Microsoft 365 Powerpoint

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Microsoft 365 PowerPoint:

Part 1
Microsoft 365 Training
© 2005-2020 Velsoft Training Materials Inc.
Microsoft® 365
PowerPoint®: Part 1
Microsoft® 365 PowerPoint®: Part 1
Courseware Release Version 4.0

© 2020 by Velsoft Training Materials, Inc.

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No part of this publication may be reproduced, transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language or
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Terms such as PowerPoint, Windows, Word, Microsoft, etc. are trademarks of Microsoft, Inc. Throughout this courseware title, trademark
names are used. Rather than just put a trademark symbol in each occurrence of a trademarked name, we state we are using the names
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The information in this courseware title is distributed on an ‘as is’ basis, without warranty. While every precaution has been taken in the
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We make a sincere effort to ensure the accuracy of the material described herein; however, Velsoft Training Materials, Inc. makes no
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the products it describes. Data used in examples and sample data files are intended to be fictional. Any resemblance to real persons or
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All information in this manual was correct at the time of writing. We are not affiliated with nor have any control over changes made to the
product described in this manual. These include, but are not limited to, changes in the application’s color scheme, icon appearance and
locations, addition or removal of program features, online templates, and help content. We reserve the right to make corrections to the
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Sample versions: If the version of courseware that you are viewing is marked as NOT FOR TRAINING, SAMPLE, or similar, then it is made
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Microsoft 365 PowerPoint:
Part 1

About This Course .............................................................................................................. 1

Course Prerequisites ......................................................................................................................... 1

Course Overview ............................................................................................................................... 1

Course Objectives.............................................................................................................................. 1

How to Use This Book ........................................................................................................................ 2

Lesson 1: Getting Started with PowerPoint ........................................................................ 3

TOPIC A: Navigate the PowerPoint Environment.............................................................................................. 4

What is PowerPoint? ......................................................................................................................... 5

The Start Screen ................................................................................................................................ 5

About Slides ...................................................................................................................................... 6

The PowerPoint 365 User Interface ................................................................................................... 8

The Ribbon ...................................................................................................................................... 11

Contextual Tabs............................................................................................................................... 14

Dialog Box Launchers ...................................................................................................................... 15

The Quick Access Toolbar ................................................................................................................ 15

The Slides Pane ............................................................................................................................... 16

The Status Bar ................................................................................................................................. 18

The Backstage View ......................................................................................................................... 20

Activity 1-1: Navigating the PowerPoint 365 User Interface............................................................. 23

TOPIC B: Create and Save a PowerPoint Presentation .................................................................................... 28

The Default PowerPoint Presentation.............................................................................................. 29

Text Placeholders ............................................................................................................................ 29

Notes .............................................................................................................................................. 31

The Save Command ......................................................................................................................... 33

Activity 1-2: Creating and Saving a PowerPoint Presentation ........................................................... 35

TOPIC C: Use Help ........................................................................................................................................... 42

Using the Search Box ....................................................................................................................... 43

Accessing Advanced Help Options ................................................................................................... 44

Using the Help Tab .......................................................................................................................... 46

Activity 1-3: Using PowerPoint Help ................................................................................................ 47

Summary ......................................................................................................................................................... 53

Review Questions ........................................................................................................................................... 53

Lesson 2: Developing a PowerPoint Presentation ............................................................ 54

TOPIC A: Select a Presentation Type ............................................................................................................... 55

Templates ....................................................................................................................................... 56

The Open Category in Backstage View ............................................................................................. 61

Activity 2-1: Selecting a Presentation Type ...................................................................................... 64

TOPIC B: Build a Presentation ......................................................................................................................... 71

Insert a Slide Layout ........................................................................................................................ 72

Insert Slides from an Outline ........................................................................................................... 73

Reuse Slides from a Presentation .................................................................................................... 74

Duplicate Slides ............................................................................................................................... 76

Hide and Show Slides ...................................................................................................................... 78

Delete Slides.................................................................................................................................... 79

Activity 2-2: Building a Presentation ................................................................................................ 81

TOPIC C: Lay Out a Presentation ..................................................................................................................... 89

Slide Layout ..................................................................................................................................... 90

Types of Slide Layouts ..................................................................................................................... 90

Slide Size ......................................................................................................................................... 91

Themes ........................................................................................................................................... 91

Theme Variants ............................................................................................................................... 94

Theme Components ........................................................................................................................ 94

Background Styles ........................................................................................................................... 95

The Format Background Task Pane .................................................................................................. 96

Activity 2-3: Laying Out a Presentation ............................................................................................ 98

TOPIC D: Edit Text ......................................................................................................................................... 105

Text Boxes ..................................................................................................................................... 106

Text Selection Methods ................................................................................................................. 106

