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National Standard Examination in Biology (NSEB)

Hints & Solutions

Model Test Paper-1
1. Answer (4)
2. Answer (2)
Gut surrounding by 4 layers
Mucosa → Submucosa → Muscularis → Serosa
3. Answer (3)
4. Answer (3)
Erythropoiesis occur in liver during embryonic life only
5. Answer (4)
6. Answer (3)
In respiration O2 utilised for catabolic reaction and resultant release CO2
7. Answer (2)
8. Answer (2)
9. Answer (2)
10. Answer (4)
Neutrophils also known PMNLs. Nucleus of neutrophils is multilobed
11. Answer (4)
12. Answer (2)
P-wave in ECG represent atrial depolarisation
13. Answer (3)
14. Answer (2)
ACE - Angiotensin Converting enzymes found in lungs it convert Angiotensin I into Angiotensin II
15. Answer (1)
16. Answer (2)
Hepatic portal vein carries blood from Gastrointestinal Tract to liver
17. Answer (2)
Autosomal dominant
18. Answer (4)
19. Answer (2)
20. Answer (2)
During muscles contracton Ca++ ion bind with troponin.
21. Answer (2)
22. Answer (1)
23. Answer (3)
24. Answer (2)
In Gout, uric acid deposited in joints and caused inflammation

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132 Hints & Solutions National Standard Examination in Biology (NSEB)

25. Answer (3)

26. Answer (1)
Corpus callosum is nervous band present between cerebral hemisphere
27. Answer (4)
28. Answer (3)
Cerebrum is the largest part of brain and it is part of forebrain.
29. Answer (1)
30. Answer (4)
Vestibular apparatus consist of semicircular canals saccule and utricle
31. Answer (1)
32. Answer (2)
GLUT - glucose transporter protein-4 enables glucose transport in cell under influence of insulin
33. Answer (2)
34. Answer (3)
Exoskeleton of arthropods is made of chitin which is homopolysaccharides of N-Acetylglucosamine
35. Answer (2)
36. Answer (2)
Induced fit model of enzyme actions proposed by Koshland
37. Answer (3)
38. Answer (1)
39. Answer (4)
40. Answer (3)
In phylum aschelminthes bilateral symmetry and pseudocoelom present
41. Answer (1)
42. Answer (1)
In amphibians scales absent or if present thery are hidden beneath the skin
43. Answer (1)
44. Answer (1)
In birds bone are pneumatic which is a flight adaptation
45. Answer (1)
46. Answer (2)
47. Answer (4)
1 H2O molecules
= 2e
for 3O2 = 6H2O molecules are required
= 12 e are transported
= 24 light quanta
48. Answer (2)
Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) stimulates corpus luteum of pregnancy to continue to secrete
49. Answer (1)
50. Answer (2)
Prolactin hormone synthesized milk and ejection of milk control by oxytocin hormone.

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51. Answer (3)
52. Answer (1)
Levonorgestrel - 20 is hormonal IUDs
53. Answer (2)
54. Answer (2)
Treponema pallidum is bacteria caused syphilis
55. Answer (3)
56. Answer (3)
MTP - Medical termination of pregnancy relatively safe upto 12 weeks and can be done upto 20 weeks
57. Answer (2)
58. Answer (4)
59. Answer (4)
60. Answer (3)
61. Answer (3)
62. Answer (3)
BGC - Bacillus Calmette Guerin used against tuberculosis.
63. Answer (1)
64. Answer (1)
Lysergic acid diethylamide found in ergot, a fungus LSD is hallucinogen.
65. Answer (4)
For double fertilization
2 paternal 3 maternal Nuclei participate
Since n = 7
5 × 7 = 35 chromosomes
66. Answer (4)
Chicken pox is viral disease caused by Varicella zoster virus
67. Answer (4)
68. Answer (3)
Multiple sclerosis is demyelinating disease in which myelin sheath of nerve cell are damaged.
69. Answer (2)
70. Answer (4)
71. Answer (2)
72. Answer (2)
Elution is process of separation DNA from gel
73. Answer (3)
74. Answer (2)
Taq polymerase obtained from bacteria - Thermus aquaticus
75. Answer (4)
76. Answer (1)
77. Answer (2)
78. Answer (1)
ADA - Adenosine deaminase is essential for maturation of lymphocytes
79. Answer (4)
80. Answer (3)
Emphysema is degeneration of alveoli due to cigarette smoking.

