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Practical Research 1

Module 1 - Week 1

The Fundamentals and Significance of Research
Characteristics of Good Research
Research Process
Ethics in Research
Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Methods Used in Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Mixed Methods Research


• Identify problems requiring the conduct of The learner demonstrates understanding
research of…
• Explain the importance of research in daily 1. the importance of research in daily life
life; and 2. the characteristics, processes, and ethics
• Describe the characteristics, processes, and of research
ethics of research 3. quantitative and qualitative research
• Differentiate between quantitative and 4. the kinds of research across fields
qualitative research; and
• Provide examples of research in specific
areas of interest


The learner…
• shares research experiences and knowledge
• explains the importance of research in daily life
• describes characteristics, processes, and ethics of
The learner is able to use appropriate
research kinds of research in making decisions.
• differentiates quantitative from qualitative
• provides examples of research in areas of interest


Lesson 1: Intro to Research

Shares research Describes characteristics, Differentiates Provide examples of

Explains the importance
experiences and processes, and ethics of quantitative from research in areas of
of research in daily life
knowledge research qualitative research interest

Reflection Activity: Characteristics of Qualitative & Quantitative

Identify problems Practice Sheet #1: Create
Research Research
requiring the conduct of 5 topics or title you would
research want to do

Research Process Methods Used in

Qualitative and
Tickler video: Quantitative Research

Ethics in Research

Mixed Methods Research

Enrichment Activity #1

Enrichment Activity #2

I. Motivation

When you do a google search on the word research, what are the results? Do you recognize the
terms? Or is it a whole new world for you? Here we will demystify the complex world of research.

We’ll find out what a research is, how to make one, mistakes to avoid. We will also learn the
different types of research approaches.

I. II. Lesson Preview

Before we start, let’s jumpstart our braincells with the tickler video. If you are on the blended
pathway, you can find the video on the classwork tab of our Google Classroom. If you are on the
homebased pathway, kindly check the videos downloaded to your flash drive.

The video is entitled: How Simple Ideas Led to Scientific Discoveries – Adam Savage by Ted ED

Now we’ll be diving deeper into the concepts of research. We can learn more about the
following. If you are on the homebased learning pathway kindly check your module packet for
the handouts. If you are on our blended learning pathway, you can find the digital handout on
the classwork tab of our Google Classroom.

Part I: Characteristics, Process, and Ethics of Research

Characteristics of Research
Research Process
Ethics in Research
Enrichment Activity #1

Part II: Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Qualitative & Quantitative Research
Methods Used in Qualitative and Quantitative Research
Mixed Methods Research
Enrichment Activity #2 (Deepen Activity)

Read the article “Methodological Considerations for Qualitative Communications Research”
written by Androniki Kavoura and Evgenia Bitsani. On the practice sheet provided, answer the
questions based on the article. You may find the article and activity sheet in our classwork tab
under the topic Module 1 Wk 1: Intro to Research.

ü Research brings out the best in you. It develops your creativity and critical thinking skills
ü A research study is developed by following the research process
ü Researchers have moral obligations to fulfill in the course of their research work
ü There are several ways to conduct research, that is, via qualitative, quantitative or mixed
ü Both qualitative and quantitative research studies have a unique set of instruments, each
yielding different outcomes
ü Qualitative research aims to explore, explain, or describe a particular phenomenon, case,
or culture

Create 5 research title or topics you are interested in doing with regards to resolving challenges
during the COVID-19 pandemic. Complete the task on the worksheet provided.

This is just a suggested schedule to help you plan your learning. There is no need for
this to be strictly followed. You are still free to learn and comply at your own pace, granted that
you are able to submit all requirements on or before they are due.

Learning Calendar Subject: Practical Research 1

Days Allotted for Subject per Week: Four (4) days
Hours allotted for subject per week: Two hours (120 mins) *

DAY Task Attention Total Attention
Needed Needed
for each Task for each day
DAY 1 Task 1
Short video instruction and orientation for today’s task 3 mins

Task 2
Read & Review: 10 min read
21 mins**
Module 1 Week 1
Task 3

Watch: How Simple Ideas Led to Scientific Discoveries – Adam 7 min 32 secs
Savage by Ted ED on our Google Classroom watch

DAY 2 Task 1
Part I: Characteristics, Process, and Ethics of Research
Characteristics of Research 3 min read
Research Process 5 min read
Ethics in Research 4 min read
Enrichment Activity #1 2 min actv
23 mins
Task 2

Part II: Quantitative and Qualitative Research 3 min read

Qualitative & Quantitative Research 3 min read
Methods Used in Qualitative and Quantitative Research 3 min read
Mixed Methods Research
DAY 3 Task 1

Answer and complete:

Enrichment Activity #2 10 min activity
See ‘Deepen’ activity on your module for this week
25 mins

Task 2 15 min activity

Quick project:
See ‘Transfer’ activity on you module for this week

DAY 4 Task 1
15 mins disc
Attend: 25 mins
10 mins Q&A
Live online discussion on G suite w/ T. Jan

* Weekly time allotments were computed with buffer time in mind and other considerations
**Time allotments are rounded up for easy computation

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