The Mini Toolbar ........................................................................................................................... 109

Cut, Copy, and Paste Options ........................................................................................................ 111

The Clipboard ................................................................................................................................ 116

The Paste Special Command.......................................................................................................... 119

Galleries ........................................................................................................................................ 120

The Live Preview Feature .............................................................................................................. 121

Activity 2-4: Editing Text ............................................................................................................... 123

TOPIC E: View and Navigate a Presentation ................................................................................................. 129

Presentation Views ....................................................................................................................... 130

Color View Options........................................................................................................................ 131

The Slide Show View ..................................................................................................................... 133

Slide Show Options........................................................................................................................ 135

The Magnifier ................................................................................................................................ 139

The Slide Navigator ....................................................................................................................... 141

Toggle Subtitles ............................................................................................................................. 142

Presenter View .............................................................................................................................. 145

The Protected View ....................................................................................................................... 147

Work with Multiple Presentation Windows ................................................................................... 148

Activity 2-5: Viewing a Presentation ............................................................................................. 149

Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 156

Review Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 156

Lesson 3: Performing Advanced Text Editing ................................................................. 157

TOPIC A: Format Characters .......................................................................................................................... 158

Character Formats ......................................................................................................................... 159

The Font Dialog Box....................................................................................................................... 160

Create WordArt ............................................................................................................................. 161

Convert Text to SmartArt .............................................................................................................. 165

The Format Painter........................................................................................................................ 166

The Replace Fonts Option .............................................................................................................. 167

Activity 3-1: Formatting Characters ............................................................................................... 168

TOPIC B: Format Paragraphs ......................................................................................................................... 174

Bulleted Lists ................................................................................................................................. 175

Numbered Lists ............................................................................................................................. 177

Horizontal Text Alignment ............................................................................................................. 178

Vertical Text Alignment ................................................................................................................. 179

The Format Shape Task Pane ......................................................................................................... 180

The AutoFit Feature....................................................................................................................... 186

Text Box Margins ........................................................................................................................... 188

Spacing Options............................................................................................................................. 189

Formatting Text as Columns .......................................................................................................... 190

Text Direction Options................................................................................................................... 191

Clearing Formatting from Text ....................................................................................................... 191

Dictate .......................................................................................................................................... 192

Design Ideas .................................................................................................................................. 195

Rulers ............................................................................................................................................ 198

Activity 3-2: Formatting Paragraphs .............................................................................................. 199

TOPIC C: Format Text Boxes .......................................................................................................................... 211

Text Box Formatting Options ......................................................................................................... 212

Shape Fills ..................................................................................................................................... 213

Shape Outlines .............................................................................................................................. 214

The Eyedropper ............................................................................................................................. 217

Shape Effects ................................................................................................................................. 219

Set the Default Text Box ................................................................................................................ 220

Activity 3-3: Formatting Text Boxes ............................................................................................... 221

Summary....................................................................................................................................................... 227

Review Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 227

Lesson 4: Adding Graphical Elements to Your Presentation ............................................ 228

TOPIC A: Insert Images .................................................................................................................................. 229

Local Pictures ................................................................................................................................ 230

Online Pictures .............................................................................................................................. 232

Online Video ................................................................................................................................. 235

The Photo Album Feature.............................................................................................................. 236

The Screenshot Tool ...................................................................................................................... 240

The Screen Recording Tool ............................................................................................................ 244

Convert Pictures to SmartArt ......................................................................................................... 246

Activity 4-1: Inserting Images ........................................................................................................ 247

TOPIC B: Insert Shapes .................................................................................................................................. 253

Insert Shapes ................................................................................................................................. 254

Ink Replay...................................................................................................................................... 256

The Shape Format Contextual Tab ................................................................................................. 257

Resizing Shapes ............................................................................................................................. 257

Customize Shape Fill, Outline, and Effects ..................................................................................... 258

The Merge Shapes Feature ............................................................................................................ 259

Edit Points ..................................................................................................................................... 262

Set the Default Shape .................................................................................................................... 264

Activity 4-2: Inserting Shapes ........................................................................................................ 265

TOPIC C: Insert WordArt ............................................................................................................................... 270

Insert WordArt .............................................................................................................................. 271

Edit WordArt ................................................................................................................................. 272

Format WordArt ............................................................................................................................ 273

Activity 4-3: Insert WordArt ........................................................................................................... 274

Summary....................................................................................................................................................... 277

Review Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 277

Lesson 5: Modifying Objects in Your Presentation ......................................................... 278

TOPIC A: Edit Objects .................................................................................................................................... 279

Object Selection Methods ............................................................................................................. 280

Image Cropping ............................................................................................................................. 281

The Picture Format Tab ................................................................................................................. 282

The Remove Background Feature .................................................................................................. 286