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134 Hints & Solutions National Standard Examination in Biology (NSEB)

Model Test Paper-2

1. Answer (1)
2. Answer (3)
C3 cycle is present in all kinds of photosynthetic plants, C2 cycle or photorespiration is present in C3 plants
3. Answer (3)
The sample of nucleic acid doesn’t follow Chargaff’s rule
4. Answer (3)
In anaerobic respiration — 1 Glucose – 2ATPs net gain
In aerobic respiration — 1 Glucose – 38ATPs net gain
Where, ATP utilisation is occuring at same rate, glucose consumption will decrease
5. Answer (3)
Step Products Reac tants
ATP Glucose,
Glycolysis NADH 2 ADP
Pyruvate NAD
CO 2 Pyruvate,
Acetyl Co. A NAD
CO 2 ,
ATP OAA, acetyl CoA
Citric acid cycle
H 2O, NADH 2
6. Answer (3)
Most membrane proteins are larger in size so they do not exhibit flip-flop movement or transverse diffusion
7. Answer (2)
Virus requires nuclear material for the synthesis of its desired nucleic acids and proteins
8. Answer (3)
Vascular plants include pteridophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms. Only pteridophytes show movement
of male gametes in water
9. Answer (3)
(Coding strand)
DNA (template)

mRNA (Codon)



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10. Answer (4)
X – inducer for activation of genes for synthesis of metabolic enzymes
11. Answer (2)
Gymnosperms also form seeds but do not form fruits
12. Answer (3)
Let dominant variety as AABBCC – 24 feet
Recessive variety as aabbcc – 6 feet
Contribution of each gene (24 – 6)/6
= 18 feet/6
= 3 feet
∴ AaBbCc, AAbbCc and aaBbCC
3 × 3 + 6 = 15 feet
3 × 2 + 6 = 12 feet
13. Answer (3)
The four kingdoms comprising of eukaryotic members are
Protista, Plantae, Fungi, Animalia
14. Answer (4)
15. Answer (1)
16. Answer (1)
AaBbCc × aabbcc
mulatto albino

Gametes abc
ABC AaBbCc Mullato
ABc AaBbcc Fairly light
AbC AabbCc Fairly light
Abc Aabbcc Light
aBC aaBbCc Fairly light
aBc aaBbcc Light
abC aabbCc Light
abc aabbcc Albino
4 phenotypic classes
8 genotypic classes
17. Answer (2)
Scion – Source of bud in grafting, therefore it determines ploidy of leaf, flower and parts of flower
18. Answer (2)
Release of ethylene is promoted by increase in temperature
19. Answer (4)

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20. Answer (3)

Translocation is transfer of chromosomal segment to non-homologus chromosome
21. Answer (3)
22. Answer (3)
23. Answer (3)
24. Answer (2)
AaBBCc × AaBbCc

1 1 1 1
× × =
4 2 4 32
25. Answer (2)
26. Answer (3)
27. Answer (2)
28. Answer (1)
Chloroplasts are found in autotrophic, photosynthetic eukaryotic cells only
29. Answer (2)
30. Answer (4)
31. Answer (2)
32. Answer (2)
33. Answer (1)
34. Answer (3)
35. Answer (4)
36. Answer (3)
37. Answer (1)
38. Answer (1)
39. Answer (3)
40. Answer (3)
41. Answer (3)
Hooks and suckers are parasitic adaptations.
42. Answer (1)
Pharyngeal gill slits are the features of chordates
43. Answer (4)
Ichthyophis - Amphibian
44. Answer (4)
Pristis = Chondrichthyes
Scoliodon = Chondrichthyes

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45. Answer (4)
Microvilli are present in PCT
46. Answer (3)
A = Vmax
B = Km
C = Vmax/2
47. Answer (1)
Dissolving of CO2 in H2O is not associated with enzyme action
48. Answer (4)
Parietal cells secrete HCl which activates pepsinogen.
49. Answer (2)
Sphincter of Oddi is located in hepatopancreatic Ampulla
50. Answer (1)
Pepsin is involved in digestion of proteins
51. Answer (3)
Hb-O2 dissociation curve is sigmoid
52. Answer (4)
QRS complex indicates ventricular depolarization.
53. Answer (4)

PCO2 in veins is 45 mm Hg.

