specifications
are shown in Figure 2.
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A drawing of the system design goal and schematic diagram of the main system specifications
are Sci. 2019,in
2. REVIEW 5 of 16
Sci. 2019, 9,Figure

Figure 2.(a)
2. (a)Conceptual
(a) Conceptualdrawing
Conceptual drawingof
drawing ofthe
of thedesign
the designgoal.
design goal.(b)
goal. (b)Schematics
(b) Schematicsof
Schematics ofsystem
of systemspecifications.
system specifications.

ItIt is quite challenging

challenging to realize
quite challengingto
realize these requirements
to realizethese
requirements into working
these requirementsinto
working display system
into workingdisplay
system with currently
display systemwith
with currently
available commercial
available commercial SLM devices,
devices, sincemost
most of them
them have aa physical
physical size of
of modulation area area less
available commercialSLM SLM devices,since
since mostofof themhave
have a physicalsize
size ofmodulation
modulation arealess less
than one
than one inch
inch and
and diffraction
diffraction angle
angle less
less than
than 2 degrees. Figure
Figure 33 shows
shows this
this issue
issue in
in aa schematic
than one inch and diffraction angle less than 2 degrees. Figure 3 shows this issue in a schematic
diagram. We
diagram. We need toto enlarge virtual
virtual modulation device
device to bigger
bigger than three
three inches and
and also enlarge
diagram. Weneed need toenlarge
enlarge virtualmodulation
modulation deviceto to biggerthan
than threeinches
inches andalsoalso enlarge
the field
the field of viewview to cover
cover 360 degrees.
the fieldof of viewtoto cover360
360 degrees.

3. Basicchallenge
Figure 3.
Figure challenge of the
the system design.
Figure 3.Basic
Basic challengeof
of thesystem
system design.
Viewing angle
Viewing angle of of 360
360 degrees
degrees cancan only
only be be achieved
achieved by by either
either temporally
temporally scanning
scanning or or spatially
tiling Viewing
a small angle ofangle
viewing 360 degrees
of nativecan
SLM only be achieved
device. The by either
former method temporally
needs scanning
temporal or spatially
tiling aasmall
tilingfast small viewing angle angleof ofnative SLM device. The former method needs temporal multiplexing
with fast SLM viewing
SLM and the
and the latter
latter one
needs spatial
tiling withformer
with multiple
SLMs. The
The very
very multiplexing
first thing
first thing to do
to do inin
the fast
system SLM
design and isthe
to latter
decide one
on needs
the spatial
basic tiling
architecture with multiple
with the SLMs.
selection The
of very first
appropriate thing
SLM to do in
design isisto
to decide
decide on
the basic
architecture with
with the
the selection
selection of
appropriate SLM
We decided
decided to
to adopt
adopt the
the temporal
temporal multiplexing
multiplexing scheme
scheme and
and fast
fast SLM,
SLM, based
based on
on the
the comparison
comparison of
We decided
expected systemto adopt
complexitythe temporal
and multiplexing
maximum data scheme andoffast
throughput SLM,
SLMs. basedthe
Usually on performance
the comparison of of
expected system
system complexity
complexity and
and maximum
maximum data
data throughput
throughput of
SLMs. Usually
Usually the
the performance
performance of
of an
SLM device
SLM device isisdenoted
denoted bybySBP,
whichis cited most
isis cited oftenoften
most to compare
to different
compare SLM devices.
different SLM SBP simply
devices. SBP
SLM device
represents the is denoted
total pixel by SBP,
numbers which
of an SLM cited most
device, often
while to
data different
throughput SLM
of a devices.
device comesSBP
simply represents
represents the
the total
total pixel
pixel numbers
numbers of
of an
an SLM
SLM device,
device, while
while total
data throughput
throughput of
from the
comes combination of pixel count and frame rate. Total data throughput actually determines whole
comesfrom fromthethecombination
combinationof ofpixel
countand andframe
whole performance in terms of hologram image rendering, thus is more appropriate to judge the
performancein interms
termsof ofhologram
hologramimage imagerendering,
appropriateto tojudge
the of an SLM. This quantity is named extendedextended SBP(eSBP), which is defined in Equation (1):
the performance
performance of of anan SLM.
SLM. ThisThis quantity
quantity isis named named extended SBP(eSBP),
SBP(eSBP), whichwhich isis defined
defined in in
Equation (1):
Equation (1): eSBP = SBP ∗ frame rate (or refresh rate) = (pixel resolution) ∗ (frame rate) (1)
rate) (1)

Someof oftypical
comparedin interms
we see that although the SBP of DMD is smaller than LCD or LCoS, the eSBP value is much
we see that although the SBP of DMD is smaller than LCD or LCoS, the eSBP value is much larger.larger.
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Some of typical SLM devices are compared in terms of SBP and eSBP in Table 3. From the table,
we see that although the SBP of DMD is smaller than LCD or LCoS, the eSBP value is much larger.

Table 3. Comparison of SBP and eSBP for different SLM devices.

Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW Refresh eSBP 6 of 16

Pixel Pixel SBP (Total eSBP
SLM Type Rate/bit (Total System
Pitch (µm) Resolution Pixels) Ratio
Depth SLM
Table 3. Comparison of SBP and eSBP for different Data Rate)
LCD 156 × 52 2560 × 2048 5,242,880 60/8 2,516,582,400 0.63 SeeReal
Pixel Refresh eSBP
SLM Pixel 3840 × SBP (Total 3,981,312,000 eSBP
Pitch 4.8 × 4.8
LCoS 2160 8,294,400
Rate/bit60/8 (Total Data 1 NICT
Type Resolution
13.68 × Pixels) Ratio
DMD(μm) 1024 × 768 786,432depth32,000/1 Rate)
25,165,824,000 6.32 ETRI
LCD 156 × 52 2,560 × 2,048 5,242,880 60/8 2,516,582,400 0.63 SeeReal
LCoS 4.8 × 4.8 3,840 × 2,160 8,294,400 60/8 3,981,312,000 1 NICT
× the large eSBP value of a DMD device to spatially distribute fast refreshing hologram
images by temporal 1,024 × 768
multiplexing, 786,432
thus achieving 32,000/1 25,165,824,000
very wide viewing angle. The6.32following ETRI
details the
basic methods that we applied to the display system design for the required specifications.
We utilize the large eSBP value of a DMD device to spatially distribute fast refreshing hologram
(1) by temporal
Image size multiplexing,
is first enlarged thus
byachieving very wide
simple optical viewing angle.
magnification usingThe4-ffollowing detailsresults
optics, which the in
basic methods thatvirtual
enlarged we applied to the 1.27
SLM (from display
cm system design
to 7.62 cm). Theforprice
the required specifications.
of this image enlargement is reduced
(1) diffraction
Image sizeangle
is firstofenlarged byenlarged
the virtual simple optical 2◦ to 0.3◦using
SLM (from ). 4-f optics, which results
in enlarged
(2) We virtual
make a SLMviewing(from 1.27cmatto
window 7.62cm).
viewing The price
distance of 900of mm
this by
image enlargement
adding a field lensisin
the position
diffraction angle of the virtual enlarged SLM (from 2° to 0.3°).
of virtual SLM plane, forming the size of 4.7 mm × 4.7 mm rectangular viewing window.
(3)(2) Seamless
We make a viewing window at viewing distance of 900 mm by adding a field lens in the
horizontal viewing zone is made by circularly tiling the viewing windows of the
position of virtual SLM plane, forming the size of 4.7mm × 4.7mm rectangular viewing window.
appropriate number of viewpoint-dependent hologram images. In our system, the viewing zone
(3) Seamless horizontal viewing zone is made by circularly tiling the viewing windows of the
has a circumferential length of ~4000 mm, which can be covered by tiling more than 851 viewing
appropriate number of viewpoint-dependent hologram images. In our system, the viewing zone has
windows. In actual implementation, 1024 viewing windows are tiled with some overlap between
a circumferential length of ~4000 mm, which can be covered by tiling more than 851 viewing
adjacent ones. This is achieved by temporal multiplexing with mechanical scanning optics.
windows. In actual implementation, 1024 viewing windows are tiled with some overlap between
ones. (1)–(3)
This is are
shownby intemporal
Figure 4.multiplexing with mechanical scanning optics.
Steps (1)–(3) are shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Schematic diagram of the design (1), (2), and (3) denotes the corresponding step in the text.
Figure 4. Schematic diagram of the design (1), (2), and (3) denotes the corresponding step in the text.
(4) The viewpoint-dependent hologram images are designed to be seen at the center of the tabletop
(4) The viewpoint-dependent hologram images are designed to be seen at the center of the
display, so that coalition of them makes a volumetric 3-dimentional image floating in the air. This
tabletop display, so that coalition of them makes a volumetric 3-dimentional image floating in the air.
is achieved by two stages of optics. In the first stage, the light path of the hologram image is
This is achieved by two stages of optics. In the first stage, the light path of the hologram image is
guided by a combination of flat mirrors into 45-degree slanted direction and in a way to overlap at
the axial area of the system. In the second stage, these virtual SLM planes are transported to the top
center area of the tabletop display (final hologram image plane in the air above the tabletop of the
display) by image transportation function of double parabolic mirrors from one focal area to another.
This is shown in Figure 5.
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guided by a combination of flat mirrors into 45-degree slanted direction and in a way to overlap
at the axial area of the system. In the second stage, these virtual SLM planes are transported
to the top center area of the tabletop display (final hologram image plane in the air above the
tabletop of the display) by image transportation function of double parabolic mirrors from one
focal area to another. This is shown in Figure 5.
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Figure 5. 360-degree
Figure 5. 360-degree volumetric
volumetric image
image floating
floating on
on tabletop