Object Resizing Methods ............................................................................................................... 289

Object Scaling Methods ................................................................................................................. 290

Object Orientation Options ........................................................................................................... 292

Image Compression Options .......................................................................................................... 293

Changing the Picture ..................................................................................................................... 294

Resetting the Picture ..................................................................................................................... 296

Activity 5-1: Editing Objects ........................................................................................................... 297

TOPIC B: Format Objects ............................................................................................................................... 305

The Format Picture Task Pane ....................................................................................................... 306

The Set Transparent Color Option ................................................................................................. 308

The Corrections Option ................................................................................................................. 310

The Artistic Effects Option ............................................................................................................. 313

The Transparency Option .............................................................................................................. 315

Picture Formatting Options ........................................................................................................... 317

Activity 5-2: Formatting Objects .................................................................................................... 319

TOPIC C: Group Objects ................................................................................................................................ 331

The Grouping Feature ................................................................................................................... 332

Activity 5-3: Grouping Objects ....................................................................................................... 334

TOPIC D: Arrange Objects ............................................................................................................................. 339

Alignment Commands ................................................................................................................... 340

Object Order ................................................................................................................................. 341

Guides and Gridlines ..................................................................................................................... 343

Activity 5-4: Arranging Objects ...................................................................................................... 344

TOPIC E: Animate Objects ............................................................................................................................. 349

Built-In Animation Effects .............................................................................................................. 350

Morph Transition .......................................................................................................................... 352

The Animation Painter Feature...................................................................................................... 355

Activity 5-5: Animating Objects ..................................................................................................... 356

Summary....................................................................................................................................................... 362

Review Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 362

Lesson 6: Adding Tables to Your Presentation ................................................................ 363

TOPIC A: Create a Table ................................................................................................................................ 364

Tables............................................................................................................................................ 365

Table Creation Options .................................................................................................................. 366

Table Navigation Methods ............................................................................................................ 370

Add and Delete Rows and Columns ............................................................................................... 371

Resize Rows, Columns, and Tables................................................................................................. 372

Merge and Split Cells ..................................................................................................................... 374

Distribute and Arrange Rows and Columns.................................................................................... 375

Align Tables ................................................................................................................................... 375

Activity 6-1: Creating a Table ......................................................................................................... 377

TOPIC B: Format a Table ............................................................................................................................... 382

The Table Design Tab..................................................................................................................... 383

Layout Tab..................................................................................................................................... 383

Table Styles ................................................................................................................................... 384

Table Fill and Border Options ........................................................................................................ 385

Activity 6-2: Formatting a Table ..................................................................................................... 389

TOPIC C: Insert a Table from Other Microsoft 365 Applications ................................................................... 393

Linking versus Embedding ............................................................................................................. 394

The Insert Object Dialog Box ......................................................................................................... 394

Insert Microsoft Excel Worksheets into PowerPoint ...................................................................... 397

Activity 6-3: Inserting a Table from Microsoft Excel ....................................................................... 399

Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 403

Review Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 403

Lesson 7: Adding Charts to Your Presentation ............................................................... 404

TOPIC A: Create a Chart ................................................................................................................................ 405

Charts ............................................................................................................................................ 406

Insert a Chart and Add Data .......................................................................................................... 406

Edit Chart Data .............................................................................................................................. 409

Chart Types ................................................................................................................................... 410

Activity 7-1: Creating a Chart ......................................................................................................... 412

TOPIC B: Format a Chart ............................................................................................................................... 417

The Chart Contextual Tabs ............................................................................................................ 418

The Chart Design Tab .................................................................................................................... 418

The Format Tab ............................................................................................................................. 419

Quick Chart Commands ................................................................................................................. 420

Change the Chart Type .................................................................................................................. 421

Change the Chart Layout ............................................................................................................... 423

Change the Chart Style .................................................................................................................. 423

Change the Chart Color ................................................................................................................. 425

Activity 7-2: Formatting a Chart ..................................................................................................... 426

TOPIC C: Manipulate a Chart......................................................................................................................... 433

Select and Format Chart Elements................................................................................................. 434

Arrange Chart Elements ................................................................................................................ 437

Specify a Precise Position for the Chart ......................................................................................... 437

Resize Chart Elements ................................................................................................................... 439

Apply Effects to a Chart ................................................................................................................. 441

Apply Quick Styles to Shapes ......................................................................................................... 442

Apply a Border .............................................................................................................................. 445

Activity 7-3: Manipulating a Chart ................................................................................................. 447

TOPIC D: Insert a Chart from Microsoft Excel ............................................................................................... 455

Create a Chart with Microsoft Excel Data ...................................................................................... 456

Activity 7-4: Inserting a Chart from Microsoft Excel ....................................................................... 459

Summary....................................................................................................................................................... 464