54. Answer (4)

Eosinophils act against allergens.
55. Answer (4)
Thymosin is involved in T-cell maturation
56. Answer (2)
ADH is involved in H2O reabsorption in DCT and collecting ducts.
57. Answer (2)
Hydrolysis of ATP into ADP initiates breaking of cross bridges.
58. Answer (1)

Bipolar neurons are located in retina

59. Answer (2)
C-Corpus callosum
60. Answer (1)
Hyperthyroidism provides negative feedback to pituitary gland, suppressing TSH release.
61. Answer (2)
Capacitation of sperms in vaginal and uterine environment precedes acrosomal reaction.

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62. Answer (4)

Rapid decline in death rate occured in India after independence
63. Answer (2)
Progestasert is an IUD
64. Answer (3)
65. Answer (4)
Mutation theory given by Hugo de Vries stresses on the role of major variations in evolution.
66. Answer (4)
Morphine (analgesic)
67. Answer (3)
Biopsy - Histopathological examination of tissues.
68. Answer (1)
Cross breeding between Bikaneri ewe and Marino ram
69. Answer (3)
Ligase forms chimeric/recombinant DNA
70. Answer (2)
DNA fragments move toward positive charge, small fragment moving at fastest speed.
71. Answer (2)
Right end contains free –CHO or >CO group
72. Answer (1)
Volume of thorax decreases during exhalation.
73. Answer (3)
Blood group O contains antibodies a and b but no antigen.
74. Answer (2)
Maximum reabsorption occurs in PCT
75. Answer (3)
Area between two Z-lines is known as sarcomere
76. Answer (4)
Vitamin K
77. Answer (3)
Secondary spermatocytes are haploid.
78. Answer (2)
Wegener gave continental drift theory
79. Answer (3)
8 to 32 celled embryos transferred into uterus of surrogate cow.
80. Answer (1)
Golden rice contains β-carotene (vitamin A precursor)

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Model Test Paper-3

1. Answer (1)
Different genus have maximum characteristics at the level of family.
2. Answer (1)
Chlamydomonas, Chara and Ulothrix have haplontic life-cycle.
Polysiphonia have haplo-diplontic life-cycle.
3. Answer (4)
4. Answer (4)
Side of the flower towards the bract is called anterior side.
5. Answer (4)
6. Answer (4)
7. Answer (3)
2n = 32
In metaphase-I set of bivalents are 16.
8. Answer (1)
9. Answer (3)
10. Answer (4)
11. Answer (1)
PMF develops due to difference in concentration of H+ between inter-membranous space and matrix of
12. Answer (2)
13. Answer (2)
Ethylene is used to stimulate flowering and for synchronising fruit set in pineapples.
14. Answer (2)
15. Answer (1)
X – Complementary tissue is the result of redifferentiation.
Y – Cork cambium is the result of dedifferentiation.
16. Answer (4)
17. Answer (4)
In G2 stage of cell-cycle chloroplast duplication occurs.
18. Answer (4)
In Argemone parietal placentation is present.
19. Answer (3)
20. Answer (2)
21. Answer (2)
22. Answer (4)
In china rose flowering occurs throughout the year. Bamboo, Agave, Strobilanthes – Perennial, monocarpic

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23. Answer (2)

In Cyperaceae family out of 4 microspores in a tetrad only one remains functional S
• To form 100 pollen grains 10. microspore mother cells are required.
• 100 functional megasproe are produced from 100 megaspore mother cell.
• To form 100 fruits, number of meiosis will be 200.
24. Answer (4)
AABbCcDD = 2n = 22 = 4 (n = 2 heterozygous)
MmNnOoPP = 2n = 23 = 8 (n = 3 heterozygous)
25. Answer (4)
26. Answer (3)
27. Answer (1)
28. Answer (2)
10 base pairs are present per turn so, 45000 base pairs will form = 4500 turns.
29. Answer (3)
30. Answer (1)
Pumpkin - Vitamin A enriched
Bitter gourd - Vitamin C enriched
Bathua – Vitamin C enriched.
31. Answer (1)
32. Answer (3)
33. Answer (4)
= 0.06
34. Answer (1)
35. Answer (2)
If 1 base is coding 1 amino acid then (14)1 = 14 but we have 98 amino acid. Suppose 2 bases form 1 codon,
then (14)2 = 196. It is sufficient to code for 98 amino acids.
36. Answer (1)
37. Answer (1)
38. Answer (2)
In situ (I) : Sacred groves, Wildlife sanctuary, Biosphere reserve, Sacred lakes, National parks.
Ex situ (E) : Home gardens, Seed banks, Gene banks, Botanical gardens, Zoological parks.
39. Answer (2)
40. Answer (1)
41. Answer (3)
42. Answer (1)
43. Answer (3)
44. Answer (4)
45. Answer (3)
46. Answer (3)