Based on on this
principal design
method, we wehave
successfully implemented
implemented the the first
version of tabletop holographic display systems, which has been reported
version of tabletop holographic display systems, which has been reported in the previous publication in the previous
publication [22]. In the first prototype system, four DMDs are spatially tiled to make
[22]. In the first prototype system, four DMDs are spatially tiled to make a 2 × 2 multivision style SLM a 2 × 2 multivision
moduleSLMfor module
enhancedfor enhanced
(from 768(from× 768768 × 768× to
to 1,536 1,536) × 1536)
1,536and and size
size (1.27 to 2.54(1.27 to 2.54
cm). Thiscm).
This still small size of SLM is enlarged by a cascade of two 4-f optics, with the magnification
small size of SLM is enlarged by a cascade of two 4-f optics, with the magnification factor of 1.67 and factor
of 1.67
1.65 andoverall
each, 1.65 each, overallinresulting
resulting 2.76 times in of
2.76 times of magnification
magnification effect. For
effect. For rejection ofrejection
DC and of DCorder
high and
noise,order noise, a single-sideband
a single-sideband (SSB) filter(SSB) filter is inserted
is inserted in the Fourier
in the Fourier plane of plane
the of the4-f
first 4-f optics.
firstoptics. It is
is monocolor system with a green (wavelength of 632 nm) laser as a light source. For the
system with a green (wavelength of 632 nm) laser as a light source. For the detail
specificationsof ofoptical
componentsused usedin inthe
[1].In Inthe
later implementations of our system, the following are added as well as the
later implementations of our system, the following are added as well as the enhanced functions. enhanced functions.
(1) The SLM module for color hologram generation is designed using three DMDs for each
(1) The SLM module for color hologram generation is designed using three DMDs for each monocolor
monocolor (R, G, and B) hologram, combining optics consisting of two prisms (one is trichroic and
(R, G, and B) hologram, combining optics consisting of two prisms (one is trichroic and the other
the other is TIR (total internal reflection) type), and three laser light sources with collimated beam
is TIR (total internal reflection) type), and three laser light sources with collimated beam output.
output. In this way we preserve the image resolution of the monocolor display in color holographic
In this way we preserve the image resolution of the monocolor display in color holographic
display. Refer to [22] for some implementation details.
display. Refer to [22] for some implementation details.
(2) We have thus far a vertically narrow (4.7 mm) viewing stripe around and over the display.
(2) We have thus far a vertically narrow (4.7 mm) viewing stripe around and over the display.
A vertical viewing angle of 20° is also required in order to permit the viewers’ free position or posture
A vertical viewing angle of 20◦ is also required in order to permit the viewers’ free position or
(sitting on a chair, standing, or somewhere in between, as shown in Figure 2b) to view the hologram
posture (sitting on a chair, standing, or somewhere in between, as shown in Figure 2b) to view the
image, and this is achieved by adding vertical diffuser optics (a lenticular sheet, which is
hologram image, and this is achieved by adding vertical diffuser optics (a lenticular sheet, which
schematically shown in Figure 5) at the virtual SLM plane. Since diffusing optics degrades the spatial
is schematically shown in Figure 5) at the virtual SLM plane. Since diffusing optics degrades the
focusing capability of hologram somewhat, there is a tradeoff in this regard.
spatial focusing capability of hologram somewhat, there is a tradeoff in this regard.
(3) Vertical parallax is added inside this 20° of vertical viewing range (between 35° and 55°
(3) Vertical parallax is added inside this 20◦ of vertical viewing range (between 35◦ and 55◦ from
from the tabletop). For this, precise and fast pupil tracking of viewers with a dynamic update of the
the tabletop). For this, precise and fast pupil tracking of viewers with a dynamic update of
hologram images is implemented for a limited number of viewers. Pupil tracking module consists of
the hologram images is implemented for a limited number of viewers. Pupil tracking module
multiple IR illuminator and cameras. Two cameras working as a stereo camera covers a viewer in 90°
consists of multiple IR illuminator and cameras. Two cameras working as a stereo camera covers
range, and four ◦camera sets are used for 360° coverage, ◦ while supporting four viewers
a viewer in 90 range, and four camera sets are used for 360 coverage, while supporting four
simultaneously. Figure 6 shows the working concept of the module and experimental setup for 180°
viewers simultaneously. Figure 6 shows the working concept of the module and experimental
coverage with reconstructed image at four different vertical positions. Currently, update of pupil
position is limited to 10 times per second, which is not sufficient for smooth update of hologram
images following viewer’s motion.
(4) Capture of 3D information from moving real objects and the 360-degree perspective
hologram CGH is implemented, and thus the signal chain from capture-CGH to display is
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 705 8 of 16

setup for 180◦ coverage with reconstructed image at four different vertical positions. Currently,
update of pupil position is limited to 10 times per second, which is not sufficient for smooth
update of hologram images following viewer’s motion.
(4) Capture
Appl. Sci. 2019, of PEER
9, x FOR 3D information
REVIEW from moving real objects and the 360-degree perspective
8 ofhologram
CGH is implemented, and thus the signal chain from capture-CGH to display is demonstrated.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 16

Figure 6. Vertical parallax support by using pupil tracking and dynamic hologram update. (a)
Figure 6.model and (b)
Vertical 180° pupil
parallax tracking
support by module and hologram
using pupil trackingimages seen at four
and dynamic differentupdate.
vertical 6. Vertical parallax
viewing position.
(a) Conceptual support ◦by using pupil tracking and dynamic hologram update. (a)
model and (b) 180 pupil tracking module and hologram images seen at four different
Conceptual model and (b)
vertical viewing position. 180° pupil tracking module and hologram images seen at four different
vertical viewing and
4. Implementation position.
Experimental Result
4. Implementation and Experimental Result
The basic system we implemented is a vertically diffused horizontal parallax only (VD-HPO)
4. Implementation and Experimental Result
hologram Thesystem.
basic system we implemented
This system is a vertically
is the one without diffused module,
pupil tracking horizontal parallax
having a 20°only (VD-HPO)
hologram basic system
system. we implemented is a vertically diffused horizontal parallax only◦ (VD-HPO)
viewing angle and a This system is the
nonsupported one without
vertical parallax,pupil
which tracking module,
is similar havinghologram.
to rainbow a 20 vertical
pupil andsystem.
tracking a moduleThisadded,
nonsupported theissystem
one without
becomeswhich pupil tracking
is similar
a full parallax module,
rainbow having With
system. a 20°pupil
module angle
Schematic and
added, a nonsupported
the of the becomes
system vertical
basic display parallax,
a fullsystem
parallaxand which
hologram to system
the final
system. rainbow hologram.
shape With
are shown
in Figuretracking
7. Themodule
system added,
consists the
of system
an SLM becomes
module a full parallax
consisting of hologram
laser light system.
Schematic diagram of the basic display system and photo of the final system shape are shown and three DMDs,
4-f in Schematic
relay optics
Figure diagram
7. for
The image of
system the basic of
consists display
an system
noise andconsisting
module photo
temporal of the final light
of laser shape
source arethree
and DMDs,
of Figure 7. The
relay opticssystem
motor and
for consists ofredirecting
an SLM module
image path andoptics,
and of
filtering, laser light
temporal source optics
three DMDs,
of double
4-f relay parabolic
of a scanning mirrors
image and or equivalent
light optics.
and noise filtering,
path redirecting optics, and temporal multiplexing
volumetric moduleoptics
image floating consisting
of aofscanning motor andmirrors
double parabolic light path redirecting optics.
or equivalent optics, and volumetric image floating optics consisting
of double parabolic mirrors or equivalent optics.