Review Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 464

Lesson 8: Preparing to Deliver Your Presentation ........................................................... 465

TOPIC A: Review Your Presentation .............................................................................................................. 466

AutoCorrect Feature Options ........................................................................................................ 467

The Spell Checker Feature ............................................................................................................. 469

Smart Lookup ................................................................................................................................ 471

The Thesaurus ............................................................................................................................... 473

Checking Compatibility .................................................................................................................. 476

Checking Accessibility .................................................................................................................... 479

Activity 8-1: Reviewing Your Presentation ..................................................................................... 482

TOPIC B: Apply Transitions............................................................................................................................ 493

Transitions .................................................................................................................................... 494

Apply Transitions ........................................................................................................................... 494

Set Effect Options .......................................................................................................................... 495

Customize Transition Timing ......................................................................................................... 496

Add a Sound .................................................................................................................................. 496

Preview Transitions ....................................................................................................................... 497

Activity 8-2: Applying Transitions................................................................................................... 499

TOPIC C: Print Your Presentation .................................................................................................................. 503

The Print Command....................................................................................................................... 504

Printing Selected Slides ................................................................................................................. 505

Full Page Slides .............................................................................................................................. 506

Handouts....................................................................................................................................... 507

Outlines......................................................................................................................................... 508

Notes Pages................................................................................................................................... 508

Activity 8-3: Printing Your Presentation ......................................................................................... 509

TOPIC D: Deliver Your Presentation .............................................................................................................. 514

Presentation Options..................................................................................................................... 515

PowerPoint Presentation File Formats........................................................................................... 516

Activity 8-4: Delivering Your Presentation ..................................................................................... 519

Summary ....................................................................................................................................................... 525

Review Questions ......................................................................................................................................... 525

Lesson Labs ................................................................................................................... 527

Lesson 1 ........................................................................................................................................................ 527

Lesson Lab 1-1 ............................................................................................................................... 527

Lesson 2 ........................................................................................................................................................ 529

Lesson Lab 2-1 ............................................................................................................................... 529

Lesson Lab 2-2 ............................................................................................................................... 531

Lesson Lab 2-3 ............................................................................................................................... 532

Lesson 3 ........................................................................................................................................................ 533

Lesson Lab 3-1 ............................................................................................................................... 533

Lesson Lab 3-2 ............................................................................................................................... 534

Lesson 4 ........................................................................................................................................................ 535

Lesson Lab 4-1 ............................................................................................................................... 535

Lesson 5 ........................................................................................................................................................ 536

Lesson Lab 5-1 ............................................................................................................................... 536

Lesson Lab 5-2 ............................................................................................................................... 537

Lesson 6 ........................................................................................................................................................ 538

Lesson Lab 6-1 ............................................................................................................................... 538

Lesson Lab 6-2 ............................................................................................................................... 539

Lesson 7 ........................................................................................................................................................ 540

Lesson Lab 7-1 ............................................................................................................................... 540

Lesson Lab 7-2 ............................................................................................................................... 541

Lesson 8 ........................................................................................................................................................ 542

Lesson Lab 8-1 ............................................................................................................................... 542

Lesson Lab 8-2 ............................................................................................................................... 543

Course Wrap-Up ............................................................................................................ 544

Post-Course Assessment ............................................................................................................................... 544

Course Summary ........................................................................................................................................... 549

Next Steps ..................................................................................................................................................... 549

Appendices .................................................................................................................... 550

Keyboard Shortcut Quick Reference Sheet ................................................................................................... 550

Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................ 554

Index ............................................................................................................................................................. 559

Microsoft 365 PowerPoint: Part 1 1


Course Prerequisites
This manual is designed for users who are comfortable using Windows and Internet
Explorer, Microsoft Edge or other current browsers. No previous experience with other
versions of Microsoft PowerPoint is necessary.

Course Overview
Welcome to the first part of our Microsoft 365 PowerPoint courseware. PowerPoint is
Microsoft’s powerful and easy-to-use presentation program. This version of PowerPoint
incorporates some new features in an effort to make collaboration and production as easy
as possible.

This course is intended to help all novice computer users quickly get up to speed with
PowerPoint. It covers different features of the interface; shows users how to create, save,
and present a basic presentation; looks at the basics of formatting; and discusses how to
add multimedia to a presentation.

Course Objectives
By the end of this course, users should be comfortable using the PowerPoint 365 desktop
version to create a new presentation, to make a presentation look professional and
presentable, and to save and present a slide show.

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How to Use This Book

This course is divided into eight lessons. Each lesson focuses on several key topics, each of
which are broken down into easy-to-follow concepts. At the end of each topic, you will be
given an activity to complete. At the end of each lesson, what has been covered will be
summarized and a few review questions will be provided for you to answer. Supplemental
learning for selected topics is provided in the form of Lesson Labs at the end of this book.