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47. Answer (3)
48. Answer (4)
49. Answer (4)
50. Answer (4)
51. Answer (3)
52. Answer (3)
Corpora allata secretes juvenille hormone which checks the appearance of adult characters.
53. Answer (3)
54. Answer (4)
55. Answer (1)
56. Answer (3)
GLUT-4 helps in transport of glucose from blood to cells
57. Answer (2)
58. Answer (3)
59. Answer (3)
60. Answer (3)
61. Answer (3)
Stone formation is associated submandibular gland known as Sialolithiasis
62. Answer (4)
63. Answer (3)
64. Answer (1)
65. Answer (4)
66. Answer (3)
67. Answer (3)
68. Answer (4)
69. Answer (3)
70. Answer (2)
71. Answer (3)
Speciation through founder’s effect
72. Answer (3)
73. Answer (4)
74. Answer (3)
75. Answer (3)
Patent foramen ovale is congenital disease
76. Answer (3)
77. Answer (4)
78. Answer (4)
79. Answer (2)
Human stem cells are Pleuripotent
80. Answer (2)

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Model Test Paper-4

1. Answer (2)
Number of mitotic divisions = N - 1
Number of generations = 2n
2. Answer (3)
3. Answer (4)
Biological organisation starts at submolecular level
4. Answer (4)
Whittaker’s classification system is based on
(1) Cell structure
(2) Body organisation
(3) Mode of nutrition
(4) Phylogenetic relationships
5. Answer (3)
Chemoautotrophs-Methanobacterium, Thermoplasma, Thiobacillus, Nitrocystis, Chemoorganoheterotrophs-
Halococcus, Lactobacillus
6. Answer (2)
7. Answer (4)
8. Answer (1)
9. Answer (3)
10. Answer (2)
11. Answer (3)
12. Answer (1)
Homosporous plants → Lycopodium, Funaria, Equisetum, Adiantum, Dryopteris
Heterosporous plants→ Selaginella, Salvinia, Azolla, Marselia
13. Answer (1)
14. Answer (2)
15. Answer (1)
LDP - Cabbage, Wheat, Radish, Potato, Spinach
16. Answer (2)
For regeneration of each molecule of RuBP one ATP required, so for 18 RuBP molecules 18 ATP are essential.
17. Answer (3)
18. Answer (2)
19. Answer (2)
20. Answer (4)
21. Answer (4)
Free living aerobic nitrogen fixing bacteria → Azotobacter, Beijernickia, Klebsiella, Bacillus, Rhodospirillum
22. Answer (3)
Na is not essential element while K is an essential element.
23. Answer (1)
24. Answer (1)
25. Answer (3)
Basal body is the region from which cilia and flagella arise has 9 + 0 microtubular arrangement.
26. Answer (1)
27. Answer (2)

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28. Answer (2)
29. Answer (3)
30. Answer (3)
31. Answer (2)
32. Answer (2)
33. Answer (1)
Number of F2 phenotypes in polygenic inheritance = 2n + 1
n → = Number of pairs of polygenes
34. Answer (2)
35. Answer (4)
36. Answer (2)
Prokaryotic release factors → RF1 and RF2
Eukaryotic release factors → eRF
37. Answer (4)
38. Answer (3)
39. Answer (2)
40. Answer (3)
Recombinant frequency is directly proportional to distance between genes. If recombination frequency is 1%,
the distance between the genes will be 1 map unit.
41. Answer (4)
42. Answer (2)
43. Answer (3)
44. Answer (2)
45. Answer (3)
46. Answer (3)
47. Answer (4)
48. Answer (4)
49. Answer (3)
50. Answer (3)
Microglial cells are modified monocytes.
Monocytes are agranulocytes (WBCs).
WBCs are parts of fluid connective tissue.
Any conective tissue is derived from mesoderm.
Hence microglial cells of nervous tissue arise from mesoderm.
51. Answer (1)
Collaterial glands are present in female cockroach, whereas other glands are in male cockroach.
52. Answer (4)
53. Answer (2)
54. Answer (4)
55. Answer (2)
Last molar teeth are called wisdom teeth.
Answer (on each side of each jaw).
Wisdom teeth erupt at 20-25 years age.
⎡ 2122 ⎤
So, dental formula without wisdom teeth is ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 2122 ⎦