Figure 7. (a) Schematic configuration. (b) Photo of the implemented system. (c) Demonstration.
Figure 7. (a) Schematic configuration. (b) Photo of the implemented system. (c) Demonstration.
Three-hundred-and-sixty-degree viewable volumetric color hologram image is rendered in the
display by 7.coalition of 1024 viewable volumetric
view-dependent holograms, color hologram
which are image from
generated is rendered
3D datain consisting
Figure (a) Schematic configuration. (b) Photo of the implemented system. (c) Demonstration.
display by coalition of 1024 view-dependent holograms, which are generated from 3D data consisting
of color and depth image for each viewpoint from a CG model or scanning real objects. Figure 8
Three-hundred-and-sixty-degree viewable volumetric color hologram image is rendered in the
shows the whole signal chain from 360° 3D data capture from real moving or static objects, possibly
display by coalition of 1024 view-dependent holograms, which are generated from 3D data consisting
including humans, CGH computation, and real-time hologram data transmission via data server with
of color and depth image for each viewpoint from a CG model or scanning real objects. Figure 8
high speed interface up to display system. There are several highly complicated signal processing
shows the whole signal chain from 360° 3D data capture from real moving or static objects, possibly
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 705 9 of 16

of color and depth image for each viewpoint from a CG model or scanning real objects. Figure 8 shows
the whole signal chain from 360◦ 3D data capture from real moving or static objects, possibly including
humans, CGH computation, and real-time hologram data transmission via data server with high
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 16
speed interface up to display system. There are several highly complicated signal processing tasks
involved in the in chain. The 360 ◦
tasks involved the chain. Thedata 360°capture part has
data capture two
part has alternative setups:setups:
two alternative one consists of a single
one consists of a
depth sensing camera with a turntable for a static object and the other,
single depth sensing camera with a turntable for a static object and the other, for moving objects,
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW for moving objects,
9 consists
of 16
of multiple
consists of synchronized depth sensing
multiple synchronized cameras
depth sensingarranged
cameras 120 degrees
arrangedapart. 120 Image
degrees registration
apart. Image and
stitching, involved
smoothing, in the chain. The
and hole-filling 360° data capture
algorithms part
are appliedhas two alternative
to get point setups:
cloud data one consists
which of a
registration and stitching, smoothing, and hole-filling algorithms are applied to get pointiscloud
single to
converted depth
3D sensing
mesh camera Finally
model. with a turntable
RGB and for a static
depth objectdata
image and are
the extracted
other, for moving
via objects,
virtual camera
which is optionally converted to 3D mesh model. Finally RGB and depth image data are extracted
consists of multiple synchronized depth sensing cameras arranged 120 degrees apart. Image
via virtualfor required
camera number ofrequired
viewpoints of theof tabletop display. This data display.
is input to thedataCGH
registration and setting
smoothing, number
and hole-fillingviewpoints
algorithms of arethe tabletop
applied This
to get point cloud data is
to theisCGHmodule, algorithm
computation of which is calculating wave propagation model of the display optics,
optionally convertedmodule,
to 3D mesh algorithm of which
model. Finally RGBisandcalculating
depth image wave propagation
data are extracted model
of theviadisplayhologram
virtual optics,fringe
camera patterns.
setting Details
for required offringe
number thisofCGH are presented
viewpoints Details in
of reference
this display.
of the tabletop areThe
This hologram
data is in
data is
reference uploaded
input to theThe
[23]. to data
CGH serverdata
hologram and finally
module, transmitted
is uploaded to of to server
data theisSLM module
and wave
finally oftransmitted
the display to
propagation in real
the SLMtime
via high
moduleof thespeed
of the interface
display infrom
optics, real data via
time server
hologram the display
fringe system.
interface Details
from dataofserver
this CGH aredisplay
to the presented in
reference [23]. The hologram data is uploaded to data server and finally transmitted to the SLM
module of the display in real time via high speed interface from data server to the display system.

Figure 8.
Figure Signal processing
8. Signal processing chain
chain of
of the
the tabletop
tabletop holographic
holographic display
display system.
Figure 8. Signal processing chain of the tabletop holographic display system.
Images of
of optically
optically reconstructed
reconstructed hologram images from the implemented display system are
Images of optically reconstructedhologram
hologram images fromthe
images from theimplemented
implemented display
display system
system are are
shown in Figure
in Figure 9.
9. 9.
shown in Figure

Figure 9. Optically-reconstructed
Figure 9. Optically-reconstructed hologram image
hologram image captured
captured from
from different
different horizontal
horizontal viewpoints:
viewpoints: (a)
(a) CG model and (b) real human object.
CG model and (b) real human object.

Figure 9. Optically-reconstructed hologram image captured from different horizontal viewpoints: (a)
5. Measurements and Evaluation
CG model and (b) real human object.