Before you begin, download the course’s Exercise Files to a convenient location. They will
be referenced throughout this course and are a key part of your learning experience.

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Lesson Objectives
In this lesson you will learn how to:

• Navigate the PowerPoint 365 environment

• Create and save a PowerPoint presentation

• Use PowerPoint help features

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TOPIC A: Navigate the PowerPoint

Microsoft PowerPoint is a powerful and easy-to-use presentation application. Perhaps you
have already seen it in action when you attended a meeting and watched someone present
a slide show with it. If so, you know that it can be used to create exciting, engaging
presentations that convey information in a way that your audience will remember. In this
topic, the PowerPoint environment is introduced.

Topic Objectives
In this session, you will learn:

• What Microsoft 365 PowerPoint is

• How a PowerPoint presentation is structured

• About the parts of the PowerPoint 365 interface, including the Start screen, the
ribbon interface, contextual tabs, the Quick Access toolbar, dialog box launchers, the
Slides pane, and the status bar

• How to use Backstage view

Let’s see what is

contained in a Topic.

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What is PowerPoint?
Microsoft 365 PowerPoint is Microsoft’s presentation software program, which is available
through the subscription-based Microsoft 365 service. It can be used to create a variety of
presentations, from a basic slide show to a self-running narrated presentation with
embedded videos and sound.

Features include:

• An intuitive, ribbon-based interface

• Point, click, and type slide creation

• Pre-designed themes and variants to help you create a professional-looking


• Fun animations and slide transitions

The Start Screen

Once you launch Microsoft 365 PowerPoint, you will see the Start screen:

On the left-hand side of this screen, you will see links (1) to create a New file or Open an
existing file. You will also find (2) seven tools to save, print, share, and more. Simply click

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one of the New options (3) to either open a new Blank Presentation or one of the
templates. Use the Search box (4) to search for an existing file. Recent files (5) will be listed
here, along with any files you have pinned, or files that have been shared.

On the bottom left-hand side, you will find Account, Feedback, and Options (6) to help you
manage how Office works for you.

About Slides
There are two different aspects to PowerPoint 365. To start, you will create a presentation,
made up of individual slides:

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Then, when you are ready to deliver your presentation, you can switch to slide show mode
and show your presentation full screen:

For now, let’s focus on producing your slide show. Later in this manual presenting your slide
show will be covered.

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The PowerPoint 365 User Interface

After you have chosen the type of file that you want to create, you will see the full
PowerPoint interface:

Let’s take a closer look at each component.

1: Quick Access Toolbar

As the name implies, the Quick Access toolbar gives you quick access to frequently used
commands. This toolbar is completely customizable and can be positioned above or below
the ribbon commands. It includes the option to use AutoSave which saves your file
automatically every few seconds as you work when a file is stored on OneDrive for Business
or SharePoint Online.

2: Title Bar

The name of the program and currently open presentation are displayed here. You may also
see more information about the file (for example, if it is open in read-only mode or has
been opened from the internet).

3: Search Box

The search box can help you:

• Find commands

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• Find text in your file

• Recall recently used commands

• Suggest other actions you may want to take based on what you appear to be doing

You may also see people you frequently collaborate with and recent files you have worked

4: Program Management

In the set of icons in the top right-hand corner of the screen, you can see your Microsoft
account user information, view your account and, access commands to sign out. You can
access ribbon display options, minimize the window, maximize/restore the window, or close
the current presentation. Below this, you will see commands to share the current
presentation and, manage comments.

5: Ribbon Interface

Displays tab commands organized into groups. If you click the different tabs, you will see
the commands change. Notice that some of the commands might appear in gray, indicating
that they are not available at this time. This is because those commands are only usable in
certain situations. The File tab, which opens Backstage view, is also included here.

6: Tabs

Groups of similar commands are organized under tab names. Click a tab to view the
commands in the ribbon.

7: Slides Pane

Shows a thumbnail list of your slides, and also provides slide management commands via
the right-click menu.

8: Working Area

The contents of the selected slide will be shown here.

9: Scroll Bars

Use the scroll bar to move through the slides in the presentation (or through an individual
slide, depending on your zoom settings). You may also see a horizontal scroll bar depending
on your view.

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10: Status Bar

This bar is used to display information about the presentation. In the sample image, you will
see a slide count on the left-hand side. (You may also see spell checking and macro
commands here depending on your current task.) On the right-hand side you will see
commands to show or hide the Notes pane, change views, and zoom into or out of the
current slide.

The Ribbon
The area containing the tabs and their groups is collectively known as the ribbon interface:

By default, Microsoft 365 PowerPoint has nine tabs (excluding the File menu). Those tabs

• File: Takes you to Backstage view.