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56. Answer (3)

57. Answer (1)
58. Answer (2)
59. Answer (4)
60. Answer (3)
61. Answer (3)
Before birth, the major portion of blood from the right side of heart bypasses the pulmonary circulation (as no
air present in the lungs) through foramen ovale (between right and left auricles) and ductus arteriosus (between
pulmonary and systemic arteries).
At the time of birth, with the start of breathing, these bypasses close.
Hence, Foramen ovale closes to become fossa ovalis. Ductus arteriosus closes to become ligamentum
62. Answer (1)
63. Answer (2)
64. Answer (4)
65. Answer (4)
66. Answer (1)
67. Answer (4)
68. Answer (4)
69. Answer (2)
The diameter of the pupil is variable and is under autonomic control. In dim light, the pupil enlarges, letting
more light into the eye.
In bright light, the pupil constricts, letting less light into the eye.
70. Answer (3)
71. Answer (4)
The human kidney secretest hormones → Erythropoietin → Calcitriol → Renin
72. Answer (4)
73. Answer (2)
74. Answer (3)
75. Answer (2)
Total individuals in the population are 400
p = 0.6
q = 0.4
p 2 = 0.36
2pq = 0.48
q 2 = 0.16
Number of individuals for frequency 0.36 is 0.36 × 400 = 144
Number of individuals for frequency 0.48 is 0.48 × 400 = 192

Number of individuals for frequency 0.16 is 0.16 × 400 = 64

76. Answer (3)
77. Answer (4)
Thalidomide drug leads to malformation of limb bones in foetus.
78. Answer (2)
79. Answer (4)
80. Answer (3)

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Model Test Paper-5

1. Answer (3)
According to Binomial theory.
2. Answer (3)
3. Answer (2)
4. Answer (1)
5. Answer (3)
Irish moss is a also member of Algae
6. Answer (3)
7. Answer (1)
8. Answer (4)
9. Answer (1)
10. Answer (4)
11. Answer (3)
Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell.
12. Answer (2)
13. Answer (1)
14. Answer (2)
15. Answer (3)
16. Answer (3)
Characters is sex linked recessive.
17. Answer (3)
18. Answer (2)
19. Answer (1)
20. Answer (3)
21. Answer (2)
Dilute solution (Minerals salts are absorbed by roots from the soil)
22. Answer (3)
In this case nitrogenase is insensitive to O2. So leguminous plants are able to fix atmospheric nitrogen
through the process of symbiotic nitrogen fixation.
23. Answer (4)
24. Answer (3)
25. Answer (2)
26. Answer (1)
Water potential can’t be calculated without use of pressure potential ΨP.
27. Answer (1)
28. Answer (4)
29. Answer (4)
30. Answer (3)
A carnivore at the topmost level in a food chain that feeds on other carnivores an animals that feeds only
on secondary consumer.

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31. Answer (1)

Ex-situ conservation → Outside their natural place
In-situ conservation → Conservation in their natural place
32. Answer (3)
33. Answer (3)
34. Answer (3)
35. Answer (4)
36. Answer (2)
37. Answer (1)
38. Answer (2)
39. Answer (2)
40. Answer (1)
41. Answer (1)
Taste buds are located on tongue, palate, epiglottis and anterior portion of oesophagus
Most primitive sense is olfaction by olfactory receptor cells or first order neurons
Taste buds are innervated by 7 th (Facial), 9 th (Glossopharyngeal) and 10th (vagus) pair of cranial nerves
Taste receptor have life span of 10 days
42. Answer (2)
In Simmond’s disease, there is a loss of weight sexual dysfunction due to hypopitutarism caused by either
trauma or tumors.
Cushing’s syndrome is due to hypersecretion of aldosterone and cortisol which is due to tumor formation to
outer adrena cortex.
Addison’s disease is due to hyposecretion of aldosterone and cortisol which is due to destruction of outer
adrenal cortex.
Conn’s syndrome is also known as aldosteronism due to hypersecretion of aldosterone a mineralo-corticoid
caused by tumorogenesis of adrenal cortex.
43. Answer (4)
In human adult, sternum is divided into three segments known as
a. Manubrium
b. Body or Mesosternum or gladiolus
c. Xiphisternum
Longest segment is Gladiolus or Body or Mesosternum
44. Answer (1)
Charcot - Leyden crystals are sharp pointed crystals found in asthma patients
In alpha thalassemia there is an excessive production of beta chain.
Toxic goitre also known as Grave’s disease or Exopthalmic goitre an autoimmune disease due to antibodies
stimulating our thyroid gland to secrete more T3 and T4 Hormones.
Low level of calcium ions in body fluids is due to hypoparathyroidism or low level of parathormone or Collip’s
hormone resulting in tetany