5. Measurements and Evaluation

Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 16

It is not less important to measure and evaluate the performance and image qualities of the final
holographic displays than system implementation itself. A study of how to define display
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 705 10 of 16
performance measure or image quality has been carried out by only a few researchers so far [24,25].
In order to evaluate performance of a holographic display and compare with different systems,
need to define andappropriate
Evaluation performance metrics. Since holographic displays have different
characteristics and behavior, existing performance metrics for conventional 2D displays are not
It is not less important to measure and evaluate the performance and image qualities of the final
sufficient. In Table 4, some essential performance metrics we defined for holographic 3D displays are
holographic displays than system implementation itself. A study of how to define display performance
listed. For the implemented display system, we measured and evaluated several important properties
measure or image quality has been carried out by only a few researchers so far [24,25].
based on this performance metric.
In order to evaluate performance of a holographic display and compare with different systems,
we need to define appropriate performance metrics. Since holographic displays have different
Table 4. Metrics and their definitions for holographic performance measure.
characteristics and behavior, existing performance metrics for conventional 2D displays are not
In Table 4, some essentialMetrics performance metrics we defined Definition/Description
for holographic 3D displays are
listed. For the implemented display system, we measured and Maximally
several importantimageproperties
3-dimensional volume
based volume
on this size
performance metric. measured in lateral and depth direction, or
(width × height × depth)
Viewing angle Table 4. Metrics and their definitions for holographic performance
Lateral or circular viewing measure. range measured
Horizontal/vertical VA
Category Metrics in angle
3-dimensional volume MTF measured
Maximally through
representable imagedepth range of
size measured in
Image volume size
3D-MTF(image resolution)
(width × height × depth) image volume,
lateral and depthwhich represents
direction, image
or equivalent
Viewing angle (VA) Horizontal/vertical VA Lateral or circular resolution
viewing range measured in angle
Image quality 3D-MTF Color distortion measured
MTF measured forrange
through depth standard
of imagecolor
Color(image resolution)
fidelity volume, which represents image resolution
Image quality Color fidelity Color distortion measured for standard color chart
Speckle noise Speckle contrast measured
Speckle noise Speckle contrast measured
Brightness Perceptive brightness level of the image
Brightness Perceptive brightness level of the image
Support of Degree of Depth of The smaller the DOF, the better the
The smaller the DOF, the better the capability of
Support of accommodation
accommodation Degree of Depth of Focus (DOF)
Focus(DOF) capability supporting
of supporting accommodation

5.1. Sizeofofthe

tabletop holographic
holographic display,
display, a 3-dimensional
a 3-dimensional imageimage is rendered
is rendered in free
in free space andspace and
virtually occupies a volume space, as represented in Figure 10. This image
occupies a volume space, as represented in Figure 10. This image space is made from intersections space is made from
adjacent viewingof adjacent viewing
cones, each ofcones,
which each of which corresponds
corresponds to a viewpoint to aand
hologramand pair.
hologramIt canpair.
It can be divided into real and virtual image areas, which are seamlessly
divided into real and virtual image areas, which are seamlessly composing the whole volume spacecomposing the whole
for space forimage.
the hologram the hologram image.
If we render If we render
hologram imagehologram
inside thisimage
imageinside thisthen
volume, imageit isvolume,
seen much then
it is seen much like a real object supporting binocular
like a real object supporting binocular as well as motion parallax.as well as motion parallax.

Figure 10.Image

Since the hologram image is rendered in free space as a volumetric image, simple pixel resolution
does not properly represent the resolution or quality of optically reconstructed hologram image.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 16

Appl. Sci.Since
2019, 9,the
hologram image is rendered in free space as a volumetric image, simple
705 11 ofpixel
resolution does not properly represent the resolution or quality of optically reconstructed hologram
image. We defined a new metric for representing the image resolution, which we named 3D-MTF.
WeThedefined a new transfer
modulation metric for representing
function (MTF) isthe imageused
usually resolution, which
to measure thewe named 3D-MTF.
performance The
of an optical
modulation transfer function (MTF) is usually used to measure the performance of
device like lens in terms of how well it conveys the contrast of an object to the image. MTF is an optical device
like lens in terms
modulation of how
depth wellasit aconveys
denoted functionthe
of contrast
frequency ofof
test to the image.
pattern MTFinisEquation
as shown modulation
(2). A
3D-MTF is defined as an extension of conventional MTF by adding depth as another3D-MTF
denoted as a function of frequency of the test pattern as shown in Equation (2). A is
defined as an extension of conventional
which is defined as in Equation (3): MTF by adding depth as another parameter, which is defined
as in Equation (3): " 𝑀
𝐼 𝐼 𝜉#
𝑀 Imax − Imin , 𝑀𝑇𝐹 Mimage (ξ )

M= 𝐼 𝐼 , MTF = 𝑀 𝜉 (2)
Imax + Imin Mobject (ξ )