• Home: Perform basic formatting and editing tasks.

• Insert: Add objects and multimedia to the presentation.

• Design: Add a theme or, change the overall appearance of the presentation.

• Transitions: Customize how each slide transitions into the previous/next slide.

• Animations: Add motion to the objects on the slide.

• Slide Show: Customize how the slide show is presented.

• Review: Proofread your presentation. Also contains commands to add comments

with others.

• View: Change how you are viewing your presentation and customize the master

• Help: Access help and support options.

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Each tab has its own set of related commands. Just click the tab name to see its options:

Each tab’s commands are divided into groups. For example, the Insert tab contains groups
for the following types of objects: Slides, Tables, Images, Illustrations, Forms, Add-Ins, Links,
Comments, Text, Symbols, and Media.

These separations are used to help you find a command more easily.

Hide the Ribbon

You can quickly and easily change the ribbon display by clicking the arrow icon in the top
right-hand corner of the Microsoft PowerPoint screen:

Each option provides a description of what it will do. Your choice will remain in effect until
you select a different option.

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Many icons include ScreenTips. If you hover your mouse over an icon, a box will appear
telling you what it does, like this:

This box may also include a link for additional help (“Tell me more”).

Key Tips

If you press the Alt key, you will see numbers or letters appear above each tab and
command on the Quick Access toolbar:

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To perform an action on the Quick Access toolbar, press the associated number key. To
navigate through the commands on the ribbon tabs, press the associated letter key.
Additional letters or numbers will appear as you navigate through the levels of the

Just press the indicated key to perform a command. Press Esc or click anywhere to hide Key

Contextual Tabs
Sometimes you will see contextual tabs appear if you are working with a special type of
object. Here, an image is selected, so you can see the Picture Format tab:

Once you switch back to working with something else, these contextual tabs will disappear.

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Dialog Box Launchers

Some groups feature an option button in their lower right-hand corners. Click this button to
open a dialog box or task pane with more specific controls relating to this group and other
commands in the tab:

The Quick Access Toolbar

The Quick Access toolbar is located at the top of the screen, to the left of the title bar. It is a
place to store your most frequently used commands to save you from hunting around in the

By default, the AutoSave button and four icons are displayed on the toolbar. AutoSave
saves your file every few seconds. It is enabled by default when a file is stored in OneDrive,
OneDrive for Business, or SharePoint Online. From left to right, the icons are Save, Undo,
Redo/Repeat, and Start From Beginning (which will present your slide show).

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There is also a customization arrow on the right-hand side of the toolbar. Using the toolbar
is as easy as clicking the desired icon:

Instructor Tip: If you use File → Save As after making changes to an original document, it is
recommended using File → Save a Copy before making your changes. That way AutoSave
does not overwrite the original file with new changes.

The Slides Pane

The Slides pane gives you a thumbnail view of each slide. The details of the selected slide
will be shown in the center pane:

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To work with a different slide, click its thumbnail. You can also right-click a slide to see more
editing options:

You can also see that each slide is numbered. And, if the slide features animations or
transitions, you will see a star ( ) icon just below the slide number:

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Microsoft 365 PowerPoint: Part 1 18

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The Status Bar

The status bar provides basic information about the presentation:

In the above image, the status bar shows which slide is active, the language being used, and
the Accessibility checker information. On the right-hand side, you can see icons to show or
hide the Notes Pane, Display Settings, a toggle to change views, Slide Sorter, Slide Show,
Reading View and a slider to zoom into or out of the current slide. (Different icons may
appear depending on what you are doing with PowerPoint.)

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You can customize the status bar by right-clicking it and selecting additional options to show
them, or de-selecting options to hide them. Items that include a check mark are shown on
the status bar, while those without a check mark are hidden:

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Microsoft 365 PowerPoint: Part 1 20

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The Backstage View

The File tab opens a special screen called Backstage view:

Here is a quick overview of each item on the left-hand side:

Home Create a new file, open an existing file, save, print, share, export,
manage your Office account, provide feedback and, set your
PowerPoint Options from here.

New Create a new blank presentation or, a new presentation using a


Open Open a presentation from your OneDrive account, your computer, or

any other location that you have access to.

Info Shows information about the actual presentation as an entity (called

metadata). Click the commands to show lists of sub-commands or
modify file properties using the commands on the right-hand side of
the window.

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Save Update the current file with any changes made since it was last saved.
If the file has not been saved, clicking this command will switch you to
the Save As category.

Save As Save the presentation to your OneDrive account, your computer, or

any other location to which you have access.

Print Preview and browse your presentation as it would look if it were

printed (called print preview). Also provides commands to print the
presentation and customize this printout.

Share Share this presentation to the cloud, send this presentation to others
via e-mail, present it online, or Present Online through Office
Presentation Service.