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45. Answer (2)
Largest Tiger reserve in india is Nagarjuna sagar-Srisailam located in Andhra pradesh state. It was established
in the years 1982-1983. It occupies a total area about 3, 568 km2
Sunderbans Tiger reserve at West Bengal was established in 1973-1974. It has an area about 2, 585 km2
Bandipur Tiger Reserve at Karanataka was established in the year 1973-1974. It has an area about 866 km2
Kalakad Mundanthuria Tiger Reserve at Tamil nadu occupied 800 km2 area.
46. Answer (1)
47. Answer (4)
48. Answer (1)
49. Answer (2)
50. Answer (2)
The most abundant sterol in animal tissue is cholestrol. It is derived from acetylco. A or exogeneously from
food. It strengthens the cell membrane.
51. Answer (1)
52. Answer (2)
53. Answer (3)
Dental caries or decay of our teeth is due to gram positive Streptococcus mutans. It can be prevented by
using Fluoridated toothpaste or powder containing a mineral salt sodium fluoride
54. Answer (1)
55. Answer (1)
56. Answer (2)
57. Answer (3)
58. Answer (4)
59. Answer (2)
60. Answer (1)
61. Answer (1)
62. Answer (2)
Burkitt’s lymphoma and infections mononucleosis are caused by Human Herpes Virus-4
HHV2 causes genital herpes
HHV8 causes Kaposi’s sarcoma cancer to blood vessels of skin. It is seen in AIDS risk individuals.
63. Answer (2)
hpl human placental lactogen also called human somotomammotropin which prevents breakdown of mater-
nal glucose and fatty acids and make them available to developing foetus
64. Answer (1)
Tumor Necrosis factor Alpha is secreted by Macrophages and mast cells which can kill tumor cells effec-
65. Answer (2)
66. Answer (3)
67. Answer (4)
68. Answer (3)
69. Answer (2)
70. Answer (3)

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71. Answer (4)

Mutations increase variations with in populations.
Inbreeding or genetic drift- decreases variations within populations.
72. Answer (3)
End diastolic volume: Endsystolic volume + systolic volume.
End systolic volume = End diastolic volume – systolic volume
= 145 mL – 95 mL
= 50 mL
73. Answer (4)
Microtubules are composed of tubulin protein, they maintain asymmetric cell shape and help in complex cell
movement they facilititate transport of vesicles formation of mitotic spindle during cell division, formation of
cilia and flagella.
Microfialments are composed of interwined helices of actin and myosin they are present in muscle cells. They
play a vital role in cellular contraction including muslce contraction and amoeboid movement. They give me-
chanical stiffness for microvilli.
Intermediate filments are irregular thread like proteins. They help in resisting mechanical stress.
74. Answer (4)
Urine flow rate = 4 mL / min
Urine concentration of a substance = 15mg / mL
Plasma concentration of a substance = 0.4 mg/mL
Clearance rate of a substance in ml/minute final urine
urine conc. of a substance × urine flow rate of a substance
= ml/minute
plasma conc.of a substance/ml