3D 3𝐷
= { MTF k = N∆D
k } k =1
where, MMisismodulation
modulationdepth, depth, IImax and Imin are the maximum and minimum signal intensity of signal,
where, max and Imin are the maximum and minimum signal intensity of
respectively, M a(b) is the modulation depth of a as a function of b, ΔD is depth resolution, and N is
signal, respectively, Ma (b) is the modulation depth of a as a function of b, ∆D is depth resolution,
andtheNnumber of depth
is the number oflayers
depthusedlayersin used
the measurement.
in the measurement.MTFk is MTFthe MTF value measured at the k-th
k is the MTF value measured
depth plane. Defined as such, 3D-MTF is a collection of conventional
at the k-th depth plane. Defined as such, 3D-MTF is a collection of conventional MTF measured MTFfor images at
different depth. We measured 3D-MTF value of the implemented display
for images at different depth. We measured 3D-MTF value of the implemented display system system as shown in Figure
11. For the purpose of accurate measurement, hologram image is captured
shown in Figure 11. For the purpose of accurate measurement, hologram image is captured directly directly by CCD (Sony
CCD (Sony placed at different
ICX834) placeddepth plane for
at different a fixed
depth viewpoint
plane (Figure
for a fixed 11a). A (Figure
viewpoint linear stage
11a).and a green
A linear
stage andwith a 532laser
a green nm with
a 532 nmare used in the
wavelength areexperiment. An exampleAn
used in the experiment. black and white
example stripe
black and
pattern used in the measurement is shown in Figure 11c, in the order of original
white stripe pattern used in the measurement is shown in Figure 11c, in the order of original shape, shape, its CGH fringe
CGH fringeand reconstructed hologram image.
pattern, and reconstructed For eachimage.
hologram stripe pair of thestripe
For each test pattern,
pair of modulation depth
the test pattern,
value is measured
modulation depth value andisaverage
measured value
and of wholevalue
average stripeofpairs
whole is stripe
plotted for is
pairs each depth
plotted forineach
The ranges of measured values for whole stripe pairs at each depth are denoted
in Figure 11d. The ranges of measured values for whole stripe pairs at each depth are denoted by by vertical bars. MTF
vertical with
bars. MTF image depth,
changes and
with the average
image value
depth, and theofaverage
MTF is value
35.9%@1.2cycles/mm test pattern. More
of MTF is 35.9%@1.2cycles/mm
test of measurement
pattern. More details ofand evaluation and
measurement are evaluation
given in Appendix
are givenA. in In reference
Appendix A.[26], a holographic
In reference [26],
stereogram is analyzed for MTF modeling, showing the effect of
a holographic stereogram is analyzed for MTF modeling, showing the effect of phase error arising phase error arisingfrom
approximating the wavefront of a 3D image with a wavefront of a projected
approximating the wavefront of a 3D image with a wavefront of a projected image at stereogram plane. image at stereogram
While While a holographic
a holographic stereogram stereogram can be analyzed
can be analyzed as a diffraction-limited
as a diffraction-limited imagingimaging
system withsystem with
some aberrations, our display system relies on the diffraction to make a real or
aberrations, our display system relies on the diffraction to make a real or virtual image, which requires virtual image, which
different different
analysis. analysis. Furthermore,
Furthermore, binary encoding binary encoding fringe
of computed of computed fringe in
pattern results pattern resultsof in
distortions of frequency spectrum, which should be taken care of.
frequency spectrum, which should be taken care of. This is remained for further study. This is remained for further study.

Figure 3D-MTF
11.11. 3D-MTFmeasurement:
measurement: (a)(a)
design of of
design test method,
test (b)(b)
method, environment setup
environment forfor
setup measurement,
pattern, and (d) result of the measurement.
pattern, and (d) result of the measurement.
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 705 12 of 16
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 16

5.3. Color Gamut and Color Reproduction Fidelity
full color
In a full color holographic
holographic display,
display, color
color reproduction
reproduction fidelity
fidelity is
is not
not actually
actually guaranteed
guaranteed even
though color gamut of of the
the display
display system
system isis wider
wider than
than conventional
conventional ones.
ones. Figure 11a shows the
measured color gamut of our display, which which is ~160%
~160% wider than CIE 1976 NTSC standard (1953).
contrary, Figure
On the contrary, Figure 12d
12d shows
shows the
the measured
measured color
color fidelity
fidelity for
for the
the 24
24 colors
colors in a standard Macbeth
color chart.
chart. Blue
Bluedots represent
dots desired
represent desiredvalues
values andand
red red
are measured ones.ones.
are measured As shown in Figure
As shown in
12c, optically reconstructed hologram image is corrupted with speckle and other noise,
Figure 12c, optically reconstructed hologram image is corrupted with speckle and other noise, so thatso that colors
colors to twoto
corresponding modulation levels levels
two modulation (125 and(125255)
andare notare
255) clearly distinguished.
not clearly As a result,
distinguished. color
As a result,
color is very
separation is bad.
very Quantification of thisofresult
bad. Quantification is under
this result study.study.
is under

Figure 12. Color gamut
andand color
color fidelity
fidelity of implemented
of implemented system,
system, (a) gamut,
(a) color color gamut, (b) 24
(b) 24 color color
Gretag-Macbeth ColorChecker,
Macbeth ColorChecker, (c) hologram
(c) hologram image, image,
and (d)and (d) measured
measured color fidelity.
color fidelity.