Export Save the presentation as a PDF or XPS file, create a video, create an
animated GIF, package it for CD, or create handouts. Also provides a
command to change the file type, which gives you access to many
different formats and, also gives you an option to publish to Microsoft

Close Close the current presentation.

Account Modify your Microsoft account.

Feedback You can give feedback to Microsoft Office if you have any comments or

Options Opens the PowerPoint Options dialog box.

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Microsoft 365 PowerPoint: Part 1 22

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To close Backstage view, click the back arrow at the top of the menu:

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Microsoft 365 PowerPoint: Part 1 23

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Activity 1-1: Navigating the PowerPoint 365 User Interface

In this activity, you will open Microsoft 365 PowerPoint, navigate through the interface, and
close it.

1. Type “PowerPoint” into the search box on the Windows 10 taskbar:

2. Click the entry for the PowerPoint app to start the program:

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3. Microsoft PowerPoint will start. Click the New document thumbnail labelled Floral
Flourish or one of the other templates if that is not available:

4. When prompted, click Create:

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Microsoft 365 PowerPoint: Part 1 25

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5. The PowerPoint interface will appear on your screen with the selected template
open. Take a moment to hover your mouse over some commands on the Home
tab. You may see a small box appear and describe the command. This is called a

6. Click and drag over the Title text on the first slide to select it:

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8. Click and drag over the text MY PRESENTATION to select it:

9. Click the Quick Styles drop down arrow on the contextual Shape Format tab:

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10. The gallery will expand. Move your mouse over each thumbnail to see a preview of
that style applied to the selected text. To apply, click any style that you like:

11. Click the X in the top right-hand corner of the PowerPoint window to close it:

12. When prompted, click Do not Save to close PowerPoint without saving the

This activity is now complete.

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In this lesson, you began learning about all that Microsoft 365 PowerPoint has to offer. You
should now feel comfortable using the various elements of the PowerPoint interface. You
should be able to add text and notes to the default PowerPoint presentation and save it. As
well, using the Search box feature and the full Help window, you are now able to find help
as needed when working with PowerPoint.

Review Questions
1. How do you customize the status bar?
You can customize the status bar by right-clicking it and selecting additional options to
show them, or de-selecting options to hide them.

2. What is the shortcut key to open PowerPoint Help?

Press F1 to open PowerPoint help.

3. What element of the PowerPoint interface is automatically shown when you start the
When PowerPoint opens, by default you will see its Start screen.

4. List one way to show or hide the Notes pane.

Click View → Notes or click the Notes icon in the status bar.

5. What types of tabs are shown for special objects, such as images or tables?
Contextual tabs may appear if you are working with special objects, such as images or

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Microsoft 365 PowerPoint: Part 1 529

We’ve skipped to
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the Lesson Labs.

They give extra
Lesson 2 material to
Lesson Lab 2-1 further explore
the topic.
Objective To begin creating a business plan presentation.

Briefing You have a draft text outline of a business plan that you need to
turn into a PowerPoint presentation.

Task • Download any business plan template using the New

category of Backstage view.

• Fill in the title slide for your presentation: ZoomFoods

Business Plan Presentation.

• Create slides from the Sample Data Microsoft Word


• You should also have slides for the mission statement,

competition analysis, and financial projections.

• Use PowerPoint’s editing tools to adjust the content

framework as necessary.

• This may involve cutting, copying, and pasting text;

deleting slides; resetting slides; or changing the slide

• Double-check that all content has been inserted into

PowerPoint from the Microsoft Word document. Copy
any missing items onto the appropriate slide from
Microsoft Word. Delete any extraneous placeholders or

Hints All of the commands that you will need are on the Home tab
and in Backstage view.

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Microsoft 365 PowerPoint: Part 1 530

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Sample Data

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Course Summary
Congratulations on completing the first part of Microsoft 365 PowerPoint training. During
this course, you learned how to:

• Get started with PowerPoint

We include a
• Develop a PowerPoint presentation
course summary
• Perform advanced text editing
and keyboard
• Add graphical elements, tables, and charts to a presentation shortcut Quick
• Modify objects in a presentation Reference Sheet.
• Prepare to deliver a presentation

You should now feel comfortable creating a basic presentation that includes text and
graphics, and presenting and sharing that presentation in a variety of ways.

Next Steps
The next course in this series is Microsoft 365 PowerPoint – Part 2. Topics covered include:

• Modifying the PowerPoint environment

• Customizing design templates

• Adding SmartArt to a presentation

• Working with media and animations

• Collaborating on a presentation

• Customizing a slide show

• Securing and distributing a presentation

We look forward to welcoming you to this upcoming workshop.