15 mg / mL × 4 mL / min
0.4 mg / mL
= 150 mL / min
75. Answer (1)
Cocaine is obtained from Erythroxylum coca. It is a strong nervous stimulant because, cocaine prevents break-
down of a neurotransmitter present in the synaptic left called Dopamine. Therefore, dopamine binds uninter-
ruptedly to the receptors on post synaptic membrane and continue transmission.
76. Answer (3)
At tight junctions adjacent cells firmly bind with each other at points of direct contact to seal passage betwen
the cells. They are formed in epithelial tissues. The Internal edges of adajacent cells in an epithelial tissue
are joined in a tight seal near thier luminar border by kiss sites.
77. Answer (4)
Tumor supressor genes, such as P53 present in normal cells are normally in active from. They control cell
division and repair damaged DNA due to point or gene mutations. If they are inactivated, control over cell
division or G1 , Checkpoint is lost. It leads to rapid cell division and tumor formation.
78. Answer (2)
79. Answer (1)
HIV attacks macrophages, Dendritic cell
and CD4+ T- lymphocytes or TH cells.
80. Answer (3)
An extra CH4 domain is found in IgM and IgE

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Model Test Paper-6

1. Answer (4)
GCA ⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯
on DNA
→ GAA or GGA

codon on mRNA of GAA is CUU and GGA is CCU

CUU and CCU are not codon of alanine
2. Answer (1)
Flowering response or desired character is of scion.
3. Answer (2)
4. Answer (3)
Alleles are present at same locus on homologous chromosome.
5. Answer (3)
Nucleic acid encode genetic information in each organism.
6. Answer (3)
(i) Golgi cisternae resemble with SER
(ii) Golgi cisternae are arranged near nucleus with distanct convex face and concave trans face
7. Answer (2)
Peplomeres are present in some animal viruses.
It consists of protein (from viruses)
Lipids and corbohydrates (from host)
8. Answer (4)
Facultative parasite shows parasitism sometime
9. Answer (1)
Amount of DNA in microspore mother cell = 20 pgm.
At G1 – 20 pgm G2 – 40 pgm
Metaphase I – 40pgm Metaphase II – 20 pgm
Pollen grain = 10 pg
10. Answer (1)
Due to inhibition of cytochrome oxidase (i.e. cytochrome a1a3) decrease in dehydrogenation occur which leads
to decrease in H2O formation.
ATP synthase (F0 – F1 complex) remain functional.
11. Answer (2)
Two male gametes are present in one pollen grain.
so 600 male gamete present in 300 pollen grain
so 300 pollen grain produced by 75 meiotic division
12. Answer (3)
DNA polymerase involved in DNA replication.

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13. Answer (3)

Grass → Hawk → Sparrow → Plant bugs
12325 8 290 7739
14. Answer (3)
15. Answer (2)
Ficus show hypanthodium inflorescence.
16. Answer (2)
Bryophytes and algae have long lived gametophytic generation where gametophyte is dominant.
17. Answer (2)
ψw of Q=0
A → – 0.23
C → –0.02
D → –23.23
Movement of water from higher ψw to lower ψw.
18. Answer (2)
Ribosome – Protein synthesis
Rough ER – Protein synthesis
Smooth ER – Lipid and steroid synthesis
19. Answer (3)
Axillary bud is present at the base of leaf not leaflet.
20. Answer (2)
Redifferentiated tissue – Secondary phloem, cork, secondary cortex
Dedifferentiated tissue – Interfascicular vascular cambium
– Cork cambium
– Wound combium
21. Answer (2)
Succinyl CoA, Fumaric acid Malic acid, Oxaloacetic acid.
22. Answer (1)
Bacillus, Clostridium, Rhodospirillum are anaerobic free hiving N2 fixing bacteria.
→ Azotobacter and Beijerinckia are aerobic free living bacteria
→ Symbiotic N2 fixer - Rhizobium
- Frankia
→ Free living N2 fixing cyanobacteria
- Anabaena and Nostoc
23. Answer (1)
Idioblast are modified parenchymatous cells.