5.4. Speckle Noise

5.4. Speckle Noise
Speckle noise in holographic displays mainly comes from the use of coherent light sources like
Speckle noise in holographic displays mainly comes from the use of coherent light sources like
laser, which is one of major sources of quality degradation of hologram image. Measurement and
laser, which is one of major sources of quality degradation of hologram image. Measurement and
analysis of speckle noise is well-studied, and speckle contrast is the most used metric to judge the
analysis of speckle noise is well-studied, and speckle contrast is the most used metric to judge the
severity of the speckle [27]. There has been quite a lot of researches for speckle noise reduction
severity of the speckle [27]. There has been quite a lot of researches for speckle noise reduction
methods [28,29], and most of them is based on the concept of temporal multiplexing and averaging
methods [28,29], and most of them is based on the concept of temporal multiplexing and averaging
down overall speckle contrast. We developed an angular spectrum interleaving method, which is
down overall speckle contrast. We developed an angular spectrum interleaving method, which is
verified being able to reduce—by 60%—the level of speckle noise of the system down to 10% [30].
verified being able to reduce—by 60%—the level of speckle noise of the system down to 10% [30]. We
We are currently working on the physical realization of this method for our display system.
are currently working on the physical realization of this method for our display system.
5.5. Degree of Depth of Focus (DoF)
5.5. Degree of Depth of Focus (DoF)
As is always mentioned, the holographic display is most distinguished from other conventional
As is always
3D displays in thementioned,
sense that the holographic
it has display
the capability of is most distinguished
supporting from other
accommodation conventional
of human visual
3D displays in the sense that it has the capability of supporting accommodation
system. This means that holographic display can render an image at a specified depth plane, whichof human visual
can This means
be focused as realthat holographic
objects. display
In previous can this
studies, render
has an
beenimage at ademonstrated
simply specified depth
by plane,
showing which
can be focused as real objects. In previous studies, this has been simply demonstrated
or more objects rendered at different distance, one of which is focused the others become defocused by showing
two blurred
and or morewhenobjects rendered
captured by a at different
shallow DoFdistance,
camera. We onecanof evaluate
which isthis
focused the others
capability become
of a display by
using a veryand blurred
similar whentocaptured
method measuring by3D-MTF.
a shallowForDoF
an camera.
MTF testWe can evaluate
pattern imaged atthis capability
a certain of
a display by using a very similar method to measuring 3D-MTF. For an MTF test pattern
plane, measuring MTF around the plane in viewing direction can tell how well the image is focused to imaged at
a certain depth plane, measuring MTF around the plane in viewing direction can
the plane and defocused elsewhere. Figure 13a–c shows modulation depth values measured for a testtell how well the
image is focused to the plane and defocused elsewhere. Figure 13a–c shows modulation depth values
pattern imaged at distances of 57 mm, 158 mm, and 213 mm from the virtual SLM plane, respectively.
measured for a test pattern imaged at distances of 57 mm, 158 mm, and 213 mm from the virtual SLM
There are discrepancies between the measured image depth and the intended depth rendered in the
plane, respectively. There are discrepancies between the measured image depth and the intended
CGH algorithm, which are 40 mm, 120 mm, and 160 mm. This is believed to be caused from the
depth rendered in the CGH algorithm, which are 40 mm, 120 mm, and 160 mm. This is believed to
be caused from the slight difference between the dimensions of designed and actual optical signal
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 705 13 of 16

Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 16

slight difference between the dimensions of designed and actual optical signal path of the system.
represents varyingItdepth
of the system. representation
represents capability
varying depth of the display
representation through
capability of thethe imagethrough
display rendering
volume. These modulation
image rendering volume.depth
Thesecurves are obtained
modulation using
depth the exact
curves are same measurement
obtained using themethod as is
exact same
used for obtaining
measurement MTF curves.
method Since
as is used forforobtaining
a real hologram image the
MTF curves. spherically
Since for a realconverging
hologram wavefront
image the
supposed converging
to focus at the image plane, defocusing or blur in front or behind this
wavefront is supposed to focus at the image plane, defocusing focalor
in front
behind thisSo, deviations
focal more than
plane should measurement
be symmetric. error from more
So, deviations this expected symmetry may
than measurement errorcome
from aberrations of the optics of the system.
this expected symmetry may come from aberrations of the optics of the system.

Figure 13.Degree

pervasivein inour
informationisisused usedfor for
effective communication among people, new tools for more realistic visual
effective communication among people, new tools for more realistic visual content representation content representation
exchangeare arerequired.
required. Digital
Digital holographic
holographic technology
technology is is the
the most
most wanted
wanted one one inin this
since it can perfectly reproduce the visual experience we do meet every day. Due to the rapidprogress
it can perfectly reproduce the visual experience we do meet every day. Due to the rapid progress
becomes visible. Since the working principle and requirements of holographic
becomes visible. Since the working principle and requirements of holographic display systems display systems are quiteare
different from those of conventional displays, we need to explore diverse ways
quite different from those of conventional displays, we need to explore diverse ways to realize to realize commercially
viable systems.viable
commercially In thissystems.
paper, weIn presented
this paper,design concepts,
we presented implementation
design methods of a new
concepts, implementation type
ofoftabletop holographic display system, and addressed the important
a new type of tabletop holographic display system, and addressed the important issue issue of measurement andof
quantitative evaluation for objective comparison of different systems. Especially
measurement and quantitative evaluation for objective comparison of different systems. Especially important is that the
quality and isresolution
important of the reconstructed
that the quality and resolutionhologram image is measured
of the reconstructed hologram andimage
analyzed in termsand
is measured of
3D-MTF, color reproduction fidelity, and degree of DoF. Though we designed
analyzed in terms of 3D-MTF, color reproduction fidelity, and degree of DoF. Though we designed each optical component
for minimum
each aberration [20],
optical component the systemaberration
for minimum we developed
systemelements whichhas
we developed degrade
final image, including binary amplitude encoding of the fringe and mechanical
degrade the quality of final image, including binary amplitude encoding of the fringe and movement during
image rendering
mechanical time. Rigorous
movement analysis
during image of the system
rendering regardinganalysis
time. Rigorous this issue
of remains
the systemas aregarding
future work. this
We hope this work gives some hint for future development of commercially
issue remains as a future work. We hope this work gives some hint for future development of acceptable holographic
display systems.
commercially acceptable holographic display systems.
Author Contributions:Writing—Original
Writing—Original Draft
Draft Preparation,
Preparation, J.K.;J.K.; Writing—Review
Writing—Review and Editing,
and Editing, Y.L., H.K.,
Y.L., K.H., K.H.,
H.-E.K., J.N., J.P.,
H.K., H.-E.K., J.H.,
J.N., and
J.P., Y.K.
J.H., and Y.K.