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Keyboard Shortcut Quick Reference Sheet

Open a new workbook Ctrl + N

Save a file Ctrl + S

File Management

Open Save As dialog box F12

View Open category of Backstage view Ctrl + O

View Print category of Backstage view Ctrl + P

Close Microsoft PowerPoint Alt + F4

Select all Ctrl + A

Copy text/object Ctrl + C

Cut text/object Ctrl + X

Text Editing

Paste text/object Ctrl + V

Duplicate object Ctrl + D

Undo last action Ctrl + Z

Redo last action Ctrl + Y

Toggle Animation Painter Alt + Shift + C

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Open Find dialog box Ctrl + F

Open Replace dialog box Ctrl + H

Open Dialogs/Task Pane

Open Font dialog box Ctrl + Shift + F

Check spelling F7

Open Thesaurus task pane Shift + F7

Get Help F1

Switch cursor to Tell Me field Alt + Q

Create new slide Ctrl + M

Slide Editing

Duplicate slide Ctrl + D (with slide


Delete slide Delete key (with slide


Apply bold formatting Ctrl + B

Apply underlining Ctrl + U

Apply italic formatting Ctrl + I

Text Formatting

Align text to center Ctrl + E

Align text to left Ctrl + L

Align text to right Ctrl + R

Increase font size Ctrl + Shift + .

Decrease font size Ctrl + Shift + ,

Change the case of text Shift + F3

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Clear formatting Ctrl + Spacebar

Start slide show from beginning F5

Start slide show from current slide Shift + F5

Test Presenter view on single monitor Alt + F5

Next slide or animation • N

• Enter

• Page Down

• Right/Down arrow

• Space bar
Presentation Delivery

Previous slide or animation • P

• Page Up

• Left/Up arrow

• Backspace

Go to a particular slide <number> + Enter

Go to first slide Home

Go to last slide End

End slide show Esc

Black out screen B

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White out screen W

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Microsoft 365 PowerPoint: Part 1 554

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Accessibility Checker
Tool that automatically checks a document for issues that users with disabilities may

Alternative text
Text that is used by screen readers to describe an object to users who have visual

Effect applied to an object to add movement and interest.

Animation Painter
Feature that allows you to copy animations from one object to another.

A feature that automatically corrects text as you type, including common typos,
mathematical symbols, and capitalization.

Feature that controls how text is fitted into a text box, shape, or other object.

Backstage View
A component of the interface that shows a number of categories that group file-related
commands together.

A stylized line around a page, paragraph, or word.

The area where a row and column intersect in a table.

Graphical representation of data and relationships in a dataset.

An area of your computer’s memory that stores cut and copied items.

Vertical elements in a table.

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Compatibility Checker
Tool that automatically checks a presentation for possible issues if it were to be opened in a
previous version of Microsoft PowerPoint.

Contextual tabs
Special tabs that appear when you are working with a specific object.

Dialog box launcher

Button in the lower right-hand corner of a group that opens a dialog box or task pane. Also
called an option button.

Embedded object
Object in a PowerPoint presentation that displays data from an inserted file.

A complete set of characters, including typeface and style.

Format Painter
A tool that is used to copy formatting from one selection of text to another.

A set of options presented visually via the Microsoft PowerPoint interface.

Sets of commands in each ribbon tab.

Insights pane
Task pane that allows the user to search for research and/or dictionary information about a

Key Tips
Keyboard shortcuts displayed on-screen by pressing the Alt key.

The difference types of pre-formatted slides that are available in a template.

Linked object
Object in a PowerPoint Presentation that displays data from an external file.

Live Preview
Allows the user to see how various options will look before applying them.

Quick Access toolbar

Customize toolbar providing quick access to frequently used commands.

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Ribbon interface
The group of commands at the top of the Microsoft PowerPoint screen. Encompasses File
tab, Quick Access toolbar, tabs, and groups.

Ribbon tabs
Groups of like commands accessed using the buttons at the top of the ribbon interface.

Horizontal elements in a table.

A small message that will give you information about the object over which your cursor is

A geometric object that can be added to a presentation.

Individual component of a presentation.

Slide Show view

PowerPoint mode used to present a slide show.

Microsoft Office feature that allows you to create and edit diagrams.

Status bar
Horizontal bar at the bottom of the Microsoft PowerPoint window that displays information
about the presentation.

An object that allows the user to organize information in rows and columns.

Task pane
Vertical pane that provides additional commands for a task.

Tell Me
Natural language help feature accessed directly on the ribbon interface.

A presentation file that contains preformatted layouts, graphics, objects, and/or sample

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Text box
Object that is designed to hold text so that it can be placed anywhere on a slide.

A pre-designed combination of colors, fonts, and effects.

Research tool that offers synonyms and antonyms for words.

Effect applied to a slide to add movement upon its entrance or exit.

Stylized text that can be added to a presentation and customized a variety of ways.

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