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24. Answer (3)
Median centromere - Metacentric chromosome
Subterminal centromer - Submetacentric Chromosome
Submedian centromere - Acrocentric chromosome
Telocentric chromosome - Centromere at the end
25. Answer (3)
→ Initial CO2 fixation in mesophyll cell and final fixation in bundle sheath cells
→ Present atmospheric CO2 concentrition is limiting for C3 plants
26. Answer (3)
i, iv and v are correct.
27. Answer (2)
Grafting is performed in cambium contaning plants.
28. Answer (1)
22nd May
29. Answer (1)
Aabb × aaBb

aB ab
Ab AaBb Aabb
ab aaBb aabb

30. Answer (4)

Bacteria are decomposers.
31. Answer (1)
When death rate increases than birth rate population decreases.
32. Answer (4)
1 – Aa
2 – Aa
3 – AA/Aa
4 – AA
5 – Aa
6 – Aa
33. Answer (3)
Pusa Sawani is variety of bhindi (okra)
34. Answer (3)
35. Answer (3)
Aspergillus niger produce citric acid.
36. Answer (1)

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37. Answer (2)

Ozone can enter plant through stomata.
38. Answer (2)
Non-recurrent apomixis lead to formation of haploid embryo sac.
39. Answer (3)
40. Answer (2)
41. Answer (2)
Reason : - The mouth of the digestive tract develops first in embryo and anus is formed later.
42. Answer (2)
Reason : - Cephalopod molluscans have closed circulatory system.
43. Answer (2)
Barthoin's duct also called Rivinus duct.
44. Answer (1)
Eyes of octopus and rabbit → Analogus organs
Sting of bee and scorpion → Analogus organs
Potato and sweet potato → Analogus organs
45. Answer (4)
Aves are warmblooded.
46. Answer (2)
Fats emulsified by bile salts, fatty acids and glycerol first incorporated into micelle. From micelle, It is ab-
sorbed into intestinal cell by diffusion and reformed in ER and converted into chylomicron which released from
intestinal cells into lymph present in lacteals.
47. Answer (4)
Man and crocodiles have thecodont dentition.
48. Answer (4)
49. Answer (3)
Macula adherens is also called desmosomes.
50. Answer (2)
In angina pectoris enough oxygen does not reach the heart muscles. Patient experiences heart pain. Usually
in front of chest.
51. Answer (1)
AB +ve is universal receipient and have both A and B antigen on the surface of red blood cells.
52. Answer (1)
Alveoli are lined with flat cells (simple squamous epithelium)
53. Answer (2)
'QRS' wave represent depolarisation of ventricles.
54. Answer (1)

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55. Answer (1)
Bright's disease is known as glomerulonephritis.
56. Answer (2)
57. Answer (3)
Parasympthatic nervous system increases lacrimal gland secretion and reduces heart beat.
58. Answer (1)
I → Olfactory Nerve
II → Optic Nerve
III → Auditory Nerve
59. Answer (4)
60. Answer (1)
61. Answer (2)
Each primary spermatocyte produce two secondary spermatocytes through meiosis I which produce two sper-
matids through meiosis II.
62. Answer (1)
63. Answer (2)
64. Answer (1)
Acrosome contain sperm lysins which include.
(i) Zona lysins
(ii) Corona penetrating enzyme
(iii) Hyaluronidase
65. Answer (2)
Hardy Weinberg's law = p2 + 2pq + q2 = 1
q2 = 0.49
q = 0.7
p = 0.3
2pq = 2 × .7 × .3
= 0.42 = 42%
66. Answer (2)
Secondary immune response is also called booster response. The antibody titer after subsequent encounter is more
than during primary response.
67. Answer (3)
During HIV infection, helper T-cell numbers are depleted.
68. Answer (2)
69. Answer (4)
For degradation of bacterial cell, lysozyme is used.

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70. Answer (2)

VDRL test for syphilis
Wayson stain test for Bubonic plague.
71. Answer (1)
In the absence of prolactin, lactation does not occur.
72. Answer (3)
Kangaroo rat is desert animal.
73. Answer (2)
If blood pressure is low, the adrenal gland releases aldosterone which increases sodium reabsorption from fil-
trate and gut.
74. Answer (1)
For contraction of muscles, Ca2+ ion is necessary.
75. Answer (1)
Chemosensitive area is located adjacent to respiratory rhythm centre which contains chemoreceptors which are
sensitive for CO2 and H+ ions.
76. Answer (1)
Transverse foramen is absent in thoracic vertebrae.
77. Answer (1)
Chorion is formed by trophololast outside and somato pleuric extraembryonic mesoderm inside.
78. Answer (1)
Lumbar vertebrae carry all of the upper's body weight while providing flexibility and movement to the trunk region.
79. Answer (2)
Hydrogen bonds are responsible for specific base pair formation in DNA double helix . The bases are precisely
held by Hydrogen bonding with energy of 1 to 5 kcal/mol.
80. Answer (4)


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