Funding: This
Funding: Thiswork
supportedby bythe
Telecommunications Terminal with Digital Holographic Table-top Display) grant funded by the Korea government
Telecommunications Terminal with Digital Holographic Table-top Display) grant funded by the Korea
government (MSIT).
Acknowledgments: This work is a part of the result of collaboration of ETRI and participating universities,
companies Thisinstitutes.
and research work is a Participated
part of the result of collaboration
organizations: of ETRI
LG display, and participating
ASTEL, universities,
Aoptics, Yunam Optics,
Funzin, SiliconWorks,
companies MVTech,
and research KETI, Participated
institutes. KIST, Konyang University, Korea
organizations: University,
LG display, Inha Aoptics,
ASTEL, University, Kyungpook
Yunam Optics,
University, Sejong University,
Funzin, SiliconWorks, Kwangwoon
MVTech, KETI, University, and Warsaw
KIST, Konyang University
University, of Technology.
Korea University, Inha University,
Conflicts University,
of Interest: TheSejong
declare noKwangwoon University, and Warsaw University of Technology.
conflict of interest.

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

Appendix A
Appl. Sci. 2019, 9, 705 14 of 16

Appendix A
In this appendix, more details of 3D-MTF measurements and result of evaluation are presented.
Figure A1 shows an optically reconstructed hologram image for a test pattern. Each stripe pair consists
of a black and a white vertical bar of width 416.67 µm (1.2 cycles/mm). The CCD sensor (Sony ICX834)
we used in the experiment has pixel size of 3.1 µm, so a black (or white) stripe is captured by about
134 pixels in horizontal direction. For each of horizontal pixel positions of the CCD sensor, pixel
values are accumulated in vertical direction, which are the raw data we used for MTF calculation.
Minmax-based MTF is calculated using maximum value (among 134 values) of white stripe and
minimum value of black stripe. Average-based MTF is calculated using the average value of each black
and white stripe. Depending on the depth we measure, twelve to fourteen stripe pairs were used, and
the average value (yellow box in Table A1) is represented as the MTF value of corresponding depth
in Figure 11d, with the range of values denoted by vertical bars in the graph. Standard deviation is
also calculated and shown in the last column with heading of ‘stdev’ in Table A1. The measurement
is carried out for a system without the lenticular sheet, which is used for extending vertical viewing
angle. Measurements for Figure 13 are done with the same method.

Table A1. Measured values for MTF calculations.

a. Minmax_based MTF.
depth 20 40 60 80 100 120
max 0.519 0.576 0.572 0.551 0.551 0.581
mean 0.467 0.533 0.525 0.521 0.527 0.529
min 0.433 0.482 0.494 0.468 0.490 0.511

SP# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 average Stdev
20 0.459 0.458 0.447 0.461 0.454 0.469 0.475 0.498 0.484 0.519 0.433 0.453 0.449 0.474 0.467 0.022
40 0.527 0.545 0.550 0.543 0.576 0.523 0.542 0.521 0.482 0.519 0.529 0.537 0.530 0.533 0.022
60 0.518 0.507 0.532 0.526 0.529 0.504 0.572 0.528 0.494 0.528 0.531 0.505 0.561 0.509 0.525 0.022
80 0.497 0.551 0.523 0.533 0.516 0.536 0.541 0.546 0.484 0.518 0.468 0.542 0.521 0.026
100 0.545 0.536 0.517 0.547 0.526 0.551 0.515 0.499 0.519 0.529 0.536 0.544 0.490 0.527 0.019
120 0.520 0.521 0.524 0.541 0.517 0.524 0.527 0.523 0.581 0.511 0.532 0.526 0.529 0.018

c. Average_based MTF.
depth 20 40 60 80 100 120
max 0.286 0.418 0.400 0.396 0.402 0.393
mean 0.259 0.393 0.370 0.377 0.374 0.381
min 0.217 0.372 0.336 0.357 0.336 0.369

SP# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 average Stdev
20 0.286 0.260 0.276 0.247 0.284 0.271 0.243 0.262 0.279 0.252 0.251 0.260 0.217 0.231 0.259 0.020
40 0.405 0.418 0.400 0.413 0.400 0.393 0.394 0.380 0.378 0.382 0.372 0.383 0.391 0.393 0.014
60 0.375 0.369 0.400 0.363 0.383 0.371 0.388 0.370 0.359 0.373 0.366 0.336 0.365 0.360 0.370 0.015
80 0.359 0.396 0.376 0.387 0.381 0.382 0.386 0.382 0.365 0.363 0.357 0.385 0.377 0.013
100 0.388 0.370 0.378 0.402 0.380 0.368 0.392 0.361 0.383 0.368 0.363 0.368 0.336 0.374 0.017
120 0.369 0.370 0.382 0.384 0.387 0.393 0.383 0.382 0.387 0.370 0.383 0.382 0.381 0.008
SP#: stripe pair number.
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SP#: stripe pair number

Figure Reconstructed
Reconstructed hologram
hologram image
image at 80atmm
80 depth
mm depth (brightness
(brightness level
level is is enhanced
enhanced for
for clear
clear presentation).

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